Ghost Hunters

Cunt Ghost Hunters United States.

Sick of these fuckin money grabbers, influencing their fucked up, believe everything they are told, everything is a fucking conspiracy, 70% of us believe in ghosts, countrymen/women.

I fuckin hate the dead being used by these total fuckwits. My dear departed relatives and friends are not “stuck” between life and death, condemned to walk the earth as a “white” or “grey” shadow figure. My dear departed were not buried in a pet semetary, on ancient Indian burial grounds, axe murdered, abused etc. Let the fucking dead rest in peace you fuckin blood sucking cunts!!!

Nominated by Cuntybaws

96 thoughts on “Ghost Hunters

  1. The only good ghost hunter series I remember is quite old now. In one episode they set up two cameras in a room, in opposite corners. Three or four people stood in the middle talking about the strange things that had been happening. Then a bunch of the kids toys started flying around the room. One person almost got hit by a toy car or something. At the end of the programme, some scientist guy tries to debunk the whole thing as mass hysteria and hallucinations! So, cameras hallucinate too, do they? The ones they put on today are just bullshit, they even say its ‘for entertainment purposes only’. And that Derek Acorah and Yvette Fielding crap is beyond shit.

      • The scientist dismissing it as hallucinations when it was caught on camera. That was hilarious. I actually remember swearing at the TV, and writing a letter of complaint about the obvious skeptical cunt dismissing what is compelling evidence on every episode.

  2. Spirits ARE real. However, they are not our dead relatives and other people ‘stuck’ here. They are beings from another plane, and we have no idea what they want. Perhaps they want to communicate, or just want to hurt us, or maybe we are just like toys to them. Unless we find a way to truly contact them, we’ll never know. But I doubt these ‘Ghost Hunter’ programmes help. I can usually sense when one is nearby, just as I can sense when a thunderstorm is coming.

  3. I must admit that I was always sceptical about ghosts but having watched some of those American programmes the cunts who claimed to have seen them are so convincing that I am now a believer.
    Let’s face it, their testimonies are so convincing, especially when coming from some cunt with a ridiculously deep voice and a laughable Hulk Hogan type moustache. Their sincerity is never in doubt.
    The only time that I have personally experienced something unnatural is when two of the local bullies in my hometown tried to put the willies up me. Inbred peasants.

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