Unvaccinated Care Home Workers

If you’re one of those that doesn’t have a job tomorrow (11th Nov) because you work in a care home and refuse to be vaccinated then you’re a cunt.

I was listening to some stupid woman on breakfast telly this morning banging on about how being forced to have a jab was a violation of her yuman rights. Interestingly she wasn’t brave enough to show her face. She also reckons if takes away her right to choose.

This is bollocks on several fronts :

Firstly, her choice isn’t being taken away. Her choice is either have the jab and carry on working in a care home or don’t have it and work somewhere else.

Secondly, what about the yuman rights of the people she cares for? These are on the whole elderly vulnerable people with underlying health issues. They have a right to be protected.

And, thirdly, this is not new. My daughter is a radiotherapist. When she returned to work after several years of caring for her son, she had to prove that she’d had several mandatory vaccinations before she was allowed to return to work. A Covid vaccination is just one more added to the list if you want to work in the NHS.

So if you’re an out of work care home worker tomorrow then you only have yourself to blame for being a pig ignorant selfish fucker and you deserve to be unemployed.

And I’m forced to add that if I was your next potential employer then you’d be asked at the interview if you’d had the vaccine, otherwise I wouldn’t employ you because I have a duty of care to my existing employees.

So for all of the above reasons, you’re a cunt…

Nominated by: Dioclese 

Daily Mail News Link

186 thoughts on “Unvaccinated Care Home Workers

  1. I don’t fully understand what is in this corvid vaccine. I refer to it as ‘corvid’ because it seems crafty, cunning, ulterior, and underhand, a bit like the behaviour of the bird species.

    I’m as old as the hills, and I haven’t bothered with either of these vaccines.

    The reason for my decision wasn’t scientifically based.
    The science bit is way beyond my intellect and knowledge.

    But, – I’ve been around long enough to smell a rat.
    And this corvid jab rat seemed particularly smelly.

    I received after text, followed by phone call after phone call. Book your jab, why haven’t you booked your jab yet, you need to book your jab now etc. The latter texts appeared in block capitals.

    I hate being forced into doing anything against my will. And I detested the coercive and relentless nature of such corvid jab correspondence.

    In short, I was suspicious. The NHS aren’t usually interested in the welfare of octogenarians,- so why now suddenly the interest? Are they trying to get rid of us I thought?

    If people are forced, they will rebel, and rightly so.

    The sad fact here is people are being forced against their will, and this whole concept is an absolute fucking disgrace.

    • Evening Dick,
      You winning?👍
      I never had the innoculations you get growing up,
      BCG and that.
      Ripped up the consent forms never shown em my mam an dad.
      I had a few tetanus being a bit of a roister doister as a youth.
      So these covid jabs are pretty much the only jabs ive had.

      But since then im getting mithered to fuck off them for a flu jab!
      I don’t want it,
      Everyone who has it is fuckin ill afterwards!

      • Evening MNC,

        I’m ok thanks.

        I’ve got a stiff neck, I’ve been under-sealing the Land Cruiser with a 4” brush all day, on my back. Now I’m suffering a bit. It’s my own fault I can’t keep still for two minutes.

        Why was Devon crap, I hope you didn’t you go to Dawlish to look at those negro swans?

      • Joking about Devon, was a fuckin long drive though there an back .
        Pissed it down all the way back.
        Didn’t see much of Devon accept Torquay centre/harbour.
        Seemed ok?
        Not as nice as the Peak District though.
        Thats ingrained in my soul.

      • Devon is an overpriced.

        Went earlier in the year.

        25 quid for a take away pizza in Salcombe, robbing cunts. And the place was full of fake toffs and tarquin types. No effnicks though, so that was good.

        I’m a Peak man through and through.

        I’ve walked every footpath in the district and still never get bored of walking them.

        I may have missed a few paths, but none to my knowledge. I marked them all off on my OL 24 map over many years.

        Keep seeing more effnicks round the Peaks though. They spoil it, make it look dirty and unappealing.

      • Salcimbe deserves its very own cunting. It does serve a useful purpose in keeping all of the sailing club cunts out of the rest of Devon. Torquay is shite too, English Riviera my arse.

      • Salcombe, for fucks sake! If I ever get my hands on that little android fucker I’m going to throttle the smug green bastard.

    • And a generation of fine young men and women, died in a foreign land, to protect your right to choose.
      Excellent post DVD👏

  2. Whether you agree with Dioclese or not,
    Youve got to admit this nom sparks debate!
    Not for Dio a stink bomb.
    More a, chuck a hand grenade in the room type!
    And I approve 👍
    Great nom.

    Heard you had been a bit poorly?
    Hope you’re on the mend.
    Good health to you sir.🍷

    • Yes MNC, I applaud Dioclese for providing this nom.

      I vehemently disagree with its content, but it has sparked some excellent debate here.

      We need more controversial noms like this.

      Too often we are all singing off the same hymn sheet.

      • It can be a bit of an echo chamber but when the moms are self evident truths such a s ‘Lenny Henry is a Cunt’ what else can you expect.

      • Dick@
        Dunno how long youve been on ISAC but I love the more controversial noms!
        Fiddler and Dio can get away with it pretty much unscathed,
        But I did a John Wayne one and got a right mauling!!😁
        Even had to leave the house with a blanket over my head.
        People hissing at me in the street!
        Booing me, For shame!!
        Hahahaha 😂

      • Not long MNC, I found this place by mistake.

        John Wayne walked like he had shit himself,- so I wouldn’t worry about him too much.

  3. Can’t see the 102 replies. I blame brexit, trump, BBC, CNN, gurgle, stroke, blm, the far right, white people, black pudding, black people, Bono, history, Hitler, Keith moon, WhatsApp, Islam, Terry Thomas (I say). Netflix, PJW, AND VANESSA FUCKING FELCH.

    • If you are using your mobile, go to the bottom of the page and click on ‘Desktop’.

      At the bottom of the nom there is then an option to see older comments.

  4. Any cunt who does not get the vaccine and gets covid requiring hospital treatment, the hospital treatment should be refused. Hard luck you cunt you don’t want to take the vaccine well we will not treat you. FUCK OFF AND DIE

    • Does that apply to people that choose to smoke, knowing the risks?

      How about people who are categorised as having a BMI a bit too high?

      People that injure themselves after having one too many drinks?

      People who get hurt playing sports?

      Only people that have absolutely no responsibility for their conditions should be treated by a system that they pay into.


      • when the cunts going to put photos of diseased livers on whisky bottles, more die of alcoholism than smoking..oh wait every cunt in parliament is a two faced pisshead so never

    • DLP

      Fucking pathetic comment

      (Okay, I’ve let things swing a little to the wind given the nature of the debate, but can we reign things in please before we get all personal etc. – Day Admin)

    • What about smokers and drinkers.

      Let’s stop them from getting treatment too. Especially the paralytic cunts that turn up at A and E every Friday and Saturday night looking to get so assistance,

    • I hear China’s nice this time of year DLP. Good thing you’re not a doctor – you wouldn’t get past the Hippocratic Oath with that attitude.

  5. Bloody hell the tinfoil hatters seem to be winning the day.

    My only contrubuition would be I caught a bus earlier and I trusted that it would be there and it was.
    So I trusred the company I trusted the driver I trusted vehicle maintenance I trusted the whole operation.
    We stopped at a red light and while we were wanting I thought I am trusting that this traffic light -that there isnt any wires criss-crissed inside where just possibly it would go to green before correct time. And I might be in a collission and could die.
    But it was at red. Then it went to red and amber and then green. Everything ok. It worked perfectly.
    We trust thousands of things with our lives everyday.

    • None of those things involve something going into your body though. That’s what the debate is.

      • Evening Miserable

        I believe for every drop of rain that falls
        A flower grows
        I believe that somewhere in the darkest night
        A candle glows
        I believe for everyone that goes astray
        Someone will come to show the way
        I believe
        I believe
        I believe above the storm the smallest prayer
        Will still be heard
        I believe that someone in the great somewhere
        Hears every word
        Every time I hear a newborn baby cry
        Or touch a leaf
        Or see the sky
        Then I know why
        I believe
        Every time I hear a newborn baby cry
        Or touch a leaf
        Or see the sky
        Then I know why
        I believe (Why I believe).

    • Fuck me Miles, If it was a Stagecoach bus I would have been shitting myself.

      Are you sure it had wheels fitted in each corner?

    • Interesting analogy Miles.

      Did the Government mandate that you and everyone on it, had to do so under pain of losing your job? No. You made a free choice and went about your business unhindered by mask wearing zealots, or un-vaccinated folk calling you out, depending on which side of the debate you stand on.

      Remove peoples right to drive lawfully on the road, mandate that everyone must use public transport and see how long it’ll take for the public to riot.

      • Just to take the analogy further, in contrast to an established conventional vaccine like tetanus or polio, the Covid vakzine bus trip is more like a clifftop race with a 12 year old partially sighted disabled child who’s never driven before at the wheel , who despite impaired vision has nevertheless just seen Jimmy Savile reincarnate with a demonic grin in hot pursuit in his VW camper in the rear view mirror.

  6. The problem, Dio, is that 60000 less workers on top of a preexisting shortage means far more people will die in the long run from lack of care than will die of Covid. I can see both sides of the argument but this will lead to far more harm than good.

  7. Indeed General.

    I wonder what those fine souls would make of this sorry land now.

    I feel almost like I owe them an apology.

  8. From clapping to sacking in 18 months – if it was so vital why did care staff work through the height of the plandemic with no “vaccinations”?
    Coercion through the threat of poverty is not free choice.
    “Vaccines” that do not vaccinate, do not stop reinfection and do not stop transmission are not vaccines.
    I cannot dignify this nomination with further comment.

    • What puzzles me is that there are a lot of people out there (and cunters on here) who know that this government is not their friend.

      We’re being invaded while they watch.
      We’re about to be permanently screwed due to net zero bollocks.
      To name 2 examples.

      We’ve also been shafted due to an alleged virus with a pathetically low mortality rate as well, yet for some reason people are willing to lose their minds surrender all their freedoms to this particular charade.

      Willing to see good honest people thrown on the employment scrap heap and potentially banished to a life of poverty as was suggested rather disturbingly and absurdly in the nomination.
      The same people who know their government is an absolute waste of space are suddenly full of trust and are quite happy to partake in a coercive medical experiment that they know fine fucking well that they have no way of knowing the possible longterm effects of.
      No matter how much they bury their heads in the sand it’s a fucking fact and you have absolutely no come back should it fuck you or your loved ones.

      The government is not your friend yet you’ll roll up your sleeves for multiple injections which possibly don’t even work for fucks sake.
      How do you know they work???
      Because the man on telly said they do??
      Doesn’t sound like they work to me.

      How can this sudden new found trust and love of government and big pharma come about?
      A lack of critical thought maybe?
      Senile dementia?
      General shit housery?

      This is the worst nomination I’ve seen so far in the 5 or so years that I’ve been visiting this esteemed site and frankly one that is so abhorrent in its nature that it deserves a cunting all of its own.

      • The vaccine does NOT stop you getting the virus. It also does NOT stop you passing it on.

        With those two facts in mind, why the hell should care workers be taking it?!

        They say the vaccine prevents COVID deaths and serious symptoms so I can see the argument for the elderly taking it however.

  9. Also, finally, another controversial nomination. Even though I disagree completely it’s good to see something like this go up.

  10. I’m looking at a random website from me typing in ‘ why should I take a vaccine for freedom’. From 2019. The seat belt analogy. It describes in depth why seatbelts were mandated. Obviously I come to the conclusion that seatbelts are a fucking great idea. Now then, we come to a bit of a moral conflict about car crashes and covid. I personally know people who have died involving car crashes with their seatbelts on. But I still don’t know a single person who has died from the Bullshit. Show me facts that aren’t manipulated statistics.

  11. Trust the experts. They’re the best money can buy…
    (See also “academics” and “intellectuals”)

  12. I see nobody bothered to demolish the actual points made in the nom…

    1 Her choice isn’t being taken away.
    The choice has recently been introduced i.e. no Covid jab no job. Its not good enough to say that’s the choice without questioning the premise for the mandate. We are now in a situation where most adults are vaccinated, so what effect has this had or is having on the death statistics? Is there some significant crisis since mass vaccination that has occurred that leads one to conclude no jab no job is still morally and logically correct? I don’t see a crisis. It begs the question, on what evidence should no jab no job be a valid mandate? What evidence is there that vaccinating a care worker for Covid protects a patient, presumably the premise for the mandate?

    2 What about the yuman rights of the people she cares for?
    Patients in care homes have been given a vaccine or not according to their wishes and other precaution protocols are in place. For those in care who said no to the vaccine, let’s turn that human rights concern on its head. What about care home patients who refuse the vaccine? According to the nom logic they are violating the human rights of care workers who have been vaccinated and should be turfed out. No jab no care. Ludicrous and totally against our values as a caring society. In any case it doesn’t come down to choice in some cases; there are circumstances where giving a vaccine is not an option for an individual due to their health. One can’t turf some people out and not others – it is inconsistent. The other moot point here is that care home workers could undergo regular testing rather than lose their job. Again, return to point 1, what evidence is there that supports this is actually a human rights issue or a crisis since the vaccine roll out? Also, the two biggest reasons for death in England & Wales are heart disease and dementia; Covid comes in at no. 26.

    3 And, thirdly, this is not new.
    Just because there is a precedent does not mean this situation should follow suit. There are other options such as testing for anti-bodies or even testing for the infection and allow people to isolate rather than lose their job. I heard that Hep B is not routinely doled out annually, an anti body test is taken and if levels are high enough then the vaccine is not administered.

    Thank you and good night.

    • Cuntologist@ – A “caring society” does not threaten and starve people into acquiescence.
      Frontline workers worked for 18 months with no vaccine order, now they get fired if they refuse to take something which is still in medical trials.
      Free choice is one of the fundamental underpinning cornerstones of a democratic society – forced medication is not free choice, and is an egregious breach of the Nuremberg Code.
      What next? – “Overweight – no treatment, crashed a motorcycle – no treatment, car accident – no treatment – said a bad thing online five years ago – no treatment” – where does it end when it is decided not by the individual but by the State?
      If people want to take the jabs – fine – if people do not want to take the jabs – fine, but NOBODY should be coerced, threatened, gaslighted, guilt tripped or bullied into taking them.

      • We’re on the same page Vernon about mandating.

        I don’t see any data to support mandates. The policy is ill thought out, has no empirical basis and is cruel.

      • I may sound pedantic but there hasn’t been a vaccine available for 18 months, and if I remember rightly, frontline NHS staff were offered it among the first eligible for it.
        My point is that if you hope to challenge the official narrative you need to be factual and not rely on bogus statistics and fear mongering that you accuse your opponents of.

      • Yes, there wasn’t one available for months and yet those staff were heroes then. How things change.

  13. Interesting that in all the comments on here nobody seems to have picked up on my daughter’s situation whereby the NHS already has compulsory vaccinations in place before you are allowed to work in a hospital. The covid vaccine is just one more addition to the list..

    • I think the issue have, Dio, is that those vaccines were developed over a period of years whereas this wasn’t. Indeed, judging by the information coming out about the trials at Pfizer’s Texas centre it’s possible it may even have been rushed through.

      • Furthermore, in case you need reminding, we are facing a shortage of 60000 workers. In a sector which is already on its knees. Whatboutism is all well and good but you can’t seriously be suggesting that such a shortage won’t lead to a lot of deaths?

    • Dio, in my first reply on this thread I addressed that one indirectly with my own situation.

      There is a difference, all of the other jabs your daughter receives to do her job have been rigorously tested and approved for safety and efficacy and are based on conventional, tried and tested vaccine technologies such as attenuated viruses.

      The Covid vaccines are either adenoviral vector or mRNA vaccines. Neither have been used before successfully at scale, and in the case of mRNA, because they’ve never before proven their safety. Let’s just say they have a chequered history.

      These are gene therapy technologies which replicate billions of copies of the proteins that they code for.

      As it turns out the Sars-Cov2 spike protein they code and churn out in their billions, is biologically active and likely toxic. They bind to ACE2 receptors and can cause blood clotting wherever they land. Also myocarditis, pericarditis due to the ACE2 receptors in the myocardium and pericardium.

      Keep your ear to the ground, have you heard much about otherwise healthy people suddenly dying unexpectedly from heart problems or strokes? Keep listening.

      It is not just one more addition to the list.

      • Prior to the ‘cull’ I do recall the media picking up the odd report of youngsters having sudden and unexplained cardiac ‘events’ usually on a sports field and it was of sufficient rarity to warrant national peak time news coverage. Fit healthy 15yr olds just don’t have heart attacks without an underlying precondition.
        Now they seem to be droping at frightening rates at sporting events all over the world and thankfully the media have been jumping all over it… oh… wait a minute… ignoring these deaths totally. Not so much as a murmer.

      • Any corroboration on this hypothesis? What is the ratio of vaxxed and unvaccinated kids? Being an age group that has only recently been offered the vaccine unless vulnerable, what proof is there that any of them are vaccinated?
        Maybe, just maybe, it could be diet related. Lots of youngsters pound those energy drinks like red bull, monster energy and relentless, 440 ml cans of sugar, caffeine, E numbers and fuck knows what else, these definitely have a profound effect on heart rate. And, a heart that has to deal with a diet of Greggs and McDonald’s, Costa and other shit, and they are considered to be the healthy kids!

      • “it could be diet related. Lots of youngsters pound those energy drinks like red bull, monster energy and relentless, 440 ml cans of sugar, caffeine, E numbers.”

        Seriously? So why aren’t ALL the kids who whack a Red Bull croaking and collapsing?

        “Any corroboration on this hypothesis?”

        Plenty – one of a series of 6 … so far… and these are by no means fully inclusive…


        …fucking Red Bull and a sausage roll??? 🤪 😂😂

    • Given the official statistics available, why should this be compulsory? Still waiting for someone to provide evidence to support this. Saying its already compulsory to be vaccinated for other diseases in the NHS isn’t a rationale.

      • It’s called whatboutism Cuntologist. It’s what people use when they know their argument is deeply flawed but don’t want to admit as such.

    • Perhaps the difference is your daughter chose a role with the vaccinations known in advance.
      Last year we were clapping on our doorsteps for care home workers, now they’re scum if they won’t do as told? Utterly disgraceful.

  14. Coimng late to this one. The Governmwnt can fuck off. Anyone who genuinely thinks it is okay to coerce people into an invasive medical procedure is a retard (no offence).

  15. Thanks for all the comments and a healthy debate.
    As a famous yank once said “I disagree with your views but would uphold to the death your right to express them”

    I’ve not changed my mind. I’ve had three jabs and am quite happy to do so but that was my choice. You’re entitled to your choice, but so are employers. It’s a free country (supposedly)…

    I’m off to breakfast now and listening to my Christmas song on a endless loop on spotify. CERCHINK..!!

  16. Trawling the internet, I’m unable to find a highly relevant statistic : how many care home workers ACTUALLY lost their jobs because they weren’t vaccinated???

    Lots, of speculation from 3 days back but nothing on what actually happened.

    Typical media coverage Big build up, then nothing…

  17. I watched a recent, and deeply affecting 3/4 minute video of an 18mth old lad, just found his legs, horseing around with his big brother,grinning and happy as Larry, within 24hrs of his spike the poor little fellah was flat on his back on intravenous drip and paralysed from the neck down. Closing shots were him trying to turn his quivering head towards his ‘mother’ in utter confusion and fear that his body no longer worked and you know in his forming mind he was imploring Why mum why is this happening to me! ……

    pffft…pffft…pffffft… (calm down Chops it’s the adrenaline rush)

    …At that precise moment I knew that I could happily pull the trapdoor on Fauci, Dazjak, Bourla, Wanksock the whole fucking gang of them and look them straight in the eye as gave them the fucking shoe drop. Wouldn’t hesitate other than to wait for the same abject fear to appear in their eyes as I saw in his.

    As far as I’m concerned, this isn’t so much a ‘pandemic’ as it is an I.Q. test.

  18. My mate died in Thailand last week. I don’t question how people die to the family out of respect. He was 45, he didn’t drink alot, never smoked. I found out today he had a jab and didn’t feel great after his initial shot.

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