A “ello ello, what’s goin on ere then” cunting for Merseyside police cunts.
Liverpool, once the capital of tea leafs and nair do wells, is now obviously the paragon of a city with zero crime, well, apart from hate crime.
The Merseyside rozzers have made a pathetic video, claiming their commitment to the alphabet brigade by appearing, waving a fucking rainbow flag, whilst talking about their own personal commitments.
My grandad was a copper, a beat sergeant, a big cunt he was, used to “collar” undesirables, walk into dodgy pubs to get information and generally get his fucking hands dirty.
THAT is policing, not this powder puffing, barnet buffing load of morons.
This country is truly fucked I tell thee.
Nominated by: Cuntington Smythe
That video explains the hiring of theatre studies students by Sussex police.
They must spend half the year practicing dance routines for Brighton Pride.
Oh, and while on a trip to the woke side of the wardrobe, DC Comics have decided to make Robin The Boy Wonder gay. This, of course, will not make him a better character or improve stories. But DC are quite simply determined to make every character they have ever had either a sambeau or an AIDS magnet. Demented woke cunts.
Striking fear into the hearts of Bazza, Dazza and Scazza
Not to mention Gizmo, Sinbad, Divvy, and ‘Teh’.
The bald one in the photo is definitely a knobjockey. Looks like he’s trying to stick something wooden up his cock envelope. Is it a truncheon?
Dirty bastard.
Doesn’t Harry McGuire earn enough playing for the Shit that he has to pull a shift as a Pig for some extra coin.?
First on the left.!!
“I pledge to continue to promote pronoun awareness”
How about these cunts focused on doing their actual fucking jobs?
It’s fucking disgraceful. I’m more worried about whether the police are interested in counter-terrorism etc. Especially given the fat cunts were off buying kebabs when the Manchester bomber struck (and they all got “bravery” medals)
All they’re interested in is the “easy cop”, some wimpish cunt who doesn’t like what someone else has posted about them, the fuckin motorist, all easy targets. Get your house robbed, car stolen or something that requires a bit of legwork and the cunts don’t want to know.
I don’t know how they find the time to do such videos when there’s an abundance of online hate crimes, soft target motorists and doughnuts to go after.
They need a good fuckin clear out, starting from the top down.