Doublethink and the Media

Remember the great Bill Hicks? He said a long time ago, to paraphrase, that CNN were constantly reciting ‘war, aids, famine, death’ yet when he looked out of his window all he could hear were the birds tweeting.

These days the depressing messages come at you from all over the place, from social media platforms, news channels, radio etc. These days you’re told “You’re racist”, “You’re mentally ill”, “You’re killing the planet”, “You’re homophobic”, “You’re transphobic”, “Biological sex doesn’t exist”, “Be afraid of Covid-19″ etc. At one point Brexiteers were simply told ‘You’re stupid.” The media is relentlessly pushing out repetitive and depressing tropes on all platforms and it is actually quite hard to get away from it.

You may turn to Netflix for relief but instead you get a bunch of underwhelming series that you have never heard of or really want to watch, you know that ‘can’t find anything on Netflix’ syndrome yet you still look in hope. Having done an Amazon Prime trial, same syndrome experienced – nothing to watch on that either. Regular telly seems to broadcast low brow rubbish, endless repeats, biased documentaries or woke bollox in between hours of bloody adverts and of course the news.

Millions of us are being subjected to fear mongering, fake information, biased information or just plain garbage 24/7 e.g. The Kardashians Season Umpteen! Then there’s radio. Thirty nine BBC local radio stations of bullshit plus regional and national radio, commercial stations of largely pop music bullshit. Then there’s YouTube, now being systematically stripped of anything interesting i.e. anything giving an alternative narrative.

Entertainment is dead. Journalism is dead. So turn off the tv, the phone, the tablet, stop buying the paper if you still buy one and do something else. If you own a little Alexa spying bitch, smash it up with a brick and chuck it out. Fuck the media.

p.s. #defundthebbc


Nominated by: Cuntologist

51 thoughts on “Doublethink and the Media

  1. But if it wasn’t for the balanced, honest and impartial media we would have never discovered that four legs are good and two legs are bad.
    And fuck the BBC.

  2. I’d never want an Alexa, or whatever. My Sky Q box and smart TV have voice control which I have been very meticulous in turning off.

    • I’ll bet the damned electronic things are still listening & reporting anything bad back to GCHQ whether or not you think they’re off.

      • I call both of the things cunts on occasion. If anybody is listening then I’m more than happy for them to think it applies to them.

      • The trouble with GCHQ is it’s run by the government. Just like the air traffic control system at Swanwick and Universal Credit it’s bound to be run by incompetents.

    • The “Internet of Things” is something to be feared, and I can never understand why people buy such devices and never seem to care that the information they inadvertently provide is being discreetly farmed via The Cloud.

      • And why would you want to risk having your wireless network compromised because of a smart fridge or fucking kettle.

      • I’ve heard friends (who should know better) talking about the cloud as if it didn’t involve any form of hardware beyond their own shitty devices.

  3. My life has slightly improved. A fortuitous accident it seems -the remote for the telly downstairs packed up. And too far to go into town to get a new one. So this passed week reading more, writing, more industrious round the house. And clicking on less news on the phone. Determined not to back.

    • Great nom Cuntologist!👍
      The messages we are constantly bombarded with are overwhelmingly negative.
      Sounds glib, but ive not worried at all about the virus, not due to Northern stupidity but whats the point?
      Worrying is wasted energy, pointless.
      As for the lefty shite, I blank it, I as im sure the rest of you has learnt to vsiphon through the bollocks in a news story and see the truth or the agenda.
      8m watching a lot less tv at the moment, upto my neck in work, and like Miles dont think im going back.

  4. Haven’t bought a paper for a year give up watching news. It is all shite. Told I’m a racist-transphobic-sexist white gammon scumbag. I must be doing something right. They can all fuck off.

    • I missed I’m a thick Brexit loon as well. I’m surprised the country still going because there are plenty of us.

  5. All forms of media these days has been corrupted by political interference either by influential politicians, extremely rich owners, or wishy-washy CEOs and committees more concerned about their own reputations and to follow populist trends rather than being objective, honest and edgy.

    Films, music, TV, social media, news media – they’re all agenda-shoving bullshitters, all too keen to tow a particular populist line, and brainwash the fucking stupid for all their worth.

    The only news I bother with these days are The Telegraph and Aljazeera, the latter of which still holds some objectivity and doesn’t patronise the reader.

    A rare gem in a sea of fetid Left-leaning turds!

  6. My doctor was worried about my mental health and sent me to a specialist because of my irrational aversion to any chickpea based product produced this side of the equator.
    I felt better after seeing her. She said there really isn’t any reason to be frightened, it’s just a northern hummus fear….

  7. Fuck the news especially bbc, daytime telly
    celeb’s talking shite about no one to flush their shitter during lockdown aided and abetted by nasty brown hatter schofield leftie bias documentaries, the constant bollocks of white privilege i’m to blame for slavery of, oppression of, every bame cunt whose made it here illegally or legal (open to fucking question) now i only ever watch talking pictures it’s fantastic all old british films and the like i lose me self in it proper telly love it

  8. Years ago the Feminazis taught us a lesson which we have forgotten. Why should a woman’s marital status be revealed by the title she is addressed by (ie Miss or Mrs)? Men don’t have to do that, the cunts. Well that seemed reasonable so Ms was born and we went along with it. The lesson we should have learned is the importance of language.
    We all know that cunts who want to pull down statues and fuck the place up are “protesters”. The cunts who want to stop them are called “far right” and even “thugs”. That’s the media giving us a message.
    In America what used to be called “illegal aliens” are now “undocumented immigrants”. The difference is obvious and the message is clear. There are no Jihadis in this country just mixed up, badly treated (by whitey) young men who “have a history of mental illness.”
    Don’t question this you fucking racist. You’ll be abused all day long, you’ll lose your job and people will start questioning your mental elf. Be a good little boy, shut the fuck up and be grateful you can watch the BBC.
    You cunt.

    • Big corporations live and die on a social media trend – that is the power of social media!

      The BLM movement went viral via SM, with millions of followers. Therefore if the big corporations in all sectors of industry, not least the media, don’t “bend the knee” figuratively speaking, then they become a target of hate by the very same social media.

      And with hate comes controversy, and with controversy comes a collapse in share price, market share and consumer/investor confidence.

      So it really is not surprising that the media have to be seen to be doing the right thing even if their principles have had to be brushed under the carpet.

      The Silent Majority no longer have a national or global voice, which is something to be extremely concerning.

  9. Just heard this trailer on BBC Radio4:

    “On Woman’s Hour this afternoon: period blood on screen”.

    You could not fucking make it up.

  10. Fox News used to be OK, but I haven’t seen it for ages. The once great ITN and News At Ten has gone to the dogs, and the BBC and Sky news put Goebbels to shame with their propaganda and blatant bias. Has the vermin who went a-stabbin in Glasgow been named and shamed by either the ‘Beeb’ or Sky yet? Probably not, and when he is he will be a misunderstood peaceful with ‘mental health issues’.

    I’ve actually pulled my TV aerial out. I have no desire to watch anything whatsoever on telly now, Sky has been cancelled for good and the BBC and their license can fuck right off. Even the once great Endeavour as become full of ‘issues’, immigration and racism bollocks and demented Me Too witches. So ITV can sod off and all. From now on I will only watch DVDs of classics and proper telly when cunts didn’t get offended every two minutes and there weren’t ‘issues’ shoehorned into every programme.

    • Lots of adverts on Fox News. But they are the only conservative news channel in a sea of leftist filth. And of course, the left treat anything they say as being ‘unreliable’. The BBC and Guardian are obvious purveyors of the truth, of course.

      In fact, leftists sneering at any conservative source as being ‘unreliable’ deserves a cunting too, but I can’t be arsed. Universities do it too. Got a news report from Fox you want to discuss? “Weeeeellll, I think it best you check the Guardian first to get more reliable news, mmmkay?”

      • Case in point Breitbart News broke the story about the Cologne rapes over New Years Eve a few years back. Every lefturd sneered at this story at the time with a “Really? Breitbart? Hardly the bastion of fine journalism (scoff)”

        Well, such a source may be a little iffy at times but guess what? They were proven to be 100% spot on and in the end, the leftist media had to report on it (days later, through gritted teeth) due to the fucking German police and government confirming what Breitbart reported on was true.

        And the cunts didn’t like having to admit that a mob of these lovely refugees had gone on a rapefest against honky women. I recall a few leftists in the media trying to blame the white women for not dressing conservatively (in their own fucking country!) around the enriched mob. Fucking imagine a honky man saying the same thing if a gang of honky men did the same?

        The media are cunts. Good nom.

        Rant over.

    • Worse than that, the stabber has now, according to both Sky and the BBC, become the victim of the whole affair.
      Apparently he went on a seemingly justified stabbing spree because us nasty white people didn’t give him enough stuff. The money, food, accommodation, WiFi and safe haven he was meant to be a chasing wasn’t enough it seems and so the poor sod had no choice but to go and stab some horrible whiteys.

      One thing is for sure, it definitely had nothing to do with all those other 100’s of 1000’s of attacks that just happened to coincidentally involve a certain demographic in the recent years.

    • Bang on Norm. The guy shot in Glasgow was from Sudan, and it’s being stated in the meeja that he was being bothered by the old mental elf. There’s an epidemic of the mental elf going around among asylem seekers we’re told. Guess who’s going to have to pick up the tab…

      • Of course had it been a far right person, then clearly it was an act of racism and nothing to do with MH

  11. The best thing to do now, is to be hyper selective as to what constitutes ‘news’ and view on a strictly need to know basis. I stopped switching TV news on and sitting there while my senses were battered with misery and pontification, months ago. If a news item doesn’t contain subject matter that will directly affect ones own life or interests then it’s not consumed. Where have all the stabby stories been during the Coronavirus hype? They’ve still been happening, just not reported in the media. Now, surprise, surprise they’re back. Fuck the media, as you say Cuntologist. They’re all part of the control system, and a nation in fear is a nation controlled.

    We may as well live as they did in 1800 now. Play cards, make our own pies because supermarket pies are full of fucking gravy. Learn to paint and draw or read music notation and play an instrument. Plenty of used ones on EBay. Go for country walks before every square foot of greenery is covered in Lego style housing estates.
    The bottom line is to screen out as much of the cuntishness that’s not our fault or responsibilty and let the misery mongers and mawkish “Oh, isn’t that terrible, let’s buy a teddy bear and tie it to a fence while we cry for the cameras” cunts soak it all up.

    Frankly, all this wokish attempt by the media and slebs to brainwash and control me is having the exact reverse effect and making me more self protecting and indifferent to the ever growing list of cunts that want understanding and approval. Its got too much, count me out, what say you!
    Fucking hell, I’ve got verbal Dai O’Rhea today😂

  12. Strange but i’ve been lectured at by the BBC/ Sly news and all the others for years now and it hasn’t turned me even a little bit woke/lefty.
    I can only assume that they’re not very good at their mind control.
    The only difference i’ve found is i hate them a little bit more each passing year.

  13. Youtube is the last outpost of digital entertainment (for me at least), but more and more corporate channels get promoted over the people I like to watch.
    Terrestrial TV is wank. Netflix is wank, radio is wank.
    Social media is wank.
    Digital news sites are wank.
    I get on without the cunts. I have hobbies and interests in the real world. I have shelves of books written by dead and living white men and some Jews and non white science fellas.

    Dont need low IQ celebricunts and journalist/activist cunts to keep me misinformed.

    • You’re right CP, there’s still plenty of good centre right narrative on YouTube and this guy (Andrew Lawrence) has kept me smiling through all the virtue signalling, Black Lies Matter bullshit over the last few weeks:

      • His police routine was brilliant. Expect him to be arrested any day. He certainly wont get tv work.

      • He’s resigned to that fate after his outburst about token female comedians on Facebook several years ago.

      • Andrew Lawrence is one of those responsible for opening my eyes to just how thick and unfunny a lot of the BBC-approved comedians are.

        I remember him swatting away the likes of Dara O’Briain, Graham Linehan, Richard Herring and Frankie Boyle like shit-sucking flies when I was on Twitter. It was glorious to see.

  14. I still hark past to the days of tough journalistic reporting – the likes of Paxman, Peter Jay, Dimbleby, Robin Day, Max Hastings, Charles Wheeler, John Cole, David Frost, John Simpson and Kate Adie.

    All of them earned their stripes and worked their way to the top through hard work, dedication, risking life & limb to discover the truth.

    But who the fuck do we have today?

    Career “journalists” straight out of university, or some kind of YouTube Influencer, who seem to think they know everything thanks to Google, but without travelling much further than their own bedroom. And their sense of danger is not getting enough likes for some bullshit woke tantrum about something they know fuck all about!

    This is the future, and you can shove it up your chuff!

    • Now look at today’s line up, a veritable parade of cunts:

      Beth Pigby
      Adam Boulton
      Emily Maitliss
      Robert Peston
      James O’Cunt
      Piers Morgan
      Kay Burleigh
      Andrew Marr
      Phillip Bumfield & Holly Vacant Willoughby
      Shelagh O’Flabberty

  15. Youtube is the last outpost of digital entertainment (for me at least), but more and more corporate channels get promoted over the people I like to watch.
    Terrestrial TV is wank. Netflix is wank, radio is wank.
    Social media is wank.
    Digital news sites are wank.
    I get on with my life without the cunts. I have hobbies and interests in the real world. I have shelves of books written by dead and living white men and some Jews and non white science fellas.

    Dont need low IQ celebricunts and journalist/activist cunts to keep me misinformed.

    • I posted this twice, but then it is worth saying twice.

      And my phone is a cunt.

  16. MSM are cunts. But what really gets my hackles up are cunts moaning about TWITTER. Twitter is worse than cancer, why moan about it?? Fucking well get off it and ignore it, you pathetic thick cunts. Feeling better now, going back to my pint can of 1664 and listen to Planet Rock.

  17. How come when a peaceful blows some children to fuck, runs over and stabs some random cunts it’s got nothing to do with all the nice peacefuls like that cooking bitch the BBC love so much? Oh no we can’t blame the hard working, tax paying peacefuls for a few cunts with “mental elf issues.”
    Fair enough, I won’t. So how come i’m responsible for slavery which was abolished over 200 years ago and had nothing to do with any of my piss poor ancestors who weren’t much more than slaves themselves? Fuck you! If you want to pass responsibility you should look at the rich cunts, the cunts in Parliament, the Lords and Ladies, the Royal fucking Family, the owners of the media and, especially, Justin apologist Welby who’s Church of England were up to their grubby necks in the slave trade.
    When I see these cunts apologise, when I see their brats blown to fuck, when I see them having the shit stabbed out of them by Abdul then I might start listening.
    In the meantime they can find some other muggy cunt and fuck off while they’re doing it.

  18. Maybe some people truly are sheep and others the shepherd.
    As stated before on this thread-decades of this shit have not directed my thought or beliefs-I’m sure that is the case for most “grown-ups”.
    Twitter, Facebook-tools for needy twats.

    • ‘Needy twats’

      as succinct a description of those cunts as I’ve seen.

  19. The BBC being able to tax your ownership of a television simply because they a create a small and unwanted amount of the total content available for it is like a company taxing your toaster because they make poptarts.

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