Vegetarians and Vegans

What’s the difference? Don’t ask me. I think that it’s one is allowed to wear lederhosen, and the other isn’t. Anyways, they’re all a load of cunts. You’ll recognise one when you come across them – streaks of piss, malnourished, but feeling vastly superior to you or I.

Apart from their yearning to save the planet, they think that such a lifestyle is healthy. It has been proven that they are more susceptible to strokes with a 20% risk increase. Apart from common sense, they are deficient in choline which is essential for brain health. They also suffer from mood problems and hair loss because of a shortage of iron, zinc and protein. So, if some bald, slavering cunt with a gait approaches you on the high street, it’s likely they’re a vegetarian.

My son-in-law is a veggie. I knew him when he wasn’t. He’s been reduced from a chirpy lad who loved a pork pie to a malnourished miserable cunt in a few years. You wouldn’t mind if they kept their lifestyle to themselves, but they’re always bleating on about it. If they visit you for a meal and you go out of your way to shop for a veggie meal and prepare it, all you’ll hear is “I hope you’ve avoided cross contamination and cooked this in a separate pan?” Fuck off, you ungrateful cunt.

All these cunts do is deny upstanding members of the community, such as farmers, a living.

Nominated by Bertie Blunt Rentagont

69 thoughts on “Vegetarians and Vegans

  1. Fuck me Bertie there was a tentative rapprochement between the two giants of ISAC the other day now you come in with this vexatious Nom drawing the battle lines again. I believe you have a mischievous streak.
    Of course it’s to be superior, to feel aloof.
    Many of them are dismissive of religion but they are actually like one religious movement: The Puritans. They’re priggish like the Puritans were.

  2. How do you know if someone’s a vegetarian?
    Because they’ve got my frying pan sticking out of their arse.

  3. I actually have nothing against Vegans and Vegetarians,they’re free to chose the lifestyle that suits them.

    What I do have a problem with is the Vegan/Vegetarian who believes that everyone else should follow their lifestyle too. This vocal minority tend to be ignorant of animal husbandry,priggish,self-righteous idiots who believe that their ill-informed views give them the right to try and force their views on everyone else. They scream about “Murdering da cute ickle animals” while,from their “intellectually superior” standpoint,they yammer that “all Farmers should kill themselves”…it’s alright if Farmers die,you see,because they are ALL “wicked”..not like the animal kingdom where the Fox would lay down with the chickens and all the other cute ickle animals would live in harmony if only wicked Farmer would kill himself.
    I often wonder at the hypocrisy of many of them in other ways too…I suspect that a few of their number while screaming for an end to dairy-farming think nothing of having the odd “cheeky” drop of goats-milk on their organic muesli etc.. To truly live without benefiting from animal products in any way would be a fucking dour and,I suspect,short-lived life….of course,this doesn’t get through to the real idiots..everyone else is “thick” and any deviation from their beliefs is greeted with increasingly hysterical allegations about every Farmer (stock or arable doesn’t matter….possibly because even though they’re intellectually-superior,they don’t know the difference). What these “All Farmers should kill themselves” actually feed to their dowdy wives and pasty allergy-ridden families is a mystery to me…I suspect that they don’t actually like scrabbling around in an allotment themselves…too dirty and “the germs” might set off little Tarquin’s many illnesses…So what the Fuck do they survive on?…perhaps they’re actually just hypocrites who aren’t as clever as they think and believe that whatever level of Veganism that they enjoy is acceptable,but anyone who steps beyond their narrow boundaries is a “Murderer”?

    No,let the veggies/vegans indulge their beliefs if that’s what suits them…just don’t try and think that you’re some morally and intellectually superior being who has the right to try and impose your beliefs on to everyone else.

    Get some red meat down yer,veggie..I have heard that it’s brain food and some of you could certainly benefit from that..although I suspect that there isn’t enough meat in the world to actually get some of them to the dizzy heights of intellectual superiority which they mistakenly believe they now occupy.

    Stick a marrow up yer hoop and Fuck Off.

    • PS….I don’t believe that some of them actually give a Fuck about’s the chip on their shoulders about Farmers having a lifestyle that they could never attain that fuels their hysteria.

      • I have a funny feeling the Particular Poster is a Pescetarian Mr Fiddler. That means he’s a veggie but allows himself fish in his diet. See fish is ‘brain food’. Bertie Wooster encourages Jeeves to ‘eat more fish’ when a particularly difficult problem arises. Yes, that’s it-how else can his superhuman intellectual capacity be explained?

      • but…but…but what about the poor ickle fisheees being murdered? Don’t they count?….another example of their hypocrisy.

        I’m away down to Seahouses,see if I can find a few trawlermen. I’ll scweam and scweam at them that they’re all child-bothering MURDERERS and that I’ll laugh when one of their family deservedly dies…..I won’t really,because in real life I wouldn’t dare say such a thing…I know, I’ll go and cut their nets when they’re not about…I’m a fearless veggie,you see. and not just a snivelling nobody.

    • Bertie….After this nom. I’d check that the door on Percy’s cage hasn’t mysteriously come open and your parrot gone off to join all the other ickle birdies in the wild…the Cunt’ll be dead within the hour but whatever, at least he’ll be Free of your tyrannical,sadistic regime.

      • Chance of Bertie getting shot of that pesky bird would be a fine thing!

        Morning Dick. 🙂

      • Morning,RTC.

        Bertie has certainly put the cat amongst the pigeons with this one…I’d best get my shotgun out and shoot a few of the feathery bastards…tasty,tasty,they’re very,very tasty.

  4. Funny how you never see these holier-than-thou cunts protesting outside of halal shops and abattoirs!

    Would it be because they would fear causing offence and accusations of racism, or is it because they would be shit scared of any aggressive retribution from the odd jihadi with an apron?

    It always amazes me how these minority groups always pick on easy targets; and yet when they get a bit of aggro thrown back in their faces they think everyone should be locked up for a million years.

    But as we all know: democracy, protesting and freedom of speech all come with lots of disclaimers in that they’re only allowed for those that believe they are right!

    • Good Morning RTC. Morning everyone. I didn’t deliberately set out with this nom to set the cat amongst the pigeons or even the fox amongst the chickens. It was just an honest attempt to encourage a healthy debate on a topic that’s deer to many peoples hearts.

      • Not to worry Bertie. Willie is used to getting a similar earful from his wife and teenage son… 🤣

  5. ‘Choline,choline,choliiiine,
    Im begging for you please dont take my man’..
    Sang Dolly Parton about her lover who had denied his Texan roots and developed a taste for Linda McCartney ready meals.
    I personally don’t care what someone elses diet consists off, I’ll come clean and expose myself to ridicule,…..
    I like cauliflower.
    Vegans tend to be the more fanatical and preachy, but as long as they leave me alone , no problem.

      • I believe Miserable, that the only way to resolve these things is to get them out in the open and air them freely.
        I say this after many years of attending the Marrow Guidance Council for reconciliation.

    • 🎶

      Oh no, Miserable, you’re not alone
      No matter what or who you eat
      I’ve had my share, I’ll help you with the pain
      You’re not alone
      Just turn on with me, and you’re not alone
      Let’s turn on and be not alone
      Gimme your hands, ’cause you’re wonderful
      Gimme your hands, ’cause you’re wonderful
      Oh, gimme your hands… 🎶

  6. Ever since organised religion took a nosedive a certain sort of person needs another one that they MUST ram down your throat whether that is veganism or Jeremy Corbyn. And if you don’t believe wholeheartedly then you are nothing but an evil nazi.

    • I’d be happy to join a religious group that prescribed sex with Ukrainian gymnasts (female of course) or another that could provide me with half a bag of cement which I thought I had but haven’t (another job put off until next weekend)

  7. How come vegan is pronounced “vegan” but Megan is pronounced “Megan”.

    Some consistency amongst these cunts would be a start.

    I do like a cauliflower cheese grill though.

    With bacon.

  8. I read somewhere that 80% of these holier than thou wankers have meat on the sly, says it all really

    • That might be the closet gay inviting the grocers boy to use the trades-mans entrance entrance

  9. Who gives them the right to choose whether or not it’s ok for a plant to die but not animals? after all they’re all living things.If meat is murder then so are vegetables.

  10. Just seen an advert on TV telling us to go vegan this January. Not sure how I’m going to explain the smashed up fucking telly to Mrs WCC.

  11. I stand by the maxim that if god hadn’t meant us to eat animals, he wouldn’t have made them out of meat!

  12. My partner’s nephew has turned veggie. He’s at Oxford, so no surprise. On Boxing Day, we tucked in to a very fine baked ham whilst he ate sausage shaped sawdust.

    We knew the providence of the ham – an old fashioned butcher. And this is the change we need to make – locally reared livestock goes to local abattoir goes to local butcher (or supermarket). This would minimize waste and keep local farmers in business. Over the next few days, supermarkets will be throwing away tonnes of meat. If, however, you suggested the demise of Waitrose and their free coffee, the malnourished Tarquins would have hissy fits. Hypocritical cunts.

  13. What I’ve never understood, and never received a satisfactory answer from a vegaNazi on, is why almost every product you see on the supermarket shelves is styled after a meat product? Vegetarian “sausages”, “burgers” and such – have you seen those “bacon” rashers with their sinister greyish-purple colour and lighter edge of so-called “rind” on them?? What the actual fuck! Surely if meat is so repellant to you you wouldn’t want to eat something pretending to be meat? It would be like Dracula only biting virgins who held their arms out to the side and stood with their legs together in the shape of the Cross.

    And as others have pointed out why the selectiveness; cute little piggly-wigglies can’t be eaten cos they are more intelligent than dogs, but fuck salmon – they’re fair game?? Where’s the logic? And we’re told that insects will be the protein of the next century – are they not living creatures? Fruitcakes.

  14. I do like these posing militants, I do not object to their ideas an beliefs, I do object to their hypocrisy.
    Over the festive period I saw an out take of an interview with some leading twat from ER, who was munching on a 0 carbon footprint banana, (Was he fuck, bet it had load of air miles).
    Then pop over and see Mrs B’s (MKIII) eldest and his elfin other half, she is a vegan (I know this for a fact as I have witnessed the nut studded floater in the bog) She does all sort of nice crafts, and works for a humane charity but feeds their rescued cat MEAT! she dose,n’t shove it down your throat though.
    We could then pop across to a family friends, “Girlfriend” she is 23 years old, fat as fuck, has crammed more into her life than I have managed in twice her life time, has various colored hair, an opinion on everything (You may get the feeling I dont like her, but this is not true, I am an easy going person) in fact I suspect she was the character on which the flopped book “50 shades of foul” was based on, but is not a vegan.
    I think what it comes down to is that some people are cunts and some people are not, society has moved on from slapping people round the head when they spout shit, (I believe it was referred to as oppression) and now other cunts put them on a pedestal.

  15. My Mrs is a vegetarian, she does have the odd relapse , but all too infrequently for my liking.

  16. My best matey is a veggie – tells me all about how much he donates to unicef every year – fuckwit!! – I tell him abut my chomping experience with a Chateaubriand swilled down with a fine Margaux – he shuts up

  17. Saw a product on the shelf at Tesco last week. Made by a company called Like Meat, this thing was called Like Kebab. Splashed across the front of the pack… SOYA BASED!
    Better idea. If you like meat… and you like kebab…
    … You’re all ahead of me on this one I’m sure!

  18. Do you want to come around for Sunday dinner it’s nut roast and curly Cale a real fucking treat (not), I even had one turn up last summer to a BBQ uninvited of course and then has an annurism when it was medium rare steak and no veggy burgers, and then said the grill should be washed in between meat and veggy cooks, he was highly offended when I said that’s why no invite for you motherfucker aside from your stupid habbit it all the silly chatter, there’s a bag of salter peanuts now fuck off while I enjoy my steak in peace….

  19. I could be vegetarian, but I love bacon. The taste, the smell. The feeling of satisfaction my tummy gets after I have eaten a big breakfast.

    • I could be vegetarian too spoons!
      apart from loving meat, hating vegetables n fruit, other vegetarians ,
      Places that serve vegetarian food,
      Places that look like they serve vegetables, places shaped or named after vegetables.
      But yeah, giving it some thought.😀

  20. One of my favourite pub landlords used to famously respond to requests for the vegetarian option with, “Yes. Fuck off and eat somewhere else!”
    You out there Steve? Not seen you fir a while 🍻

  21. I respect the views of traditional Vegans/Veggies, who just get on with shit and don’t inflict their lifestyle choices on their nearest and dearest let alone average joe-cunt.

    Trouble is, there is now a wave of militant Vegans slapping and condemning every cunt for wanting a bacon sarnie forcing average joe-cunt like me to turn more hostile to their cause.

    Due to their nonsense I will happily walk into McDonald’s and buy a 99p cheese burger, just to eat in front of the wankers when I see them in town protesting and bemoaning someone for enjoying something as simple as a fucking burger.

    Most of these freaks now get very fanatical reminding meat eaters constantly about the damage the meat/fishing industry is doing to ‘Mother Earth’ led by their new Saint enviro-spakker Greta Thunderbird.

    I can’t tell you what delight I gain from scrunching up my cheese burger wrapper and launching it at the vegan cunts whilst telling them all to ‘Fack’ orf’ to Greenland or Antarctica.

    Get to shit Vegan tossers and take Greta and McCartney with you.

    • Afternoon Spoons.
      I went on a date with a vegetarian once.
      We went to a restaurant and I ordered a steak while she ordered a salad.
      When the food arrived, she kept saying “Enjoy your meat, murderer.”

      We broke up soon after that as she never could forgive me for shooting her mum and stabbing her father.

  22. I’ve got nothing against vegans. I just couldn’t eat a whole one……….I’ll get my coat.

  23. These people have taken full page adverts in national newspapers and on roadside hoardings to spread the message which must cost a fair amount, have to ask who is paying for that ?

  24. I’m in a bit of a quandry :

    I can’t decide whether to do Dry January or Veganuary, so I’ve decided to do Fuckoffuary instead…

  25. I only accept 100% pure sausage. I cannot concentrate on the drivelings of the vegans, vegetarians. I see their mouth moving when they are talking followed by the crosshairs appearing on their fore head. Then I look at their build and think to myself, oh my fuck, this lot are built like deckchairs. It would not be sporting to headbutt even one of them. Then I calmly walk away and have another cheddar valley at which point things seem to be on the up. My Mrs always says she enjoys more meat, she can never turn it down thank god.

  26. Vegans, vegetarians, whatever the cunts want to call themselves are all fucking twats, and aggresive twats at that. If unchecked there will come a day, and it’s probably not that far away when you go out for a meal and have to ask for a non vegetarian fucking menu. Lets a start an anti vegan/vegetarian crusade and fuck these wankers off once and for all.


    and why is this? I hear you ask?

    Well BBC wont let you write comments, but not eating meat and being vegan ‘fucks up the brain’. Totally and utterly, vast amounts of raw materials to make the transmitters we need are not ingested. It’s also not just about that, but the co enzymes, minerals and co factors required to transport these items across the gut is impeded by r’tard food. Does a vegan ever look healthy?

    why are they so defensive and argumentative? because they can’t form and logical arguements because the highest centres of the brain require far, meat and. minerals they deprive themselves of

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