Ignorant armchair experts are a bunch of cunts.
In the days since the attack on London Bridge, I’ve seen various newspaper opinion piece writers, “social commentators” and various other far left ding dongs on TV and radio, basically slagging off the police for shooting the convicted terrorist who carried it out. Not one of these ball sacks mentioned the two young people who were murdered, nor any of the injured.
They didn’t seem particularly concerned that he had already been convicted for plotting a serious terrorist atrocity. They were very concerned, however, that the police had shot him dead, while he was lying on the ground. “Was it really necessary”? They wailed. “Why didn’t they just take the vest from him? It wasn’t a real homicide vest anyway”. Jesus Christ on a fucking flaming motorbike. It isn’t wonderful to be such an after the fact expert? Isn’t it sheer bliss to be so completely ignorant?
In answer to those questions, having seen the carnage that a homicide bomber can cause, yes, it was very necessary to shoot him dead. He’d already murdered two innocent people, was a clear and present danger to others, and with the chaos going on around them, the police had no idea whether he was alone or in the company of other terrorists. Shooting him dead took him out of the equation. They didn’t take the vest off him, because it takes just a split second to activate a dead man’s switch. Take your thumb off it and boom, literally. And here’s a question for those experts saying that it wasn’t a real homicide vest. Bearing in mind that you know that because of the benefit of hindsight, how do tell a fake homicide vest from a real one? They only sure way to tell, is to examine it. And that’s impossible whilst it’s being worn by a knife-wielding psychopath, who has already attacked at least five people.
None of those criticising the police have the first clue of how to deal with terrorists. And if they’re ever confronted by one, you can guarantee that THEIR reaction would be to shit themselves, and then run away screaming. Dickheads like this genuinely consider themselves to be morally and intellectually superior to everyone else. They are not. They are just the opposite. The fact they were more concerned about the police shooting a convicted terrorist dead, one that used to carry a picture of Osama Bin Laden on his school bag and laughed at images of 9/11, than they are the victims, especially two young people who died while trying to HELP him, tells everything you need to know about these cunts. And Corbyn is one of them. Even after the attack, he’s STILL calling for the early release of terrorists and other criminals.
Nominated by Quick Draw McGraw
The usual libtard suspects………always slagging the coppers but wouldn’t have a clue what to do if they ever set foot outside their Guardianista world. Fucking pricks.
67% voted for the death penalty to be reinstated.
but limp wristed fuckwits said no.
well bell ends itd be a much better ‘reality show’ than the penile mincing dross we’re watching presently
I’m upset that the police haven’t gone round the country shooting the rest of the peacefuls, and these fucking ‘experts’ are legitimate targets as well, if you ask me.
I’d like to add pikeys to the list of legitimate targets.
Shame it’s not the armchair experts that take the bullet in these attacks by rampaging Peacefulls. Unfortunately it’s always the innocent ones, the ones that are being let down by Libtard retards like Corbyn, etc.
Cunts. Fuck off.
These cunts only embitter people like us and make people more convinced that the worlds fucked.
Some nutter plants a bomb killing innocent people theyre more concerned the bag he used was leather rather than cruelty free bio degradable paper.
The daft cunts.
“Terrorist murderer”?
“No terrorist murderer”.
“Human rights hand wringing for savages”?
Job done.
Succinct and aspirational, for us, if not the establishment. But then again, fuck them.
20-20 hindsight is the domain of the non-doers. I work with these kind of cunts, I say ‘with’, but what I mean is that they’re usually the senior fucking management who want to criticise after the fact & let you know what they would have done had they been there. ‘Yeah fucking cheers for your input, shame you weren’t giving it when we needed it!’
Back on point. I’m assuming the event wasn’t a fancy dress do (‘what have you come as Usman? Oh a suicide bomber, that’s very novel, Well Done!’) So a peaceful-looking cunt running around in a suicide vest, real or not, with knives taped to both hands, having stabbed several people, deserves to get shot, just as pointing a fake gun at an armed copper will earn you a double-tap too.
I don’t know if shooting these cunts is a good deterrent or not, but it makes me feel better about them.
An excellent cunting. I absolutely fucking loathe armchair ‘experts’ with a passion. These cunts take to social fucking media giving their ‘opinion’ on subjects and situations that they’re absolutely fucking clueless about and would embarrass their trousers if ever put in one. The cunts aren’t fit to lick the fucking boots of the copper that pulled the trigger, never mind judge his actions.
In the Army, rules of engagement were drilled into us through MATTS training and from what I recall of that training, the split second decision the police made was spot on because it’s meant to be based on mitigating/eliminating the potential loss of life of all those present if the decision not to engage turns out to be the incorrect decision.
The armed copper did the right thing.
Of course the copper did the right thing; if he had not had acted more lives would have been lost. However the system seems to prefer inaction to action.
BTW treat anyone who includes ‘not fit for purpose’ in their uttering with complete contempt.
My instructor was wiser, you know the 3 shot rule?.
They are not going to fuck around when you let the first one go.
so first one counts, then two randoms, Halt army or I fire, Halt army or I fire, nice and quietly and give your mate a wink.
All nice and legal
Ah yes Card Alpha.
Aim the weapon, “Army! Stop or I fire!”
Cock the weapon, aim the weapon, “Army! Stop or I fire!”
Fire a warning shot in a safe direction, “Army! Stop or I fire!”
If all that fails and you are still alive, unload your mag into the cunt.
All very drawn out, even if it’s a cunt driving towards the guardroom gate at speed but more so if it’s a prick wearing a suicide vest. I much prefer the unofficial approach you just outlined.
Kept it simple, keep firing till the threat is neutralised. The problem with the majority of these “commentators and Worldly pundits” is the most awfully frightening situation they have had to deal with is their finger penetrating through the bog roll as they wipe their arse.
Very well said – anyone with any doubt should have a look at some of the images of the Manchester bombing.
Deal with savages savagely, fear breeds respect.
The police should not of shot him on the street like they did, I have absolute conviction about this.
He should of been shot once found guilty of plotting mass murder after his original trial.
Some cunt in Belarus has just been executed with a bullet in the back of the head for murdering two young women. He won’t get early release, he won’t be going to any reform events and he won’t be murdering any more young women.
Obviously I realise I’m being an armchair expert.
Herpety derpety yarp!
You seem to be considerably more qualified and insightful than anyone they drag onto the television – “we must forgive and hold hands”.
No problem, provided my hands are holding some terrorist f*ckers larynx!
These cunts needs a narwahal tusk stuck firmly up their collective arses
Now one thing to note is the “Pretend suicide vest” well it worked didnt it, It got him killed so it wasnt pretend.
This newish type of problem is very middle-eastern and prays heavily on western mentality.
Maybe you have seen the hurt locker? a colleague of brother in law had to remove a bomb from a dead child in Iraq, the pressure was on to return the body to the family to be buried before sun down for a proper burial (or its our fault and they wont like us) locally no thought about the cunts who had gutted the kid and stuffed a bomb in it, (they were ok).
Well the sad thing is a couple of years the EOD bloke went out for a walk and never came back, he killed himself.
Anything that seems dodgy I tended to shoot with tracer (no contact with it and makes it safe) .
My armchair expert thoughts on london bridge are simple, why didnt he shoot him in the head, if that was home made stuff it will be very unstable and the shot would have set it off so at close range goodbye head, I wouldnt have fucked around either, but I would have taken blast range into account, a simple offensive grenade is a 20 meter spread and thats abount the size of your fist, the belt kit that bloke was packing would be considerably more and plod was only 6 meters away.
Head shot in order there
Absolutely right Benny, doesn’t matter a fuck if his “vest” had contained C4 or sparkly unicorn glitter, the intention was to to spread terror of death – everything else is irrelevant. 100% right thing done by the coppers, anyone who thinks otherwise may as well get their prayer mats and fuck off to the daily salat. Only tragedy is they couldn’t shoot the cunt sooner
Armchair Experts are a cunt in my job, that’s for sure. Anyone with a first aid badge suddenly becomes a HEMS Critical Care paramedic.
‘What did you do in that situation when you were confronted with it’?
always shuts the know (fuck) all cunts up. Always remember one cunt saying to us when we were confronted with an obviously deceased patient:
‘Why aren’t you starting CPR? I’m a first aider and blahdebloody blah.’
I had a fire service paramedic do my first aid certification, fucking ace bloke you would hate him.
First thing he did was explain that the fire service was the most important.
Call the police and it’s 999 or 101 (lesser crime or annoyance)
call the ambulance and it’s 999 or 111 (you may be feeling poorly)
House is on fire just call 999 fires are serious.
Any way I digress, The chap was ex forces as well (medic) ran a very good course and made sure everyone was clear that they were only covered for the contents of the course, which is basically to maintain the condition of the patient and not attempt fix them.
I did heckle him through the course with suggestions of tourniquets for nose bleeds and the fact that urine when fresh from the body was sterile and could be used as an eye wash substitute.
Great course, I am looking forward to my refresh next year as he has me fit for the class, the most convincing he has ever seen on a non epileptic (I have looked after a few myself)
Surprised you got him out of bed?? Fire service are great first aiders, (not paramedics – protected title and registered). Always do exactly what we ask. Love them.
Armchair experts in any walk of life whether it be sports, the economy, social services, child welfare and of course here with terrorism, they’re all arrogant cunts who think their opinion matters, and that whatever event they’re talking about could/would have been done better had they followed such advice.
I suppose had the terrorist being wearing a real vest, and decided to blow himself up thus taking perhaps 20 or 30 innocent bystanders with him, these same ACs would have been quick to blame the police for not responding quicker, and that he should have been shot dead!
You cannot win with these cunts, especially super cunts like that Stephen Lawrence mother who recently accused the fire service for not being quick enough to respond to the Grenfell fire purely because most of the victims were black!
She just spouts this bullshit purely because of her own racist prejudices, and for the need for a bit of attention. But of course she sits on her arse in the House of fucking Lords scooping up her £300 per day, and doesn’t really do anything constructive other than to criticise easy targets and playing the race card time and time again.
Armchair critics have their own agendas safe in the knowledge that they’re safe and sound in a cosy home office or TV studio. But it would be a different story out in the streets and all of a sudden some peaceful came at you with a scimitar while wearing a suicide vest. I wonder what the fuck they would think then!?
Post Of The Day.
Forgive change of subject (as I have no wish to take away from the gravity of this) but the ones that get me are the armchair Moto GP fans; blokes who spend their weekends wobbling round the local roads on a road bike trying not to launch it through a wall, think they have the right to say shit like “what Marquez should have done is gone round the outside then open the throttle two seconds earlier, he’d have been lined up for the apex better then”. Fuck off.
Yes. These are the guys you see in the undergrowth on the outside of a bend, leaving you saying to yourself in your helmet: ‘How the fuck have you managed that?’ as the air ambulance comes to the hover.
Usually next to a smashed up fully-liveried Rossi rep or something and wearing a 2-grand yellow suit with 46 slapped all over it!
“Had a GS1000 back in ‘t day so when the mortgage was paid I got meself one of those GSXR1000 things, opened it up and the next thing I woke up in traction!”
Tried to give you 2 tickies for that, failed. Sorry.
I firmly believe in nipping things in the bud before it becomes a problem so in future I suggest armed police at all ports, airports, South coast beaches and maternity wards.
An excellent and well-needed cunting. These cunts are everywhere and particularly rife in football where they sit on their piles-ridden aresholes and complain about referee’s decisions. Going back to that London Bridge attack, didn’t Cuntbyn say in an interview afterwards something about the tragic loss of THREE lives including the terrorist cunt? I’m amazed he got away so lightly with that and he is still confused as to why Labour lost the election when of course, it was all because of Brexit and nothing to do with the fact he’s anti-Britsh, anti-white, terrorist sympathiser. Prick.
I’m ambivilant about these ‘experts’. On the one hand, I think that they’re loony left cunts who should be shat on from a great height. On the other, evidence from the general election suggests that every time one of the gobshites pipes up, they alienate a few more ordinary joes who can’t stand their bullshit. They show themselves up to most people as the vacuous airheads they are, and cunts demonstrating to us that they really are cunts can never be bad in my book.
As usual, a top bit of cunting Quick Draw!
Another quality QDM cunting. Having seen a couple of videos of the incident, I think the copper that shot him had serious balls. He must have known he would have been killed if the vest had gone off, he was only feet away from the cunt. He must have stayed close to shoot him to avoid his rounds ricocheting all over the place, as there was loads of innocent people about. The guy did his duty, to neutralise the threat, and protect the public, at mortal risk to himself, that’s George cross material to me. Lucky that Corbyn didn’t get in, or the guy would probably be subject to a witch hunt.
Also, think of the millions saved by not having a trial and the cost of keeping the cunt at great expense. Look at that Michael Adebole cunt, he survived the armed response, costly trial, big money keeping the cunt locked up in comfort, and the cunt won twenty grand damages because he lost a tooth being subdued because he was acting up! How can that be justice?
Slightly off topic I know guys, but on the subject of Catweazel not getting in, I see that fat gobshite cunt David Lammy is ‘mulling over’ whether to run for the Labour leadership!
All together now;
Oh fuck I’ve nearly pissed meself….
Ever seen a farmyard full of decapitated chickens Ron….
Sorry Dave, its northern working class socialist Corbynista women who are top of the greasy pole this time.
Seriously? Lammy is thinking of running for leadership of Labour? Holy shit! I hope he wins, I really do. They’ll lose ALL their seats under that racist cunt trumpet. Unfortunately though, the next leader will be a woman. Labour thinks that a female leader will present them as softer, kinder, gentler party. The problem they’ve got is that all the potential female leaders are members of the Labour party. Which means they’re a bunch of misandrist, ultra feminist snowflake cunts.
Fuck me if that cunt Lammy gets the leadership the party will have more chance of winning the grand national than an election. Bring it on!
Who’s a pretty boy then?
I have long held the view that any person in prison who is awarded damages for anything that happens whilst in prison should have the damages used to recompense their victims. Bloody obvious when you think about it.
Nice to see that IRA cunt being sued for damages by the murder victims’ families.
Opinions are like arseholes. Everyones got one and we don’t all need to see or hear about it.
Bet these fuckers know where the police are if they are in the shtter and need help. Bet they wouldn’t question a damned thing if someone threatening them were ‘taken care of’.
I have no issue at all with the cops blowing away trash like this, ‘Dirty Harry’ style. They should do it more often, taking a leaf out of the US Police’s book. Anyone who threatens the public or society in general are just removed. Like taking the trash out.
It is very easy for these libtard, snowflake cunts to wax lyrical about what they could and couldn’t have done, should and shouldn’t have done. You can bet your life none of those delicate little flowers would even consider serving the public and put their lives at risk in a dangerous job like Policing. Too busy fucking protesting climate change and standing up for the dross of society.
‘Gonna try ta use that knife Obama? Go ahead… make my day!’.
Afternoon Nurse.
Otherwise known as Twitter users.