Jamie Barton

Jamie Barton is a fat ugly cunt.

‘Who the fuck is she?’, fellow cunters may well ask.

She was the so-called “singer” at the Last Night of the Proms last night. I know it’s my fault for watching the Al-Beeb, but how badly can they fuck up the Last Night?

Well it couldn’t get much worse. This fat American “Mezzo-Soprano”, described by Kuntie Derham as “sensational” not only couldn’t sing in tune, she had a weak voice, sang flat notes, and the enormous Fat Bat had the temerity to wave the Gay Flag at a BRITISH event, instead of the Union Flag. Ignorant fat cow.

It was the worst rendition of ‘Rule Britannia’ I have EVER heard. My parrot could do better.

Fuck off back over the pond, and preferably join St Greta on her boat – with luck you’ll sink it and all aboard.

Fat ugly Cunt and Al Beeb (permanent cunts) for their tasteless choice.

Nominated by Big Al

105 thoughts on “Jamie Barton

  1. Expect a knock on your door at any time, Big Al, the hate-crime police will be kicking the shit out of you for daring to criticize such a “marvellously edgy” singer

    • I fell asleep half-way through the Offenbach overture; read about it on the Slipped Disc site. Good place to go to wind up arty snowflakes and remainers, although some of my comments have defo received Brexiteer support.

    • The other day, I happened to walk past a TV that was left on and Crimewatch was on (Since when was that a daytime show btw?).
      Anyway, for whatever reason, at some point they were on location at some welsh gay pride event talking to the police there at there. After much of the usual spouting of nonsense buzzwords and forced, feigned inclusion, spouting shit about happy officers dancing along to the beat, I was amazed at what I heard.

      When it came to the topic of why the event needed policing and they were interviewing some senior officer there, I couldn’t believe what I heard her say. She literally used the words “We are here to deal with anyone that has an opinion”.

      I will attempt to see if I can find the clip anywhere, even now I’m shaking my head at the hubris of it.

  2. Thanks Big Al, I was tempted to cunt this all about me cunt but the moment passed.

    This has all the hallmarks of the BBC, the last night of the proms is all about Britishness.

    The BBC can’t have that, cue the fat Gay singer, the rainbow flag and the privilege of watching the BBC hack another part of our cultural identity to pieces.

    How fucking blatant can they be in their symbolism? When they do this shit they are signaling other globalist cunts that the BBC is deep into the war against Britain and it’s culture.

    I don’t give a toss if she’s gay, but she’s yet another cunt prefixing her whole purpose for being with her gay credentials. She’s already defined herself as a loser. Great singers are great singers, they need no prefixes to justify their presence.

    The Americans can fucking keep her and their drag queen bollocks as well.

  3. Like you Al i never miss night at the proms! Even get dressed up for it in my evening suit n dickie bow, not just for Ludwig types common people like Blunty can enjoy it to.
    Anyway yeah Jamie Batman, shes talented, shes a yank you know?
    She caught ringworm as a kid from a bloodhound licking her harris,
    She hasnt got ringworm anymore had treatment for it,
    But its left her with a incurable itchy arse, oh an shes a vegan, shame for her isnt it?
    Couldnt you have some wafer thin ham?

  4. Talking of Thunderpants, I just heard something absolutely brilliant. It turns out, that just as expected, it really doesn’t take long for the crazed left to begin eating itself. They are now hilariously launching an offensive on St. Greta, predictably because she is white.

    Can’t wait to see where this is leading.


      • Let’s see how she handles a spoilt little brainwashed brat of a kid screeching “How dare you(offend me)?” In her face.

      • What goes around comes around.
        Never really understood this saying until now. Will the cunt who cunts St Greta become as but a star until he/she/it in turn becomes a cunt?

  5. I too watched this hoping for a bit of Britishness on the one night of the year it should be expected. Instead i was treated to this oxygen depleting bint and an audience full of EU hats both in the hall and the televised parks. Rule Britannia sings of never ever being slaves. Too late, been slaves to EU and human oddities for ages . Land of hope and glory? Land of doom, shit, strife and Eurofilth more like. They can go get fucked.

    • Makes me wonder what these hypocritical cunts are smoking when they sing Rule Brittania despite us being told what to do by even the smallest, fartiest, shit-stained little country in the EU. Do they even listen to the words they’re singing? Or perhaps they’re all fucking foreign there and don’t understand them?it’s only a matter of time before they start singing Deutschland, Deutschland uber alles at the end.

  6. the only thing the BBCunts haven’t corrupted or misappropriated is the changing of the guard

    • Only a question of time. Coming soon: The Changing of the Nappy (by the Halfblood Prince, while Madame Markle shouts instructions.)

  7. I haven’t watched Last night of the proms in ages, do the audience still bob up and down, and pass union jack bunting along?

    P.s why has a rainbow been used to represent homosexuality?

    • I don’t know, probably some wood say it represents diversity, others may say it’s because kids are taught rainbows are wonderful and special so it was a great image to use to represent what was at the time considered deviant by the majority of the population.

    • Hiya spoons!
      Rainbow used because theyre all big judy Garland fans, somewhere over the rainbow..
      Oh an because George an zippy were first gay couple on tv.

      • MNC, George is gay?!
        Yea he sounded a bit camp, but off camera I reckon he was a right hard bar steward lol
        I bet he speaks like Mr T.

        “Zippy, gimme them Skittles. Taste the rainbow, mother trucker!” Hehe.

      • George was a camp hippo but even though hippos are vegetarian theyre tough customers!
        Same with Bungle the bear 🐻
        Hard as nails, part grizzly!
        Not sure what zippy was,..a gimp?

      • Alien frog apparently. He had beef with Mr Spoon.

        Rod, Jane and Freddy were told to never mention ‘Button Moon’ in Zippy’s presence. He goes fucking spastic.

        Same with Rod Hull and Smurfette.

    • If memory serves me correctly, it was something to do with Zippy and Bungle and their trip to the jungle.

      • Evening Blunty!
        Had a marvelous sunday lunch and few ales earlier, although rained that hard nearly had to butterfly crawl home!
        Not seen Miles on here for few days?
        And Jason not at all!
        Not a ISAC serial killer on lose?

      • Evening MNC. You take care. That dam could still go at any time! Were you anywhere near Whaley Bridge?

      • Few mile away at foot of kinder scout.
        Yeah thought about that Dam, its raining hard all day, could still go?
        Take mrs Blunt out for lunch?
        Rtc went all out and heated up a eccles cake for mrs creampuff!

      • Evening chaps.

        It’s 7:18 and nearly time for my Sunday toast and marmalade dinner.

        Wall’s soft scoop vanilla ice cream for afters… yum!

        Bet you’re jealous.

      • Riddled with envy Rtc.
        We having jam rolypoly &custard shortly!
        Both made in 🇬🇧
        And some yorkshire tea in my mug!

      • Nice.

        Tbh I quite fancy a treacle pudding this evening. Made with suet and lashings of golden syrup.

      • Had exactly that last week in a pub in pennines.
        Bluntys having welshcakes, served on a roof slate.

    • Visit Slipped Disc to endure a lot more of this nontzee, light-the-pink fluffy candles, sing Kum-Bay-Yah bollocks.
      Selfish cunts who think that freedom of movement &c. is only possible with the EU, that cheap travel is because of the EU (I thought it was the blokes that set up easyjet and RyanAir); my Great-Great grandfather arrived in Essex in 1806, from the Rhineland; don’t know how, exactly, but without the help of the EU…

      • What a complete load of old cat shit. Real musicians have a skill that if required will find employment anywhere and by definition the correct paperwork can and will always be obtained.
        My daughter works in a Chinese orchestra playing Oboe, she did an audition for it before she graduated from the Rncm they liked her playing enough to get the job. Nearly nine months after her audition and loads of hoops jumped through (paperwork etc) she left these green and pleasant shores and landed in Beijing.
        She is enjoying her life there has backed a world class piano competition is also teaching in a choir as well as playing in the orchestra.
        So unless the EU turn into a communist draconian state I think REAL musicians will never have any real problems moving around either Europe or the world as a whole.

      • My ex wife was a master on the Pork Oboe and could bang out a nice tune on the Beef Bugle . She had a very nice G Clef as I remember 🎷🎺

      • Had a bird who could play the blue veined skin flute!
        No G clef, although had a cleft palate.

    • Of course, it goes without saying that the rich cunts who can afford a ticket to the Last Night, and wave EU flags, represent us poor bastards outside the foreign shithole capital.

    • Goodness me Lord C – it looks as though the tickie fairy strikes in other places as well as IsAC. How refreshing!

    • Wow what an eye opener! So a hall with 5500 (no doubt megarich) people in it with a ‘majority’ waving EU flags is proof the country wants to remain? Yet the 4% more of the 17+ million who voted leave counts for nothing? My piss is really boiling over with the facts of these remainers. I wonder how many would have paid for a flag with cold hard cash if asked. Thanks for the link LC, i shall show that to a few others and let them decide the cuntitude of this wankers statement.

    • Virtue signaling cunt. Probably just dropped house prices in his street by a few percent.

      Dr Cunt

  8. Poor old Derham cannot find a man. No one will approach her ! What did this cunt expect. Hello femifucko’s men dont reach out to bunny boilers unless they are masochists. Good luck with the gimps luv.

  9. She’s an embarrassment to queers, a flagrant attentionwhore much like Milo Cuntopolis.

  10. I’ve always found Last Night at the Proms vomit inducing. Not surprised it’s become an EU mega Cuntfest. Novichoking too good for them.

  11. If you want your piss to be superheated, put Countryfile on now.
    Ecofascism, nazi’s in the countryside.

  12. Just caught a bit of Countyfile, what do you think are the most pressing issues?
    Meat prices? Brexit? Litter? No, far-right extremism.

    • Cross cunting Jack, their coming for you Mr Fiddler, pull up the drawbridge and shut the portcullis to Fiddler Towers then stock up on shotgun cartridges.

    • Im taping it, far right in the countryside?
      Doubt its a pressing issue?
      More ‘dogs on lead’ and worrying about weather isnt it?

    • I’m just watching now
      What a pile of wank.
      If you uneasy about your culture being eradicated, want to form a sense of identity as a heterosexual white male and happen to appreciate the beautiful countryside of the land of your ancestors… Then you’re a hate filled fascist.
      My license fee is cancelled

      • I live in the countryside and cant move for neo-Nazis. If fact I had a narrow escape when the South Lincolnshire Morris Dancing Troup tried to recruit me with their warped ideology.

      • I’ve just been out for a walk with the hound, fook me if I didn’t stumble across an SS Panzergrenadier division, parked up in the field next to the duck pond.
        It’s getting out of hand, something really needs to be done about the Far Right. They must be the biggest threat to our way of life.
        I heard it on the BBC.
        Get To Fuck.

      • Same thing Jack, out with dog thought some berks put out washing when its pissing it down!
        Looked bit closer, only the bloody klu klux klan!
        American deep south racists are ruining the peak district!

      • The KKK took my baby away.
        Where’s the fucking Ramones when you need them ?
        I suppose the Peak District will have to be reclassified as a National Socialist Park now.
        Who’d have thunk it ?

      • Id be rubbish in kkk Jack, always on a disciplinary for soiled sheets,
        Grand dragon bollocking me for gravy stains on my whites!
        Bet the spend a fortune on vanish and fabric cleaner?
        Only one behind the burning cross in chewing gum grey robe!😣

      • You need Zyklon B wash pods MNC
        Washes whiter !
        Makes futures brighter !
        Always keep away from children.

    • Just listening to Sir Nigel(recorded). When he was asked about the wisdom in saying the knife should be taken to the Civil Service. He did reconsider this and said on reflection, it should have been the axe! Priceless!
      Do these fuckin’ mongs who interview not see the difference between figurative and literal language?
      He might have meant literally but these twats wouldn’t know that.

  13. What a load of shite, any voice not on message is far right, generation identity and british revival if anyone wants to make their own minds up.
    Feel cheated! Was expecting farmhands marching in uniform, panzer tanks on the moorlands etc

    • And those cunts at Faecesbook can’t wait to censor them.
      I’ve a feeling the good old beeb cunts would have radiated a more positive and inclusive message had it been a Somali separatist or Islamic fundamentalist group in the British countryside.
      And Faecesbook prpbably wouldn’t sensor them either.

  14. Just before the Conservative Conference, a banner calling for the “playing field” to be “levelled” in exchange for “130,000 killed under Tory rule”, alongside ‘hanging’ effigies, has been erected on a Salford bridge.
    Extremists? No,No, No. It’s ok because it’s only left wing activists.

    • Could of hung themselves to make the point, but no, it’s all an attention seeking act.

      Fucking Antifa cunts.

    • “130,000 killed under Tory rule” and nobody charged?

      Seems the lefty lawyers have missed a trick there… especially with the courts ready to find anyone right-of-centre guilty by default.

    • And guess what BBU watching ALBBC Mon morning and no mention at all of the banner. But loads about the Prime Minister Boris Johnson “touching” some female journalists leg. Well fair enough I suppose a bit stupid to do something like that in this day and age, but there’s the rub it was “done” 20 years ago. So the hounds are released. Well In my mind there are a couple of issues and I’m not making like of any sexually inappropriate behaviour.
      The first thing I have issue with is saying ” The Prime Minister” touched my leg well she doesn’t say that she says “Johnson grabs my thigh” he was editor of The Spectator at the time so NOT the prime minister and that makes context important.
      The second thing I have a major issue with is time scale.
      Charlotte posted this on twitter “if the prime minister doesn’t recollect the incident then clearly I have a better memory than he does”
      Well firstly that may actually be the case and if so then it’s a bit of a non starter. And secondly why wait 20 years surely when the me too movement kicked off a couple of years back that would have been a perfect time or maybe when she actually experienced the alleged offence. Funny how all the people who have these things happen to them seem to be young and new to the company and feel unable to say anything at the time even though legislation had been in existence since 1986.
      The left will spin anything anyway they want to fuck over the tories and the electorate in general.
      Apologies for the long post just needed to de pressurise.

  15. When I used to watch this shit I was always appalled by the posh nobs at the front bobbing up and down and wiping away the pretend tears with their Harrods snotrags. Fucking hell, I thought, this is being watched all over the world! Those foreign bastards must think we’re a right bunch of wankers.
    But now it’s ten times worse with all those filthy remoaners and their blue starry arsewipes. I fucking hate them. I’d love to see some cunt turn up at an England game with one of those. The traitor would have it shoved so far up his arse it would be fluttering out of his nostrils. Wanker.
    As for this fat Yank lezzer she can fuck off back where she came from and lick Hilary’s putrid cuntbox. Fucking cunts!

    • Spot on Freddie – “Britons never ever ever shall be slaves” is just a fucking twisted joke spouting out of some picked-for-diversity fat yank-non-entity eu-loving cunt’s gob isn’t it ?

  16. Language! Ladies and elderly present!
    So take it Freddie im wasting my time inviting you round for some European culture? Nice glass of wine, croissants, some of that posh cheese looks like snot?
    Got garlic cake an em, ..snails an shit

  17. “ I’d love to see some cunt turn up at an England game with one of those.”
    Freddie you don’t say what type of game. Rugby, ladies football, lacrosse?

  18. It’s only a matter of time before one of these soaps comes up with a character who attends a remoaner demo and gets beaten up by “THE FAR RIGHT”. Or, better still, one of the teenage characters goes to a “We love St Greta Thundercunt” demo and gets gang raped by, yes you’ve guessed it, “THE FAR RIGHT’. All the doctors, nurses and sympathetic coppers will be peacefuls, gays and other effnicks. As it’s on the BBC my money is on Eastbenders.
    Perhaps they could get Owen Jones to write it given his own horrific personal experience.

  19. Never heard of This double chinned puffy armed yank, typical BBC bollocks!
    And quite frankly I can think of a place I would love to stick her flag……

  20. “When I sat down with the BBC in October I told them, ‘You know, I can think of a flag that I can get behind. I’d really like to carry the Pride flag.’ ” It is 50 years since the Stonewall riots, and Barton, who came out as bisexual on Twitter on National Coming Out Day in 2014, wants to mark the moment as vividly as possible.

    My bad, she’s not gay, she can’t afford to be though….

  21. My……..what? Your fucking what?
    The Crips are coming to get you Mr Vomit. For real Cuz.

  22. Chill blud, swear down those niggaz be coolin with a cap in theyre ass if they roll atcho!
    Easy now 👎👌👊✊✌👋

  23. I’d be surprised if her female ‘friend’ could find her business area amongst the rolls of white, quivering flesh.

    Hat tip to Macc Lads – probably loads of hair and uncooked mutton.

  24. In other news, Boris has allegedly (by the usual suspects)
    (a) had dodgy business dealings with an American businesswoman while Mayor of London
    (b) Had an affair with her
    (c) Groped two wimminz thighs in the Spectator offices
    (d) Had unlawful intercourse or something with political funders associated with Nigel.

    I really am rather beginning to like Boris. No doubt a constant stream of smears will continue indefinitely.

    But that reminds me. Corbyn’s not been an antisemite for weeks and this has no connection whatever with the proposition that he could be an interim PM. Obviously. Could even be that the TIG/LimpDump escapees from Corbyn’s former extermination camps will have to support him. Oh, delicious irony.

  25. Didn’t Jamie Barton open Cream in Liverpool?
    So, he’s now an opera singing trans – ffs
    Buy my record cunts

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