Matthew Syed

This is the bloke who took up journalism after his ping pong career fell at the hurdle of the 1000th ranked Chinese player. So why is he a CUNT? He has written an article that blames 9/11 on the CIA being too white:

According to Mathew, it is because the CIA is too white (other organisations maybe the same as well) that they failed to spot the actions of the terrorists. Now as far as I was aware, I thought 9/11 was down to Osama BL and some other religious nutters who killed thousands in the name of Allah and their hatred of the freedoms of the western society. I should also add in the strange belief that their corpses once turned to atoms would be welcomed by a shit load of virgins. Unlike Matthew, I am still laying the blame at them and the religion of peace. Not a bunch of ‘white’ people.

Fuck me, is there anything the white person is not responsible for?

Nominated by Cuntsince1066

47 thoughts on “Matthew Syed

  1. I have seen this dome headed cunt on SLY NEWS. He is typical of the self righteous liberal fucks that dwell inside the London bubble. Extremley smug and opinionated.

    • Another name to add to the long list of dumb, snowflake, mamby-pamby Wankers who need to be put aboard a ship, sailed into the mid-Atlantic & sunk (no life jackets allowed)

      # feed the sharks

  2. So his solution to stop terrorism, is to let terrorists work for the CIA? Or is he saying that the only people qualified to spot terrorist actions, are people of brown skin? Again, giving air time to fucking deluded, head cases.

    Some might say his opinions are extremist? Obviously not media outlets though, only white people can be.

  3. Well we all know our own intelligence services like MI5 are a modern and diverse organisation reflecting modern Britain, so by this Mekon-headed twats logic they should have prevented Manchester, Borough Market, Westminster Bridge and Finsbury Park terror attacks.

  4. The impossibly gay-looking James Purnell had probably long creamed his designer Y fronts long before the decision was made to post this little nugget on the Al Ja Beeba web page.

    Tony Hall and James Purnell should enjoy a heavy bum-fucking session in celebration of this coup. Fuck the BBC as well as Uncle Fester for writing this partisan codswallop.

  5. The man’s a fucking idiot. Everyone knows that Mossad was behind 9/11 and have pages and pages of Google to verify this fact.

    Fuck Off.

      • Fred Dibnah….it bore all the hallmarks of that chimney-stack bothering Yorkshire maniac. He was seen making his getaway on a traction-engine over Manhattan bridge for several days after….the wicked Cunt.
        America should carpet- bomb Bolton in retaliation…the evil Cunt’s probably holed up in a cave there counting his schekels
        Boycott, Savile and Dibnah…the unholy Yorkshire axis of evil.

      • I see that on the day his reform school taught Geography Mr Fiddler skipped lessons to play with his (and at least 3 other boys) tinkles behind the bicycle sheds. Since when has Bolton been in Yorkshire? Born in / lived in / died in / buried in Bolton means he was a true Lancastrian from cradle to grave. Don’t besmirch the man’s legacy by calling him a Yorkie. Apologise now you nasty man.
        I have to agree, however, with your sentiment re carpet bombing Bolton. It’s a while since I’ve been there but friends tell me it’s no longer a traditional Lancashire cotton mill town and now resembles an enclave of some far away Land-of-Stans plagued by spice addled native beggars.
        I just hope that the Yanks have a better grasp of Geography than you if the B2s do fly or we’re all at risk of succumbing to friendly fire.

      • My previous retort to Fiddler’s slanderous remarks that Dibnah was a Yorkshireman appears to have gone into the ether. Not sure if it was because (a) I demanded he apologise for calling a proud born, bred and dead Lancastrian a Yorkshire man, (b) because I called the beast (and those who upticked his comments) out as being uneducated with onanist tendancies for not knowing where Bolton is or, (c) I agreed an American style solution to Boltons problems would be in order (though for reasons other than those he gave). Whatever. On behalf of all Lancastrians everywhere I still demand an apology for calling our Fred a Yorkshireman.

      • Mr. Dribbler.

        It appears that I may be slightly wro…wro…wron…wron…….No, I just bring myself to say it.
        I have only been incorrect once before in my entire life and that was just because some Cunt lied to me.

        Dibnah was indeed a Lancashire lad and for that you and the rest of Lancashire have my deepest sympathy.

        🙂 .

      • You cheeky cunt fiddler!
        Fred Dibnahs pure gold!
        Proper bloke, mans man.
        You want them gate left open every night? Well then, desist sir!
        Some people….

      • I like your posts Dick but I can honestly say I had to look up the definition of an ‘onanist’ but why is anyone who doesn’t know where Bolton is, a wanker?
        Who is “the beast” that you refer to – Peter Kay?
        All these questions must be answered.
        I remain a most sincere fan of your good self.

      • Dick F – you are on the wrong channel – please give your response to Captain M’s comment on the Countryfile nom.

      • Bertie….”Fraid I didn’t see Countryfile this week. I was out showing the Hunt Kennelman where the fox-earths were on my land. We’re cubbing next week and he likes to make sure that the foxes are safe when we come through with the hounds…..

      • Mr Fiddler, That is as near an apology as one could possibly expect from the landed gentry and is therefore accepted. Consequently I will request that Betty the Second, as head of the Duchy of Lancaster, ignores my request to mobilise the Lancashire Fusiliers psychological warfare team based in Rochdale.Trust me, had no apology been forthcoming Fiddler Towers would have fallen in less than a day if subjected to the sound torture of Gracie Fields singing (?) “The Biggest Aspidistra in the World” non-stop via the speakers of a Mr Whippy ice cream van parked across from the drawbridge.
        Bertie, I am glad to hear that your vocabulary has now increased by one. The answer to your questions was contained in my missing post. The allegation (now withdrawn as we have peace in our time) was that the accused -aka The Beast – and his upticking cohorts must have bunked school on the day they were meant to learn geography in order to play their pink oboes together behind the bike sheds.
        RTC, I like the thought of Bolton-on-Orwell. It sounds like it would be a nice riverside suburb. I wonder if it could be arranged?
        I see one of the local Ipswich MPs is, shall we say, male friendly, a socialist and Friends of Isr**l member so I’m sure he’d welcome the particular multi-cultural benefits (and postal votes) that Bolton’s populace would surely bring to the area (and his slim majority).

      • But Dick F, this wouldn’t stop you responding to the scurrilously veiled attack on the Countryfile nomination at 10.28. If only so I can release a comment I’ve had pre-prepared for a few weeks!,

  6. Christ I saw this fucking article and it’s totally typical of the response by confused lefties in the face of Islamic religiously motivated violence – blame white people:

    ‘Islam is the religion of peace if there’s a few bad apples it’s because of poor housing, it’s because they’re excluded, it’s because of the internet, it’s because they don’t have jobs…’

    Notice anything about all those ‘problems’? They’re all the fault of white people – not giving them bigger houses, the sin of inventing the internet etc. Then when a koran-reading muslim doctor in Scotland or a cunt like koran-reading muslim Bin Laden born with the silver spoon in their mouths privately educated comes along the libs scratch their heads and think of a new way to blame whitey. And now they have. The reason muslims murdered 4000 Americans was because there’s not enough muslims at the CIA I fucking despair. Cunts like this are so stupid they should be put to fucking sleep.

  7. Another attention-seeking apologist trying to get his 15 minutes.

    I guess if it rains tomorrow it will because God or Nature just was too white and is therefore to blame!

    Which reminds me: have these libtards decreed that God/Jesus is no longer male, but possibly a gender-neutral tranny? Imagine the outcry if they said that about Mohammed or Alah or whatever it is the snackbars look up too!

    Oh and one presumes it is now wrong to say “Mother” Nature because that is sexist and offensive… or should be! But I suppose such things only work one way with liberals – “Father Time” or “Father Christmas” = bad; Mother Nature = good

    Fuck off!

  8. Fuck me yes – have a look at the demographic having a puff outside any civil service office or look at them coming out at lunchtime. I think it is some sort of Asian employment scheme.

    • Any government recruiting will be at least 50% muzlim.
      It’s only fair.
      I saw it on the BBC.
      Get bent.

  9. Look at the cunt’s name. His old man was a Joe Daki immo from Joe Daki land. It’s in his genes.
    Alan’s Snackbar!

  10. 1, I think he is talking bollocks.
    2, as with the UK there are perhaps too many security agencies doing the same job but not sharing their intelligence with each other. (fucking Police do it too)

    1, someone (or some people) dropped the ball on this one.
    2, the guys a total cunt.

    And to finish off, the man that wrote this article is the same type of person who will complain about the police state that is required to prevent this sort of thing.

  11. Has he published a book, or selling something else. Sometimes people say something outrageous, then get the attention to sell something.

    Trump is gay!!! Now buy book, Spoonington’s Spoons – a guide to cutlery throughout the ages.
    Only £9.99 (£5.00 for members of ISAC website).

    • I am afraid the answer to that is “shit happens”. Personally, if someone with a machete was coming towards me fast, I would not make checking his medical records my priority.

    • Tough fucking luck. If you’re tasered, you’ve acted the cunt and ignored numerous warnings to desist acting like said cunt.

      • I think riot squad should consist of three divisions:-
        1. Burger van division
        2. Cute puppy dog division
        3. Morris dancer division

        A burgers and bacon butties is usually enough to pacify anyone. Even the vegetarians love bacon.
        *on the radio* “Send in BV squad! Over”.

        If that doesn’t work, send in the cute puppies. Watch the heart of the rioter melt.

        If you want to be wicked, send in the morris dancers.
        #With a hey nonny nuu, nonny nuu hey!#
        “Please! No more! I give up!”
        *Slumps to the ground in tears*

  12. Syed has the mandatory PPE degree from Oxford. He is a mighty sage and seer, educated in all the ways of cuntitude, and the embodiment of diversity. Bow down, ye (white) proles, and hearken unto him!

    • Oxford PPE, the ultimate ‘jack of all, master of none’ degree.

      (Says Cantabrigian David Starkey).

    • PPE ??
      Doubt whether that’s anything as worthwhile as hi-vis, goggles (I must get some like Miss Muir at her Academy has) and steel-toecapped boots (Miss Muir again, I think)…

  13. I have to wait till next damn year now before I can possibly buy my dream BMW…its the white mans fault.

    • PS. I had the shits in Jamaica, the white man founded Jamaica…so thats the white mans fault as well.

      • Every morning I wake I spend at least an hour looking in the mirror apoligising to my Black side on behalf of my White side Allan…the neighbours must think I’ve lost the plot…Although to address the balance I thank my White side for all the opportunities it has given me. It can be a strange life having dual heritage. Wouldn’t change it for the world though. How are you getting on?

  14. Slightly off topic, SAS to rescue IS children and bring them back to Britain. Is this country insane?

    • This country will do everything it can to help anybody. Oh, except the indigenous white population, blacks and Asians to a lesser extent.

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