
Telstra, a privatised state telecommunications industry, though the government still owns 17%, has all the inefficiency of a state owned dinosaur coupled with the spendthrift greed of a corporate monolith.

I stopped using their mediocre services decades ago, when I abandoned my landline for a mobile.

There’s a concrete telephone cable cover that has been broken for years. It’s at least 50 years old and some cunt probably parked on it (it says PMG, post master general which existed before Telecom/Telstra.) Two months ago, rather than replace the concrete cover, they placed a yellow fence frame with their logo preventing people from falling into it. I’ve seen a few around and am confounded….the frame which someone will eventually steal would cost more than a piece of concrete.


Nominated by Shackledragger cunt

54 thoughts on “Telstra

  1. Interesting that a certain nomination for a certain individual has been removed.

    • Don’t mention Prince Andrew! I mentioned him once, but I think I got away with it…

      • I have always maintained that all members of our wonderful Royal Family are virtuous, respectful, faithful and above all loyal to their respective partners; and that none of them would ever EVER step out of line and play away – and that includes former “clunk click every trip” princesses; “carbuncle” princes and those that flew in the RAF in his younger days – whomever that may be!

        God save the Queen!

      • To clarify, we considered it actionable.
        Alluded to certain unproven allegatipns about his behaviour as fact. This is called libel

      • I think Prince Andrew is a wonderful man and scrupulous about checking the ages of young girls,
        After all he was married to clyde
        From Any which way is loose.
        This slur against his character will soon dissapear…

      • To be replaced with ‘Sherlock Holmes and The Case of the Anachronistic PDF File and the Totally Fictional Aristocrat.’

      • Your knighthood is in the post Sir Miserable elect. Take your comfy chair in the Lords and collect £300 daily.

      • Morning Mr dPF-F, a serious point for a change; are you of the opinion that any dangerous (to us) and important enough to get this site shut down ever wanders here, either by accident or design?
        I’m consistently amazed (and delighted) that this site is still operating.

      • #MeToo.

        Morning Thomas. I trust your moustache is still attracting the wrong sort of attention?

        Morning Dick.

    • It’s an interesting little example of the power and influence that the royals exert across all media in this country, whether directly or indirectly.
      It’s one of the things that make them untouchable, along with an army of arse licking sycophants, grovelling for gongs.
      Get To Fuck.

    • Just to put the thread back to Telstra, I detest the bloated smug entitled money grubbing outfit, the kind of cunts if they were any good you’d own their shares but leave their business for other mug consumers. Well I bought some of their shares in the float and they’re crap too.

      Mind you I am compelled by work to use Telstra as a carrier, and the mobile data carries my access to my Is A Cunt lifeline so I’ll take that.

  2. If you go to Twitter, you will find a great many tweets about a certain individual and his name is repeatedly linked with a recently deceased American financier.

  3. Just as an aside, Jo Swindon is on BBC Breakfast showing her liberal and democratic credentials by banging on about stopping Brexit.

    • It was an assault on my ears while eating breakfast, the pain every time she says the word.

      Its fucking berXit with an X not something that sounds like breGSit.

      Still wont say she would fully accept a vote to leave in a Losers Vote..

      • Just heard that Jock fucker Blackford, on LBC spouting exactly the same shameless propaganda. Completely unchallenged of course.

      • Dominic Grievous and Lord Falconer were on previously. Project Fear on stilts.

        Only Leavers I heard interviewed were Richard Tice and John Redwood, who articulated the common sense case for suggesting the Remoaniacs go fuck themselves.

      • “on stilts”, indeed !!
        The higher politicos get, the more revolting the parts they expose.

  4. Sorry Shackledragger, can’t go along with this cunting.

    Telstar is brilliant.

    And one of the first singles I ever bought.

    • Don’t you use a quill and Creampuff Manor headed notepaper delivered by hoseback to correspond anyway Creampuff?

      • Stop being silly LL.

        Like most modern right thinking people, I utilise a Parker 51 fountain pen with Quink (contains solv-x) royal blue ink. I’ve no idea how the headed notepaper gets delivered, my butler Willie Stroker is responsible for stocking the stationary cupboard.

        Good morning.

      • Don’t mention buttling to Willie. A writ will swiftly follow from Ipswich’s finest no win no fee yewman writes lawyers.

      • Is you cupboard standing still today then, Mr RTC?

        Has Wor Willie done something to it?

      • As my Japanese linguistics lecturer once said, decades ago, “The burglar was conceived in the cupboard, trembling with fear.”
        To which a fellow student replied “Trembling with lust, more like.”

        Tales from Leeds University Linguistics & Phonetics basement, 1980 – 81.

      • Black ink (with, or without, Solv-x) is the only ink to use. Other than Books of Hours and other illuminated manuscripts, does blue ink have any purpose? Blue? That’s for cunts only (present company excepted).

    • Mind you I’ve nothing to say about it. I know the name is a play on Telstar? Oh no Ive got that music in my head all morning now. Deeee-dee–dee, dee-dee, dee-dee-dee-dee-deee….enjoy.

      • Remember the stylophone RT? I remember doing it- over and over again. Rolf’s smilng face on the cover of the box.

      • Had one myself Miles. Used to play Telstar and the occasional snatch of Stockhausen on it.

        Plus a bizarre version of ‘Keep Right On To The End Of The Road’. Still have the recordings if you’d like to pop round one evening to hear them.

  5. Meanwhile, back on topic, I’ve never heard of Telstra or are they a rebranded BT Openreach? If so then they are cunts for turning down my share application when the very first privatisation was so oversubscribed.

    I’ve waited 30 yrs to get that off my chest…..

    • I don’t know who the fuck Telstra are but I’ve just been digging my back garden and unearthed some of their cables. Can’t get the bastards out as they seem to go down for miles.

  6. Can’t believe a certain royal would ever dream about stuff like that ( allegedly)

  7. What’s the difference between a PDF file and Rolf Harris..?

    One is a PDF file and the other is….you fucking know….

  8. I remember Telstrar from my days living in Melbourne (“orrr yeee moite!”) and, having had a mobile contract with them for a while, concur with Shackles that they are indeed cunts. Such cunts that they sponsored the stadium.

    Optus weren’t much better. A “connection charge” and 25c a text! Dirty, cheating cunts. Who were the CEOs? Warner and Smith?

  9. Is this not proof that certain individuals are and always will be above the law. Be it misuse of tax payer funds, driving offences or the topic mentioned. Anyone care to add to the list, just watch how you phrase it !

  10. On this topic, all telecoms/utility firms are money grabbing cunts who offer average services at a premium rate. Always has been always will be.

  11. BBC to launch digital voice assistant (which will grasp regional accents) next year, to Rival Amazon’s Alexa.

    Will the regional accents include Romanian, Lithuanian, Somalian, Arabic, Polish, Polish, Turkish?

    If its the BBC you bet they will.

    Another huge waste of money from the clueless fuckwits at the BBC.


    • Instead of Alexa they could give it a Gimmigrant name like Pavel to make the Dooshka-Booshkas feel at home:

      “Pavel, dobjay, which is best region for to selling drugs and for bring in people on lorry?”

      • You couldn’t give me a chuckle Captain could you, with the Chinese edition of that?

      • I’m sorry Bertie, those are copywritten and trademarked for Tiddly-wink conversations only. If I did, I’d be riquidated from rife.

      • I look forward to yours and LL’s next conversation. Just let me know which ‘channel’ it’s coming up on!

    • I wouldn’t have an Alexa robot or anything of it’s ilk. When will the BBC be employing Klingons? Are they not diverse enough?

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