New Style BBC News Headlines

What the fuck are the BBC thinking having giant headline text on their news reports?
I know what’s happening on the news, it has pictures. I don’t need giant fucking headlines that take up 20% of the telly screen.
The producers must think we’re all fucking stupid and need a little help understanding what the pictures refer to, as we’re obviously not capable of connecting the report to the images.
Patronising cunts.

Nominated by Kunt and the Gang

25 thoughts on “New Style BBC News Headlines

  1. Those BBC cunts made me heave when they said ‘England have won the men’s cricket world cup’…. There is only one cricket world cup, just like there is only one football or rugby world cup… They are of course attempting to put Sunday’s spectacular sporting heroics on a par with that daft wimmin’s shite in order to please some psychotic femstapo tuppencfe flickers… Fuck the BBC…

    • I’m really looking forward to seeing the LGBTQ cricket World Cup though Norm. I’m sure it’ll be a fucking scream to watch; England in their rainbow coloured kit, Pakistan bowling rocks and grenades at the opposition…

  2. Despise the BBC now with a passion.

    Won’t be contributing to their coffers in 2020.

    Pathetic cunts.

    • Won’t stop the cunts nattering the bejesus out of you, WS. I have 55 letters since 2015 off the twats. (I shit you not – just been to count them, all unopened). I’m saving them up for a stationery suppository if the cunts ever come knocking. Gave up telly in 2013 and not missed it.

  3. Same thing here, the ABC(Australian bolshevist collective) whenever they have what is considered breaking news(usually about a dead backpacker) take up a fifth of the screen with the trite piece of information for hours on end

  4. Off Topic but worth a laugh
    President Trump if you don’t like it here go back to where you came from You are free to leave. Brilliant the same applies here instead of slagging this country off Jonny immigrant if you don’t like England fuck off back.

    • Wish they would all fuck off and all… And especially Banana Gob… Wish she would fuck off back to Di Congo….

  5. Don’t give a flying fuck about the headline typography the BBC is all shit…….total brainwashing shit! Brexit Brexit Brexit ……..gloom gloom gloom,…….Trump is a cunt, Trump is a racist. Today’s report on why Trump is a Nazi comes from our Washington correspondent Gordon Obamagood.
    Fuck off. Stick it up Jimmy Savile’s dead arse you cunts.

  6. Fuck the BBC, fucking auntie knows best, shut up pay your licence and go play with uncle Jimmy if you get bored.

  7. The BBC and MSM in general have utterly lost their minds today, more or less jumping up and down shouting racist at Trump.
    I don’t think they’ve got it into their heads yet that however much they howl at the moon about Trump Boris Brexit etc we still vote the other way.

    • It’s the fact Trump brushes off and doesn’t give two shits about what ‘controversies’ the media try and create around him that makes him likeable.

  8. could it be they are just trying to help those with poor eyesight with that incredibly clear font?

  9. Big flashy headlines are even cheaper to make than reality TV?

    Aside from this, and being completely out of touch with sport, why is the England batball team wearing blue pyjamas?

  10. Weren’t the bbc the same stupid arseholes who wrote off the England team 3 weeks earlier? Mind you this is all bye the bye now with them busily fabricating and interviewing democrats and asking if trump is racist now.

    Wot a Fukin’ farce that so called news service is now. No comments allowed to posted of course.

  11. I cannot relate to anything in the news at all as it’s all propaganda so I tune into the Pathe news from 1942 which is invariably much more straightforward:a nice big British battleship firing fucking big shells at anything that moves.
    The good old days.
    Oh and fuck the BBC in its bleck arse.

  12. The people who need the large font headlines won’t be able to afford the TV licence anyway.

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