BBC Books


BBC Books

Writer Gareth Roberts has been dropped from an upcoming Doctor Who anthology over “offensive” transphobic tweets, BBC Books has confirmed.

Now I couldn’t give a fuck about Dr Who but can we look at the horrendous offence Mr Roberts committed:-

‘It is impossible for a person to change their biological sex. I don’t believe anybody is born in the wrong body,”

Yep, that’s it. He stated a reasonable, mainstream opinion, from his viewpoint as a gay man. How dare he?
This is how fucking low the totalitarian right-onism has sunk. Perversion is the new straight. Truth only accepted when it fits the agenda of these shrill fucking freaks.

Nominated by Cuntstable Cuntbubble

38 thoughts on “BBC Books

  1. And am surprised the Gay lobby haven’t come out in support of Roberts given that he himself is gay.

    I have said it here a couple of times: but the virtue signallers are starting to bitch-fight among their own groups now that the white man has been put in his place!

    Perhaps the BBC should also ban any mention of the Dalai Lama given his recent “offensive” outburst suggesting Europe could become dominated by Muslims if refugees don’t go back home!

    I read the BBC article/interview with the Dalai (26/6/19), and it was so rigged against Trump and Brexit, while only mildly touching on sending the refugees back home; and the twat-faced BBC reporter challenged him asking why they should not be allowed to settle in the EU?

    Freedom of speech is only possible if it ticks our particular dogma, is the Left’s mantra; which is especially true with all aspects and outlets belonging to the BBC

  2. Jesus what have we come to? Thought crime is now a reality.

    Fuck off.

  3. And the sheer hypocrisy of the BBC knows no bounds, especially with regards Glastonbury and the massive megaphone the BBC gave to all those fucking “singers” lining up to take a pop at Trump, Boris, Brexit, the White Man etc.

    And yet the BBC allowed all that, especially that cunt Stormy shouting at the audience something like “Fuck Boris” without the BBC offering any form of censorship!

    Absolutely breathtaking!

    • The BBC needs to lose its license fee now. I’m fed up paying for these deranged woke cunts.

  4. The Lunatics are running the asylum.

    We used to laugh at media-control in States like N. Korea and China…. everybody must adhere to the Party line,dissidents were quickly made into “Non-People”, jobs were lost and careers ruined for not blindly accepting whatever bullshit was spewed forth as the ” Truth”.

    We are becoming just as controlled as many in those oppressive States,even worse we are allowing it to be done by a morally-corrupt minority intent on brain-washing everyone into accepting that which is Unnatural and Degenerate. Decent,wholesome behaviour is mocked and attacked as old-fashioned and redundant in our all-new,more Advanced society,and anyone who disagrees is treated as a criminal,an enemy of Progress.

    This heavy-duty censorship leads to the position where we now find ourselves….a Nation once known for Decency and common-sense in thrall to a bunch of dangerous degenerates who demand Freedom Of Expression…..just as long as it’s their “Expression”,and theirs’ alone.No matter how bizarre and illogical,we must remain silent or risk attracting the attention of these oh-so “liberal” people.

    I genuinely believe that we are in some kind of Salem Witch Trials moment,except that the witches are in control and the “normal” majority are bullied and coerced into acceptance. Unless their is some massive shift of mindset,which I don’t believe will ever happen, “Normal Behaviour” is finished and the Grotesque will prevail…well,it will until our “Peaceful” friends take control, apparently,they’re not quite as “woke” as so many of our current leaders and influencers…Good,serves us right for allowing this perversion of truth to flourish.

    Fuck Off.

    • Spot on Dick.
      Excellent description of what is unfolding before us.
      Where I work employee’s can discuss Jezza in glowing terms but on no account can you support Sir Nigel or Donald . You will be hauled into supervision for wrong speak. I shit you not.

  5. The Bolshevik Broadcasting Cunts can go and fuck themselves with a splintered timber dildo for a licence from me.

    I really do not tune into any of their shite. Unfortunately no politician is brave enough to pull the plug on their monopoly folly.

    Fuck them all, the cunts.

  6. gay Equality at last. Not the passport it once was. Maybe sensible gay people will realise they’ve been used and are now disposable.

    • Now we see a legion of British gay men leading the battle against woke bastard culture. Douglas Murray, Peter Whittle, Milo ‘Dangerous Faggot’ Yianniopoulos and our very own Krav.

      The feminists and lesbians are still in the starting blocks, trying to figure out how transgenderism affects their position in the oppression hierarchy, the self-absorbed, cunt-gazing fucks.

  7. Off topic regrettably, but according to the BabyCentre, the top 10 baby names for 2019 so far, are as follows:-

    Girls (not a bad list I suppose)
    1. Olivia
    2. Sophia
    3. Lily
    4. Ava
    5. Mia
    6. Isla
    7. Amelia
    8. Freya
    9. Isabella
    10. Emily

    Top 10 boys’ names (FUCK SAKE!!!!)
    1. Muhammad
    2. Noah
    3. George
    4. Oliver
    5. Charlie
    6. Harry
    7. Leo
    8. Arthur
    9. Jack
    10. Freddie

    • Freya? Why call your daughter after the norwegian goddess of love and death well its a bit better then calling your son Muhammad i guess

      Its weird snackbars don’t consider it blasphemous to call your son after a prophet but whatever

    • Any news on top ten Gender Neutral baby names? It’s only a matter of time.

    • Forget Mo/uhamed, how can Amelia have plummeted so far? I’m sure 20% of all females at Glastonbury were named Amelia.

  8. It was one of Roberts fellow Dr Who writers, Susie Day, that complained, saying “BBC Books made their decision. I’m grateful they took the opportunity to demonstrate that transphobic views have no place in the Whoniverse, both in and outside the stories.” she Tweeted.

    First of all, wtf is the “Whoniverse”. These retarded kidults, still living as if they were 14 in the “Whoniverse” and the “ Marvel Universe” need to grow up and get a life. Perhaps their perspective would change if they read real literature.

    Susie Day is a massive cunt, woke children’s author. Read this nauseating garbage from her blog, if you can without being sick –


      • I wonder what Lord Reith would think of the BBC now?…

        Papa Lazarou’s carnival of freaks is more normal than the BBC these days…

        And Susie Day i a grass… End of… A nark, a sneak, a cunt….

      • And Susie Day is a grass… End of… A nark, a sneak, a cunt… Whoniverse? What a copper bottomed cunt… It’s not real, yer daft tart… Fucking hellfire…

  9. I either fly into a fit of rage or just laugh like a mad nutter when i read the bbc nowadays, the other day it was a combination of the two. I was reading a recap of the 2017 bridge stabbings in goes into grizzly detail of two snackbars and their murderous hack n slash killing spree adventures and after reading the article it links me to related news stories.

    There was a opinion piece that said muslims are always depicted as the bad terrorist guys and this needs to stop because it perpetuates islamophobia. It suggests Tv and film should start depicting muzzies as good guys and not as blood thirsty killing savages most associate with the religion I just couldn’t help but laugh at the wholething

  10. How about straights and gays with brains (not the look at me LGBT ‘Pride’ cunts) team up to fight or boycott these BBC scum?…. These bastards want the deviant to be accepted, the abnormal to be seen as normal… Even the gays are now seen as passe by the ‘Beeb’ because they’re not quite weird or depraved enough for the ‘corporation’… I think the weirder and unnatural they are, the more the BBC loves them… Gareth Roberts should play these cunts at their own game and pull the homophobic card on them… He should also do a Cliff and sue the arses of the BBC fascist freaks….

    Also – if Doctor Who survives – the lead character will probably be black or tranny or both next… As a white woman just isn’t quite weird enough for the liberal loons and a white man will never be seen in the part again….

  11. “I don’t believe anybody is born in the wrong body,”

    What the fuck is wrong with that? Even for the PC nazis? Surely he’s saying that he takes people as they are and there’s no requirement to defy nature?

    Still, if R4 is any guide – my only contact with the BBC – fuzzy female emotion has long usurped any pretence of reason in all its programming, including the news. Off the wall is the new normal. I would personally regard being included in a BBC book as a personal insult.

  12. Another moderated comment cunt off already damn pc proofreading spellchecker

  13. BBC Books is owned by Penguin with BBC being a minor shareholder. However, it toes the current BBC party line of complete intolerance of all and anything that doesn’t meet the totalitarian agenda of the right-on liberals. An agenda shared by perhaps 1% of the license payers.

    To quote the American colonists:

    ‘No taxation without representation.’

    So where is our say in this shite?

  14. Roberts is a badspeak cunt. He should be sent to Room 101 (next to Room 102, Director General’s office) for his crimethink and ungood writing. He will recant of his rejection of alternative facts when the rats start to nibble his nipples. All you ISAC cunts will be joining him soon with a lump of cheese on your balls for your superbadthink crimes. Nurse Cunty will be spared the cheese unless she was born in the wrong body.

  15. There are hemaphrodites born with both sets of genitals and for some their cock doesn’t work. Some even have wombs. So which gender is that person? 95% female? I think their is general ignorance on both sides. Maybe this author is ignorant of this scientific fact as well as being not liked by the BBC?

  16. Is this the same Doctor Who that Al-Beeb turned into a wimminz, and the viewers turned off in their droves? I would have thought they could use all the help they could get.

    • Be prepared for the next Dr Who to be a black transsexual.

      Woke fuckers.

  17. How can the BBC (or anyone in fact) be in favour of all types of gayness whilst at the same time kow-towing to Islam ? They must be tying themselves in fucking knots.

  18. I was definitely born in the wrong body. I should have come out looking like George Clooney but through no fault of my own I ended up looking like a beaten-up Dennis Waterman with permanent indigestion. It’s only right that the BBC exclude those who would deny unfortunate people like myself the opportunity to re-invent themselves. Selfish bastards.

  19. My mate is a whovian and sent me this story. Apparently Roberts was one of two decent writers left working in an official capacity and the BBC were facing calls for the end of his involvement by a coven of bitter SJW slags.

    I’m not sure the BBC really care that this comment is a personal opinion made outside anything related to the BBC or Dr Who but it seems there is a lot of bother within the BBC and in the communities of fans, which seem to be split into 3 factions; old Who fans who prefer the pre-Russell T Davies stuff, the new Who fans who quite like the old series but prefer the Ecclestone-Tennant-Smith incarnations, and the Identity-fixated ones who virtue signal/wank over Whittaker and the latter Capaldi stuff where he punched racists every week alongside a black lesbian.

    They dont seem to care how much of the show’s history is sacrificed and Vandalised to appease a few mouthy millennials, just as long as it sends the right message. I’m informed the editor of the Doctor Who magazine and curator of the facebook page fall squarely into the last category.

    The desire to replace the Doctor with a character called Doctor Woke probably explains why the latest series dipped below 5 million viewers and has been put on hold for two years.

    • So even something as innocent as Dr Who has become infected with the Libtard disease which has inected everything, spoiled everything and destroyed childhood innocence.

      I feel sorry for today’s kids having this nonsensical, topsy turvy social engineering forced down their throats. I loved Dr Who as a kid – it was just plain fun with no political messaging at all.

      The way things are going we are going to get Flabott as the next Dr Who. But at least Chris Williamson will make a convincing Davros.

  20. There should be no BBC Books because books are waycist, sexist and islamatransphobic.

    It is everyone’s duty to burn them, unfortunately that will also increase the world’s CO² levels and so burning books means you’re a climate change denier.

    I am now wringing my hands over this 1st world conundrum.

    I declared myself female for a few hours to see if that side of my personality could ratify the conflict…it made no difference.

    Why doesn’t the government make this decision for me – with help from MSM outlets – just as they micromanage every other facet of our existence and how we should think!?!

    Oh the humanity!


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