The American left

The fucking American left.

Trump is a cunt but:-
His opponents are blaming him for pipe bombs sent by a lunatic and the synagogue massacre.
Who knew he was an anti-Semite and bomb maker? He kept that quiet, the cunt. Corbyn is fond of both practices but hasn’t been blamed.

They adopt the same position as the Remoaners here, they lost a democratic election but Trump is ‘not in their name’. I have no doubt Trump’s opponents would have been comfortable on the ‘People’s (Waitrose) March’ in London.
Fucking hypocrites to a man, woman and trannie.
The colleges no-platform anyone they disagree with – you know, normal, mainstream opinions, and are driving out all academics who are not rabid, virtue signalling, history-denying clones. Fuck me, they provide petting dogs for students whose ‘safe space’ is invaded by exams.

Obama talked well, looked good and achieved exactly fuck all in 8 years. Hilary would have been the same. The left has gone mainstream Establishment.

God help America.

Nominated by Cuntstable Cuntbubble

32 thoughts on “The American left

  1. I seem to recall those pampered Hollywood darlings and other cunts living in the soft-as-shite liberal haven known a Cuntinfornia declaring that they would fuck off and live in Canada if Trump didn’t step down from his presidential role less than 5 minutes after winning the election over there a couple of years ago.

    Those film stars moaned aplenty on Twitter at how ashamed they were to have such a right wing cunt like Trump as their leader. They went all out apologizing to Mexico and central America at how mean spirited and of course racist Trump was for his intention of building a wall across the Mexican border to keep all the illegals out. The Left even wanted a complete amnesty on the millions of illegals already living in the States (cheap labour for these rich cunts) or they would emigrate to Canada in protest!

    Well that was 2 years ago, and what the fuck has changed? Nothing! The Hollywood types are still there, living the life of luxury, making their millions and keeping their distance from the ordinary Americans who have to deal with the realities of no border controls.

    California is a fucked up place – they even have the San Andreas Fault running right through it; but do the dozy cunts make any attempt to move away from any possible harm when it finally decides to kick off big time? Of course not. Instead they live in complete denial that anything bad will happen. But when it does and millions of these cunts are dead no doubt they will blame Trump and the Right for not telling them to move in the first place.

    The Left love to point fingers but never accept the blame or responsibility. They shout on Twitter but never actually carry out their threats & tantrums to fuck off elsewhere because they would miss their cushy little entitled lives.


    • California is fucking lethal. Earthquakes, wildfires, mudslides, drought. Progressive Libtards.

      Not unamusing to see a few of those Hollywood actors’ properties getting torched by wildfires last week.

      Sympathies of course for the genuine hard luck types – ie the majority- who unlike Cherflake and Co won’t be able to rebuild their lives in the blink of an eyelid.


      Beverley Hills
      (on behalf of Isaac who has been carted off for his weekly electric shock treatment)

  2. The Establishment used to be the preserve of the right-wing and the liberal and lunatic left on the fringes. But they now ARE the new Establishment, having dominated entertainment, education and the mainstream media with Brexit/Trump supporters the counter culture, bizarrely finding themselves treated like some leper minority despite being the majority.

  3. In the Guardian, Paul Mason got slated below-the-line for using the phrase “plebeian racists.” Sums up what the BBC/Guardian Savilites think about ordinary people.

    Why is it ‘left-wing’ to support an organisation beloved of the banks? It’s hard to think of Tony Benn and Michael Foot as members of the far right.

    Why it is ‘left-wing’ to support an ideology that is misogynistic and racist at its core and whose adherents would happily chuck our pals Krav and Mince Pie Guy off the nearest skyscraper?

    Anyone see the new Robin Hood fillum?

  4. The cancer of American liberalism is a perverse astardisation of what liberalism is really about. These people aren’t left, they’re East – they’re taking Maoist tactics and philosophy and claiming that that is what the left should be.

  5. I read this weekend that UK unis are going the same way. Trigger warnings and not having to read anything that might be upsetting. So that’s History, Literature and Medicine out the window then. The Brave New World is extremely troubling.

    • Apparently use of capital letters is now a problem for some students.

      Had to check the calendar…no, it IS Christmas coming up soon, not April 1st.

      It won’t be long before April 1st becomes a celebrated event, following in the line of Black Friday and, oh Dog, how could I forget – Cyber Monday.
      Roll on adverts for “Safe Space Holidays”…

  6. Good topic for cunting and also agree with the sentiment that the American left most certainly differs from the left wingers we either get here or elsewhere; although in terms of becoming just as extreme and vociferous, the UK left isn’t far behind.

    From the recent mid-terms election rigging to idiotic shitcunts like Ocasia-Cortez worming their way into the senate, the Americunt left are a dangerous and totally idiotic breed.

    I’ve also lost count of the associated celebricunts who have played their hand as staunch liberalists; each one going after Trump with exaggerated fervour, and each one soiling their body of work with this hollow posturing. I can no longer bear to watch films featuring such cunts as de Niro or Streep because all I can see are swivel-eyed shitcunts screaming like spoilt fucking children.

    And as for Hilary, she continues to have a nervous breakdown, 2 years on, for so spectacularly losing a presidential one-horse race. Stupid fucking cunt.

  7. I think this is a rather confused cunting. In the first place, would someone please define ‘the left’? From the above, this appears to be a small and vocal coterie of people whose views cunters disagree with – and not always the same views. If this includes Hillary C and Obama, though, it has to include around half the US population – most of it Protestant work ethic and Mom’s apple pie-supporters – who voted for them.

    Let’s say the defining characteristic of the cunt left is the (deplorable) tendency to no-platform speakers it disagrees with. That cuts both ways, doesn’t it? The majority, I’d guess, of cunters here, describable if not entirely accurately. as right-wing, are annoyed (to infuriated) by the no-platforming of supporters of Israel’s vile behavious in the Occupied Territories. But when it comes to no-platforming Hizb-ut Tahrir, it’s a different can of worms, isn’t it?

    For the record, let’s see what those snowflakes actually don’t allow on stage:

    “Introduced in 1974, the NUS’ “No Platform” policy prevents individuals or groups known to hold racist or fascist views from speaking at NUS events.

    It also ensures NUS officers will not share a public platform with individuals or groups known to hold racist or fascist views.

    The union has only six organisations listed under this policy at present – Al-Muhajiroun, British National Party, English Defence League, Hizb ut-Tahrir, Muslim Public Affairs Committee and National Action.”

    Personally, I think no-platforming is mistaken and counterproductive (some of my views are leftwing, and some aren’t) But three Islamist and three extreme right groups, all of whom have advocated or participated in violence to promote their views, doesn’t seem a bad balance to me. Much as I would deplore Ron Prosor, creepy Israeli apologist for bombing civilians confined to a ghetto, not appearing on the list, if I did agree with it.

    Perhaps that confuses the issue further. Well, perhaps even that’s better with tarring half the population with a brush dipped in the shite a small minority of mouthy extremists – of any colour – come out with.

    • Komodo, I normally enjoy your posts. But…

      The NUS might well have only 6 organisations listed under their no-platform policy. So what? Snowflake students consistently no-platform people who have fuck all to do with those 6 organisations, and the ones no-platformed are consistently claimed to be “right wing”. Don’t be so disingenuous.

      • I was looking for a body representative of the snowflakes, in order adroitly to avoid the charge that I was tarring them all with the same brush… as disparate groups they are indeed likely to no-platform what they see as far-right groups which promote (along with causes of which you might well approve, such as homophobia and extreme Islamophobia) antisemitism.

        From the left – not even the very far left – if you describe ALL Muslims as a murderous, unwashed, barbarian threat to life on earth, you’re verging ever so slightly to the far right, by exactly the same token as someone who describes all Jews as hooknosed exploitative vermin. *And please don’t quote that out of context*.

        I have yet to hear of a meeting of EDL or National Action being addressed by the local imam, incidentally. The idea of no-platforming the imam doesn’t even arise, does it? Nor would I expect it to.

        There’s disingenuous and disingenuous.

      • Whoops. Seem to have been no-platformed on my reply. Which contained a remark which could have been taken out of context as antisemitic. So glad the same constraints aren’t applied to Islamophobia here, lol….maybe the comment will reappear eventually.

    • K,
      It is obvious I don’t mean the Democrats as a party. I am referring to colleges and the plague of lunacy that prevails. And you don’t have to be a rabid Nazi to disagree with trigger warnings, safe spaces, LGBT hysteria and so on, although these fuckers would label you as such.

      • I’m not saying you’re a rabid Nazi. 🙂 As to colleges, Robert Frost wrote:

        I never dared be radical when young
        For fear I would be conservative when old.

        Half of George Bush’s coterie of neocon chickenhawks were Trots at college. Even Tory Blair was, at least nominally, and because it was cool at Oxford. It’s part of the natural order of things. Let the cunts label me if they wish. By age 40 they’ll have turned into me, or worse, my father. Sooner if a nice banker offers them a big salary.

      • I am not talking about rational left wing politics as they once were. I disagree (now I am older) with these ideas but understand their appeal. I am talking about the current illogical rantings of minorities who deny history, biology and debate. I label the fuckers ‘left’ but this is probably a disservice to rationality.

      • I feel rather similarly about those who deny history, geology and debate. Notably Trump, that red-eyed Communist.

  8. Why do we need political Ideologies? We don’t. All we need is good governance.

    Fuck all politicians of whatever party. They are all cunts every last one of them. Bring on the revolution !

  9. When these lefty cunts begin to condemn and ban ANTIFA as the violent extremists they are I might give them some ear time. These cunts have attacked and beaten people for the crime of wearing a Trump hat or handing out copies of the Constitution.

    The view that it’s perfectly fine to bully or physically attack anyone who is far right (which means anyone not far left) is sickening hypocrisy. The left not so long ago used to march against globalism because it was undermining the living standards of workers in the west. Now they are puppets of Soros and co and soldiers of globalisation.

    I may be right leaning, I also have a social conscience, a belief in the right to free speech for all those who do not promote violence or indulge in intimidation of those holding opposing opinions.

    The left right paradigm is a trap many of us fall into, way deeper than poilitical ideology there should be the basic consensus of what is acceptable in a society and what is not.

    I certainly feel no connection to Corbyn and the momentum fruit cakes but then I look to the Tories on the “right” and I feel alienated by them also.

    There is a trap we can all easily fall into, the trap of taking sides in the left\right paradigm which only serves as the ground floor of division.

    90% of our wants and beliefs will be common, good health for a our family, roof over our heads, food on the table. It;s the 10% that they encourage us to focus on. Diversity the tool of division.

    I think we all need to pause to think sometimes, are we being manipulated by our political leanings to enable the status quo to continue unhindered?

    It’s fine to be passionate about our core beliefs but before we draw battle lines we need to be sure our passion is not being used to chain us to a system that serves to enslave us.

    Critical thinking is not encouraged because that is the path to true freedom of thought. Left and right confines us to a narrow band of choice.

    Stop and think before confining yourself to one side of any argument.

    • Would like to add he below link so you get the BBC view of ANTIFA, if this had been an alt right group or the EDL I think its fair to say the tone of the piece would of been very different.

      The willingness of antifa to use violence is acknowledged but not judged, editorially this is an unbiased piece of journalism when viewed as an individual piece of work but when taken in context with BBC articles on far right or so called far right groups it’s bias is there for all to see,

      I make no defence of far right groups, they deserve none, the grouping of the alt right movement with the far right is agenda based and should not be accepted.

      Thugs on streets carrying weapons with the intent to use them are thugs no matter what shitty little flag they march under.

      This is insidious in my eyes.

  10. *Obama talked well, looked good and achieved exactly fuck all in 8 years. Hilary would have been the same. The left has gone mainstream Establishment*

    I agree and it equally applies to the pansy left in the UK. Mary Ann, Lady Starmer is a typical Blairite that would have been up Anthony’s arsehole from day one. Ditto motherfucker Umunna and some of the current shadow cabinet.

    They are full of piss and wind. McDonnell (last time I heard him) was against Brexit yet at the Labour conference he was getting cheap applause by announcing *taking back* the railways and utilities. If we stay in the EU this is forbidden under their rules.

    Labour don’t know what they want – they are a collection of virtue signalling cunts, pro wimmin to the detriment of men (“positive discrimination” and all that fuckwittery).

    If there is another election in the next year it will be another fucking hung parliament, and if Labour did manage to gain more seats there would be a civil war breaking out between the hard left and the Blairite pansies. They will never form a government.

    As for the USA I feel The Donald is playing into the hands of the Clinton cunts and Obama worshippers. I certainly don’t dislike the man, but consistency isn’t his greatest virtue.

    I feel a real cunt for saying iut but all politicians of all parties seem to be fucking us totally up

  11. I’ve read Cunt’s Mate Cunt’s blog a few times and in one article (I can’t remember exactly which one) he states that “we don’t have a left-wing or right-wing anymore, just two wings of the same corrupt Establishment.” I don’t know how anyone can put it any better. I also recommend that everyone on here should YouTube Yuri Bezmenov. He was absolutely spot on. The Left have infiltrated absolutely everything they can. Just look at the UK. The once-great Labour party, that used to do so much for the working class, was hijacked in the 90s by a bunch of incompetent public school boys (and girls) with about as much life experience as a herd of lambs – a load of self-serving wankers led by a super wanker who did more damage to this country than any Prime Minister before him and caused more deaths around the world than anyone since the demise of Adolf Hitler and Josef Stalin. But he somehow managed to hypnotise the people into re-electing him not once, but twice!! Then by the time everyone finally saw through him he did a runner and left that one-eyed Scottish cunt to take all the shit for it. The people then couldn’t wait to vote for the once-great Conservative party whose then-leader was just another jumped up, arrogant public school boy who thought he could also lie and cheat his way to fortune and glory just like his predecessor, but unfortunately for him his mendacity was exposed very quickly and on June 23rd 2016 we terminated his political career. All of that has brought us to the shower of shit we have now – Theresa May and Jeremy Corbyn. Both of them are completely incompetent, both of them have been promoted way beyond their abilities and both of them are socialists, leading their respective parties which have both completely signed up to political correctness, virtue signalling, open borders, multiculturalism and identity politics. Someone needs to drain the swamp. At least the American people saw through it all and elected the Donald.

  12. I have to disagree with one observation in the posting…….
    Obama did achieve something, sticking his fucking nose into the referendum surely helped the leave cause…. Fucking cunt trying to tell the brits how they should vote.
    So by the same token I wouldn’t comment on how the stupid fucking yanks should vote ?

    As an off topic comment …. Muslims now looking for a definition of islamaphobia ….. it’s easy phobia = fear , Islam = outdated, backward, oppressive religion.

    • A phobia is an irrational fear of something. In that case, I’m definitely not Islamophobic as my fear of the cunts has a good, solid grounding and is as rational as fuck.

  13. ‘is fond of both practices…’ CC do you really believe Jeremy Corbyn was supportive of the synagogue outrage?

  14. While I’m at it-the ‘IRA loving Corbyn’. I remember bomb after bomb after shooting after shooting and no-one talking. At least he helped in initiating a breaking of that cycle.

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