Zia Yusuf

This spicy little cunt is the chairman of Reform UK.

He’s the one Rupert Lowe was meant to of threatened.

According to Rupert Yusuf ( a Muslim) didn’t like Lowe keep mentioning grooming gangs,
Or his calling for mass deportation.

They clashed and according to Yusuf Lowe threatened him.

So called in plod.

Reforms first taste of trouble on the road to power all because of a little carpet kissers claim.

I don’t get what’s wrong with mass deportation? It’d be ever so popular.

Anyway, if a real Far Right party comes along I’ll be voting for them.
Can’t vote for someone who wipes his arse with his bare hands.

BBC News.

Nominated by : Miserable northern cunt

56 thoughts on “Zia Yusuf

  1. Apparently Rupert threatened to slit his throat!!!
    Now there is a religion that has form on throat slitting?
    Fellow cunters will have to help me out with that answer…

    Ukip or homeland, everyone one else are Islamic uni-parties.

  2. I can see the supposed ‘right wing’ vote being split by about four ways at the next election, thus allowing that weird voiced cunt Starmer in yet again.

  3. Taqiyya…… it’s the word on the lips of mud slimers and they follow it to the hilt …hope Rupert finds a proper 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿 party before we sink over our heads into the 💩 never to return…. the swinging 60’s seem as if they never happened…what a crock of #”+!

  4. Rupert looks a bit like my old boss who was a full on Far Right, high up in the BNP and stood for Parliament in Bradford.

    One day a truck pulls into the yard, on the side of the truck in big letters was the company name ‘Gibbons’, the truck stops and out of the cab jumps a full black boon, I had never seen him laugh so much.

    He said to the works foreman ‘make sure all his safety kit is 100%’

  5. Maybe if Yuseless Yusuf asked his mates to stop being naughty, there wouldn’t be any need to call them Grooming Gangs, or threaten deportation.

  6. This is the problem of trying not to appear a bit ‘Nick Griffin’.

    Once they get their feet under the table they start naking demands.

    I was toying with the idea if voting for them.

    The odds of that have just increased. A lot.

  7. Due to a long life of changes I’ve witnessed, mostly for the worse. I don’t think I’m going to bother wasting my well earned money on the suspended animation scheme I’d intended and awake to a world damaged beyond repair. I think Its best to blow the lot on luxuries whilst I’ve still got all my faculties and go out in a blaze of glory.

  8. Why on earth have REFORM got a muzzi as chairman..?

    That said,if you think about it Islam in it’s teaching is pretty far right.
    Only tolerant of muzzi faith.
    Homo’s thrown off a roof.
    Trans bummers, of the roof.
    Marry within your own family.
    No integration with any other cunt.

    Yup, he’s the man for the job..!

    • Add:

      Pro capital punishment
      Pro corporal punishment
      Pro misogyny
      Extremely antisemitic
      Pro blasphemy laws
      Anti freedom of speech, thought & expression
      Pro dictatorship & authoritarianism

      Islam is the real far-right.

      • And the left absolutely adore them.
        Fucking well work that one out, I certainly can’t.

  9. So apparently one of the bars to deportation is persecution in their country of origin (normally France), as such they can rape, sell narcotics and steal to their hearts contents because we will not allow them to be persecuted in their own land……

    What particularly grinds my gonads is the undocumented, most of the places I have been documentation is a legal requirement and if you don’t have it the police have the right to detain you until your identity is verified.
    So why are we not documenting these people? how can someone develop multiple persona and travel the country spreading trouble?

  10. Far too many outsiders have been allowed in to British political institutions, even a junior institution like the Farage party. There should be a complete ban on them, however generous they are like Gaylord Alli. No,No, NO! as Mrs Thatcher said

  11. Fuck the lot of them.

    Voting is the same as deciding to have a pakî as a lodger in the bedroom next door to your daughter.

    It’s a cesspit of windbag,good for fuck all wankêrs.

    The only good thing about our alleged “democracy” is that through their lies and disastrous polices they will hasten their overthrow and bloody demise.

    If anyone can remember a government that improved the lives of the population measurably please do let me know.

    Gravy Train Cunts,heading to Oven in due course.

    Good show.

  12. I feel cheated.

    The uniparty have taken it in turns to tagteam shaft us.

    Them along comes a new party that has some good ideas.

    They start to prosper and then the Prima Donna in charge starts saying

    ” you can’t say repatriation!
    It’s a naughty word.
    Oh and stop saying mass deportations.
    I’m having tea at Jeremy Corbyns dinner party tonight and they might not like it”

    What the fuck?

    I was going to vote Reform and probably still will,
    But I’m not into personality cults.

    Elon Musk was right about Farage.

  13. Rupert Lowe allegedly threatened to slit his throat?!!!

    A posh bloke called Rupert who threatens to slit throats?

    Gets my vote❌

    • Fucking right, MNC.
      I almost had a bit of sick in my mouth seeing your nom pic.
      A dirty bastard pakı in Reform?
      I’ll not be voting for them, bunch of damned appeasers.
      I’d like a party that will repatriate every darkıe who’s come here in the last 30 years.
      At gunpoint.
      Also, Zia Yusuf looks like a young pakı version of Larry Grayson!

      • 😂
        Open door policy ?
        Ooooh shut that door.

        He does a bit.

        He’s also got weird lips?
        Like he’s just been drinking a strawberry milkshake.

        I couldn’t vote for anyone who had a hint of tar brush Thomas.
        Simply couldn’t.

        Don’t care if Zia is the second coming of Oswald Mosley,
        He still looks like he drives a taxi

      • Think it’s always been that way LL.

        UKIP splintered because someone didn’t notice Nigel had had his hair streaked.

        BNP imploded as did the NF.

        The Right and Left has a problem with infighting, Egomaniacs, and plotters.

        Just politics I suppose

      • Nah, since 1945….

        We should do an Idi Amin on them.

        All fucking out….!

        I’ve got the recipe for curry and rice/ peas…

  14. Its so frustrating the right-wing in the UK are consumed by infighting. The left is often accused of eating itself and now its Reform UK turn, just as they were gaining momentum and building their voter base.

    Starmer would be laughing himself stupid if he wasn’t an emotionless android.

    Sort it out you cunts. Too many posh boys wanting to be a Trump-like big swinging dick.

  15. Who gives a shit about what he doesn’t like I don’t like young girls getting fucked by his fucking breathren send him and all the carpet kissing cunts back to the shithole they come from rule fucking britaia

  16. The other thing I don’t like about Reform is it’s piling on Tommy Robinson along with the uniparty.

    Tommy was calling out grooming gangs when all of these cunts denied the existence of any such thing.


    • You forgot to point out that his real name is Stephen Yaxley-Lennon.

      For some reason this is obligatory when referring to him.

      • Starmer has probably got Tommy Robinson lined up for ‘peacekeeping’ duties in Ukraine.

      • I don’t get that.

        Why do they have to do that?

        O/T. Wee Krankie has been in the news as she’s announced she’s standing down. There’s a photo of her in todays Express, she’s really clapped the timber on!

      • Yes they always point that out for some reason?
        Yet never say

        “Elton John previously known as Reg Dwight”


        Real name Pauline Hewson

        Do they?

      • Judy Garland – Ethel Gumm😂
        Tony Curtis – Bernard Swartz.

        Yet Tommy Robinson?
        Yaxley Lennon.

        Inferring he’s being deceptive under a fake name.

      • Bet his mam did?

        ” Maryann, come inside your teas ready !
        Why you walking like you’ve shit your keks?”

      • His name doesn’t bother me.
        He don’t like those that I don’t like and that makes him alright in my book.

      • And I’ve just scrolled back and noticed all the other comments were about that.
        What a cunt I am!

      • No ones slagging Tommy Robinson Scunny.

        Saying how the media always mentions his real name but don’t for others.

  17. He speaks intelligently and destroys whinging Lefties like a hot knife through butter. He also confuses the turds who place every “right-winger” in the same bracket. I like him.

    Moreover, Rupert Lowe is a silver-spoon’d cunt. Fuck him.

  18. Donald’s on telly.
    Saying about Canada,

    “I love Canada, I love the people,
    I’ve many friends in Canada
    Many Canadian friends.
    Wayne Gretzky (?)
    He’s a great guy!

    Wind changes , next second

    ” We don’t need their timber
    We don’t need their cars
    We don’t need anything they have.
    They’ve taken advantage and it’s going to stop.
    Can’t have it.
    So we have to impose tariff.”

    Empty seat at Wayne Gretzkys birthday party!
    Hehehe 😂

    Donald’s got his faults but he does make me laugh 👍

    • It’s great television.

      Like Morecambe &Wise,Dad’s Army,Monty Python and The Generation Game rolled into one.

      Big Donald is a giant,beautiful Triumph.

      Good Health!

  19. Not verbatim but Donald was on about icebreakers in the Arctic sea.

    Donald -” we’ve just ordered 48.
    48 beautiful icebreakers.
    Canada said ‘can we use them?
    No. Get your own.
    Your your own country
    Get your own icebreakers”.

    Fuckin ell, funny as fuck 👍

    • ‘Ere, what’s going on with Donald Trump’s daughters, MNC?
      One’s fit as a butcher’s dog (Ivanka) yet Tiffany looks like she’s got an errant chromosome.

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