For all you Trumpophiles.
What a despicable piece of shit he is.
Draft dodger Trump gets his arse licker in chief to bully Zelensky who does not speak fluent English then joins in to show what a great statesman he is. A statesman who seems to look up to Putin, Xi Jinpin and that North Korean reptile.
At his inauguration I thought he made some good points. However since then he has got more and more deranged. He’s right about Eurpopean defence but god help Taiwan, Ukraine, Poland and the Baltic states with this narcisistic despicable cunt now surrounding himself with arselickers who dont question his bullshit and realise that America first can backfire spectacularly.
God help us all.
Nominated by Cuntstable Cuntbubble.
Brilliant header pic admin😂😂😂👍🏻
Cracking nom👍
Hopefully someone will get upset and it’ll end in tears?
I have a bit of a weird relationship with Donnie Tango.
I support a lot of what he’s trying to do.
I find him genuinely funny and he’s given me lots of laughs.
I thought the Zelensky thing was a home goal.
No matter what thing of Zelensky,
Your hosting the representative of another country.
As president your meant to be statesmenlike.
Bullying and taking the piss,
It wasn’t dignified.
I thought less of Donald for that.
Total cunts trick.
Hell either be the saviour of America or the architect of it’s downfall.
I’m not arsed either way.
Well put MNC agree whole heartedly with your interpretation of Trumpery to date. He does lack class which I find somewhat disturbing considering he is purportedly the most powerful man in the known universe but money talks merit walks one only has to look at the shower of shite that fuck our lives up to prove that.
The lunatics are running the asylum
Great nom.
Nothing much to add, except he’s also given Sir Kweer the green light for his disgraceful Chagos Islands deal – handing over sovereignty to Mauritius while simultaneously leasing the territory back for fucking £££Billions!
No skin off Trump’s nose, though. The U.S. gets to keep its base there, at UK taxpayers expense…
Sir Kweer is now so far up the Donald’s reeking poop-chute it’s beyond a joke.
I saw Trump has recently been reduced to hawking Tesla cars outside the White House. How low can a president stoop?
Should be telling Musk to shove his electric vee-hickels up his scraggy, pile infested rectum.
This should be fun..
Personally I can take or leave trump, but I will say he is as least trying to put America first..
While we have a personality free robot who hates his country and is trying to act the big man on the world stage.
Tell you what rodney, you fat cuck, when you sign yourself and your step kids up to fight on the front line i will join you.
If only to shoot you in the back of your ever expanding head.
Do you really think kweer has fathered any sprogs? Highly doubt full imho.Probs a ‘beard’ family arrangement as with Obama.
I think he is more of a “bottom” and Mrs quare knows her way around a strap on.
Time for a damm good pegging Keir, oh God not again!
He’s done some good stuff certainly, especially with DOGE, but he’s playing with fire when it comes to these ridiculous trade tariffs (which are obviously a bullish starting point for negotiations).
Tariffs always fuck the people like you and I.
And taking over Greenland by force?
What the actual fuck is that all about?
I also find his ‘shooting’ highly suspicious.
I’ve fired loads of guns and the violence that comes out of ‘even’ a 9mm is amazing.
His ear ought to’ve been utterly obliterated.
Good morning to one and all.
Morning Thomas 👍
That Greenland thing seemed weird to me as well.
But apparently it’s strategically important, and….. Chock-full of lovely mineral wealth like Ukraine.
The sort of stuff youd need if say for instance you manufactured electric cars…
A draft dodger as well Tom, it is difficult to see how his armed forces can have any respect for him.
I lost any support for him after the Zelensky fiasco. It strikes me that the American’s position towards peace in Europe has reverted to the pre-1941 position of isolationism. Trump and his sidekick Vance reminded me of the sort of bullies that I haven’t seen since school.
NATO has been the guardian of peace and now that is being heavily undermined. It has been obvious for years that wealthy European countries have not been making a proper contribution but that should be sorted out behind closed doors.
Sensible enough not to participate in that Kissinger engineered satanic clusterfuck.
Well, it was him or kamala harris in the final sprint … so it ended-up “fucked if y’ DO, fucked up the arse with a red hot poker if y’ don’t”…. 🤷♂️
* apply whichever candidate to whichever metaphor you so wish
Putin’s most useful idiot.
He’s popular in Canada?
He made Justin Trudeau cry.
The poor lamb.
Surely he doesn’t really think he can absorb Canada into the US?
The moosefuckers hate yanks at the best of times
Trump and Zelenskyy’s face off at the Oval Office was exactly what you’d expect from two actors/TV light entertainment personalities.
Politics for the Netflix generation.
Good Morning
The only winner was Putin after Trumps outburst. Wasn’t keen on JD Sports chipping in from the side lines and shit stirring either.
And clearly fully nose candied.
Interesting, I hadn’t thought of that but in hindsight undoubtedly right.
Regarding the Zrlensky TV incident, I didn’t think Trump went far enough. It was too mild. This unelected, corrupt East European has had his credit card cut off and will now have to live off his (apparently) half a billion dollars – made by flogging weapons (we paid for) on the black market to all and sundry.
Here’s a Sunday morning (pub) quiz question for all:
Who is the odd one out between the last 5 US Presidents – Clinton, Bush (Jnr), Obama, Trump and Biden?
The clue is in CC’s nomination.
Morning GT…is it Obama as none of the other ones get regularly bummed by their ‘wife’ who looks like Mighty Joe Young?
Morning Tommy lad and well done, that is the correct answer.
As well as uniquely accommodating his wife’s shit chute shuffle, he’s also the only one who isn’t a draft dodger. He’s too young to have (not) served in Vietnam.
It’s Trump, surely?
He’s the only president to be punched in the mush by a microphone.
O’Bomber might not have dodged service, but he sure made up for it by releasing those bombs.
Another pub question:
Can you name the six countries nombed by Barack O’bomber?
I like Trump.
He generally says all the right things, but not being a career politician he says them the wrong way.
Britain could do with a Trump.
I’ll back him here, too. A mix of how he’s making the opposition cunts in the U.S. spiral like the cunts they so surely are, and my big picture indifference all the rest of this moribund self-suiciding species and it’s neverending(for now) nonsense.. it’s ALL a fucking circus these days.
I DID think his posting the Trump gaza video was a mis-step, technically, then thought ”well, if he’s trolling cunts to wind them up fair enough”, ..then I immediately lapsed into indifference on the matter again.
I’ll be back later to see the spat that’s surely coming in this thread ….
I feel the same. He’s not a politician, and he doesn’t give a fuck about popularity! Doing what he thinks is best for the US and fuck everyone else! It’s about time British politicians adopted the same policy! I wonder how him and the great Margaret Thatcher would have gotten along?
Trump was the lesser of two weevils but still fucking nuts.
You can’t knock the bloke for wanting to put America first it’s a shame no one was to put Britain first well except Tommy Robinson and precious few of us like minded individuals.
It’s a bit of a piss take that America polices the planet but again better the devil you know being as we no longer have the capability to see to it.
America only gets involved if there’s something to gain, always have always will be.
That porn star he paid hush money to, Stormy Daniels,
Has a nickname for Donald.
Obviously meaning his winky.
He hates it!
But then he’s surrounded himself with brown noses and Arselickers like that Hillbilly JD Vance.
You need a dissenting voice,
Acts as a brake,
To question your own actions.
Someone who says
“No sir, that’s fucked up.
Don’t do it.”
For balance.
Otherwise all you hear is
“Yes sir, you look nice today “
This is the problem with people in power Mis. The nonsense KC3 comes out with because no-one in earshot would dare even suggest slightly different wording let alone say; “You’re talking out of your arse again your majesty.”
People don’t hesitate from calling me a cunt.
It`s life, Cunters, but not as we know it.
And we’ve got loads to crow 🐦⬛ about haven’t we…a full blown Marxist in charge of energy, a buffoon as foreign secretary,a clerk as chancellor,a wax fairy as health secretary, an uneducated bike as… well a bike, and a automaton as leader… yaaay top of the world ma…please yourself as to who you think was the best for the us of a, but whoever is the leader it affects us whether we like it or not and I’m more for someone who can string a sentence together…🍊
All I would say is that if you look at Trump – he puts his own country and it’s people first. Kweer puts his own country and our people last. Starmer is surrounded by bootlicking poofters. Trump wants to rid his country of illegal immigrants, Starmer wants to welcome m0ore and more of them.
Who does his best for his country, Trump or Starmer?
Well said Mr Boggs.
Donald would be in prison now if not for winning the election.
That’d humble most people.
As would getting shot at.
The best thing I can say about him is
1) he gets things done
2) he does it quick, no dawdling
3) he says he’s going to do something he tends to do it.
I sense he’s heading for a fall.
The Arselickers around him will jump ship.
I’m sure Sir Quare will be happy to oblige in signing an unwanted deal on our behalf, its not like we have many South Americans here and would certainly shake up the monopoly the Mohammedans have on prison gangs.
That said, he would’nt wanna upset the status quo so perhaps not.
Well said WC
If Trump is as big a cunt as the nom suggests, then what the fuck does that make Dame Kweer?
Or Putin?
Or Pol Pot?
Or Shaka Zulu?
Not the topic at hand.
First it was wherever they fancied in the middle east for oil.
Now its Ukraine for resources with a bit of eyeing up Canada amd Greenland as well, while denouncing similar efforts by Russia and China to absorb land.
Where does it end, 3 countries acting as head office left with all the rest absorbed for their oil and cobalt and suchlike, a return to slavery for newly conquered countries to collect and neatly package the pillaged stuff to send off to their new motherland?
As for Trump, Despite his overall unfitness to run a piss up in a brewery, advancing age and colour, his track record with bankruptcy, convictions, manipulation of markets, inciting riots and his wild tweets, he was doing not too badly in his first week of his baffling second term, soon opened his mouth and out came the stupidity though.
This will be a fun cunting when the time difference allows for our learned friends across the pond to dive in head first in true trump fashion.
Well,I drank some bleach and never caught covid,where as most idiots I know had loads of jabs but still caught it AND spread it,so I’m with Donald.
That getting russian brasses to take a wee on him?
Bit kinky that isn’t it?
I’m a open minded bloke but that vaguely repulses me.
I imagine him steaming on the sunbed in his goggles while the scent of ammonia lingers in the air ,
Like a cattery.
Some say that was fake news.
But first time I ever saw him?
I thought
” No that’s a man who likes being pissed on.”
I go with first impressions
Couple of times I half jokingly asked my last missus to do it,mis.She told me to fuck right off,part of the fun.We got caught short on a long walk once,had to support her as she did the longest piss in history,splashed my trainers and jeans,nothing for her to ‘dab’ with,moaned all the walk back about damp draws,fucking put me right off asking again.
Hahaha 😂👍
The Covid racket helped bring Trump down last time.
Senile Joe was seen as much more compassionate.
Hence his 50 televised vaccines.
I don’t know an awful lot about Trump but I think that is common amongst people in most other countries who are just fed bullshit by the media.
One thing I do know is if in his entire term as President he does just one thing to benefit the people of his country he will be way ahead of all the leaders in Europe.
He’s great.
In two months he’s turned the cosy cunts of European politics on their bloated shitfilled heads.
Donald hasn’t upset the apple cart, he’s filled it with napalm and pushed down a steep hill,right at Starmer,Macron and Zelenskyy etc.
Good,I’ve had enough of decline,lies and multiculturalism..
At least there is one country and one man with the guts to try to change the failed system that is dragging the Western world into an Islamic cesspit.
He can’t win but at least he’s trying.
Good morning.
I find it tricky to have confidence in people with dodgy hair: D🍊nald Cramp, Sir🏳️🌈Quare, 🦆y Seeping, some🏉players…I could go on.
We love the Don, talks a load of bollocks most of the time but mixed up in there is some real action.
Actually got Ukraine to talk of ceasefire, Putin will get there in his own time, got Europe to sit up and take notice and even Kweer is now looking at cutting some fat out of government and cut back on the welfare nonsense.
Just need our cunt to say bollocks to the net zero madness.
None of the above would have happened under Harris
I agree about Harris (who has disappeared into obscurity – although she was pretty obscure when in office!).
Old 2TK will undoubtedly be saying something about net-zero, he’s just got to decide how he’s going to wrap it without losing too much face. Presumably after he’s fired that fucking grinning twat Miliband.
It will be difficult, there so many things to remove
GB energy
Carbon capture
New licences for oil and gas
The ban on new petrol and diesel
Any of the above will not allow mad Ed to stay in post if scrapped, maybe now he has found at least one of his balls he might.
Smash the Gangs will be the next thing to kick in the nut 😂
Hilariously our supreme leader Rodney, the straw man is threatening more pressure and pain on Russia..
What’s he gonna do make them British citizens?
It’s like being threatened by a gerbil, one that’s crawled out of richard gere’s arsehole.
We’ll see how hard he is when the French and the other fuckers lose their bottle.
An effective European defence alliance is a pipe dream.
To be fair to the big Donald, it’s not like he ever tried to hide the fact that his is a classless piece of shit.
His fact-free approach to governance makes us waver between optimism and despair, but he probably isn’t quite as despicable as the sycophants he has surrounded himself with this time.
But the biggest cunts of all are his infatuated American fanbase, those fat, waddling messes with the red hats that you see whooping at his rallies
For these lobotomised spazzes, he can do no wrong. Which is a viewpoint as stupid as it is laughable.
Look Mickey, stop trying to be diplomatic!
Just state your opinion kid😂
Vlod should given him a punch in the balls. Cheeky Tango man!
Who will be the 51st State? My money is on Wales.
I like Donald…!