The Sentencing Council


Further evidence (as if it were needed) that 2 Tier justice is on the rise in this country.

The (supposedly independent) Sentencing Council has issued new guidance to courts, to the effect that whitey should go straight to jail without passing GO and get a longer sentence than effnicks and trannies who should be issued with Stay Out Of Jail Free cards.

Daily Fail

Sentencing Council chaircunt Lord Justice William Gobbledygook Davis said the updated guidelines take into account “evidence of disparities in sentencing outcomes, disadvantages faced within the criminal justice system and complexities in circumstances of individual offenders”. Eat fork, fuckface!

Soft lefty cunts The Prison Reform Trust said there were “very good reasons” for changes to the sentencing guidelines. Deputy director Mark Daly said: “we know already that if you are from a minority ethnic background you are more likely to receive a custodial sentence for an equivalent offence, particularly for certain types of offences such as drug offences, than you would if you were white.”

Yeah right…

Nominated by Shit-cake Baker.

48 thoughts on “The Sentencing Council

  1. I ignore everything you say, due to often saying on here, that I live in a normal all white area of society. Didn’t even need to say white and left it as normal.

      • Life is like a box of chocolates, Sammy: You open the second layer only to find someone has shat in it.

      • You reminded me of the Black Magic add, Sam. Now there’s one on every corner selling drugs.

  2. If there’s ever conscription, which looks more and more likely, watch how many of the criminal element fuck off back to their ancestral homeland to avoid serving.

    white straight males will carry that load.

    Off topic but anyone caught with a Palestine flag doing anything illegal (I’m including littering and parking violations) should be sent directly to Gaza.

    • surely it will be only a natter of time, when a perfectly straight white male, will use as some sort of defence to receive a more lenient sentence, they will identify as a black lesbian woman . I would.

      • “Secretary of State for Justice Shabana Mahmood. All ethnic minorities and transgender people convicted of a crime should be treated differently under measures”

        Especially when it comes to impregnating your first cousin when she arrives home for school I expect.

        It’s like some social experiment to see how far you can push white westerners before they rebel.

        Turns out the worms never turn.

      • sixdog. yes…….it would seem some sectors of society are more tolerant than others…..and because of that the fucked up side of the population are goading them to see far they can push it, until it all kicks off. but then of course, it will be the ‘far right’ (according to media luvvies) that would have instigated it and would need silencing.

        since when has being patriotic, proud of your country, its heritage, customs and values been a far right thing, because thats how they like to paint it. the cross of st george is something most are afraid of flying because of being labelled and the union flag is going the same way.

        say what you like about the usa, but they are proud to fly the stars and stripes… is regularly flown outside residential homes. if theyve got anything right its that.

      • Being foreign and/or a deviant should be an aggravating factor in sentencing.

        Having ADHD/autism as a defence should immediately incur a lifetime ban from driving, regardless of guilt on the charges faced.

    • When it’s being deliberately steered into the gutter?

      The next step will be along the lines of taking cultural norms into account when sentencing. Once that’s established it’s not a big step to have separate legal systems.

      The grim humour will be when a transgender gets stoned to death in Bradford and the Sharia police decide it’s normal. No case to answer .

  3. So obviously the crimes committed are not the same? So stealing a car is very bad if you’re white but not so serious if you’re an effnick or alphabet person.
    Fuck me sideways this latest fuckwittery will go a long way to creating the harmonious society that lefties and cunts have wet dreams about, yeah right.

  4. Minority effniks commit more crimes than their % of the demographic. Much more. That is why a lot of the cunts are in jail not fucking racism.

    You have been found guilty of stabbing some of your bredren. Community service and let that be a lesson.

    • Yeah but no but yeah, see it’s cos how they are oppressed innit. If u av got a tint to the skin u can’t be expected to av any personal responsibility because your great great grandfather new some 1 wot once saw a slave.

      Yeah but u is a Nazi innit.

      This is exactly how Angela thinks.

  5. There’s confusion amongst the Labour Party’s intelligentsia about this furore over the Sentencing Council.

    Mastermind Clammy, the Stockport fishwife and Diane Abacus are all wondering where Sentencing is and what its Council has done wrong.

  6. It’s a total pile of cunt. Ramadan a ding ding in Windsor castle.

    Ramadan in parliament

    Ramadan at Westminster abbey.

    Do you understand yet? Those three places represent the entire British state and constitution.

    Think about what the message is.

    If we’d lost the war the Swastika would have flown at Windsor, at Westminster and the Cathedral, if we’ed lost.

  7. Home Office guidance included trans people in the ‘new’ two tier justice system. Great news then, just identify as trans. No need for an expensive barrister either thereby saving tens of £££ thousands of your hard stolen cash and avoiding jail at the same time.

    For other money saving tips follow my #lifehacks channel on TikTwat, FacileBook, BooTube and Instacunt.

  8. I’m just surprised that anybody’s surprised by this sort of stuff anymore. Don’t be white in your own country.

    Afternoon all.

  9. It’s common amongst criminals to try and get ‘nutted out’.
    To act like a nut case in order to get a lighter sentence or to get better treatment when inside.

    Don’t ask how I know, I just do.

    Court rooms are going to look like gay cabaret shows soon.
    Everyone will want a slice of the tranny benefits.

  10. Why should you be given a more lenient sentence for your sexuality?

    Has no fuckin bearing on anything?

    Why should you have a more lenient sentence for religious beliefs?

    Fuck all to do with anything?

    Skin colour?!
    I thought you liberal types in that London wanted equality?
    Now you want favourable sentences for skiin colour?
    Long as it’s not WHITE.

    What a crock of shit.

    Either we’re equal or not?

    Don’t bother.
    I already know the answer 🙄

  11. The breakdown of mentality is in full swing.
    Liberal rent mobs spout the shite for the architects of everyones demise including themselves, the deluded fk wits that they happen to be.
    It’s over for sovereignty, any sense of identity or belonging that is continually being eroded daily as the floodgates from geopolitical disasters wash up on the western shores.
    It is indeed orchestrated and bears no soul, only outcomes for certain interests
    One flew over the cuckoos nest is where Europes project now finds itself.
    We should be ashamed, is the poisoning Mantra of the mind.

    Garden path

  12. There’s currently an enricher hanging off the side of Big Ben tower in Westminster waving a Palestinian flag.
    Under normal circumstances, after the buzz of the extra strength Ramadan lychee juice has worn off, he’d be thinking ‘Fuck. What have I done?’.
    No need for such worries now though is there?
    No doubt a liberal judge will see him as a victim of racist Britain, poor lamb.
    Case dismissed.

      • Nuking his latest real estate acquisition would not be a good move.

        Novichocking the inhabitants would be a proportionate response, I’m sure his mate Vlad the Arse Impaler would be more than happy to supply the necessary chemicals…

      • For any southern cunters,

        If you find perfume in a bin,
        Test it first on someone you don’t like before giving it to your missus

        A hard lesson learnt by the bindippers of Salisbury

  13. Animal Farm come to life; some more equal than others.

    Starmer Granny-Farmer Harmer does look porcine in the face. 🐽🐖🐷

    • Not much evidence of Christian thinking on these hallowed pages.

      That said, who’d want to be associated with a foreign middle-eastern belief system anyway?

  14. I identify as a WHAM, a white heterosexual agnostic male, so no benefits whatsoever from the Government nor in life, apart from wimmin of course…

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