In the US state of New Jersey the proud parents of new born babies are given the following form to complete –
“Which of the following best describes your baby? Lesbian or gay; straight or heterosexual; bisexual; self-describes (please specify); questioning/unsure.”
It’s hard to decide which is maddest about this questionnaire. Is it –
A. That a new born baby has sexual desires, let alone preferences.
B. That a parent would believe this.
C. That if the parent did believe this they could ascertain the baby’s sexual preferences without asking it.
D. That if the baby did have sexual preferences it would be able to communicate them.
Answers on a postcard please. The winner will receive a signed copy of Dr Spock’s Baby and Childcare.
Clearly woke isn’t dead yet.
New Jersey hospitals are behaving in a most degenerate fashion.
At best they’re in the full throes of psychosis, at worst they’re a sinister nest of pee-do-philes, demanding parents of newborn babies to identify their baby’s sexuality…
The “Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity Questionnaire” requires new parents to “identify” their babies as either “Male, Female, Transgender, Gender Q*eer, or Additional gender category.”
It further requires parents to select the word that best describes their infant: “Lesbian or gay, Straight or Heterosexual, Self-described, Questioning/Unsure.
A double penetration of such cuntishness was required here and provided by Shit-cake Baker and MMCM.
Who went for the brown and who for the pink? one can only guess. C.A.
I’d have a problem completing that questionnaire.
There’s doesn’t seem to be a box to tick saying ‘My baby is a Far-Right heterosexual racist gammon like his Dad’.
I absolutely love the ‘self describes; please specify’ bit in particular.
‘Hi! I’m baby Joe, but I demand to be known as Joanna’.
What the fucking fuck?
Afternoon all.
Seriously? What the fuck?!
I do hope Big Don and JD kibosh this warped shit.
Those ducky babies.
This doesn’t surprise me.
The Woke madness that infected the world started in the US and quickly took root in European countries.
They know it’s bollocks
But like all zealots carry on with it.
The thing with these cunts is to play them at they’re own games.
” He sexually assaulted my shadow”
” She misgendered my lunch”
They who screech the loudest wins.
Get in first.
Empty vessels make the most noise.
It looks like four and five years olds being groomed at drag queen story hour is now a bit old fashioned.
Anyone who doesn’t believe they are coming for your kids is either complicit or in a state of denialism.
Isn’t Noo Jersey where a lot of mobsters are from?
Sopranos extras called Joey and Paulie, who hey fergeddaboutit, fuckin rat , cocksucker, I’ll whack that fed fuck, he’s wearing a wire the fuckin rat.
Fat cunts in gold jewellery and bowling shirts.
Bet they wouldn’t take kindly to baby Alphonse Gotti jr being labelled a kazoo player?
Its the other side of the pond. What do you expect.
They make it up as they go along. Same with the language, due to not having one of their own.
Why don’t these cunts go and find another team besides the Japanese from another country, who would want to play their version of our ladies rounders. At least it would mean three teams in this laughable so called World Series.
When Wes Streeting was born, his mother wanted a girl, and his father wanted a boy – and they were BOTH disappointed
Wes Streeting wasn’t born.
The doctor scraped a pile off his mother’s arse and it grew into what he is now.
Spock wrote a book on childcare?
Suppose that’s logical.
Maybe it’s some kind of degenerate-idiot trap. Run it for 6 months. See how many cunts actually put pen to paper rather than ripping it up in righteous indignation.
Cunts that filled it in? .. Confiscate the kids in one fell swoop.
Dear lord baby jesus please let it be that. ‘Cos any alternative to it makes my species look a little bit silly. amen.
Gay babies refuse to breastfeed.
Unless there’s hair around the nipple.
Lezzy babies Help mum unhook her bra.
Trans babies look like this
Can you imagine that insane bug eyed woke psycho David Tennant filling this form in?
His son/daughter/trans/non-binary whatever it is will end up in one of the following places…
A mental asylum.
A graveyard.
I’d have thought it more likely to end up running a DEI department at the, Local Edukayshun Authority, The NHS or The Beeb with a budget of millions to pee up the wall on pointless indoctrination programs aimed at kiddies, the mentally feeble or the right on trend luvvies.
This mental luvvie stick man has ‘made’ his son trans or non-binary. One thing’s certain, a kid of that age did not think of it himself.
By the time he’s 18 and over all the growing up process, Tennant Jnr won’t know who he is, what he is, or what day it is.
I predict troubble and mental ‘issues’. Let’s just say that.
Piece of piss if you pump out 5 or 6 in a drop…all boxes ✔️ …👶mama weer all crazee now 🎙️🎶
Had this been published next week, I would have assumed it was some kind of April Fools joke.
As it is, I hope that the new parents have the common sense to write ” Oh do fuck off!”, in large capital letters on the form, although I do suspect that there will be a number who either
1. Are genuinely puzzled, but try their best anyway
2. Think it amusing to put something spurious, like “Galifrean”, thereby creating all kinds of problems for the sprog years down the line.
Send em back to Galafrey!!!
Indeed JP.
After the Donald Trump Lubbocking last year who would admit to voting Democrat? This could be a cunning ruse to try and ascertain party support.
Donald Trump should be down on his knees, worshipping at the feet of the Democrats, for their assistance in assuring his election thanks to them nominating two of the least electable presidential candidates in the history of the world, ever.
The form has been produced by a mentally disturbed person who clearly should have been flushed down the shitter before it was born.
The questions are complete nonsense, but I guess that’s the way the world is going, anyone who actually fills it in should be placed in an asylum forever and the child put into care to give it a fighting chance in life.
Just seen the news that the sentencing council have told the justice secretary to fuck off and only white men will feel the full force of the law, more madness allowed to infect normal life.
Can’t believe I’m the first to suggest the phrase ‘gayby’!
Is it anything to with by-proxy ?
What amuses me, the don’t seem concerned whether or not they turn into mass murderers. Unless it depends on which way the hold the gun.
Like homosexuals babies can’t eat solids.
Cry all the time and spew up if you shake them, like homosexuals.
They have loads in common.
No control over their bowels.
Struggle to focus
Like bright colours.
Soft hands
Like cuddly toys.
And full of wind.
Babies are gay as fuck.
Babies are lazy bastards too.
North Korean leader Kim Jong un being a acception.
He was a crackshot with a pistol at age 3,
He also learnt to drive aged 3 and
at 8 he could drive a heavy goods vehicle at 80mph.
At 9 he was solo sailing yachts and racing them competitively.
He should be a inspiration to UK babies and toddlers who are frankly feckless little bleeders
Just thinking,
If Kim was a crackshot at 3, how old was he when given a gun?!!
At why would you be driving a large articulated lorry at 80?!
I’m beginning to think Kims parents had a lackadaisical approach to child safety?
If you’re thinking of buying your 2yr old a handgun and unlike me who mollycoddled my kids by not allowing them guns while in nappies,
May I suggest that toddlers have very little strength in their fingers and find it hard to pull a trigger.
With this in mind
Only give them guns with hair triggers or it might upset them.
William Hague looks like an old baby.
Whichever set of cunts invented this should be kicked to death.
Or slowly garrotted, in front of a large audience.
Surely a pisstake?
And does Trumpy know about it?
Woke won’t die easy.
Trump has declared that the US only recognizes 2 sexes…NOT gender…sex.
So does this mean if some Stupid ass wokeist parent lists its baby as a Tranny that the US will not recognize it as a human being?
Fight! Fight! Fight!
Soooo…..where do you fit in?😆
Epileptics should be given special booths to fit in.
For those of you who don’t know, New Jersey is a cesspool of Corruption ruled by the Democrats.
Recently, former US Senator Bob Menendez was convicted in his second fraud trial and sentenced to Prison. His wife was implicated but I’m unclear of her status.
Governor Phil Murphy…one of the most strident Covid Villians…wanted to appoint his wife to fill the seat but she backed out because of the public outcry.
And of course formally cunted Atlantic City Assemblyman Craig Callaway has admitted to years of election fraud.
This state is such a dump it deserves a cunting all on its own.
For once I’m with Cuntster.
New Jersey is responsible for
Bruce Springsteen
Perm afficiado Bon Jovi
Crackrat Whitney Houston
Dancing Fool John Revoltng
Midgets Danny devito and Peter Dinklage
It’s a fuckin monster factory.
Dinklage is an awful hypocritical gargoyle of a cunt.
He made his living (and his name) by playing certain pint sized characters. Like the ones in Snow White, for example,
Now, he has ‘made it’ as a ‘serious’ actor. Dinklage wants the parts he used to do (like Panto characters and fairy stoy der-worves) to be ‘cancelled’.
A right horrible vile little cunt.
Not to mention being an entitled twat!
Being a small person doesn’t mean you’re special, Peter..
Other midgets hate him.
He pulled up the ladder and cost them lucrative jobs.
In my role as binary president of the Little people society
North west chapter
I have officially set a boycott of all of Dinkys films.
We will rise up against tyranny!
Stand tall ( well upright)
And raise our squeaky voices!
The midgets united
Will never be sixfeeted!
Honoury not fuckin binary.😡
You woke twat wordpress
Those sort of fairy story parts provided him with enough work and money. But now Dinklage wants to stop other actors of his (lack of) stature from getting similar work.
Horrible nasty backstabbing little turd of a man.
John Revolting must be a poof if he turned down a 1978 Olivia Newton John.
If he could have given that one and didn’t, he’s madder than I thought he was.
Luckily they were only small parts
The so called ‘Boss’. Blue collar grunting that should have stayed in ‘Noo Joisee’ bars and never left. How he became so massive in 1985 is still baffling. Most of his E. Street band were talented musicians. But the cunt dropped them after the success of ‘Born In The USA’.
Bon Jovi. Hair metal cliches a go-go. Helped turn heavy metal and hard rock into cartoon shite and MTV fodder. Because of this, even decent British rock bands like Def Leppard and Whitesnake succumbed to this disease.
Whitney Houston. Granted, the girl could sing. But her songs were horrendous. Always drippy love songs and ditties about ‘her man’. Either that, or schmaltz like ‘One Moment In Time’. Bloody awful.
John Revolting. Was horribly ubiquitous in 1978. The shite that was Grease dominated the charts (several No. 1a).When the Boomtown Rats knocked a Grease track off th top spot (wirh ‘Rat Trap’), they ripped up posters of Revolting in front of the TOTP cameras. Revolting is also a hubbarder (i.e: a bloody loon).
Devito was good as the little bastard who ran the phones in Taxi. But, he became a cliche after that. With shite like the Arnie collaboration ‘Twins’ and other shite like that.
Dinklage is a little weasel and a nasty hypocrite of a gargoyle. Great actor? Yeah, course you are.
Im sexless, haven’t had a ride in years.
Im afraid of em all.
Off topic…
In a follow up to the panty wetting by many cunters over the Signal Flap, this story is breaking in American media today.
Sources claim that according to none other than your own beloved Gonadian, MI6 was responsible for the leak that involved a leftist hack journalist.
They say; “It was the British intelligence that doesn’t like Donald Trump that wanted to embarrass him.”
Not sure what to make of this. Judge Napolitano (who made these claims live on American TV this morning) is no friend of Donald Trump or MAGA and I haven’t seen the story anywhere else. I don’t even see it on the Gonadian’s home page.
I guess time will tell if it’s true and if the British Establishment is friend or cunt.
The link is correct but it goes to a different story.
Anyone interested can go to and the story is there.
Couldn’t you find a link from the Voltaire Network then?
Fucking Newsmax 🤣
The only time you come out from under the bridge is to start shit with me. Otherwise you have nothing to offer.
Typical, know-it-all, blowhard Irishman.
That Signal messaging fuck up was what it looks like on the tin.
The journalist
Jeffery Goldberg. said so and so did Mike Waltz.
Although Mike Waltz said he’d never met Goldberg before.
Goldberg said they’d met a few times.
Don’t think it was anything but a error on Waltzs part.
I think further down the line Donald will say as much.
When you pack your administration with retards, stuff like this only to be expected.
This is the type of TDS bullshit is what you can expect from the mentally ill.
Here’s a does of reality:
1. The mission went off flawlessly.
2. Houthis were killed.
3. No Americans were killed.
Despite the mistake…clearly a successful operation.
Like I said before we’re striking and killing terrorists while you’re cutting off pensioners to fund a forever war in Ukraine.
Tell me again who’s retarded?
Your like one of those mechanical monkeys.
Just prod your head and your off banging your cymbals!
You should wear a embroidered waistcoat and a little fez.
I’ve been ignoring you lately because you’re such a fucking cunt.
But Goddamn! You’re like a fucking herpes sore. You never go away and you keep popping up where you’re not wanted.
Fuck off Troll.
I’m sorry. I didn’t mean just such a cunt.
I meant such a tiresome cunt.
You are dismissed.
Cuntster 0
I’m Jim Henson and your my Muppet.
I pull the strings and you dance 😁
You can fuck off too retard.
You’re a moron.
You follow me around IsaC wetting your pants every time I make a post and now in addition to admitting to trying to bait me you claim a 1 to 0 score.
Stupid fucking Troll.
I post the time and date and it triggers your snowflake ass.
Cuntster 0
Keep dancing sucker😆
The only thing you pull is your own little pud.
Fucking selling your sperm. LOL!
I’m sure when Trevor and Daphne went to the sperm bank they asked for someone from the north. Some illiterate sheep shagger with more hair on his face than his head.
Go ahead. Do what you have to do to feel good about yourself. But everyone is laughing at you because you’re so full of shit.
Adolescent Troll.
Cuntster 0
This is like shooting fish in a barrel!
Sheepshagger? Certainly.
And when I do Im thinking of Donald Trump
Selling my sperm?
I’ve got the receipt.
You bought 3 pints
Fight, Fight, Fight
I believe you do dream of Trump. He’s a real man and you’re a pimple on the arse of English manhood.
His wife is a super model and you’re shagging fucking sheep.
Delusional Troll.
Oh yes,
All real men have bouffant hair and wear orange makeup.
As for sheep shagging,
You should try ‘welsh love’
Give your cats arses a well deserved break.
Cuntster o
Remember the good old days when people were just glad that their offspring were happy and healthy?
I had rickets and frequent bouts of scurvy in-between beatings .
I’m lucky to survive.
You are from the north.
I thought rickets were compulsory?
The schools we went to. They made the one in Kes look like where the Magic Roundabout’s supposed to be.
The same daft cunts that put Fanny pads in the gents.
Just fuk off.
I take em.
Shove em down the front of my pants so people think I’m well hung.
A tune for Friday