A nice cunting for those little penpushing wankers – the height of pomposity and self-importance, of overweening stupidity and delusion, who occasionally like to pretend they are making history when all they are doing is making an ineffectual noise. It looked ridiculous yesterday – Starmer and the rest of Europe with that daft looking Van Leyden woman, who looks like an alcoholic schoolmarm, who has just shat herself, getting together to discuss Ukraine with great war leader Zelensky, still in his fatigues, like Charlie Chaplin’s walking stick, a ridiculous overused prop. He must sleep in those clothes, a good job they are black as it hides the piss stains, for a war leader he spends a lot of time prancing round Europe, looking for photo-ops. Starmer and co looked like the Parish council at Little Widdling OnThe Green having their monthly chinwag, over weak tea and Rich Tea biscuits. Kweer Rodney looked like the treasurer, who spends his spare time as Choirmaster at St. Mandy’s, coaching the young boys to reach the highest notes and cottaging in the railway stations of nearby towns. All very little fish in a very big pool.
Britain, in particular, has no money to help the elderly or the vulnerable, and Rachel From Accounts is busy seeing how much more misery she can inflict with the help of Liz Kendall and Ed Miliband – to extract every last penny out of working people so they can support the illegal immigrants in their 4 star hotels and private health schemes for them.
But Europe as a whole is so deluded they think they can take on Russia and America – and win. They really should consult psychiatrists. Whatever you think of them, do they really believe Donald Trump and Putin give a fuck about what Europe “thinks”?. I imagine their view of the little minnows of the EU, is akin to what the bosses of Tesco think about Mr. Patel’s corner shop in Bradford. – nothing.
Like most of us, the USA and Russia probably regard the EU as a joke – an expensive joke sadly for it’s members and it is clear the toolmakers son is doing all he can to crawl back in bed with them and suck their collective dicks. Obese old men and frustrated flannel bloomered old virgins – that is the EU:
Nominated by : W. C. Boggs
It would be interesting to see how the U.K fairs against European countries in terms of GDP per capita and defence spending..
However it’s nice and sunny so I’m off out before the Millicunt covers every bit of countryside with solar panels and soylent green factories.
Plus,outside of Orban,the EU and “British” politicians are all turds in the same foul cesspit.
Trident Misfire Oven.
Have I missed something or could someone put me right.
Isn’t this what Trump wanted in the first place?
A non reliance on the USA to police the world with other countries playing their part.
And paying their way.
Either way, if the leaders of the counties in the EU want to get together and pretend to be tough then let them.
But the UK is no longer part of the EU, so what the fuck was that cunt Starmer there for?
Like his mentor “the Blair Creature” , he wants to be boss of the EU…
President Starmer…!
Fucking hell…
I don’t think Starmer got the memo, Art.
Despite no longer being in the EU, we are still an important European country.
A nice little bit of sabre rattling,maybe more than that of course,is always a welcome distraction from domestic policy failings.
Starmer the International Statesman..
The same cunt that’s flooding us with every type of raghead,scrapped winter Fuel payments,fixed up a two tier justice system and is hell bent on impoverishing every poor cunt with a job.
Pack up your troubles in your old kit bag?
Fuck off you Quisling pig.
EU army 🪖 made up with LGBTQ++++++ sops and men in Danny la rue gear and lippy doing training at hurty words and manicure 💅 before going on manoeuvres with false tits and a sharpened nail file …. enough to send the ruskis into uncontrollable laughing gas mode 😘…’what did Ivan just call me’ …..oooh phone the on call human rights lawyer 👨💼💼
It’s actually more sinister than that.
The EU (greater Germany) wanted an EU army, made up of every EU member’s armed forces and under the control of the EU (Germany).
Call me cynical, but didn’t some try that 80 odd years ago?
I read quite a bit and I don’t think that ended well for anyone involved…Apart from Germany who got their country and industry rebuilt by the winning (?) side.
Europe knows it can’t take on Russia. But they have a cunning plan, which is that the UK and France are going to take on Russia. Meanwhile, the rest of Europe will continue its holiday from reality with three day working weeks, 5 years sabbaticals from work, afternoon paid siestas and huge pensions for those that retire at 35.
To be fair, Germany has been saying it will spend more on defence, but this is likely to be restricted to new broom heads for the Wehrmacht’s broomsticks. Meanwhile, Germany is requesting to be shielded by British and French nukes which they have done nothing to pay towards.
Even the EU foreign policy chief has been saying today that European defence will be led by France and the UK. So we are no longer Europe’s lepers.
Of course it’s in our interests to keep Russia at bay, so we probably have little choice. But let’s hope our Government attempts to get some concessions from the EU in return, seeing as we are suddenly so consequential to the EU.
We’re no longer part of the EU.
I say we side with Vlad and really put the shits up the rest of Europe.
Even more sinister, the EU are planning to confiscate their citizens’ “unused” savings…
Savings are, well, savings as in saving up to get something so hardly unused.
The eu scum.
The VDL woman (sounds like a disease) always looks out of place, like, “I shouldn’t really be here”.
Also, what happened to the eu president that was going to ‘stop the traffic’ as they put it, anyone know? Indeed, who is the eu president these days and is there more than one?
So many presidents.
Europe, financially trapped in the eu by the euro and Target2 debt, is the eu ‘parliament’ still wasting money swapping between Brussels and Strasbourg every month?
Corporate communism in the PRC model, both have yellow stars on their flags.
The eu with its incomplete Tower of Babel, constantly chattering meaningless rubbish while achieving nothing but even more debt.
Hopefully I’ll live to see it shut down permanently with those responsible held to account, but I seriously doubt it.
Increase in Defence spending isn’t hard when it has been allowed to go to shit for so long. Woke recruitment policies, selling off our hardware and treating veterans and serving members of the forces like shit – piss poor barracks, legal witch hunts etc. also make it harder to recruit, not to mention betraying this country and its people, so why fucking bother if you’re a proud British person to join the army? Political class has destroyed the armed forces both financially and spiritually and now they have the balls to say it needs it needs investing in and trying to sound like a hero. Cunts.
Half of our House of Cunts would love to get back into the EU shit show, fuck knows why it is a fucking embarrassment.
Starmer thinks he is Churchill, his coalition of the willing will end up as just hot air, he has to phone Trump to ask how it’s going so he can tell the EU 😂
The reason any cunt wants to be politically involved in the EU is because their pensions are 400% of what our politicians get.
They aren’t trying to drag us back in for our benefit at all.
If only it was only half Sickie.
“……do they really believe Donald Trump and Putin give a fuck about what Europe thinks”? No, they always knew that Putin doesn’t give a fuck, and the days when they thought America would give a fuck are long gone.
“…….Europe as a whole are so deluded they think they can take on Russia and America – and win.” No, taking on an alliance of Russian and American forces would be too much, and the way Trump has sucked up to Putin, no-one in Europe would dismiss this scenario out of hand. But the Europeans do believe that if Russia alone moves against Poland, the Baltic states, Norway or Finland, then NATO without the United States can do them a lot of damage.
Trump has shown he has little interest in what happens to Europe, despite any treaties, pacts, understandings or arrangements the United States may be signed up to. In this respect he is exactly the same as Putin who agrees to them and then disregards them any time it suits him.
Kweer takes every opportunity to say the Farage is fawning over Putin, I wonder if he has the balls to say Trump is fawning over Putin 😂
I look forward to the day when Putin decides to wipe Europe off the globe. I wish him every success.
It’s rather awkward now when, in the company of pro-EU turds, some just Remainers, some frothing EU luvvies, the subject of this ridiculous union arises. Even the most fanatical lovers of Reich look down at their feet with a furtive glower. Not even they could have guessed how shit it would all go, nevermind the catastrofuck in Germany with their recession and Christmas market drive-a-thons.
We should have left decades ago, but at least before the dreadful fucking Lisbon Treaty.
Furthermore, that blonde Willem Dafoe-lookalike Von Derrr Fuckwit is useless, incompetent and as thick-as-shit.
I hope they keep her.
A worthy digression
I’ve seem it all now. Watched the Bundesliga highlight with 2 crippled kraut kids being wheelchaired out by the captains. What next. Brains in fish tanks.