(We’re not sure what’s going on here, but felt this worthy of your comments so fill yer boots cunters – NA)
I’d like to nominate the entire Sunday Sport team (or myself, if you prefer) for “Cunt of the Year” for their role in creating one of the most absurd media hoaxes of 2023.
Here’s the story:
In March 2023, *Sunday Sport* published an article claiming that a man named Mike, who resembled Adrian Chiles, was selling nude content on OnlyFans. The article included my photos, which were found online, and I was never contacted for permission. This fabricated story went viral, appearing in The Guardian, The Sun, Daily Star, and even making its way into books and discussions about a potential documentary.
Despite the widespread attention, the truth is that I am the person in the photos—not Mike, and I have no connection to OnlyFans. I tried to set the record straight, but my attempts were ignored. Now, I’m left wondering: who’s the real “cunt” here? The journalists who created this hoax, the media outlets that spread it, or me for not capitalizing on it sooner?
Here’s the link to the original Guardian article discussing the hoax:
Let me know if you need any additional details or proof. This story is too ridiculous not to be recognized!
Nominated by : Igor (or Adrian – we don’t know which)
I have no idea what is real any more.
I suppose cunts will always be real.
Or am I an Admin?
I just checked and no, you’re not. Carry on – NA.
Well done Sam, on having the nerve to break the stunned silence.
I can only add; What the fuck!?
If you’re a admin Sam put the noms back to a early start.
Days half over
We publish the daily cuntings based upon the numbers of nominations we get in. Currently we can keep things going OK with 2 per day. The timing of when they get published is completely arbitrary. In other words, we pulled the 10AM and 2PM schedule out of our arses. We’re happy to adjust the timings if that’s what cunters would prefer. Here’s your chance to weigh in. I’ll review responses, have a think then probably ignore them. Or maybe I won’t. – NA.
I’d prefer at 7 a.m. start, having endured the Wireless 4 early morning news
Cheers NA👍
As I’m still working and up early it’s nice to have 10 mins with a brew and a quick laugh at a nomination.
If it’s Nominations you need I write marvellous ones,
Never repetitive shite,
Like a fuckin Mark Twain of cunting I am.
Well, a few cunters have chimed in on timings. How about we try 8AM and 12PM for 2 noms per day? I’ll make the change for tomorrow and see how it goes – NA.
Cheers Admin👍
That’s great,
For that I’m sending you a 20percent off voucher for Cuntengines Dungeon of romantic endeavours.
Bag up
Get a shot
Wash your hands 😉
What have I become?
I have spent the last 5 minutes asking myself the age-old question : “Well Genghis, when would be most convenient for you to read a load of old shite, and then talk shite about it, with a load of other ‘people’ that are as full of shite as me?”
I finally arrived at the answer: I don’t give a shite.
Shites better at 7am.
Get on board Genghis.😡
Don’t get me wrong Mis, I like to lay a big, brown pipe early in the day as much as the next man.
I am so full of shite I have to let some out to make room for some more to fit in.
As a world renowned expert on shite, its costs and causes and the correlation between the post-industrial, quasi-democratic monopolism of shite, and it’s consequences, with special emphasis on post modernist, capitalist monetization of the means of production of shite, I maintain my hitherto unchallenged position of ‘I don’t give a shite’.
I’m just happy to get 2 noms a day.
I really don’t care when they’re posted.
Back me up JP!
It may suit you Sheffield Oipolloi swanning about eating grapes at 11am,
But poor urchins like me and LL are up at the crack of dawn.
She’s testify at the Old bailey
I said, I’m just happy having two, timing is irrelevant to me, as I’m retired and laik about all day.
I actually prefer to have my noms published Friday afternoons, but you don’t see me pouting if they’re not.
I’m just grateful they’re are considered worthy.
Indeed Mis, Jack has already knocked out one tearoom visit by the time the first nom goes live.
Jacks up early to do his tax return and book work first.
He’s in the running for the Booker prize for best Fiction.🤪
If I was an Admin I reckon the power would go to my head.
Be like Mr Bronson from Grange Hill
Not really.
It’s not as glamourous as it looks, Harold. I’m only here for the free hookers and crack cocaine – NA.
You poor sod, no booze?
Of course there’s booze, JP. Too much if I’m honest but why worry when you’re living the dream, eh? – NA.
Hookers and cocaine??
So Cunt Engine is an Admin after all??
200 quid a week to eat crumpets?
What happened to the Cost of Living Crisis?
It’s all very confusing.
I’ve written to my M.P to demand answers,as to where these crumpet jobs are advertised..
I suspect there is a darker layer of depravity at play here likely involving black pudding.
PS: Adrian Chiles is a fucking gigantic Cunt.
He looks like he likes pegging to me.
Made a total moron of himself, simping on national tv, tongue hanging out, after that bint he ‘worked’ with.
Fat prick out jogging with her, surprised he didn’t keel over.
How can you get to that age and not realise you were in the friendzone, and you were mighty lucky to be there, woman like her want to get railed real hard by Chad and Tyrone, lads with neck tattoos that bring out her inner whore (you’ve all got one ladies), preferably at the same time, they don’t want a fat, ugly, low testosterone monkey-boy because he’s ‘nice’.
Embarrassing spaz.
I think 8 a.m. is a good compromise – I am a martyr to insomnia so by 8.00 I am as outraged as Wes Streeting is by his quare staff.
Watched a short film 20 years ago on filmfour called “Talking with Angels” and the young boy in it was the spitting image of a young Adrian Chiles.
Reminds me Sammy of the good stuff that used to be in Channel 4’s output in their early days. Remember “Film International?” I think like the rest of the MSM they’ve declined over the years.
I only subscribe to Filmfour, arfurbrain. It was in the 90s when I joined for the foreign films only. They went bussed and became free to air with fucking adds, but began showing crap.
Poor little fucker.
Has Mike complained that Adrian Chiles is profiting from looking like him.
Who the fuck would want to see the cunt naked anyways then again there are some strange cunts out there
You’re not wrong, Vv.
There’s summat wrong with people’s wiring if they get turned on by a fat, naked nondescript dribbling!
Diora Baird on Onlyfans.
That’s the stuff to give the troops.
Adrian Chiles is a moany old, puffer-fish faced yam cunt.
He should be thankful that the Sport has run this story to prevent his continued slide into obscurity.
Yam and fuck off.
I vaguely remember the fat soppy cunt writing a newspaper article about his “dangerous level” of drinking.
Dear me what a hopeless twať…
oh FFS unsurprisingly the cunt monetized it..
What’s that?
Yammer, fuck me, never been to black country, Mis.
Funny story.
My (now deceased) brother in law worked with a Yammer who was known for his colourful ties.
( No, that wasn’t a code for gay)
Anyway, he’s going on a first date straight from work, asks BIL do I look OK?
BIL says, maybe change the batteries in your tie?
Fuck me, I miss that bloke. Sense of humour as dry as mine.
Yam is Brummie talk. It supposedly translates to “you are” in English. Yeh, don’t fucking ask me, it is just the irritating sound you hear farting out of Adrian Chiles every time he opens his pie-hole.
I guess Mis, Paul is referring to his accent which outsiders think is Brummie but is closer to the Black Country “Yam-yam” like what I talk. At least I used to. My folks tell me that I now sound like a southern shandy-drinking wanker after 25 years down here.
Hehehe 😂👍
Brummie indeed! You make my point Paul. I forgive you.
This is the sort of thing that happens if you live alone on a diet of jam sandwiches and Battenberg cake.
and crumpets.
Their reputation now lies in the gutter alongside the travesty of the modern version of Crunchy Nut Cornflakes.
Dunno what this is about?
Not sure I know who Adrian Chili is ?
That twat in the header pic looks like Sloth from the Goonies,
He should put his false teeth in when out in public.
The dosser.
I also have a celebrity doppelganger.
Rod Manning from Outback Opal hunters.
But I wouldn’t get him in trouble by doing porn pretending to be him.
He’s a decent bloke.
Unless it’s highly paid?
You never see his smug face in the same room as Miriam Margolyse, eh?
Just saying, are they the same person?
Could be, he does look like a lesbian.
My entertainment site Onlyscreams is about to go live.
All cunters will be offered a VIP package for the price of a standard tariff.
As a pilot broadcast, starting gently, you’ll be able to select what liquid is dumped over a terried Daniella Westbrook out of an eclectic choice of a bucket of boiling hot gravy, one of the liquified remains of Fred West and one containing the spunk of assorted personages, including yours truly and Colin Moynihan.
Kerry Katona will be obliged to clean Daniella with her tongue.
Worth twenty quid of anyone’s money surely?
Good lord, you need some help! We could host a watch party at Admin Mansions – NA.
Catering by Farm Foods Thomas?
Cathetering more like.
You’re quite right Admin; I do need a bit of help actually.
I need a volunteer to help me acquire Matthew Corbett for a puppet-based dangerously saucy project.
You could use the corpse of Ronnie Corbett, he was puppet sized.
As Westbrook and Katona already look like zombies, I think you could rule out the Fred West one, as it would probably be like a KFC family bucket for them to enjoy.
Afternoon JP, hope you’re well?
I reckon Kerry already has her own ‘bucket’…
I’m gradly ( as we say in these parts) Thomas.
Doing OK?
PS, we don’t actually say gradly, it’s grand!
I wonder why anyone would want to look like Mr. Chiles, or boast about it if they did. His fifteen minutes of fame was long ago. In his case I think it was only seven and a half minutes of fame.
Who is he? A football pundit or something?
He used to be a business correspondent on Wireless 4 years ago MNC, then he went to TV to mither about football then he sank without trace
I thought Adrian Childs himself was supposed to be a doppelganger of TV woodsman Ray Mears?
O/T, this cunts popped up again.
Wo is me, not my fault…💩
Oh my goodness…..
Utterly shameless, but definitely not blameless.
Hopefully, some specialist fraud unit are looking into this pair of carrion crows, but given how long it’s taking to find out what happening into the Krankie motor home scandal and Michelle Mone, I won’t hold my breath.
I’ve no sympathy for Chiles.
He’s been masquerading as a West Brom and Croatia supporter for most of his career in order to get free match tickets and football phone in radio shows.
Now the boot is on the other foot.
Tough shit.
As this story is a couple of years old presumably ‘Mike’ has now moved in and is shagging Adrian Chiles’ Mrs, Guardian editor-in-chief Katherine Viner while he watches MOTD in the spare room?
If there is one thing this site is good for, it`s drawing attention to proper cunts. And by that, I mean malfunctioning twists of wasted DNA slowly, but surely, going mental for all to see, as they post their demise on the interweb.
I thank you all on behalf of all cunters.
Überschadenfreude !!!
It’s all part of the service, Sam. As the Bible says, God created man and lo, He createth cunts in many forms and thy Is-A-Cunt website shall shame them all – NA.
I’m just going off faith in the word of fellow cunters that Adrian (hairdressers name) is a cunt.
I don’t actually know if he is or not.
But you put him on the scaffold I’ll throw rocks.
What’s he done anyway?
Sexpest ?
Looks the type.
Sorry, couldn’t give a fuck.
Anyone who wants to see Adrian Chiles or anyone resembling naked is a cunt.
99% of gargoyles look like Bob Todd.
Fuck is Bob Todd, IY?
Can you provide a photo?
I think gargoyles are based on the faces of 13th century noblemen, kings and princes of the church.
I could, of course, be entirely wrong.
Cheers, Shits.
And fuck me, you’re right, apart from the smile. Gargoyles were rarely depicted smiling as it would have made them look benevolent.
Obviously this bloke has a generic, one size fits all face. Poor sod.
‘Twas a Half Man Half Biscuit song reference, JP.
Check it out here. The lyrics are ace:
I knew who Bob Todd is but not Adrian Chili.
Ignorance is bliss.
Chiles looks like he has an extra chromosome at no.21.
This impersonator looks like a tubby version of the ‘bodyguard’ who was in the Merc with Princess Died when she threw a lucky seven whilst noshing Dodi Fayed on the back seat.
Bollocks laughing off time, Scouse cunts Kopt it off Paris Saint German.