Supermarkets during Ramadan is a cunt, isn’t it.
Of all the fuckwittery that religion forces people to do, fasting while it’s daylight is one of the most humiliating. Yes, it’s that time of year when these muslamic hamasexuals starve themselves for a few weeks, occasionally punctuated by the odd stabfest in the usual areas.
British supermarkets have gone into mad competition for the islamic quid. There are posters, deals, audio announcements. even moon-&-star logos like the Turkish flag. Is it cultural suicide or just desperate marketing? How about a bit of retail humour:
👽 Eat ’til your burqua explodes! 👽
🌟 Get moHammered with this beer!🌟
🌙 Peckish? Mustafa Sandwich🌙
👻 Buy some cheese at our Infi-Deli👻
Presumably the supermarkets are kowtowing to their Halal demands:
Iqbal: “You. Shop assistant! Is dis meat Halal?”
Tesco staff: “Oh yes sir, definitely sir. It was freshly killed yesterday with the maximum amount of pain and cruelty.”
Finally, after their starvathon, these suicide-bombers and Pakistankies can all relax with their ramadum groceries from subjugated British supermarkets and enjoy their Day Of The Goat.
Nominated by : Captain Magnanimous
You can always eat your own words from the Karen.
Then set fire to it to keep warm.
The Koran is no good for ass wiping as the pages are already covered in shit.
When I was behind the counter in some fast food joint when I was working a brown person asked me if the stuff was halal. He must have taken me for the manager because I was wearing a suit. I assured him that it was, knowing that it was not, in the hope that he would find out later and have a fucking seizure.
Nice one Arfur😂
Stick their “celebrations” up their brown smelly backsides.Dirty goat shaggers.
Next up, the supermarkets will be chasing the Mudslime Moolah in time for Mother’s Day.
Aisles full of niqabs and burquas.
Boxes of sheeps’ eyeballs.
And for Father’s Day in June, fully-orificed inflatable goats and suicide vests for those keen to visit Alan’s Snackbar.
I’m currently in trouble for refusing to eat a ‘gift’ of home made slop from a Muslim co-worker who wants the kaffirs to ‘celebrate’ ifthar with him (breaking the fast).
As far as I can see HR have a real problem now. Starters is food not bought on the premises is not permitted on the premises because of cross-contamination issues and allergy concerns (we sell food, amongst other things). Secondly, expecting me to eat that shit so a muzzie (who’s a lazy fck that doesn’t get fired only because he’s muzzie) doesn’t get offended is impinging on my religious beliefs, namely Islam is a crock of shit and I’m not being forced to participate in it.
I’m in the fortunate position of not needing the job, so I’m more than happy to be fired over this and then sue the arse off them.
Bring in the homemade bacon sarnies for the cunts, they can get to fuck the lot of them.
I`m thinking they could do a special offer on those suicide vests, GT: How about money back if not completely satisfied or kid`s vests 50% off ! – they blow up so quickly these days. Kills all known infidels (don`t go it alone)
I haven’t noticed anything in my local Lidl, then again the Lidl is no nonsense and not pretentious, plus it is the cheapest supermarket round our way.
Another good point of my local Lidl, is there are no coloured people of any description who work there. The only downside is it’s owned by the fucking krauts.
But that is better than the Asda, they were bought by two mouse limb brothers, who started building a massive mosque in Blackburn with the profits from Asda.
Why not try our Sunni and Shiite deal – buy sun cream and get half priced toilet rolls.
Not forgetting our Ramadan Special Offer on kitchen knives –
Stab one infidel get one free.
Not to worry,plenty left over for our NATO “allies”
c u n t s
dear me,such rotten vermin.
Good morning.
Indeed Tez.
As Harold Steptoe once said:
‘You are morally, spiritually and physically. A festering flybown heap of accumulated filth.’
They are Unkle Tel
The fucking council workers already look like Boris’s black pillar boxes. It won’t be long before they will be chucking sand all over the high streets and using the pot holes in the roads as khazis. Camels tethered to the lamp posts will be producing the shit to burn on their fires when Millicunt’s plans come to fruition. Still, at least the smell will hide the stink of burnng human flesh wafting across from the battlefields of Ukraine. Welcome to Two-Kweer’s vision of Britain under Labour. Cunt.
Never mind, there is footie on the idiot lantern.
Good morning, everyone.
Morning TTC, all.
I’ll tell you what’s good for your ramadamadingdong. Yellow Belly Custard Green Snot Pie, all mixed together with a dead dogs eye. Champion. You will shit like a trooper, then you can wipe your arse on the Karen.
That’s where Lennon got some of his ‘Walrus’ from, Sammy.
Yellow matter custard, slip slop pie. Mash it all up with a dead dog’s eye. Slap it on a butty, ten foot thick. And wash it all down with a cup of cold sick.
Thanks for reminding me of the rest of it, Norman.
Let’s get onboard the Ramadan bandwagon, sleep all day and eat all night.
I have very little interest in our own religion, you know that minority Christian one so I have zero interest in the one practiced by the inbred filth that have infected our country.
Apparently we are in Lent (whatever that is) but it seems to have become a side show to the Ramalamadingdong bollocks.
Lent is the christian tradition of going without for 40 days and 40 nights to reflect 40 days and nights spent alone contemplating stuff in the desert by the 2nd most thanked cunt in the history of internet commentary .. a certain ‘jesus’ character.
It’s not really as hardcore as some of the other ‘self deprivation’ feasts of the many different current day religions, as adherents can choose personally what to give up for the few weeks.
Best example of the ludicrousness was a punchline to a standup bit about it, that basically ended up with the punchline ‘Kit Kats’ when someone had been asked what they were giving up in solidarity with the lord’s struggle …
Just throw a pack of bacon into the ramadan section. Then, stand by, as the stinky cunts roll up to get their animal cruelty approved food and have to walk away, all indignant, disappointed and most importantly, still fucking hungry.
Of course, I have never done anything like this in a supermarket. Nor did I ever tell a load of mudslimes that a non halal chilli was in fact a halal one and then stand around trying not to piss myself laughing as they ate it. That, of course, would have been wrong.
Funny how the mud slimes get waaaay more coverage for their celebrations than the other effniks for Diwali,vaisikhi,rosh hashana etc the supermarkets can’t do enough trumpeting about ding dong … it won’t be long before Easter is shoved out of the aisles and consigned to the ‘reduced to clear’ bin 👀…the appeasement of this group has now gone way over the top and unless the general population smell the ☕ very,very soon it will be past the point of return and the country will be gone ….every little helps 😩
Too late. The country is fckd into a cocked hat, no coming back now.
If you live in London be VERY AFRAID – due to Ramadamdingdong and fasting the pint sized “Mayor” Saddick gets VERY tetchy:
It must be a great strain on him as he is vying with Dame Kweer for the coveted award of Mr Puniverse 2025
From the link;
“The idea is, you restrain from doing stuff between dawn and dusk – not just eating and drinking, but having a relationship with your wife, not swearing, not doing bad things.”
I presume having a wank would also be frowned upon. New one on me but I can’t say I’m surprised. Every cult/religion has a problem with sex.
Total knob
No mention of Lent or any such Christian business of course.
Let’s all kiss Muslim arse.
This country is beyond finished and hurtling towards extinction.
Without a doubt, Herman.
It was Shrove Tuesday the other day. No fucker mentioned it.
The arse licking that is given to these filth will be our total undoing and our end.
The Church of England now exists in name only. And that shit Welby dropped his strides for the so-called ‘Prophet’ ages ago. In less than 50 years time, the United Kingdom will be like Pakistan with rain and snow. Judge Dredd’s Mega City One will seem like paradise compared to what we’ve got coming.
Glad I will be ash
On the plus side, this shit is the main reason for the ascendance of the political right across the civilised world.
Long and rapidly may it continue, then, judgement day for Starmer and the London mayor wanker.
It’s a money making thing.
If you go to most Muslim countries that cater for holidaymakers you will find that they put in an effort to celebrate Christmas.
That doesn’t mean to say that I don’t fucking hate all Muslims or that I ever intend to travel to any Muslim country ever again.
The smelly cunts.
It’s OK for you Artful, where you are the muslims lost power almost a thousand years ago. Over here they are steadily consolidating their authority.
I did see a Pákí here once.
I called the police.
That was quite a few year’s ago though.
More recently we actually had a boat full with about 20 north Africans that turned up on our beach.
Unusual as I don’t live on the south coast.
The Guardia Civil were waiting and nicked the lot of them.
I suppose there is no point in spending money deporting them.
They would only come again.
Best to let them go to make their own way to Calais.
There is not much for them here.
Remember being in Doha, in slap macs they had a ramadingdong tent where the smelly cunts went to eat their burgers in the day. Only went in for a coffee honest.
‘..starve themselves for a few weeks’
I used to work alongside a number of Muslims, they clock watch intently so that they can fucking pig out as soon as the sun sets (local time) every day during Ramalamadingdong, you’d swear the way they went at it, and the quantities involved, that they’d hadn’t eaten in months rather than half a bloody day.
Starve themselves…aye, right…
Bit of a cunt if you’re a Muslim and dwell in the far north, must be a real pain when ramadam coincides with 24 hr daylight.
I would like to knew who the fuck is paying for those Ramadan lights that midget cunt switched on I hope it’s not coming out of my fucking council tax fucking parasite cunts
If I owned a grocery store, during Ramadan I would have a sale on ham, pork chops and bacon with the slogan:
Let them eat pork.
Back to Shitholistan with the lot.
The Anglosphere First
Sleep with your ass towards Meca.
Crusade! Crusade! Crusade!
‘Land of hope and glo-ree. Madder av da free…’
If I worked in one of these places, I would gob on any bit ot peaceful food I could get my clutches on.
And, the Halal meat would go down the keks and get the arse and knob rub treatment.
Tell you what, the dirty smelly devious Paggis who plague my renal unit have never paid any attention to this so called religious festival of theirs.
The parasitic cunts still eat anything that’s put in front of them. But, have any of the staff – including the muslim ones – pulled them up about it? How about have they fuck.
Fucking vermin. Talk about having your cake and eat it.
Fuck Ramadan!
I believe I said the same last year
I can confirm my views have not changed.
Fuck diversity too (and the group)
Well fuck you lot.
I’m celebrating Ramajam.
Copious amounts of bitter, roasted pork ribs, bacon butties and I’ve taken off my burka.
Happy holidays 💋
I’m on the bottle, too.
Irish coffee before bed. I might have two.
I must have been a farmer in a previous life, up with the sun, bed with the sun.
Anyway, I hope Rachel from accounts has an unpleasant encounter with a tractor, preferably while it’s loaded for muck spreading.
Everyone should just shop elsewhere for the duration of ding dong. See how quick the cunts drop that idea
I want to celebrate it . Give me a AKM 7.65mm with folding stock. Preferably a Romania version with forward extended grip. I’d happily shoot in the air till 4am.
Then eat bacon and black pudding sandwiches and down a few Peroni’s.
Just had a marketing email from Amazon assuring me that I can find all my needs for Ramadan and Eid on their website.
Well, you cunt, you’ve just lost a long time customer. I’d rather gnaw my arm off the order owt from that site again.
Does it not occur to them that the majority of the western world will find such marketing stunts very fucking offensive?
I actually consider supermarkets efforts to be rather pathetic.
There’s a small display of the stuff you can normally find in the Worlds Food section, pitta bread, tinned and dried beans and lentils, rice, figs and bottled water. Wow! Really pushing the fucking boat out there, Morrisons.
Glad I’m not one, if I had to eat that shit on a daily basis, I’d throw myself off the nearest minaret.
Believe me, we suffer for what those Paggis eat, Jeezum.
Two dirty old Paki cunts consistently drop shits during the dialysis treatment. And – dear God – the fucking pong. It’s like a camel dropping one crossed with a dead body. Dirty evil shitty curry bastards.
One of them has just pissed off to Pakistan. I hope he dies over there.
Not to mention the reeking fat African mama who stinks out the ambulance. The driver now has a deodorant spray on board to keep her noxious death smell at bay. They are filthy fucking bastards.
All those dirty stinking cunts should be treated in tents in the fucking car park and have to pay for the space. Some of the AE units are similar to a dingy riders nest in the Calais dunes.
Filthy bastards should be treated separately in hazchem units.
King Charlie WEF celebrates Ramadan dieting in Windsor castle on pancake night.
Christianity is not the future for Charlie
For fk sakes, He’s turned Pakipikey
Time for him to start eating rashers again, Doctors orders.
Does he even think of the ramadacations from such behaviours
The Brotherhood are already busy with the making of new towel head piece for his next tour in Birmingstan.
I liked that Brotherhood of Man track….
Kisses for me.
Save all your kisses for me.
Bye bye, Derby. Bye Bye.
Just fuck off, Dave Mackay.
‘Cause we beat you two-nil.
With two goals from Gordon Hill.
Always look forward to the time of year when I know the pilot has not eaten or had a drink for hours. Or the neurosurgeon who is about to operate on my kid has had nothing to eat or drink since sun up, likewise the driver of the crammed full underground train or the bus driver taking the kids to school. Shit if I’ve not had something to eat by 10.00 am I have a job walking let alone abusing wankers who knock on my door. Does any other cunter share the thought that low blood sugar causes problems with cognitive functions and abilities.