Realising your evil

Think your nice?
Little goody two shoes?


Ever been cheered by the news of someone’s demise?
Not very nice eh?

Camilla Batmanghelidjh
Looked like a cross between Christopher Biggins and Ali Bongo?
I smirked when she snuffed it.

Despised the rag wearing big dollop of shite.

Smug faced Friends actor Matthew Perry,
My first thought was ‘ thank god for that.’

See? Wicked.

Magician Paul Daniels?
No more boring fuckin card tricks!

I whistled for a week at that one.

And I’ve realised I’m not the nicest of men,
Probably not going to heaven?

I feed wildlife
I’m kind to animals
Nice to kids
Nice to the elderly
Don’t cheat on my missus
All to my credit
But on the whole I’m a bit of a orrible cunt.
Oh well,
Which celebs deaths have cheered up other ISAC cunters?


Nominated by Miserable Northern Cunt.

155 thoughts on “Realising your evil

  1. He hasn’t snuffed it yet, alas, but when Big Ears dies, I’ll be raising a glass and hoping his entire family are electrocuted and follow him directly into the underworld.
    Good morning to one and all (unless you’re a royal).

  2. The title should read “you’re.”

    Yep, we know. We went back and forth about correcting it, but in the end couldn’t be arsed – NA.

    Is correcting grammar evil?

    Personally, I will drink champagne when Sepp Blatter breathes his last.

  3. The demise of Steve irwin made me chuckle, always antagonising dangerous wild animals..
    Then gets harpooned by a stingray, one of the least aggressive fish.. marvellous..

  4. I will have a wank when Yoko fucking Ono snuffs it.
    I will screech and write gibberish on post it notes in her memory.

    • I reckon Old Macca will do the heartfelt tributes and ‘she wuz great’ bollocks in front of the news cameras and the press.

      Then, when he gets home, he will dance around like Lee Sharpe after he scored a goal.

  5. I’m very comfortable with the knowledge that, whilst not necessarily being evil, I’d not shed even a sliver of a tear if almost all humans were simply vapourised, like in the splendid 80’s horror film ‘Night of the Comet’.
    With the expection of my beloved kids and closest mates, I’m happy and proud to be an uncaring, cold-hearted piece of shit who doesn’t give a tuppeny fuck about my fellow humans, especially darkıes.

  6. I should be ashamed of this nom,
    After all taking delight in passing off a fellow human being isn’t very nice.

    But I’m not.

    The other day I watched a very young up and coming Paul Daniels on the Wheeltappers and shunters.
    Yet to break into the big time and his own Saturday afternoon show.

    And I thought awwww, so young.
    Well, Never again!
    The insufferable cunt.

    Do I miss him?

    Not a lot

  7. Great nom.

    Most celebrity deaths leave me feeling totally indifferent.

    But some cheer me up – put a spring in my step. Off the top of my head:

    Jimmy Savile
    Alex Salmond
    John Prescott
    Camilla Batmanjelly
    Michael Parkinson
    Shinhead O’Connor
    Mohamed Al Fayad
    Pope Ratstinker
    Vivienne Westwood

    • That bloke out of one direction taking a nose dive off a balcony.

      Every time the MSM being up some new tidbit of pointless information about his death, I laugh so much a bit of wee comes out

      Harry Styles next, hopefully.

    • O’ Connor’s demise was something to savour.
      Fucking IRA loving Islamist terrorist sucking baldie Fenian fuck.

      Oh, and Bobby Sands can fuck off and all.

  8. Yes MNC I am a horrible bastard as well. Life today has a way of pulling an innocent toward the dark side (my excuse). When I find out that someone I fucking hate has died I do enjoy a momentary blast of pleasure, as I age the guilt decreases so party time is obviously on the horizon if I live long enough! I think life should mean you die in the slammer not 8 years and a licence. Wilful neglect of children or animals deserves a severe kicking and prison like wise wilful cruelty. Abusive partners, diddlers, illegal crims, woke twats and the majority of the cunts in charge of us, I relish the thought of their demise. On the other hand I will help anybody who needs help, I do not like to benefit from someone’s misfortune unless they have acted like cunts. I try to be “nice” to all. Underneath the pleasant calm exterior is often a seething mass of chaos. My late wife had a motto for me adapted from the dambusters motto. Apres moi chaos.
    As a confirmed mentalist I had to salut her insight.

  9. If I could change one death it’d be Rod Hulls.

    Bit undignified eh?
    Falling off the roof after messing with the TV aerial.

    Rod deserved better.

    Wonder if he was buried with Emu?
    Like to think he was.

    • I like to think he went up on the roof with that cunt attatched to his arm,tried to reposition the aerial with one hand,with emu moving it back each time,this went on for ten minutes before he lost his footing.

      • Hugh@

        I suspect Emu had something to do with Rods demise and phoned the police to say so,
        But they were dismissive.

        I imagine Rod on that roof in the dark,
        Thunder and lightning
        And as Rod manages to get the aerial right to watch antiques Roadshow,
        There’s a hissing sound.

        Rod turns to look.
        And the lightning highlights a coiled Emu just as it lunged for Rods throat.

        Rods coffin was carried by a sombre Roger deCoursey , Keith Harris and a weeping Bernie Clifton.

  10. 😁 like this recent earthquake in Burma, or Ukraine/ Somalia/ Chinese Muslims / donkey piss puddle drinking black urchins..

    I don’t give one flying fuck…!

    Not our problem.

    Sort your own shitty countries out yourselves..💩

  11. HA HA ” rag wearing big dollop of shite ” . you’re such a cunt MNC.I’ve been laughing solid for half an hour.

  12. There are literally millions out there whose greatest contribution to mankind would be to die this morning. I’ve met a few. Teachers, coppers, former bosses, you name it. My boss in my first job was a fucking psycopathic misanthrope. It is to the eternal shame of the management at this big multinational that everyone knew he was an evil bastard yet he was put in charge of the new lads in their first job. Somehow I lasted almost two years. One new recruit lasted four days. Really we should have got together and pushed him down the stairs, hopefully to cripple rather than kill the cunt. One of the happiest days of my life was when I heard he had topped himself, fucked it up and took half an hour to die. I opened a special bottle I was keeping to celebrate. That’s put me in a good mood for the day. Very good morning to one and all!

    • I’ve met a few of those sort over the years arfur, and was easily intimidated as a slip of a lad.

      As time rolled on I eventually got to a point where I decided no more. I had a stand up row with a previous moronic, lying boss and it ended up with me having him up the wall by the throat, with 2 other lads shouting, scouse style, ‘Calm down, calm down’ lol.

      Obviously that was the end of that job, and good riddance to it, but the tosser’s fake aura of power had gone, he was subjected to endless ridicule from the lads and resigned a few months.

  13. Enoch Powell…. Nope never laughed at his demise but the more I think how right he was, the more I piss myself at how stupid the people who fucked him over were😩….#nostraenoch

    • The very sad thing about that Gelderd is that his opponents were not acting out of firm beliefs or convictions. They KNOW what will happen if this shit is allowed to continue, that IS what they want, and the plan is rolling along nicely.

  14. I am truly a wicked cunt! In fact, I have the propensity to be such a cunt at times, that I really should nominate myself! As for getting enjoyment out of someone’s demise, I will throw a fucking party when that dirty, k*ddie fiddling, sodomite Cliff Richard dies! In fact, I’m going to film myself celebrating, and put it on YouShite to share with the entire world! Do I want the Markle creature and her ginger w*ndow l*cker dead? Nope, but confined to a bed as a deaf/dumb/blind tetraplegics will do nicely! See, what a cunt! Also if Adam Woodyatt could fall into a Baboon enclosure and be hideously bummed to death, that will be the icing on the cake of cuntishness!

    • One can only imagine what a lady such as yourself thinks of us men on here, Jill!
      Although it does tend to be the virtue-signalling leftie types that do the most global harm under under the guise of harmony and acceptance.
      Us right-wing types have to make to with impotent seething at the destruction of our beloved country by the afformentioned socialists.

      • I think you’re all funny. A sanctuary of hilarious cuntishness in a sea of insipid woke offence-taking up their own arse fragile do-gooding hypocritical bollock wipes that is the current public domain.

  15. Not famous, but probably the biggest cunt I know carked it last week.

    Guilty of the worst crime against humanity, namely he never got his round in, the stingy, parsimonious, sponging shite. I ask you, is there any level of cuntitude to surpass that?

    So enjoy the special Scrooge Room in Hell reserved for tight-fisted cunts like you. And keep a seat for Macca McCuntry. Hopefully he’ll be joining you soon.

    Morning all. Nice day.

  16. That ‘orrible, evil, smirk faced fucker Anthony Charles Lynton Blair …
    And by the way Mis, I got news for you – you ain’t going to no heaven – you’re going the same place as me – and ACLB for that matter!

  17. Ones I’m cheerfully looking forward to are
    Bruce Springsteen
    Will Smith
    Miriam Gargoyles

    I’ll get the bunting out for those cunts.
    Have a street party

    • Will Smith is probably praying for the demise of Malteser head!
      In death, she might relinquish her grip on his balls, the spineless cissy.

  18. How I laughed when I read a mosque had collapsed during that earthquake in Burma,made my day.

    There’s a Dark Key who regrettably pops up on the news from time to time to shout at the other guests about slaves,reparations and Blek Lies Mither..she’s an absolute fucking Cunt..

    Don’t know its name but if it dies in a fireball after lying in agony in the ruins of a wrecked car on the M1 I’ll crack open a 30yr old single malt in celebration.


    Good morning.

    • Me too, ‘lugs.

      The cunty behaviour of the 3 pricks who live around us deserve a stern response involving a shot gun.

      Of so many examples, here’s just one to illustrate my point. It’s winter, bit of snow on the ground with more forecast later in the day. You have a path from your house to your out-building (not a garage), obviously with snow on it. Most normal people would leave it and maybe clear off the snow after the next snow fall. Using a snow shovel or perhaps a broom to quietly take care of it.

      Not that cunt. Oh no. He fires up a fucking loud as fuck petrol powered leaf blower to blow the snow off the path knowing full well the path will be completely covered again in just a few hours. And he chooses to do this on a Sunday morning at 7AM. What kind of an inconsiderate, disrespectful piece of shit pulls a stunt like that? I hate that cunt like poison.

    • Well, Barry, he’s too good for this world isn’t he?

      I’ve often thought that a personality is a bit like a toolbox, full of different implements to be used in different circumstances.

      Anyone who tries to make out they are all sweetness and light all the time is just a fucking liar. There are those who say you shouldn’t hate anything or anyone as it is damaging to the self, but they are probably not doing it right, or realising the huge enjoyment that can be had with it.

      I got into a bit of trouble a few years ago, when, on being told
      woman I had worked with had died, because I said ” good, she was fucking awful”, I find it very tedious being told I have to pretend about these things all the time, it’s like being told not to be an adult.

  19. MNC is too nice

    Nice to kids, fucking little bastards should be locked up until they can work (down’t pit)
    Fuck the elderly, always getting in the fucking way

    You will be saying you like Sandi Shaw next.

  20. The last British prime minister to die in office was Lord Palmerston in 1865.
    To me, this seems grossly unfair.
    Especially considering the current incumbents demise would bring such joy to the nation and myself in particular.
    Although, judging by the cunts demeanour, i wouldn’t be surprised if he’d actually died in 1997 and is a result of a cryogenics experiment.

    • Just imagine the eulogising and grief mongering the Beeb would spew for years if 2TK karked it in office.

      I’d prefer to see him in Belmarsh, with all his terrorist friends, for life.

      • Indeed,although I’d like to offer a touch of refinement if I may..

        Lock the shithouse up in Belmarsh,in solitary,for perhaps 3 years..

        Then force his solicitor to take the cunt a letter informing it that the ECHR has won the case and its to be freed at once..

        Fetch the creature from its cell,have the governor escort it into the courtyard where a limo is waiting..

        Surprise! The limo drives away empty and 2tk is promptly hanged and the corpse gibbeted on a Kent beach.

        The End.

      • Is it worth getting up a petition about this? I heard it had to be discussed in parliament if it gets above 10,000 signatures. Would presumably ( and ideally) be extremely uncomfortable to listen to that debate, but I am probably crediting Starmer with a lot more self awareness than he actually has.

  21. Good Morning
    We have a couple of Labradors who came from the rescue home. The mother we have had for 4 years and the daughter for 2. They are both still adjusting and the daughter will only let me stroke her in the kitchen when I come down in the morning. On Wednesday we heard that the bastard who had them had died from a heart attack at 46. I just said good, my wife was a little shocked but the two ladies who run the rescue said quite right. I don’t think that makes me evil even though I hope he is burning in hell.

    • Good. Another dead cunt, no loss to the planet.

      I got a wonderful creature – red setter/alsation mix – away from a cruel (alcoholic) cunt in 2010 .. after someone I knew who witnessed some of the psychological torture.

      A few weeks later my mobile rang on Saturday night. The cunt, slurring ‘I really miss my dog … I want him back’. I asked him had he any idea of where I live? No? Good. Your ex-dog is already WAY happier in his everyday existence already and has other canine company etc. (The dog lived here for a decade, running the fields with his adopted pack, adored, but like yours, W-S, .. never fully got over the fear of male cunts the same build as the other prick).

      Anyways. Latet that night of the drunken phonecall the cruel cunt killed himself.

      ‘oh my gosh, Cuntemall, .. do you think your dismissal of him maybe you had a hand in him hanging himself’?



      • I’d have driven the 50-ish miles with a rope, had he needed one. 😊

        On the flipside, it is surmised that had the lovely dog still been there, the suicide cunt very well may have killed the dog before killing himself.

        I’ve only ever told that whole thing, above, in full detail to half a dozen people before today.

  22. People I despise mustn’t die, incase its true they go to a better place and meet up when their loved ones. Such as sasha lowercase who now wears an ashtray to help other smoking cunts, instead of the military cap. Still alive and looking pathetic. That’s what I prefer.

    • A few LL? I suspect there were some people in Northern Ireland who celebrated to the point that they drank themselves unconcious.

      • When that cunt Malcolm Glazer died, I raiesd a glass or two.

        I danced a jig when Hindley and then Brady died.

  23. I like Street magic.
    Where a magician approaches people in the street and does magic tricks.

    Dynamo , the anorexic little Yorkshire one springs to mind,
    But the one who started it really was morose dark eyed yank
    David Blaine.

    Now it takes hours and hours to learn a basic magic trick ( I learnt a couple 😁) and probably years to do it skillfully and professionally.

    David does It to entertain.
    Nowt wrong with that.
    He does dangerous stunts too.

    Skill , precision timing, controlling your breathing etc

    But if I’m honest I always deep in the blackest part of my mind want them to go wrong.

    The idea of the production crew panicking as they pull his dead body from a milk churn filled with water ?

    TV gold👍

    • Remember that stunt he did in a perspex box, tied up over the Thames?

      The little pussy fucked off early because the locals were shining laser dots on him and using the box as a target on a golf driving range.

      Near pissed myself I did.

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