is a cunt, who should be pilloried in the way that Letby was and this is a small attempt to balance the ledger
Let’s be clear Lucy Letby in all likelihood is innocent, what cant be denied is that she did not receive anything resembling a fair trial. So out NHS and Justice system is well and truly fucked
There are too many cunts to mention vice cunt captain is probably Dewie Edwards a money grabbing non expert and Dr Stephen Brearley who along with the nominee had a huge axes to grind with Letby, not to mention each are directly responsible for killing a child each.
Ravi played the humble hero after Letby was found guilty and was the main instigator contacting the police with Brearley only after losing a grievance hearing made by Letby against them for which they had to apologise to Letby .
Apparently Ravis memory improved over time and he was able to confirm the exact time he had seen Letby allegedly “killing” which amounted to her doing nothing and the time he gave amazingly matched swipe access data (almost as thought he had colluded with police and had seen the data)
The only problem was the clowns at Cheshire police had fucked up and Letby had actually left the ward not entered, essentially meaning the prosecution evidence, which was proof of nothing anyway because it was clearly a fabrication by Jayacunt, is now 100% exculpatory evidence and matched Letby and other nurses statement and a clear indication that Jayacunt was lying.
This sub human trash was the instigator of the allegations against Letby who has had her life destroyed.
There is now not a single piece of evidence against Letby can’t be refuted or that doesn’t have an infinitely more plausible explanation.
This cunt is responsible for millions of wasted taxpayer money on enquiries into murders that probably never happened, , hiding what were obvious failings in the NHS, he probably killed a child under his care by inserting a breathing tube incorrectly ,and then tried covering it up by blaming a nurse he had lost a grievance hearing to days before making the allegation, this media whore was also lead singer in shit band ironically called The Deluded
This is one narcissistic cunt of all cunts, and I challenge anyone to say otherwise
Nominated by Mastercunter, Link by Sam Beau.
I didn’t follow this case to be fair, but was sort of aware of it.
My one memory of it was that the nurse (Letby) seemed to be singled out very early on and railroaded into a conviction.
I can’t say I’m surprised it was all bollocks and I hope once she’s a free woman, she sues these cunts into oblivion.
Wasn’t at the trial, so, not enough informed opinion.
Here’s my ill-informed opinion:
Letby is guilty as sin and the NHS is as dangerously incompetent as it is corrupt.
Fairs dos, Termujin.
I don’t remember at what age you become aware of the perpetual never ending cycle of shite that just repeats over and over. Maybe early/mid teens? I can remember as a yoof newspaper headlines about NHS in crisis and NHS overstretched and NHS funding shortfall, etc. Here I am 40 odd years later and I see the same crap and have done many times throughout those years.
So to your point Termujin, your assertion the NHS is dangerously incompetent has to be true. If it weren’t, our collective observations would be different.
With respect to the legal case, it’s not beyond the bounds of reason Letby was the scapegoat for other people’s incompetence and the higher ups used their influence to protect their mates. I don’t know that happened of course, but it could have. It’ll be interesting to see how this plays out.
I have no skin in this game IY. You may be correct. I have personal experience of the NHS closing ranks and blameshifting to avoid a lawsuit after being partly responsible for killing a close relative, so NOTHING would surprise me as far as those cunts are concerned.
I do base my judgement on Letby on things outside of what happened when she was at work, namely her diaries/notebooks, which were damning, IMO.
Wouldn’t surprise me if the NHS bundled in a few deaths caused by incompetence, on top of any shenanigans, to cover their ass.
You just don’t know who to believe when our lives were at stake in childhood by the medical profession. I nearly died at the age of 2 according to my mother who accused our General Practitioner, for being a drunked. Which was only ear say. I was told they kept me alive by stroking my lips with a feather after it being dipped in brandy.
That probably explains your drinking problem, Sammy.
Sorry, I couldn’t resist.
Count yourself lucky though. Do you have any idea how much it costs to have some buxom blonde tart in a nurse’s uniform perform that feather trick these days? Asking for a friend.
Depends whether you go for the Full Monty and with price increases from my time being a half crown, nowadays it would cost you a fair whack.
It seems there a fair number of people who have concluded the Letby conviction was unsafe, at some point the appeal court will have to take some notice of these medical experts and get everything out in the open.
If Ravi Jimjam has been a bit naughty by lying he should be hung, drawn and quartered.
Lucy Letby’s defence team were either criminally negligent or were paid off by someone to ensure she carried the can for widespread and systemic neglect and incompetence at the hospital. The NHS is the guilty party, not some dim bint in a uniform. She should no more be in prison that Tommy Robinson (aka Stephen Yaxley Lennon). Prison is now a place for Sir Two-Kweer’s scapegoats rather than the guilty.
Oh, was that a knock at my front door?….
I didn’t follow this case. But I have read some of the post trial findings reported in the press. Here’s just one example:
While I’m always skeptical of anything reported in the MSM, I have to say that if I have a British citizen on one side, and the NHS, the justice system and a Shitholian “witness” on the other side I’m going with the citizen every time.
Oops…my bad:
Small point General; Britons aren’t citizens they are subjects of his majesty.
Yes, I think it’s shit too.
My daughter is a nurse and has recently said there is more paperwork than actual nursing involved since she first qualified ages ago, and that the doctors in some cases are verging on incompetent…she says it’s now the no hope service 🤧🤕😷….A&E department please erect a tent you may be a while 😩
O/T, what do these cunts think.Dont like where they are so, Up sticks, move to Britain “without any documentation” and hey presto.
We’ll settle here. Take your housing/dentist/doctor/schooling/ benefits/education/ civilisation.
NO, fuck off back to whichever Shitholes you came from…
BBC News – Asylum seekers in Leeds call on government to give them right to work – BBC News
Send the shirkers back
I genuinely believe that those illegal migrants who claim to have skills should use them to help develop their own countries.
Those without skills should just fuck off- they are not wanted by the vast majority of Uk citizens.
Exactly, stay in your own country and develope / improve it for you and your people.
Don’t just come to the UK and expect / take what took us a 1000 years to achieve..!
Apart from the monarchy , you can have that set of benefits claimants..💩
Ravi Ravioli is a piece of work.Full wood chipper treatment.
I remember at the time of her conviction, race baiters claimed doctors suspicions about Letby would have been taken more seriously if she wasn’t white.
Prominent among them was racist Doctor of Micky Mouse studies Dr Shola Mos-Shogbambongo:
“Lucy Letby exemplifies how the ideology of Whiteness keeps Britain in a chokehold. They believed her tears/denials even though evidence said otherwise, for no other reason than she’s white. A Black or Brown nurse would’ve been reported to the police immediately & sacked for suspicion.” Yeah right.
Royal College of Nursing president Sheila Sobrany piled in with:
“If we are going to learn anything from this case we need to stop denying that racism is a serious issue in the NHS, this doctor (Dr Ravi Jayaram) would have been listened to if he was white and Lucy Letby would have been stopped sooner if she wasn’t white.”
I’d always assume the disastrous red tape and army of non clinical middle managers in the Our NHS are more lethal than being a gang member in Londonistan innit.
Any road,if you need seek out baby murderers best look first and hard amongst the ragheads.
Free at point of need Oven.
Ravi looks like Britain’s strictest headmistress Katherine Birbalsingh?
Or a dark key Kenneth Williams?
Anyway to be fair I think they’re all guilty.
Our local hospital (Stepping Hill)had it’s own serial killer.
Hey MNC, stop messin’ about!
I’m not.
They blamed some woman first.
Named her in the papers putting her life in danger
Turns out it wasn’t her it was some fuckin slant eyed foreign cunt.
Bet she got millions for that?
Doubt it. She wasn’t a snow white angel.
She’d been nicking drugs, not quite the level of murdering folk I’ll grant you, but somewhat naughty, eh?
Kenneth Williams?
That`s him off that Green Wing isn`t it?
There’s talk that Lucy Letby was set up, I don’t know about that,
Not really interested in the case,
If she’s innocent? Shame.
But either way she’s off the fuckin babysitter list
your right, stick with kate McCann. personally i still use joe fritzel
Guilty or not guilty?. I have no idea since I only read about the case in teh Telegraph, however, Peter Hitchins, a journalist I much admire for his sensible views (Pro Brexit, Anti Starmery anti wokery) believes she is innocent is good enough for me.
As we are talking about court cases I am surprised nobody has nominated the Chinky Rapist, convicted yesterday, and the sire of a top Communist politician father, believed to have attacked 60 women, some of whom have never been identified – until now, that is . In a new Boggs Pornographic Film Productions (Taiwan) Limited in association with Tank Engine Basement Films Production, watch in horror and fascination as we see Cho Chin have his wicked way with Jess Phillips, Rachel From Accounts, Dirty Ange and bringing a smile to the face of Sugartits Cooper – the first time since the relief of Mafeking. That quartet would have amounted to a case for mitigation.
Frankly this case astonishes me for more than one reason a Chinky Commie student, living in a luxury flat on the 39th floor, studying mechanical engineering – and last and not least – he looks like a probable quare to me:
As regards Nurse Letby, if there is reasonable doubt, a retrial ought to be held, but as so much material is in the public domain, would she get a fair trial?
Hey Boggs,
While my own company, Massacre Films Ltd. (Rebel Corners Alabama) is struggling to get off the ground, perhaps you would be so kind as to review the script of our latest production:
The Angel of Death Meets the Zizians; The Lucy Letby Story.
It chronicles the tragic story of a British Nurse gaslighted ad framed by an evil cult of Transpires who have crossed the ocean and infiltrated the NHS.
She is wrongly accused in a number of deaths in order to cover up the Transpires nefarious plot to have an evil Shitholian Witchdoctor eliminate whiteness from the British Isles.
Lucy is saved at the last minute by a mysterious crusader named Thomas only to be tucked away in the underground confines of his remote Cunt Engine Museum and Fried Chiggun Cafe.
From there she is transferred to the nearby Admin Towers…which is even more remote…and subject to repeated abuses which are too degenerate to be listed on the hallowed pages of this most August and respectable site.
The Transpires also manage to escape by joining the Labour Party and standing for public office, with at least 2 of them winning seats and joining Keir’s Cabinet.
Overall, we at Massacre Films Ltd. are relatively happy with the plot but we feel it lacks the originality and graphic deviate sexual activity necessary to be a success.
With so many successful productions under you belt we would appreciate any guidance you might offer.
Cuntster, General (In rabid anticipation)
General, I would suggest that these days you need to add an element of bumfuckery to gain a chance of winning awards.
I would suggest little Wes Streeting as the campest cult leader ever found on celluloid – his muse is Eddie Izzard in full drag, with whom Wes has sado-machoistic relations. An especially grizzly scene where Lord Mandy attempts to blackmail Wes and Eddie into having sex with him, results in an orgy where the pair of them batter Mandy to death with their handbags and powder compacts. Lots of blood and gore and oral the key to success to getting an early showing on the BBC.. Best not to give your rank – pick a name that could be multi-racial – how about Dwight Thruster?. I used it once when I directed an early opus of Jess Phillips – Confessions Of A Ladyboy Prostitute. It was set in Bangkok but budget considerations meant we had to film it in Scunthorpe, where even the pigeons fly upside down because there is nothing worth shitting on. Fair play, Jess took her part well, especially in the whipping scenes.
Good luck with your production!
test again
I didn’t really follow the case although I do remember him being interviewed after the trial and had a n*ggling feeling at the time that he liked the limelight a little too much helped along by a giddy interviewer. I also think the media thought they had another Beverly Allitt on their hands which helped whip up this shitstorm.
If she’s so innocent, what are these all about?
The ramblings of a disordered mind?
Yeah, in her bedroom when the plod searched it,
Little notes. ” I killed them”
Not helped herself if innocent?
And the state of her bedroom the scruffy bitch!!
She should of got a extra 10months just for that.
Hi, MNC.
I read somewhere, months ago now, that she was encouraged by her therapist to write them, as a way to help her cope with the pressure. ..
Here it is:
Just saying,
What about the baby heads they found in her shopping bag? I notice no one mentions those anymore. She also used their blood to write her journal – the one where she confesses everything. The police are not stupid. Oh wait…they are.
You think she’s innocent 20?
Set up by the police or the NHS?
How’d you explain those weirdo notes she wrote?
See above, MNC. Its a right pig’s breakfast and no mistake.
Oh, they should let her out then.
Reinstate her with back pay,
She’s clearly well balanced and Normal.🤪
Probably a case of mass baby suicide?
Dunno mate,
If a counsellor asked me to write weird shite like that Id refuse.
I think she’s at the very least a scruffy bitch and a whack job.
As for murderer?
She’s bang average looking too, at best, so strictly speaking should be kept in a cage anyway.
Sexist pig.😉
Letby is more sexy than Myra
Hindley c1965. As for Baby Ps mum, well I do have some standards.
Princess Die modelled her looks on Myra Hindley.
She did her justice to be fair
Diana Dors in Yield To The Night would do me.
And Maud Adams in Octopussy. The saucy mare.
Babs in Carry On Doctor Again
“What a lovely looking pear!” she says to the ambulanceman eating fruit
“You trook the words right out of my mouth” he replies
But for me, my all time favourite will always be Diana Rigg in her prime (1965/67) as Emma Peel, beautiful, lithe, sassy before all the womens lib shit made her into an old boiler. I would have loved to wrestle with her in her leather and big boots.
I’m sitting on the fence on this one.
Same as me JP.
I never take sides in case I upset anyone.
I’d hate that.,.😁
I find your prevarication… upsetting Mis.
I’m gonna have a little cry, in my safespace, with my emotional support animal.
tissues are by the exit ,
And some scent of violets if you feel faint.
I’m not sure that a Gila Monster counts as an emotional support animal, Termy.
Fckn dog ate the Gila monster JP.
Looked at him sideways. Big mistake 🤣
Bit of a bugger that, Termy.
Especially for the Gila 😝
Looks like the phantom tickie man is out and about again…
He likes me!
Because I honour the Old Gods.
I’m a direct descendant of Uther Pendragon and the blood of Albion runs through my veins.
When I was born every ley line from Tintagel to the ring of Brodgar burst into flames,
The sarson stone at Stonehenge cracked,
And a murder of crows landed on our windowsill and cawed
” Behold! The Future king has returned!
And that’s why the ticky fairy likes me.🙂
I thought Graham Norton was the tickle fairy?
What you been up to Mis?
Hehehe 😂
The ticky fairy is another ISAC Cunter,
Although he’s not commented on the nom?
But clearly thinks Letby is guilty.
You winning Termy?
D’oh. Wrong specs. thought it said tickle, not tickie.
Now we’ve cleared that up, What you been up to with Graham Norton Mis?
Whatever you, don’t fall for any requests for you to look at his puppies *shudders*
I’m a born winner Mis, one of life’s champions, like you, can’t help it 🙂
I wondered wtf was going on with upticks. Is this a regular thing?
Naw, once In awhile.
There was another tech savvy type who could do it too, forget who.
It took me fuckin ages to learn to do a link.
Ruff Tuff had to do them for me.
Learnt out of necessity.
Also the words that make your post disappear into the ether!
You had that yet?
I struggled with links, and writing noms too, at first.
Admin gave me a right kicking, but it put me on the right track, too.
So thanks, I think.
Ah the bad old days when you could write up a nom a paragraph long of gibberish that looked like it had been spell checked by Harvey Price.
I got modded (again) just this morning.
Usually it’s obvious but I genuinely have no idea what was wrong today.
He seems to like ’42’.
Life, the universe and everything?
We should shatter his world by adding another uptick, 43 is the real answer!
I’m on it.
lol good one 😃
Here’s an interesting little nugget of an O/T …
Did you know that if you try to donate 2 grand to the Guardian via their begging pop-up … they ask if you’d like to add an extra 80 quid TO the 2 grand to cover the cost of the donating-2-grand transaction?
Well, at that point I thought ‘fuck the ungrateful cunts’ and so clicked away.
It was mnc’s fault I was there to begin with as he piqued my curiosity re: the state of the nurse in question’s bedroom, further up the thread and I asked t’internet for a nosey. Clicked first pic. When the cunts stick out the hat like that, I like to make it look like someone was trying to donate but kept making little mistakes and then gave up. Donation-edging, y’could call it.
Wikpedia* are even worse offenders. That ‘remind me later’ option instead of a ‘fuck off asking’ one is a real bane of this online age. (unwanted android updates, anyone?)
(*I’d rather burn 2K than hand it to the likes of the already perfectly-wealthy cunts).
In retrospect could probably have moulded a nom out of this but ’tis what it is now.
What a fucking shithole GB has become…💩
And will Wee Burney Sturgeon say anything?
Will that cunt David Tennant?
Will anybody?
Will they bugger.
“She was probably asking for it” said a GMP spokesman.
Yvette “Sugartits” Cooper has been asking for it for years – hanging round Rochdale minicab offices, asking Ahmed to give her a ride, wearing her gym slip and Young Miss knickers. She still doesn’t get it though.
OT. Just watched the great British 60s film, Up The Junction.
I reckon I would have crawled over hot coals and broken glass to have my way with Suzy Kendall.
Fuck YES! Lovely chin
Just needs my bollocks on it.
If she’s innocent there are some damn fine coincidences going on. Always happened when she was on duty, never happened when she wasn’t. Hasn’t happened since. The diaries alone were enough for me, she’s fucking tapped.
On the bigger the question. They should have caught her sooner, if anything they closed ranks to hide what was happening. And on the much wider question, the NHS is massively OVER funded but run by fucking idiots.
Looks like a dodgy bastard to me.