Potholes [4]

Are the bane of anyone who uses roads.
To be honest, footpaths aren’t much better where I live, due to folk parking on them.

I often wonder, when my council tax bill drops through the letterbox, exactly where Sheffield is spending the money allocated to roads? On Dutch roundabouts perhaps.

BBC News 1.

Perhaps I’d be more impressed if they spent some £££s on a few of these babies.
Come on, who wouldn’t want a go in one?

BBC News 2.

Nominated by : Jeezum Priest

41 thoughts on “Potholes [4]

  1. Sheffield was known for potholes
    Absolutely nightmare!

    But last few times I went they’d definitely improved, resurfacing and patching up the worse of them.

    M56 has a few corkers too!
    Hit the fuckers at 70mph and you bite through your tongue 👅

    Posh parts of Cheshire seem bad too,
    Tarporley, Knutsford, Altrincham,
    All like Downtown Mogadishu.

    No wonder they all drive 4×4’s.

    It’s a symptom of this useless fuckin Government.
    Throw away millions in foreign aid but we’re driving on road last resurfaced by the Romans.

      • PS Whoever signed off on building a roundabout that cost 18 million quid should be shot.

      • It still hasn’t been completed, and part of it has been cordoned off for repairs.

        Repairs already, ffs. They must have used Pot Noodles for the surface!

      • They are fucking joking surely? The idea that as a cyclist I would feel protected from the traffic by stripes on the road is risible. The only place I know where I would use a bicycle for transport is Milton Keynes where they have a comprehensive cycle network entirely separated from the roads. I saw the aftermath of a connection between a heavy lorry and a bicycle in London. The bicycle was mangled completely out of shape and I didn’t want to think of the rider’s condition.

    • Sheffield Shitty Council, or the socialist republic of South Yorkshire, sold out to Amey for the road repairs, who did a shit job, cost the taxpayers nearly a billion pounds whilst trousering themselves a tidy profit, and donating some to Labour ‘natch.

      Another city that hates cars, people who own one and anyone whom is not entirely state dependent. Shithole.

  2. Having navigated Dutch-style roundabouts in their country of origin I follow a simple rule.
    For safety’s sake give way to absolutely everyone on the assumption that they’re all skunked out of their heads.

  3. When driving in Sheffield it’s the dreaded Eco tax I’m more concerned about.

    Go near the city centre? £10!!!
    Fuckin tenner!!

    Cheeky cunts.

      • Morning, MNC. You are right. The similarities are remarkable.

    • That’s the forecourt outside my local Co-op.

      Since that photo was taken, the Cuntcil have white-lined a section of the footpath and sprayed a pedestrian walking symbol on it, at intervals.

      Well done, that’s really going to stop twats driving over it. What a pity that you didn’t send someone out to fill the fucking 12 inch+ deep potholes while you were doing this pointless exercise.

  4. The Stalinist dictatorship doesn’t want the proletariat to have any mobility.
    The cunts don’t need to use third world dirt tracks, since they have helicopters.
    I would love to see the adenoidal mutant Millibrain’s head filling one.
    Good morning, have a joyous day.

  5. Don’t worry the government have this under control. During the election campaign the prospective Labour Parliamentary Candidate, the fragrant Rachel Wilding, aged 26, called at my gaffe. I asked her what qualified her, at 26, to be an MP and she replied we had both driven over potholes. Potholes are a council responsibility on most roads not a Parliamentary one. Anyway, apart from her student politics, she was bloody nice and I certainlyr. wouldn’t have refused but that doesn’t qualify you to sit in Parliament.
    That Fucking Lady Nugee ( aka Emily Thornberry) was on R4 this morning, I had forgotten what an arrogant cow she is. Nick Robinson kissed her fat, smelly, arse for her.

    Good Morning

  6. I suggest Pot Noodles®* would be an excellent way to fill potholes.
    Simply prepare the delicacy as per the instructions and instead of consuming it just pour it into the pothole. May I further suggest the Bombay Bad Boy for the above mentioned Indian roads.
    * “It does what it says on the t̶i̶n̶ pot”.

  7. Its simple, stuff the illegals in the holes and they will be serving their purpose for coming here. Ideal colour of black tar and when the holes subside, there’s plenty more where they come from. I’ve a feeling of Deja vu on this one.

      • Tsk, tsk, tsk.

        It’s not torture, they like it.

        Plus, they’ve been very naughty, and need to be disciplined.

    • I wouldn’t go as far as that Sammy but we could put the illegal migrants to work filling the potholes in, it would go part way to paying for their board and lodging whilst they are here.
      Have them digging up vegetables as well if the farmers can’t get any labour.
      It would benefit the economy and cut down on illegal migration when they find out they will have to work when they get here.

  8. You would have thought that with so many councils with so many potholes the dozy cunts would have sussed out that filling them doesn’t actually work.

    A starting point for La Vuelta bike race is our local beach.
    Our council always try to make things look nice for the TV cameras.

    One year they put out No Parking signs saying that the road would be shut for repairs overnight.

    On the way back from the bar we could see that the workmen were taking the entire surface off the road.

    The next morning it was complete with tarmac and painted white lines.
    Approximately 1km of new road overnight and now, year’s later it’s still in perfect condition.

    You have to resurface a road, not patch the fucker up.

    • That’s how we do it up here in Swedoland – properly. Also done at night. Wake up in the morning and 5k of motorway has been magically renewed.

      Haven’t see a pot hole here.

      • And you get snow and hard frost in Sweden MCC.

        It’s a case of doing the fucking job properly in the first place.
        The UK just haven’t got the right equipment.
        Laying a road is a piece of piss.
        You don’t even need many guys to do it.
        Just big, fuck off machines.

        It’s the same as when the UK gets hit by a snow flurry.
        They really haven’t got a clue.


  9. I cycle round them, then nearly get hit by cars. That’s why we ride on the pavement where the potholes have been repaired.

  10. The country roads around my way are terrible – I bet that the likes of downtown Chad likely has better standards of highway than 21st century UK.

    My suspension lasts around 4 months before a balljoint, track rod end or strut bearing need replacement. In some places you can’t avoid potholes (when a vehicle is approaching from the other direction) on a narrow country lane, unless of course you stop and let them pass.

    I did that a couple of weeks ago and a cunt in a van swerved around a pothole on his side and detonated my driver’s door mirror.

    This country is going to ratshit fast.

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