Well just when you think you have seen and heard it, you see something that makes you go hot and dizzy and not in a good way, see link below.
We have been drawn to the plight of the modern gypsy/ traveller community and these hard done by minority are disillusioned with their lot in life, lots of moaning and whinging about how difficult it is for them to live in the conditions and the general feeling they get from the general public, so I would like to set a few things strait here.
They feel persecuted by the police, I know for fact there are 2 camps in Cardiff and the police don’t want to go there if they can avoid it, but when the place is a haven for stolen cars, wire spools, plant and equipment, illegal vehicles, stolen dogs, fires, feral kids even a slaves once, I shit you not and anti theft trackers pinging away like some sort of demented Lilly Allen song what the fuck do they expect, stop thieving and breaking the law and this wouldn’t be a regular occurrence.
Then they moan that the conditions are not good, first of all they are not wanted in any town [ trust issues you see, fucking well deserved as well], so they have camps built for them, again in Cardiff when these were new, they ripped all the copper pipes out of the shower blocks, weighed it all in and then demanded the council repaired the damage, for fuck sake, but the council used plastic pipes the next time and surprise, surprise they are still there, lesson learned.
Then they are moaning that people are racist, now are these thieving gypsy bastards actually a race apart or just a breed apart, I’m leaning towards the latter here, the facts are they are not to be trusted and they prove this fact again and again by thieving, conning and general dishonesty every fucking day and everywhere they go.
Again Cardiff, there was a funeral some years back and these inbred cunts decided to completely block a main road out of town by literally using it as a car park, they they had the biggest theiving, lying, shit kicker talk to the press to say how these cunts were so miss understood and they cant understand why the are less popular than Meghan Markle.
The same aforementioned pikey, likes to park horses on other peoples land and then claim it for himself after an allotted period of time.
They they claim there are rats the size of dogs where they live, now if they weren’t so cruel to their animals , didn’t have tied up horses, dead, dying or killed animals hanging around looking forward to the next life [ hopefully doggy heaven is pikey free] and tidied their self caused shit holes they wouldn’t have overfed, giant super rats running around the place.
Then they moan that the Welsh government are not pandering to their demands, have they not noticed the country is in the shit and a percentage of this is down to these cunts directly, while they don’t pay taxes, drive around in Mercs when not driving the Tranny around looking for things to steal, wasting police time all the time.
Ripping off all the local businesses by day and breaking in by night, thank god we don’t live in Appleby, must be a fucking nightmare.
So now I can say these fuckers deserve absolutely everything they get, nobody wants them around because they are cunts of the highest order in every level in life.
Nominated by Fuglyucker.
FFS use a spell check please with your cuntings. I’m not a fucking English teacher C.A.
As Gorgeous George once said, “I fuckin’ hate pikeys.”
The only mess the unwashed, illiterate and terminally overweight cunts don’t leave behind is any trace of what was on their bin lid sized plates when they do a runner from a restaurant without paying – again!
Imagine that lot appearing overnight near your house!!
Seems to be different types of gyppos to be fair.
The Irish travellers
The Romanian pickpocket cunts
And the proper horse dealing ones
I sometimes deal with some who are always ok with me,
Although no reason not to be,
They’re getting a good deal and it benefits them,
But they’ve never tried to take the piss.
In fact once I’d park in a supermarket carpark and another removals van was there.
A family friend.
The gypsies pulled on and asked
” Dat your rival? You want his fuckin brakes done?”
Which I thought was very nice of them 😁
I blame Guy Richie for putting these parasites on the big screen. Wanka!
Richie was such a bellend.
Going about dressed like a Plougman’s Lunch with his shotguns. With his tosspot mates Chris Evans and Vinny Jones. Acting like country gents and shooting Pheasants. Bunch of bastards.
Also, Richie married the dirtiest, most overused, crabs riddled whore in the history of popular music. Less men went down on the Titanic than have gone down on Madogga.
The worst ‘travellers’ are the Irish ones.
Human locusts. And they breed like rabbits. Usually with each other.
OT from errrr OT.
Last time we encountered the Gooners, we had a decent young goalie between the sticks.
But, today we will have th dreaded Black Banana in net.
I forsee clangers, balls ups, disasters and a total thrashing.
Could be worse…. we’re falling apart AGAIN 😩…. wobble, wobble jellies on a plate 🤯
Diddums.My ❤️ bleeds.Not.Thieving scum.Full gypsy oven please UT.
There’s a new shampoo on the market for the Pikeys.
It’s called Go and Wash.
I thank you.
Gypsies have never worked legitimately since the dawn of time….. it’s in the DNA 🧬
They wouldn’t survive if they weren’t criminals. cunts
Poikies are possibly the worst people on earth, neck-and-neck with pakıs for utter scumbaggery.
100%., Ttce.
I’ve made my position on these scum of the earth several times on isac before & so am giving myself a(nother) pass for this day….
I WILL add that if you gave me a *click* button to press, that when pressed would immediately end the existences of every one of the cunts everywhere.. well … already clicked it there ^ …. no 2nd thought.
*click* *click* *click* .. just to be sure. 😄
Thomas @
It’s not you who threw a snail at this boys house is it?
That’s the sort of dastardly deed you would get upto.
A lot of these cunts were my customers, before I sold the business. Used to own a horse riding shop, so you can imagine the shit that used to come through the door.
Had to have eyes out everywhere….used to bring the kids in to do the stealing en mass. Then when you confronted them to say your kids just put £50 leather gloves in their pocket and gone to walk out without paying they would surround you and accuse you of being a kiddy fiddler and did I want to search them.
One gyppo tried to do a runner with a load of kit, I went after the cunt as he was dropping the stuff up the road running. Caught up with him after he though he had given me the slip through a housing estate. Grabbed him by the collar and frog marched him back to the shop. Got staff to call the police while I held him against the wall so he wouldn’t run off. Kept saying if I let him use his phone he would ask his cousin to come over with a grand in cash to pick him up….if I let him go the cash was mine. Yeah, right mat, then you’ve got me in your pocket forever and a day. Police did arrive and took him away and he got done.
Another one tried doing a runner, but had a car in the carpark to make his escape. I ran out and we have two heavy gates to the entrance- I had just managed to close one and was pulling the other across to stop him leaving, when he clipped it barrelling through and flung it right back. Just missed hitting me full face…cunt.
Do I like traveller, gyppos and the like…..do I fuck as like.
Only reason I would say it’s a good idea to go cashless it to fuck these cunts over as that’s the only way they survive.
Oskar Dirlewanger would sort this mess out in half an hour.
Vermin into mince.
He was such a violent prevert that other SS units complained about him and his gang.
Not persecuted enough in my view…!
Cheer up, cunters – OT, but it does make one snigɠer …https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/crmj4kxemxro
Are those real names?
When the murder was first in the news I doubt if any of us lot thought that that someone called John Smith would be involved. With the suggested new sentencing rules the murder might get off with probation.
It has cheered me up Sam, for two reasons.
1. The local florists are doing well, and
2. As it happened in a foreign land no English person was involved.
What has our country come to? Farcical 🤦
Under the new sentencing rules they will probably get let off any crime and given compensation for being arrested and charged.
They are a persecuted minority.
They can do whatever they likey.
Bit of music cheer you all up.
Some years back, we had a bunch of these cunts roll up on the local playing fields, (wedding or something).
They went into Sainsburys and stripped the shelves walked out without paying – as you do.
Broke in and stole Calor gas from the local marina stores.
Left the playing fields and the adjoining kids park in a shit state.
Local plod put a Tweet out that locals should be more understanding. (He got flack for that).
Yes I am understanding, that this vermin should have nice shower blocks built on their site, which adminsters a insecticide whose name escapes me, but the first letter is Z and the last B.
Reminds me of an angle I didn’t mention about these cunts previously .. just something on TV where a couple who owned a caravan park-up (for holidaymakers) somewhere in Britain .. and the f.u.c.k.s (fucking useless cunt knacker scum©) turned up & took over half the site. Cops (desultory acronym pending) showed up .. said to the owners (whose paying customers were upping and leaving) they’d ‘talk’ to the f.u.c.k.s.
After 30 mins, cops come back. “They said they’ll leave Monday” (it was a Friday). The tone was ‘aren’t they great that they’ve agreed to leave (words are cheap btw) without making a huge deal out of your prejudices against them.
Meanwhile- I shit you not – about 15 knacker cunt kid cunts were trying to roll the cop car. Got a good rhythm going too. The police saying ‘stop that’ was as much as they did until the cunts quit the attempt after running out of steam. The parent-scum watching-on all proud of the little bastards.
Anyone else see that one?
Off Topic
Reform MP Rupert Lowe states his problem with reform leader Nigel Farage is down to the fact he wants a million illegal immigrants deported.
Something he’s doubled down on.
I’d better not join Reform then, I would DEPORT all immigrants legal or illegal..
If you can’t trace your ancestry back five generations in GB then it would be Ta Ta…🖕
I thought it rather low and totally reasonable too?
I’d have them all gassed.
They’re not a “race”. They are a whole seperate species and, a whole subhuman one at that. They’re all bareknuckle boxing champions when they’re giving it big licks, it’s funny how none of them seem to be losing boxers. It also cracks me up, the age old “Oi’ll have a hundred lads down here, so I will”, if you confront them. I dealt with hundreds of them in my former job and every single one of them was a lying, thieving, dirty, domestic abusing druggie cunt.
Apart from that, they’re alright. Just a notch above mudslimes in the order of who gets the zyklon B when I come to power.
I saw the site where the copper died after being dragged down the road has just had a 4 1/2 million pound revamp at the tax payers expense.
Travellers don’t get treat like cunts, they treat the rest of us like cunts, like every other coddled minority they take the fucking piss, commit crimes without any comeback and cry racism when no one wants them near by.
My point of view is treat them like everyone else, if you have to send in armed police to collect one of the cunts do so.
Fuck em, they’re taking the piss. Personally wouldn’t miss em if they all disappeared somehow.
I’m reminded of the story of the newlywed pike key couple I heard years ago.
You Zak was distraught when his new bride informed him she was a virgin.
He storms out and over to his dad’s caravan.
“I’m devastated. She’s just told me she’s a virgin”
To which dad said “Fuck that son! If she’s not good enough for her own family, she’s not good enough for ours “
*Young Zak. Cunting phone
Seems the PIKEY infestation is all over Europe. But the Belgium’s know how to remove the stench…!
Is that Jack the Cunter and friends in the header pic, overwintering in Fiddlers top field?
O/T, looks like this fucking lot will be next to paddle across the channel..💩
BBC News – Syrians describe terror as Alawite families killed in their homes
O/T, but I was watching a YouTool clip today.
White bloke asking Muslim men where the Five Pillars of Wisdom are.
Didn’t get any answer, but lots of embarrassed giggles.
Bored, I flicked onto the comments section.
This one:
Q. Where are the Five Pillars of Wisdom?
A. On the child brides bed.
Badoom, tish!
P. S. I know the answer.
Dear “do as you likies”, here’s an idea; instead of robbing old people, stealing pets, leaving shit everywhere , creating crime waves every place you go, intimidating decent people, bullying, lying and all the other delightful pastimes you clearly must relish, try acting like civilised people. Perhaps then you’ll be accepted by the community at large, but you won’t will you. Crying victim is just another one of your ploys to obtain free money and avoid real work.