are cunts.
‘Sir’ Jim Ratclffe and those Glazer mutants can kiss my arse. That new stadium he (Ratcliffe) wants? The concept art looks shit. It looks like a mosque that’s been designed by Albert Speer. And a 100’000 capacity? How are they going to get 100’000 to watch our shower of shit? If City can’t fill the Etihad to capacity. how the buggery are United going to fill their ‘new’ stadium?
Also , as a hardcore matchgoing supporter since 1974, I am simply not interested. If or when Old Trafford dies, that is me done with them for good. 66 (sixty sodding six) pounds for a kids ticket to watch that crap is scandalous enough. But this new ground will not even keep the old name or pay tribute to Busby’s legacy. I bet it it’s called somehing like The Glazerdome or the Ineos Stadium.
Well, they can sod off. Manchester United nearly died in 1958. Only to rise again, with an young Irish genius as their talisman. But this time I think the club I loved since I was a young boy is -or will be- well and truly dead soon. Whatever that cunt Ratcliffe or those Glazer scum are aiming to do, it has nothing to do with the people of Manchester and Salford who loved this club so much. They are doing this for the tourists, daytrippers, half/half scarf mongs, and any other imbecile they can suck money out of. Welcome to Glazerworld. With Marcus Rashford as Mickey Mouse.
Nominated by Norman.
Good nom, Norman.
Man U can fuck right off… something that 90% of their glory-hunting fans will have already done, no doubt.
Are they still taking the knee? I do hope so.
I also hope that the delightful Glazer family wring every last penny out of the club and leave them looking like a poor man’s Hartlepool United.
I was sick to my stomach, Baker.
United great Nobby Stiles died. And right after a tribute was paid to him at Old Trafford, the players then took the knee for Chicken Floyd George.
Nobby having to share his eulogy with that piece of shit criminal treeswinger. Same thing happened when Tommy Docherty passed away. Taking the knee and fist salutes right after a minute’s silence for The Doc.
And, you are right. Although I am Newton Heath born and bred, the amount of gloryhunting cunts that have plagued us since 1993 is something I hate Mouthy cunts from Northen Ireland and the Far East who are ‘Lifelong Man U’ fans really get on my tits. The sprinkling of chinkies with their iphones and half/half scarves make my piss boil (if I could still piss, that is).
If it’s any consolation Norm, I hate prawn sandwiches 🙂
Why don’t they build the new stadium in London where most of their supporters live?
Or even in Paris, or Berlin for that matter.
Ich bin ein Fan von Manchester United !
Guten Tag Adolph.
Ich nicht bin hier, ich bin in ein funf tagen bierfest.
Danke der Carabao Final.
Heil Eddie.
Apart from the Busby years which finished nearly 60 years ago and the ferguson era united have been either bang average or shit, they are where they belong, fucking nowhere, biggest club in the world, fuck off, they can’t afford to pay for canteen staff or roof repairs, a bunch of cunts being led to oblivion by tax dodging ratty boy, tossers
To many football grounds nowadays are soulless caverns.. aimed at soulless, fickle supporters.
Football is slowly dying a death, overpriced at the ground and on the TV.
Much more enjoy watching my local team now, having a pint or two on the sidelines.
And you don’t have to listen to the inane witterings of that socialist mong gary neville..
There has been a succession of poor managers, some ropey, some shite. The players act like prima-donnas. Pogba was more interested in social media and his hair styles and Rashford wasted himself trying to be Jesus. Would Ferguson have tolerated that? He would have showered them in tea. Fernandes? Rat-faced cheat. Lingard? Fuck off.
It probably doesn’t help having old Taggart sitting watching every game being paid £2 million a year.
He’s being paid fuck all now, Ratcliffe sacked him lol
Quite right.
2 million for turning up. It’s like being in the House Of Lords.
Money grabbing arseholes
The artist’s impression of a new stadium shows a roof with three points. Pity the team can’t do the same.
Nou Camp already has a capacity of close to 100.000 but it rarely sells out.
In fact the average attendance is around 60.000 and tickets are relatively cheap and easy to buy.
The reason is that the seats which are so high in the vast stands give no reasonable view.
They are renovating the stadium at the moment to 115.000 seats.
It will be the largest in the world.
However, Barcelona FC are brilliant.
Manchester United are shit.
¡Aúpa Barca!
Barcelona without Messi are a shadow of what they were.
And we murdered them (and Maradona) in 1984. I was at that game. The crowd and atmosphere unrecognisable to what it is now.
And my old mum bollocked me when I got home. She saw me on the TV during the pitch invasion.
No argument there Norman.
Messi was without doubt the best footballer the world has ever seen.
Even though he, by himself could sell out a 95,000 seater stadium the revenue from the ticket sales could not cover his enormous salary, and he was just one of many of the exceptional players that had to be paid.
Sponsorship coverered the shortfall.
Without him, and the other great players now long gone, Barca are still ahead of the rest of La Liga.
The Mesia is a factory for football talent.
The size of a stadium is irrelevant for paying the players of World class teams.
The ticket sales from a sell out game in Barcelona would just about cover the cost of Messi for that game.
The real money is from sponsorship and advertising.
The size of the stadiums doesn’t really matter too much.
Football! Shite!! Next…!
Exactly 👍
Build the new ground in the jungle. Ideal for all the pickannies who are playing for them, who wouldn’t have to travel far. Was shocked at the price of tickets to watch this third-rate shower of shite. It used to cost me 9d to get in and 4d for a programme to watch Duncan Edwards, who traveled by bicycle and the rest by local bus.
I remember chatting to Billy Garton on the 57 bus on the way to Old Trafford, He was playing in the first team that day and he was as pleased as punch. He was a great lad, proper Salford (lived on Archie Street) and United through and through.
Things didn’t work out for Billy at United. But to speak to a first team player on the bus was something. I also used to see Whiteside, McGrath, Moran, Robbo and Clayton about in the alehouses. None of them were cunts and they were more than happy to drink and chat with the fans.
My dad owned a garage on Chapel Street in the 60s, and he did the cars of Pat Crerand, Brian Kidd, John Fitzpatrick, Franny Burns. And he would have a drink with them in Billy Barr’s Brown Bull nearby. And he even had a pint wirth George on occasion.
But, that’s the way it was. It was different then, It felt like it belonged to all of us, players and supporters. But that is now sadly long one and probably gone for good.
I remember Geoff Hurst working in his sportswear shop opposite the Upton Park ground after his 3 goals in the 66 World Cup final.
Making ends meet.
Bobby Moore had Mooroe’s Wine Bar on Stratford Broadway.
He was often seen around Chigwell, driving his Rolls Royce.
I suspect that he didn’t buy that out of his football earnings.
The last I read about Geoff Hurst was that he was selling life assurance for some company.
He will be retired now.
Times change.
What…no Learjet ??
It’s a complex situation for sure and although I don’t follow Man U and have far less interest in football generally than I used to, it is on some levels rather sad what has happened to a once great club.
I did enjoy the Fergie years. His interviews were often great wind ups. Fergie time, with United scoring a winner in the last minute. Going behind, then seeing this red wave hammering the opposition goal relentlessly. Tricky wingers. Great front men who could score 2 yard tap ins or 25 yard top corner screamers. Filthy bastard centre halves with a ‘thou shall not pass’ ethos. They were fun to watch and very entertaining.
The success Sir Alex brought to the club and the revenue that generated disguised the financial rape being inflicted on the club by The Glazers. Appointing Moyes was a mistake. Not because he’s a poor manager, but because the job was too big for him. He knew it of course, but to help him settle in, he brought all his own backroom staff with him and sacked the coaches etc. who had been in place for a very long time. Huge mistake. Too much change, too soon. United didn’t give him enough time of course as his results and win ratio wasn’t that bad. Then it quickly unravelled.
Van Gaal had the experience, but not the personality. By the time Mourinho was appointed, he was already becoming a toxic brand. Solskjaer was a huge mistake. A half decent temporary stop gap being turned into a full time appointment was doomed from the start. He had no track record to justify his appointment. Rangnick was a curious appointment. Big on exposing the reality of the mess United were in, but little in the way of doing anything about it. Ten Hag was yet another “who are you?” moment who always seemed lost and out of his depth. By this time of course, the slide and set in. The Chief Executive had been changed and replaced by someone who didn’t have the balls or vision of the previous administration.
And now we have Amorim. This daft sod insists on playing a certain way but doesn’t have the playing staff to implement it week in, week out. I’ve read Fergie’s books and one of the things I remember him talking about is how Manchester United type players were identified, their progress tracked and ultimately signed. There was a system in place where all the pieces fit together which continued to make the team successful. I can’t think of any current Utd player who would fit seamlessly into a Fergie team.
The demise of Manchester United is unfortunately a reflection of how the Premier League has lost its way. The top of the table is a little mundane and not that exciting. The bottom…what can you say? Has there ever been 3 worse teams whose relegation was practically nailed on as early as January? It’s pathetic. The middle of the table is boring and uninspiring. Great coaching, with few exceptions, has gone out the window. Everyone copies this playing out from the back nonsense, whether they’re any good at it or not. If a defender ultimately hoofs the ball up field in a panic to get rid of it, why not let the goalie take a goal kick in the first place? It makes no sense. The most successful team of recent years, Man City, need a squad overhaul and the shortcomings of Guardiola have been savagely exposed. Fergie rebuilt his squad 3 maybe 4 times during his tenure and there was barely a blip in performance or achievement. Man City’s form has fallen off a cliff.
So there you have it. I do feel for you Norm. I hope one day the Man United of old will return, but it’ll be a while me thinks.
You’ve forgotten, IY, to mention the oil money for Guardiola, who needs the spondullicks to start him off.
That is a fair point, Sammy.
I’m sure Guardiola brings much to the table. His trophy haul shows he’s doing something right. But as you say, his job is made a lot easier when his club can bank roll virtually any player they want. I don’t know what’s happened to the 115 charges, but I expect City will buy themselves out of trouble somehow.
All that said, I do find City’s way of playing quite boring for long periods. Camped out on the edge of the opposition box, playing the ball back and forth across the 18 yard line. Over and over again. Sideways, backwards, forward again, sideways. Yawn. Then something happens in the blink of an eye and they score. Yeah, well done and all that but it’s boring to watch. Successful and effective, yes. Exciting, nope.
Amorim comes across as a prick, IY.
After United get a spanking, he says things like ‘We have more problems than solutions’. He really said that. Amorim is a bit like Dave Sexton. Dave once said to the Manchester press, ‘I don’t like people who fly kites, and I don’t fly them myself’. Yeah, OK, Dave.
I think he was trying to do a classic Docherty one liner, But The Doc was a master at it.
Fergie or The Doc would have just breathed fire on the shower of shite
Would have to agree, Norm.
He has said a number of things which are not befitting a Manchester United manager. Stupid crap like, “I’m young and make mistakes”. That maybe true, but you don’t say that in a press conference, FFS. You’re in charge of Manchester United you total prat!!! Hardly the stuff to inspire, motivate, command respect and show leadership is it?
He may ultimately move things forward a bit, but I don’t think he’ll be the man to turn Utd back into what they once were. For one thing, they simply don’t have the players anymore and the longer this goes on, the top players won’t want to go there.
Still, could be worse. You could have the best run club in the world making shit loads for the owners, go through managers like water through a sieve, end up with a shit team who play like headless chickens and never win anything. Hello Spurs.
Even though I hated their guts, Celtic had a team within walking distance of each other who won the European Cup, the year before we United of British team players won it. Long gone are clubs who had local players in the team, never mind same country. The clubs names now are meaningless. Players from all over the shop have cars so long as they are of age, who don’t care as much as they used to. I can nostalgically go on about an era that won’t come back, but at least can still reminisce.
Giggs, Scholes, Butt and the rest will be the last of our ‘own’ coming through, Sammy.
Rashford and Lingard, I don’t even count. They can sod off.
You’ve got me thinking Sammy. What would an entire from the youth team through the ranks all time United XI be?
Gary Bailey in goal, No other choice really. Either him or Gary Walsh. Bosnich was a cunt.
I never saw the Babes. But Big Dunc, Jonesy, Snake Hips Eddie and Pegg and the others are the stuff of legend.
Then there’s Nobby, Shay, Kiddo, Sammy Mac and, of course, Bestie.
Not much from the 70s and 80s. Brian Greenhoff, Albiston, Big Norman, Sparky and that’s about it. Graeme Hogg and Scott McGarvey would not make the cut.
And the last lot. The so-called Class of 92. Scholes being the cream of that lot.
Those cunts Rashford, Lingard and that twat Ravel Morrison would not even be allowed to clean the boots.
He’s being paid fuck all now, Ratcliffe sacked him lol
I wonder, if Fergie will fall out of love with the Glazers, now Rat Features Jim has chucked him off the gravy train?
I don’t know the rights and wrongs of stripping Fergie of his ambassadorial role, but the optics of that move by that Catweazle lookalike were pretty bad.
There’s no denying that the Glazers have made a LOT of money from owning Utd while at the same time Old Trafford has fallen into a state of disrepair, the team’s fortunes have dropped off a cliff and a succession of managers have collectively tainted the brand to the point of embarrassment.
I suppose Utd will want to bring the NFL clown show to the new stadium too.
You would never see the San Siro or the Nou Camp treated like that.
Like the greedy RFU having gridiron played at Twickers fucked the pitch for a season. I remember about 20 years ago in USA owners trashing perfectly good stadiums and building billion dollar new ones that they still don’t fill, is it money laundering?
They were my second team after my beloved Coventry City when i was a kid, Best Law Charlton and all that but Ferguson spoilt that with his bullying of refs etc.
Now that thick fat cunt Eamonnnnnn Holmes gets on my tits droning on about them.
C’mon man…….
You’re sounding like corn pop.
It’s really unpleasant to pick on the retarded kid, it’s even worse when you used to beat your chest because it was your own favourite kid until it had the unfortunate accident with the swing.
It’s easy to support a winning team, a lot harder when they are dog shit.
It’s a shame.
Nowt good comes of going down the road of corporate greed in sport,might as well be flogging toothpaste or equity release schemes.
Totally fucked it.
Just another franchise with overpaid foreign cunts. Fuck all to do with Manchester just like the cunts on the east side.
Mould Trafford theatre of has beens…. they’ve never replaced purple nose or his 30 minutes extra time quota, the last decent player they had was cuntona who they got from us 😩😩😩😩
Mind you we had some cracking games with them back in the day when the game was played by men and not fairies…bremner,Giles,Charlton,hunter versus Charlton,Stiles,crerand,best 👍
The Man United and Leeds rivarly was great. No love lost and no quarter asked or given. Those league cup semi finals in 1991 were fierce. But the 70s was the rivarly at its peak.
Haven’t paid any interest since I was about 13.
Mum got me a blue Man U shirt back when I was a kid for my birthday on year ’93 I think.
All this talk of misogyny and Sir Gareth blaming computer games and porn.
Will you be having a word with this guy Gareth?
What about this delightful fellow?
Now, that’s a task, Harold…
Biggest cunt to ever play for Manchester United?
And, before anyone says ‘all of them’, I do mean a real cunt.
Willie Morgan
Alan Brazil
Jim Leighton
Ralphie Milne
Mark Bosnich
Roy Keane
Gary Neville
Andy ‘Andrew’ Cole
Wayne Rooney
Ryan Giggs
Plenty of ’em. But for me it’s the Wobbly Gobbed Tosser. Rio Ferdinand.
Sideshow Bob
The only way to get them back to winning ways, is the Ferguson hair dryer, or the football boot kicked into their faces and held by the scruff of the neck unabled to breathe, plus a kick up the arse. Only these mard arses won’t wear it now and put in a transfer. That’s all gone now.
What I and my poor family got out of it in the fifties and sixties, was the United fans thieving on away match trips allover the country, from shops and markets. Win or loose, I would buy chickens, geese and turkeys dirt cheap plus all the trimmings, on the train home so my family could have a lovely Sunday roast. Mother didn’t ask questions so long as we got fed.
Last time I was at old Trafford was :
I should have kept the program..£££
You’ve just reminded me of the programme leaving the team sheet blank for the first match after Munich, against Sheffield Wednesday. I bought 2 so not to spoil one of them when filling in the team sheet with a shaking hand.
My dad and grandad went to that game, Sammy.
I still have all my dad’s scrapbooks from 1956 to 1958.
Not been to a testimonial for years. Last one I went to was Robbo in 1991. I also went to Buchan’s in 83. United were cunts to him. They didn’t even supply Martin with a United strip for the game. So his United XI wore a nondescript Puma strip when facing Fergie’s Aberdeen at Old Trafford.