”Gary Lineker joins hundreds to criticise removal of Gaza film from BBC iPlayer”
What is it with these cunts?
The BBC records a blatant pro Hamas ‘documentary’, gets caught out and this shower of cunts get up in arms.
They sent a letter:-
The letter reads: “This film is an essential piece of journalism, offering an all-too-rare perspective on the lived experiences of Palestinian children living in unimaginable circumstances, which amplifies voices so often silenced.”
Essential journalism. Produced by Hamas and featuring the son of a Hamas official.
Lineker, Margargoyle and the rest should fuck off to Gaza.
Nominated by Cuntstable Cuntbubble.
Why don’t they join one of the relief convoys and see where most of the goods end up! better still they’d look fetching in a catwalk vest ….boom boom shake the room 💣
Exactly. This method works well in so many areas.
Ban women in military combat roles. All female protesters forced to join the Ukranian foreign legion and sent to Kursk.
Ban Islam in UK. All Muslims protesting deported. All others protesting forced to wear burkhas, eat curry and become one of Abdul’s many sex slaves, along with their teenage daughters, after being shipped to Afghanistan.
Ban open displays of gaying. All protestors forced to prove their allegiance by being endlessly buggered by Sam Smith and Peter Mandelson and all assets seized and donated to Stonewall.
All climate nutters made to live an oil-free life, ie live naked in caves, eating nettles without any electricity. A bit like living in Sparkbrook.
Pro immigration protectors. Housing sequestered for Abdul, 50% of wages donated to Abdul.
Make them put their money where their mouth is.
What really gets me, is why on earth cunts like Lineker et al think their opinions are so special and life enhancing that they feel impelled to share them?
Because he’s blàck innit🤭
I bet if you asked the pansy TV presenters and actor laddies who bleat on and on, to actually go and FIGHT in and for Palestine, you wouldn’t get one recruit, indeed Lineker would probably repeat his “shitting on the pitch” trick on the plane on the way over. The same applies to the Labourite MPs who witter on as well.
Linekunt’s idea of putting his body on the line in support of a cause he believed in was to avoid heading a football. Because it hurts.
I reckon Dylan Mulvaney’s harder.
“Darling!! Kiss cheeks, how amazeballs to see you!
Are you being beheaded too?
All the best people are nowadays,
I think it shows I’m not racist being bound hand and foot by a masked jihadi and decapitated in a market square!
I heard Jane Fonda’s here?”
If the soft cunts want to believe in faery tales why should we listen to their guff?
It was quite enough to hear tell of their love for Chiggun Dead Floyd,The Man in a Dress and Ban the Summer without them carping on about a make believe “country” that’s rammed full of lunatic sand wōgs.
It would no doubt be a huge boost to national morale if all them were fed to wolves.
Good morning.
That Ma gargoyle makes me heave on sight.
Bet she fuckin hums in summer?
Flies buzzing around it’s unwashed arse.
To think that was the voice of the cadburys caramel bunny?
Christ, I’m gonna spew.
She claims to be a lezzer.
I find it very difficult to believe she engages in any form of sexual activity, ever.
Even drug-addled, homeless psychiatric patients have some standards Miriam.
PS She’s just become an Australian citizen. I’m sure the abbos are gonna love that.
The Abos have no standards whatsoever.
Margargoyle will be airtight half hour after leaving the airport.
Dear me.
Maybe if they understood that it’s allegedly the custom in Gaza to have at least two sons, one for the family and one to be martyred for the cause they would salary less or maybe they condone and a applaud it.
Rule of thumb, if it leaves in the Middle East it’s a cunt and civilised people should avoid it.
I base all my decisions in life on the words and thoughts of footballers and actors..
They are the best of us..
The ability to kick a ball 25 yards and roll around on the floor like you have stepped on a land mine, takes years of study and dedication..
Plus gary suffered years of racist abuse for having a suntan in Leicester.
We should all be like Gary..
An insufferable thick cunt.
I’m in a terrible mood today.
I left my work bag in the garden through the dog fuckin mithering me.
Had to dash back to retrieve it,
My fuckin wallet, satnav, butty,
Everything in it.
I had a attack of the vapours and no mistake.😫
I’ll be back later to take it out on you lot.
Give him a kick from me Mis.
You turned Japanese MNC ?
Did Israel run out of munitions or something ?,Sure they promised to level the place so we’d hear no more about it,ever.
I think they’ve realised that in order to achieve their stated goals they need to be willing to expend their entire military population in a murderous assault in order to obtain a few square miles of desert, that would be uninhabitable due to said assault and the fact the Arabs would continually carry out terrorist attacks there, ad infinitum.
I think the Donald might have something to say about Arabs attacking his tremendously beautiful new real estate acquisition.
Check out his fantastic video… so beautiful… a perfect video, really. A lot of people they’re calling and saying it’s the best video ever in history, a perfect video. And it’s unlike anything anybody’s ever seen… and it’s been viewed over 125 billion times, maybe, more perhaps… even a brazillion. I’ve heard well over a brazillian in some parts of the world…
Israel has about 250 tactical nukes.
They should try a half dozen on Gaza and the West Bank.
Do us all a favour.
Let us never forget the immortal words of John Keats “Where there is the raghead there is always a load of fucking mither”.
I was going to dismiss this letter out of hand using some words along the lines of, well, .. ‘cunts’ ; also probably ‘bullshit’, ‘nonsense’, maybe even ‘pile of wank’.
But then I read the link, where I see that Riz Ahmed, Juliet Stevenson and Khalid Abdalla, playwright Hanif Kureishi and broadcaster Anita Rani are all signatories, and I was all like ‘no way’.
5 cunts I’ve never heard of recommending some shit about which I doubly don’t give a fuck. (gaza, kids opinions).
My indifference has piqued for the day and it’s not even 9AM.
I wonder if Mr McBride would go to Palestine…
@doc….it doesn’t know which toilet 🚽 to go in 👀
The question should be why did the fucking BBCunts get involved in the first place, the only reporting about Gaza – A shit hole filled with shit run by terrorist shit, no one gives a fuck about the place.
Luvvies for Palestine, luvvies for Ukraine, luvvies for the LA wildfires. Its almost like they do acting inbetween shilling for the current thing.
‘An essential piece of journalism’ my arsehole.
The BBC’s own Chairman referred to this programme as ‘a dagger to the heart’ of Al-beebra’s claim to impartiality.
What a bunch of luvvy cunts.
Morning all.
Again, I’d ask the question as to whether any licence fee money found its way into any Hamas pocket.
And what is this bollocks of “an all-to-rare perspective of the lived experiences of Palestinian children”?
That’s right, for the last eighteen months there has been a total media blackout of Gaza and a complete lack of western journalists interviewing Palestinian kids with bits of them missing.
I barely knew the fucking thing was happening.
O/T Thanks to the ECHR it seems we have to accept back in Britain a bit of African scum who was deported twelve years ago, after committing fraud, because he is “depressed”. His very religious wife and 2 children are depressed, too, so it seems their depression means we have to pay for them. His wife, of course, cannot work.
I’m fucking depressed and I think it interferes with my human rights not to be allowed to go and live in Australia, free.
All these appeals of Auntie Kweer’s watch being allowed – they no the nasally cowson is an easy touch: