No – me neither but this lad, all of 15 years old, has ambitions to become Prime Minister – he has all the qualifications, Pro EU, nerdy, wearing glasses three sizes too big for him, massive ego, looks as though he couldn’t fight his way out of a wet paper bag, skinny (I bet his head has gone down the school lavatory more than once). Probably sounds a bit “posh”.
Apparently Labour has already “reached out to him”. Well, I bet Mandy has, and several of the other little bum boys in the PLP too. He clearly looks, in addition to being a pretentious little prick, – “one of them”
Nominated by : W. C. Boggs
He’ll show all those nasty boys who beat him up at school and all those mean girls who laughed at him.
He’ll show them all.
One day.
Fucking little dweeb.
Hope Mandy gives him a thorough Lubbocking.
Imagine what utter cunts his parents are.
Pro-immigration, EV car owners, his Dad’s probably got a 5k carbon fibre bicycle that he rides on A-roads on Sunday mornings, causing long tailbacks, his Mum is probably a secret wineaholic who despises them both as they bond over an Ed Sheeran album whilst pontificating their roadmap for getting us back jnto the EU.
Shame his mother didn’t have a miscarriage.
I highly suspect that his parents are very political and are living vicariously through him and more or less wrote his manifesto. I’m sure a bunch of brickies on a building site or a crew of bin men will be fascinated to hear all about how they were too stupid to understand what they were voting for regarding Brexit by a pencil necked Doogie Howser.
Morning Cunt Engine/all.
Thomas, that is cruel and heartless.
Suffering a miscarriage would suggest that baby Kenan was planned and wanted.
Let me fix it for you.
It’s a shame that Kenan’s mother didn’t scrape him out with a wire coat hanger the moment she missed her period and then stomped repeatedly on her husband’s gonads to ensure a total fucking abortion like Kenan could never happen again.
You’re welcome. 😁
WTF has having an EV got to do with it?
Because EV drivers are more than likely to be:
pro uni party
pro Ukraine
pro Covid lockdown/vaccine.
pro refugees welcome and so on and so forth.
Obviously not all but you get the gist.
..and easily led cunts
They’re not actually easily led, it’s a right bastard to tow one of those things, which is a regular requirement of EV ownership.
Plus an asbestos driving suit.
Talking of matters Labour and speccy wearing boys in a hurry, One of darling Wes’s little helpers has pleaded guilty to indecent exposure – Wes, of course is shocked and appalled – wit till you’re asked, duckie, he probably said:
And Wes affects outrage. Spare us.
Yes arfur he sounds a real puritan doesn’t he? – the lad who went “canvassing” with Mandy when he was 16 – with a great big smile on his face, but not so much Max Factor and lippy in those days. It’s a bit late for Starmer and his boyfriend to pretend to be little innocents. I daresay Streeting seeks disciples amongst his own kind. My advice to Mr. Gould would be that if he wants to get it out in the open he waits for the warmer weather.
‘Young visionary’ my arse.
He already looks about 30. I’m sure that he’ll go on to have a great future in politics, without ever doing a day’s proper work in his life.
He needs to find a girlfriend and start staying out late, instead of sitting in his bedroom all evening wanking to thoughts of being PM.
Morning all.
Kenan Noori?
I think that’s what I had at the Taj Mahal on Friday night. It gave me the squits all day Saturday.
So yes, Kenan Noori is a cunt.
Kenan Noori. It’s not really a typical English name (yet). Anyone know of which tribe he is a member?
Sounds a bit rag headish, best string him up now just to be safe.
He`ll be called Susan in a year or two following gender reassignment. Then top itself not long afterwards.
I love a bollock bhaji, me.
If you say his name in front of a mirror 3 times the kitchen sink shower drain, bog as well as the basin shall blast out a torrent of ichor. He’s a wrong ‘un, keep it away from your kids, pets and washing line.
You just know that someone, somewhere is thinking about how they can exploit this child to their advantage and enrichment.
I wonder if Mummy and Daddy are his agent/secretary and have already started negotiating appearance fees?
Politics version of Greta Thunderpants, perhaps?
I’m just thinking back to when I was 15 JP. The idea of writing a 57- page manifesto on anything let alone one on rejoining the fucking EU and reform in the NHS is laughable.
I discovered Mein Kampf at 15.
It changed my worldview.😃
Afternoon LL, afternoon all.
I was wanking over the underwear section of my mums J.D.Williams catalogue at 15
My mum’s Freemans catalogue for me.
See through bras were in that one.
Is it a clone of Owen Jones? The is a hint of Greta in there too. Definitely getting a feeling of deja vu.
Good morning, everyone.
He looks related to that mad little cunt with a blonde perm who was a “sensation” on the Antiques Roadshow in 1983..
subsequently the young chap took to wearing girls dresses
then went mad..
ah yes,here we are
Anyhow the little pâki swot is cut from the same cloth.
Good morning.
Good morning Terry.
Yes, James Harries. A right pretentious little cunt who, as it turns out was just a scam artist, groomed by his parents.
He knew fuck all about antiques and his parents invented some weird system where they would accredit each other with numerous degrees and qualifications that had no foundation in academia or indeed reality.
I’ll wager that he spent every lunch time with his head shoved down the bog.
He was home schooled.
What sort of a cunt’s name is Kenan Noori?
I read part way through the egotistical little shit’s manifesto, and he, she, or it wants to rejoin the EU.
That’s enough for me to wish him a short and unhappy life.
He looks as if he’s concealing a bit of a ‘hue” so he might be some sort of sand monkêy/camel fucker. Given his political bias, it might be the camel’s arse he’s fucking, the little arab princess.
What next can the msm report on? Little Johnny plans sweeping changes to Britain’s infrastructure after playing at buses in his parent’s lounge?
Maybe they’re just softening us up for allowing children to vote so as to keep the circus going.
What next can the MSM report on?
How about the BBC jizzing their camiknickers over finding a distant relative of JD Vance who disagrees with him?
Apparently it’s ‘News’.
Indeed and good shot Mr Twatt.
What an obvious bunch of syphalitic cunts they are.
He looks like Brains out of the Thunderbirds.
Without the brains…
Reminds me of Pajama Boy
The only change will come when the Muslims outnumber us, by outnumber I mean when they are about 25% of the population.
Reform will never be tough enough to stop the rot, not unless they get a leader with a little tash, a stupid haircut and straight arm salute
Sink the boats
Deport all foreigners (except fit Swedish birds)
Stop all benefits, no work-no pay
Convert all mosques into brothels
Who needs 57 pages!
Sink them all
Give him the job now. He can’t smoke and drink, or have legal sex. If he misbehaves, give him a good-hiding or head back down the toilet.
If the BBC interview him, he’ll be having some sort of sex, legal or not.
O/T but just to keep all informed with the ongoing cultural proclivities of our more swarthy brethren …
Not surprised
As Billy Connolly once said.
“The desire to be a politician should bar you for life from ever being one”
Especially little mongy specimens like this one.
Nice ro be able to report at least one piece of good news this morning:
Welfare cuts on the way too.
How long before the Left throw a hissy and break ranks?
Not long I’ll wager.
More comedy to come.
As only black history is taught at schools then this pretentious little bastard must have been inspired by very recent Prime Ministers.
Going back the full 15 years of the kids life these would have been…….
David Cameron.
Theresa May.
Boris Johnson.
Rishi Sunak.
Elizabeth Truss.
All the above have the same in common.
They were all fucking hopeless and they are all cunts.
This kid has been inspired by cunts so he will inevitably become a cunt himself.
Even at his very young age he certainly looks like a little cunt.
Couldn’t find out what his political beliefs were, due to not having a sweet tooth and having to pay for biscuits I don’t like. If he prefers everyone should return to their own country, then I’ll back him to the hilt.
…. like most sensible human beings, even to visit on holiday if their passports say undesirable aliens. Yawn. I’ve just awoken from a nice dream.
I hope none of these Labour twats turn up at Cunty towers, otherwise the twat stick will make an appearance and be applied with vigour. Morning all.
Dweeb….. apparently his names have a very high probability of being Afghan or Iraqi….😩… he’s a shoe in for pm then 👍
Reminds me of that pretentious little prick William Hauge when he spoke at the Conservative Party conference in 1977.
Touted as ‘the next prime minister’ and saviour of the country, only to end up doing absolutely fuck all other than to make a nice pile for himself and disappear.
Can’t see this bespectacled, fat headed cunt doing anything much either and with a bit of luck he will vanish up his arse…
Lest we forget
At least he had hair then – though he sounds like he is doing a turn in The Wheeltappers And Shunters Social Club, but look at him now – in the same way I wonder what Pat McFadden looked like at 16?. Like Hague he now looks like a cadaver, far gone in decomposition.
I wonder, is he perchance related to Jackan Noori?
Is this the little twerp in action:
I’d say he was the bastard son of Benjamin Butterworth.
Except Butterworth is (probably) a rampant doughnut punching sausage jockey.
Little cunt looks older than 15. If this is what passes for the modern teenager, alongside those feral thugs that like to stab each other outside chicken shops, then I weep for the future of the country. Kid looks like a nonce in waiting.
My God, I loathe this country with a passion. This is our future PM. Find out where all being made redundant yesterday where I work. 5th time for me in 10 years. Thank you Keir, Angela and especially you Rachel. Sterling work. Hungary seems more appealing by the day.
Good luck mate, take no prisoners down the job centre. All cunts employed there.
Cheers Cunty.
Thats 5 redundancy bonuses in 10 years, whats to complain about?
I bet this little turd was ragged mercilessly at school. Proper split the kipper fodder.
Head down the bogs, trunks thrown in the swimming pool, spitting on his dinner. I dare say he had everyone in fits of laughter, when he finally exploded in a fit of rage.
He looks like a smaller version of Ollie Plimsols/Dean Tavalouris from the League of Gentleman. A quintessential weasel and a classic textbook school creep, grass and sneak.
Flush his head down the toilet bowl and take his dinner money.
The little Harry Potter looking cunt
Not so sure he is qualified, No mention of choir boy experience so unlikely to interest the likes of Mandelson though Sir quare would probably give him some free training.
Ghastly little shit weasel.Drown it in pig slurry.