Keir Starmer [32]

Two tier again, suddenly kier has discovered a streak of martial desire.

British troops to police Ukraine border zone up to 20000 so general admiral Keir stated. Then the RAF will police the skys over said border and stop those troublesome ruskis from doing more naughty things. Fuckf me the amount of money the west hove poured into Ukraine plus all the equipment is likely greater than the money we have shelled out to Pakistan in aid and bribes (a lot). Obviously a money tree has been found.

When will these cunts realise our armed forces are so small that defending a small town would be problematic. Surely it’s time to follow the Swiss model, neutrality, the armed forces defend the U.K. not outer inner left side belonge. I suppose the cull of pensioners will go some way to funding kiers attempts at martial glory, interestingly the majority of our European “allies” have said bollocks to that scenario no way are we going to use what’s left of our armed forces. Kier appears to be entering a Saint George episode.

If his money, life wasting plan comes together will he be striding forward leading his tiny underequipped, underpaid, woke crippled force. Of course not. Bunch of arsewipes the lot of them.

BBC News. (Link provided by Sam Beau)

Nominated by : Black biscuit

86 thoughts on “Keir Starmer [32]

  1. He’ll draft our sons and grandsons and not give a flying fuck when some Ivan murders them.
    He’ll feed our boys into the meat grinder without a flicker of hesitation or remorse.
    He’ll never willingly step down or admit wrongdoing.
    This country’s only hope is that he’s bumped off imminently or suffers a brain aneurysm.

    • Cunt needs a brain to get an Aneurysm. My dad died of one and he was alot smarter wiser and funnier than this cunt – until the end. Plus thye aer too quick for the cunt

  2. Another fucking deluded piece of dog shit masquerading as a world leader. Vance is right, Europe is rotten to the core. Let’s see how many of Two-Kweer’s beloved rag head immies and trans bummers are willing to sign up to fight the alongside Zelensky’s neo-Nazi’s in the Ukraine . Fucking Net Zero is my guess.

    • Modernity channel showed clips yesterday. UK immigrants asked if they’d toe the line.

      ‘Not my country, not my problem’ was the main reply.

      ‘What if they draft?’

      ‘I’ll move back to shithole x,y,z’

      • Probably a good idea to start investing in the manufacturers of razor wire and Nissan huts.

        If it all kicks off, that’s where these parasites will be residing until it’s over.

        Either here, on a tiny, cold and damp island in the north Atlantic, or on west Falkland. A tiny, cold and damp island in the south Atlantic.

        No pocket money, no mobile phones for security reasons. Just cold running water and basic electricity for heat and light.

        Airdrop a couple of pallets of KFC and falafel off a Chinook once a week and then conveniently forget about them.

      • Anyone who said that should be immediately detained, denied legal aid, and deported back to wherever they came from, as they have clearly demonstrated that they are here as economic refugees, and describing them as refugees turns my stomach.

      • *beware : questionable sponsor promo read begins unannounced at the 3:10 mark, if anyone let’s the video run beyond the 1:38 point*, .. and I don’t want to have been the cause of anyone being exposed to such shite! 😇

      • Perhaps we’re underestimating Kweer – it could be a cunning plan to get rid of the invaders!

  3. Saving Ukraine to win the approval of the Islington dinner party circuit.

    An Assisted Dying Scheme for 20,000 white, working class lads.
    To go with the Assisted Freezing Scheme for their grannies.

    Well done Rodney, wiping out the two demographics you hate the most.

  4. Kweer puts on a hard hat -he is Bob the Builder
    Kweer puts on a flak jacket -he is a soldier
    Kweer puts on ballet tights – and gets bummed by half the cabinet

  5. At no point has the cunt ever said we have to communicate with Putin and there is a good reason for that because he wants to be Zelenskyy’s champion, like the real knights of old.

    Trump is talking to Putin, how else can you get some sort of peace, Kweer talks like he is Trumps first general while secretly hating him and it’s nothing to do with Ukraine but it’s about trade.
    Our economy is being ruined by high tax, high energy costs and an invasion of cunts from every shithole on earth, the last thing he needs is a trade war.

    The only thing he has done of any note is to cut foreign aid, let’s see if it actually is cut because we are already spending more than the 0.5%

    I wouldn’t trust the cunt to run a bath

  6. Trying to sound clever by putting our armed forces at risk is a new low, even for the lowest of the low.
    This cunt isn’t satisfied with playing at politics and ruining the UK. He now wants to try and kill the people who we rely on to keep the UK a place we can live in.
    Not just a place to exist.

  7. We can’t defend ourselves never mind anyone else…. biggest load of grandstanding 💩from a proper tool who thinks he’s a 🌍 leader with the army of 🇨🇳 behind him….our armed forces are still envied but ridiculously low on personnel, unless of course the faaaaaaaaaar right bigots are going to be expected to rise up and throw of the shackles of 2tk’s hatred of them and rally round the flag as they’ve always been expected to do 🇬🇧…. into the valley of death they thundered,onward,onward rode the 600….which isn’t far off the total of today’s forces 😩…good luck tool with any forced conscription

  8. Another bureaucrat running headlong toward another war..

    whilst the country that supplies everything that keeps him on the Gravy Train falls to pieces.

    Apparently it’s such a shock that Trump doesn’t want to foot the bill for NATO,despite him saying so repeatedly over the last decade..

    Such are the clowns that “lead” us.

    The sooner the Far Right turn up the better as far as I’m concerned.

  9. There’s nothing a British PM likes more than a war.

    Look at the Falklands, all of a sudden it’s bravo, Saint Maggie. Never mind the kicking you’ve been giving the working man.

    • That was a very close run thing too. It really could have gone either way, and we would have list if the Argies weren’t made up of mostly conscripts.

      And that was then, when we had a Navy and the RAF and Army were not riddled with wimmin, pooftahs and trans freaks.

      We wouldn’t last a month in an all out war against a mid-sized professional Army.

      • I always loved the old jock SAS trooper brought up in a Glasgow Tenement. He said they were waiting for the green light sat on a Herc in Chile to go and blow up the supper Etendards on their home airfield in Argie land. He was particularly pissed off when Maggie shit her knickers and called it off at the last minute because his task was to kill all the pilots who were officers. A mission that would have saved all the poor souls lost on Sheffield, Coventry and the Atlantic conveyer. Imagine the losses if they had exoceted Canberra or QE2. He ended up as a QC doing legal aide defence.

  10. Starmer is a cunt no matter what version.

    The version that wants to defend our borders in Ukraine is the biggest cunt yet.

  11. They should reintroduce hanging for treason, and I think both Starmer and Miliband are guilty of that. I am willing to play my part – I would happily go below the gallows and pull their legs when they feel through the trap door to ensure decease. Others could follow as they are all out to destroy our economy. Rachel From Accounts should face a firing squad.

  12. I may be wrong as I don’t take much notice of UK politics, but I don’t see much opposition to this from the Conservative Party.

    It’s all very well letting cunt Starmer dig a hole for himself while fucking up domestic matters, but not when his intention is putting young lives at risk.

    What the fuck is the opposition party doing to earn their money?

    All politicians are cunts.

    • Boris Johnson was a big cheerleader for Ukraine when PM, AC.

      I’m guessing the spineless turds have their fingers crossed that everyone has forgotten plus the fact they are shit scared of a ‘nasty party’ pile on from the BBC and Guardian.

      They hate you regardless you cunts.

    • They are not opposition, the last 20 years has shown they are all (Tory, Liebour, Limp Dem) a part of the left wing uni party.

  13. The Torygraph is reporting that Kweer and Micron may accompany Zelensky to the White House to patch things up with Orange Man.

    Like parents being called into the Headmaster’s study with their badly behaved son for a good old-fashioned dressing down.

    Obviously Kweer is the kid’s Mum.

  14. Keir the Queir is willing to defend the Borders of Ukraine to the last drop of your children’s blood…as long as the US pays for it.

    Not so much Britain’s borders…no matter who pays for it.

    But there could be a ray of sunshine in this cloud of shit.

    Biden was the worst president in American history. The insnity of his party’s policies led us back to Trump and the MAGA revolution.

    Keir the Queir is the worst PM in British history. Let’s hope it leads you to…no, let’s work towards a Reform revolution.

    Britain First
    Vote Reform
    Mass Deportations

  15. Every Blair Creature needs a WAR…☠️

    Deflects from the shitholian state this country has become…💩

    Can’t see any muzzies signing up to defend UK.

    Only white “Right Wing Thugs”

    Funny, then the Starmer cunt will be calling them heroes…!

  16. Apparently, if we don’t stand up to Putin, it won’t just be Ukraine being invaded, the rest of Europe, and the UK, will be at his mercy.
    Now don’t get me wrong, there’s much to be afraid of, but after 3 years of war, Ukraine is, territorially, some way off being conquered.
    It’s hardly fucking Blitzkrieg is it?
    Therefore, why are so many people convinced that we have to get involved in a conflict on the fringes of Western Europe?
    All this good vs evil bollocks. It’s not a fucking Batman movie.
    All this talk of NATO membership for Ukraine.
    How the fuck do they expect Russia to react to that?
    That would be tantamount to Scotland joining the Warsaw pact at the height of the Cold War.
    Stop meddling in shit you don’t understand and don’t have the muscle to influence in the first place.
    Grandstanding cunts.

      • Quite so FMC.

        Patently obvious that the Ivans simply do not possess the logistic support to allow for any sort of even limited offensive into Western Ukraine nevermind anywhere beyond that would extend their supply chain.

        Having said that,2tK getting some sort of half baked coalition of armed forces to enforce a European version of the DMZ between North and South Korea is a direct escalation that we should not be involved in at all.

        I’d have some sort of vague respect for any politician that promoted the idea of neutrality for Britain..

        It’s as those we’ve learnt nowt from treaties,understandings and diplomacy that dragged us into two world wars.

    • Great article which essentially concludes that no, NATO did not promise Russia anything and Putin has been talking out of his botoxed arse for years.

  17. The thing is, war is very lucrative. For some people.

    The multimillionaire Tony Blair will tell you this. You just have to know which companies supply what goods and materials and get in at the ground floor.

    It also helps if you have a hand in awarding contracts to those companies. eh, Tony.

    Russia are no threat to us. Most of their oligarchs own loads of prime real estate in London, so flattening it would be political and financial suicide.

    If dame Kweer thinks that getting involved in a war that is nothing to do with us will boost the economy, it won’t.

    If he thinks it will unite the classes in jingoistic pride, it won’t.

    What it will do is send a bunch of our armed forces personnel to be killed and maimed and then left on the scrap heap and quietly forgotten about…Just like last time.

    Kier’s brown envelopes will be secured with the blood of our children and the sweat off our brow.

    He can go and fuck himself.

    • Well said.

      However, given our pitiful armed forces are barely sufficient to defend a small town, who the fuck does this ” I am Churchill” cunt think he is?

      Has he ever done military service?

      And if he brings in conscription, how many of the sicknote, mentally ill, stressed and ‘struggling’ youth does he think will be recruited?
      He’ll probably send 64 to 66 year olds, after all, he seems determined to sacrifice those who might draw a pension in favour of every idle cunt and ligger.

      • This could well work to our advantage though,Jeezum.

        Anyone over 50 should immediately sign up for the home guard units, stating that they are unfit to operate abroad, because they can’t eat any of that foreign muck.

        We get issued our Lee Enfield mkiv and a bandolier of .303 rounds a man.

        Luton, Bradford, Birmingham, Tower Hamlets and every 4* hotel will be liberated before tea time.
        London will take a couple more days to rout the enemy towards the south coast via Kent, purely because there are millions of them.
        The enemy then get marched down the A2 at bayonetted point towards fully fuelled and ship shape dinghys waiting on the beaches to take them back to the safety of the EU.

        The country is liberated and normal people can go back to calling a spade a spade without being visited at home for a non-crime thought crime. Hurrah!

        MNC and i both get the rank of field marshall and MNC gets his massive solid gold statue with the whistling dick as a gift of gratitude from everyone north of Watford.

        I get to keep Kent.

        Everybody who matters, wins. 😁

      • Now, there’s a thought.

        Armed, you say, with real ammunition?
        I’m up for that! I’ll lie about my age, although I’m 70, I’ll claim to be 64.

        I’m quite a good shot, too. I have a vested interest in hitting the target.

      • Within 48 hrs I’d invade Kent.
        And steal your minerals

        Evening Allfather
        Evening all.

      • I’m ticketyboo thanks Odin 👍

        Lots of work on at the moment,
        Family well, Spring has sprung,
        Can’t complain really 👍

        You winning?
        How’s the dog?

      • Starmer is a demented vile cunt floundering for direction as his government prevails over another four years of rapid decline and gigantic waste.

        War would suit him fine,so long as as we die to defend his lies.

        Blair Level Cunt.

      • Morning Mis, morning all.

        glad your well and keeping busy.

        All good this end. The dog is full of the joys of spring too.

        The waggy tailed shit machine.

  18. Keer can fuck him self. Utterly deluded twat, he really is thick as mince.

    If the order should come (which it won’t) then of course the troops should refuse.

    They can’t courts Marshall them all.

  19. So much negativity on here tonight.

    Any troops we send to Ukraine as peacekeepers will be completely safe.

    Why? Because we are a nuclear power.

    And they have to let a nuclear power do whatever it wants, or else they risk provoking World War 3.

    Have you learnt nothing from the wisdom of the Donald?

    • “And they have to let a nuclear power do whatever it wants, or else they risk provoking World War 3.”

      Sadly this is the type of flawed logic that passes for wisdom these days.

      Using that logic:

      Russia is a nuclear power and it wants to invade Ukraine. We have to let them or else we risk World War 3.

      Of course there’s also the corollary flawed line of thinking:

      Britain is a nuclear and that will stop the Russians from killing British troops as we will nuke them if they do.

      No so-called European “leader”…especially Keir…is going to fire a nuke at Russia because a few dozen of their peacekeepers got killed in a breach of the peace.

      There needs to be an immediate cease fire and a negotiated peace.

      With regard to learning from Trump:

      Trump understands that if there is to be peace in Ukraine, Putin must be brought in to negotiate.

      That’s because there is an old maxim in American politics (often attributed to LBJ) that says:

      It’s better to have him (Putin) inside the tent pissing out, than to have him outside the tent pissing in.

  20. Off topic –

    Greece is having civil unrest.
    Rioting and stand offs with the police.

    They’ve had a undercurrent of revolution for some time.

    I remember being in Crete and walking around and off the tourist spots was lots of Anarchist graffiti.
    Couldn’t understand most of it like,
    But got the gist of it.

    Next to have a civil war?

    They invented bumming you know?

    • Indeed, Mis.

      It’s depicted on that fucking awful flower vase/water jug thing that the touts try to flog.

      Making out that it’s natural to be swanning about naked.

      Affronted of Sheffield

      • Evening JP.

        They’re shameless.
        In the gift shop the kids were giggling and knowi what it was?

        Statues with big Willy’s.

        They sold statues of some sort of Beegees looking bloke with a huge throbber.
        The dirty little plate smashers.

        I told the kids to look away and they set off giggling at some bird with her titty flopped out.

        I bought both.

      • Typical.

        Go naked in Greece and its classical antiquity.

        Go naked in Stockport and its lewd behaviour.

      • I thought his defence lawyer’s argument that he’s a male model for Burberry, enthusiastically demonstrating the versatility of their beige 3/4 length raincoats was brilliant though.

      • Seen Fargate lately Jeezum? 3 years to lay some paving stones down and still going on. The Empire State Building was built in two years. This country is rotten to the core. No oversight. bloated local Government. contractors taking the piss. Elon Musk has found $300 billion in waste in 6 weeks. I bet we have triple this in our small island alone. And now we have this inept bunch sending our lads and lasses to a god forsaken corrupt dictatorship. I despair, lions led by lambs arseholes.

    • Has some euro cunt told them to stop smoking?

      or is it some other euro cunt that’s told them they can’t retire at 50 on a full pension?

      Whatever it is,it’s not Thermopylae.

  21. I’m surprised Sir Keir’s in for another cunting.

    After all, he wants to spunk billions of UK taxpayers money on a corrupt shithole like Ukraine and continue an unwinnable war with the bogeyman from Russia.

    Probably get a few far right British lads killed along the way.

    What’s not to like?

  22. All this talk of wars, invasions and land grabs.

    I may well be ill informed in these matters but didn’t the annexation of Kosovo in Serbia by the Albanians, with the support of the West, set the ball rolling?

    Is it a case of “it’s ok when we do it because it’s only Serbia”

    Were the people outraged and foaming at the mouth with hatred for Russians or Putin, as outraged when Western countries invaded countries in the middle east?

    Or did the ragheads have it coming?

    • My mate was a peacekeeper there.

      He blew someones head off.

      Drove at British troops with his lights off, despite repeatedly being told to stop.

      My mate knew it was his shot that sent him to Allah for a paracetamol
      Because he was using tracer rounds.

      Good 👍

      British army 1
      Bad drivers. 0

      • Speaking of bad drivers

        There’s a story coming out of Kendal today that makes for grim reading.

  23. Fuck me, is it so hard. The cunt has no intention of doing any of it, but it kept his fucking domestic idiocy of the front pages for a couple of weeks. Was I the only fucker around when Bliar did this shit for a decade plus? Short fucking memories.

  24. The Farmer-Granny Harmer was all full of it handing out the letter from the King. Oh look at meee, so smug, handing out such an unprecedented invite. Then talking bollox about he is proud of free speech in the UK.

    Then he comes back from the Whitehouse and starts pledging boots on the ground, air defence and gives a whopping big loan to Vlod ‘show me the money’ Zelensky. It was humongous bluster.

    Lest not forget, Starmer was one of the harder lock down proponents. His judgement is way off by a cuntry mile.

  25. Jug eared king charlie needs to stop shuffling his cuff links and sack this demented wankeir before its too late and causes anymore damage.

    • According to the FT yesterday, and the bbc this morning, .. the cunt is doing a stellar job. ‘Securing his legacy’ (FT) and ‘showing other world leaders how to handle Team Trump’ (bbc). The FT one had a lot of blathering about how cuntstarmer ‘done good’ in the USA as it’s baseline.

      Not a single mis-step by him whatsoever to be found in either article.

      (I only click on the likes because (a) I know otherwise, and (b) it’s good to have a hit of insight into why the cunt gets away with being such a cunt …)

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