Hope not Hate [4]

Well its that time of year again when anti-racist anti-fascist advocacy group Hope not Hate release their State of HATE 2025 report, a sort of rundown of what is fizzing the shit of the kind tolerant and inclusive Left.

Describing the report as “the most comprehensive and analytical guide to the far-right in Britain today” it would seem the far-right boogie men and women are everywhere.
(They would blame it on the boogie – NA)

So lets dive in and take a look to see who and what has been sent to the naughty step.

Reform UK, well obviously. Nigel Farage is Adolf Hitler reincarnated. Tommy Robinson or Stephen Yaxley-Lennon is a stalwart of course, the summer riots shouting at police dogs and writing anti-establishment rhetoric on X was a big no no too. A glut of YouTube channels like the Lotus Eaters, Paul Joseph Watson, Survive the Jive, Matthew Goodwin and eccentric nutters like David Icke and Piers Corbyn make the shit list. Oh the shame Jeremy!

Laurence Fox, Katie Hopkins, UKIP (bit out of date?), Turning Point UK and Breitbart all get a mention with case file notes of their ‘crimes’. Quite hilarious actually as its so self-righteous and completely oblivious to the fact that they are the real fascists and a danger to the country and society.

I should think most people named and shamed took it as a badge of honour and that at least you are pissing the right people off. I’m sure its required reading down at Labour Party HQ and the Dear Leaders ‘far-right’ fetish.

The only downside is that once again the cunters of IsAC have failed to get a mention and its not for a lack of trying either. Maybe the State of HATE 2026 will feature the obscure and shadowy internet forum Is A Cunt, spewing their hate and bile against refugees and other vulnerable minorities that is keeping Owen Jones awake at night.
(Me thinks something entirely different is keeping Owen Jones up all night – NA)

Challenge accepted!

Hope Not Hate.

Nominated by : Liberal Liquidator

89 thoughts on “Hope not Hate [4]

  1. Hope not hate, what a marvellous thought.. completely unworkable when the world is full of utter cunts..

    As for that penfold looking twat nick lowles, he should of been banged up for spread lies about peacefuls having acid thrown on them.

    My mistake the lefty group is full of labour shills..

  2. Oh great, here we go again with these daft cunts.

    I was thinking about creating an alternative dating platform called ‘Dope not Date’ . Seeing as spiking is all the rage these days.

    Perhaps that would get me a mention on their website?

  3. No mention of Labour MPs lying about their actual job prior to becoming an MP, nothing about attacking constituents whilst drunk, no mention of making false police reports or dodgy ex-council house sales though, I see.

    • Any mention of the likes of SWP and other hard left fellow travellers, vicious trans advocate groups, aggressive pro-Palestine demonstatrors etc?

      Or are these all on the ‘hope ‘side of the equation according to these cunts?

  4. Hallo meine kleinen Dackel !
    Just back from a brief tour of Poland … Brrr, eher kühl. Brings back so many happy memories. Anyway, I was thinking that “Hope Not Hate” would be great new motto for the UK Labour Party. Just a thought.
    Tschüss, hab dich lieb !

  5. A proper definition of hope not hate: I hope that all unwanted anrrivals fuck off back and would hate it if they don’t, the burdensome and ungrateful sponging cunts.

  6. I joined isacunt mainly to take the piss. In the meantime I normally go about my lonely preferred way, helped by where I live that nothing appears to have changed in decades, only for hidden technology. If I hadn’t come on here, I wouldn’t have dreamt of half of the things mentioned would be believed. I’m satisfied living in the old world and chatting on this other world most of you mention, but I wouldn’t like to be apart of it thank you.

  7. They’ve refreshed the site.
    They used to have a bit about a lad I went to school with.

    A dangerous Neo nazi who had short hair and a combat jacket.
    He hadn’t actually committed any crimes as such. ….
    But he never attended the Moss side carnival or a pride parade
    And was a member of the English Defence League 😮😵😵

    Enough for them to want in the Dock at Nuremberg

      • ” Vernon Ladysmith Fox
        You stand accused of malicious and hateful communications with members of the National football team, are you currently in fixed employment?”

        VF ” no your honour, but I’m a full time truth seeker,
        And have previously been a accountant, lawyer, frogman, astronaut and pastry chef.”

        ” And do you plead guilty?
        Where is your solicitor?

        ” I plead not guilty and I am to represent myself.
        I call my first witness
        Piers Corbyn.”

      • ‘Sir’ Gareth disgusts me.

        Going on about role models. When he was in charge of the most overpaid, overrated, bummer embracing, knee taking, Floyd (George, not Pink) loving, unicorn fiddling fuckers known to man. Oh, and Gareth is a grass. Can’t take criticism like a man. Coppers Nark.

        Old Verno was right.

  8. This country should never have legalised sodomy, all it did was encourage people like this.
    They started to think the perverted views they hold, about diversity and inclusion are normal. This organisation fits in perfectly, in a third rate nation like France.
    It has no place in a country with a thousand years of history, like our sceptred isle.

  9. When the eventual civil war breaks out these twats will have no hope, the level of hate against them will be overwhelming. A bunch of frightened poofs crying in the corner with their stupid broken placards.

  10. Hope not Hate.

    Don’t just throw a few shitty words at them in a cunting. Go away and do some research on the people that run it, their connections and their funding. Then come back and cunt them armed with that knowledge

    Insidious cunts.

  11. I’m gutted I didn’t get a specific mention or indeed a whole page dedicated to my racist, islamophobic, transphobic and cuntphobic vitriol.

    Come on hope not hate. Up your fucking game!

  12. I truly HOPE I HATE these cunts… simpering arsewipes who call everyone a nazi who doesn’t agree 💯% with what they spout … except for Owen’ironman’ Jones who obviously with his rep you’d stay well clear of 👊…. come on Tommy boy let’s be ‘avin ya 🥾

  13. I still can’t understand why that Nick Lowles wasn’t arrested and charged with incitement after he posted the lie about Muslim women being attacked with acid.

    Do hope not hate ever look at the MI5 stats on the actual number of Islamic terror suspects on their watch list, I doubt there is any hope that these cunts would ever be part of anything British.

    The sad thing is we don’t have anything resembling far right, where is our version of the AFD, that would give Lowles something to cry about (especially after a baseball bat to the mush)

    Sink the boats, Deport all foreign cunts, no hate just common sense.

  14. The perfect example of everything that’s wrong with our once great country.

    Which cunts is it that carry out terrorist atrocities against children?

    Which cunts is it that stab Puffs to death in the park?

    Which cunts is it that don explosive vests and blow up buses,trains and kids at pop concerts?

    Is it the “Far Right” or is it foreign dung that should never have been here in the first place?

    I wonder.

    Every member of this propaganda vehicle for ragheads should be rounded up and shot in Parliament Square.

    That would give our beleaguered country some hope.

    Fuck Off.

    • Shooting the members of the propaganda vehicle for ragheads streamed live on all channels, be worth paying the licence fee to see that 👍

    • And filthy Palestinian scum and their supporters seem to get more good press than the hard-working, British supporting Jews. The filth (aka police farce) also are on the side of the muzzers. Adolf really did take on the wrong ones.

  15. I think the Hope Not Hate pansies would hate me even more than Nigel Farage. I would have each member of the cabinet whipped publicly for the fuck-up they have made in just eight months. Rachel From Accounts would be stripped naked and paraded down Threadneedle Street so everyone could scoff at her pot belly and sagging breasts. Miliband would be thrown into the Thames weighted down with bags of concrete. The ECHR would become a proscribed organisation. As for Starmer he would be disembowled in Trafalgar Square.

    As for that daft cunt, four eyed old Jocelyn Poofy-Solicitor and his entire staff at the so-called Good Law Project, and the arseholes who compile the Hope Not Hate annual list, along with Steve Bray would be thrown from the top of Beachy Head, , Streeting, Pollard, Kyle, Reeve and Bryant would get two years penal servitude with hard labour, for their previous disgusting behaviour – while they were incarcerated sodomy would again be made illegal,and when their two years sentence is up, they would go back to court and be charged with new offences. Any politician boasting of their unnatural practices would be forced out of Westminster and made to work as navvies.

    I would make Donald Trump look like a cuddly teddy bear when I had finished with our shower of shit. You have to be cruel to be kind, but I would be cruel to be cruel.

  16. The fact that IsaC didn’t make the list is a fucking travesty. I blame it on those misguided Cunters who who hate Trump and rail against him on the hallowed pages of this August body.

    If you hate Trump the Idiot Left will forgive you anything.

    Vernon Fox
    Make the Anglosphere Great Again
    Oven! Oven! Oven!

  17. Lol Fox sends the woke loonies into a frenzy.

    He put a rainbow swastika on social media (to symbolise the fascist tendencies of the LGBTQ ‘communidee’) and the bottybashers and trans freaks wet themselves.

    These cunts hate people like Fox, Tommy and Nigel. Yet they are the ones who are closest to Nazi beliefs and practices.

    Any questions or criticism of the bummers of fake fannies, and it’s the Rainbow SS and a sparkly jackboot on your throat. It’s only a matter of time before these cunts put coloured stickers on white straight men.

    Heterosexueller weißer Mann Raus.

  18. Trumps on TV at moment he looks well.
    Not as orange.
    He’s just announced a new fighter jet.

    There’s a General there,
    And I’ve never seen a bigger grovelling fucker in my life .

    He strained his jaw trying to stick his tongue so far up Donalds arse.

    I blushed for him.

    Like Waylon Smithers with medals.
    Donald should sack him.

    Can’t trust a brown noser.

    • I met Trump once.
      Early seventies, it was.
      I should say, he’ll deny this account.
      His story will be different.
      He was kerb-crawling in the West End.
      I’d just exited a newsagent with a thieved Penthouse.
      He drew alongside me in a flash, chauffer driven car that his old man most likely paid for.
      He asked me if I had the time.
      Looked like someone had done a wee wee in his hair.
      Didn’t half pong!
      I instantly pegged him for a wrong ‘un, what with me being only 14 and quite dishy.
      In retrospect I were bang on.
      Anyway, to cut a long story short, I told him I wasn’t interested, so he quickly changed the subject, asking directions to Bolsover Street.
      I told him Bolsover Street was in the middle of an intricate one-way system,
      A one-way system easy enough to get into, but almost impossible to lose.
      (All this time his driver was diligently taking notes)
      I told him his best bet, if he really wanted to get to Bolsover Street, was to take the first left, first right, second right, third on the left, keep his eye open for a hardware shop, go right round the square sticking to the inside lane, take the second Mews on the right, and then stop.
      He would then find himself facing a very tall office block, with a crescent courtyard.
      He could take advantage of this office block by going round the crescent and coming out the other way, follow the arrows, go past two sets of traffic lights and take the next left indicated by the first green filter he came across.
      (He’d have the Post Office Tower in his vision the whole time)
      All he had to do then was reverse into the underground car park, change gear, go straight on, and he’d find himself in Bolsover Street with no trouble at all.
      I did warn him, though, that he’d still be faced with the problem of getting out.
      I knew one or two people who’d been wandering up and down Bolsover Street for fucking years!
      Cunts who live there, their faces are grey.
      They’re in a state of despair.
      No one pays any attention to them, see?
      Anyway, I told him that probably the best thing he could do was to forget the whole idea of getting to Bolsover Street.
      He said thanks, handed me his business card and said to ring him if I changed my mind.
      Donald was nowt if not considerate, lol.

      • Yeah, a fleeting visit.
        Been somewhat incapacitated of late.
        Working myself to death 24/7 designing internment camps for the Government.
        Had 30 minutes to kill this evening while the Mrs were getting my tea.
        Nowt on the TV worth watching.
        Good to see you’re still flying the flag for the “ISAC Faithful” hee-hee!

  19. Tommy Robbo and that old fool Macca are missing a marketing masterstroke and a license to print money.

    They could put out some re-hashed crap, have Ringo whack a couple of drums, get an old George Harrison guitar riff, and then say it was written by Yaxley-Lennon and McCartney.

  20. Hehehe 😂

    Donald’s sticking it to the Moosefuckers again!

    Hates the Canadians does Donald.

    Said that the US pays 270% tariffs on dairy products into Canada?

    Dunno if that’s true or not,
    But he’s outraged by it.

    He said he wasn’t joking about making them a state, he means it.

    Oh boy, pass the maple syrup

    • Did President Trump sing to the tune of ‘Yellow Submarine’?

      ‘We all know Maggie Trudeau is a slag.’

      Viva Big Don!

  21. Since the end of the second world war…


    What a spot on description of the destruction of GB…


    • It’s a simple mathematical equation..

      More 💩 enters GB=GB becomes a worse place…!

      Proven over the last 50 years.

      Clearly this is someone’s plan…!

      • Whilst I am not defending the unwashed third world scum that has invaded the UK, I will say that if you add people to any situation, that situation gets worse. Never better.

        People are inherently destructive by their very nature. In some cases, deliberately so. Take an expanse of open green fields. Trees, grass, shrubs, bushes, wildlife – all just being themselves in nature.

        Then boom! Housing estate.

        What do you get? Pollution, kids, garbage, kids, human waste, kids, crime, kids, unsociable behaviour, kids, poor drainage, kids, etc. And more fucking kids. Basically destruction and all in the name of giving some heathen cunts somewhere to live – and then destroy.

        So you’d think that limiting the influx of third world scum would be a no-brainer, but here we are. As others have said, this is no accident. This is deliberate, but to what end I just don’t know. Why would the West deliberately and knowingly destroy itself?

        My only idea is one of selfishness. The cunts pulling the strings now get richer and enjoy ever more luxurious lifestyles, while the ‘worker bees’ get fucked in the arse to the point of extinction and being overthrown. The cunts pulling the strings won’t be here in generations to come so they don’t give a fuck. Ergo, selfish.

  22. Keep your ‘lectric eye on me, babe
    Put your ray gun to my head
    Press your space face close to mine, love
    Freak out in a moonage daydream, oh yeah!

    Don’t hear anything about Space Force anymore?
    The intergalactic US astro troops.

    Now’s the time to get it rolling.
    Get Elon Musk onboard.

    See those yank astronauts Sonny and Cher have got back to terra firma after 9 months stranded in space.

    They were greeted by dolphins.

    Attracted by the smell of fish

    • 9 months, can you imagine it.

      At least it would have given you the chance to write that long awaited novella Mis, ‘The Count of Monte Bisto’.

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