Sounds like a girls name with Islington parents but it’s not.
“Lift with your knees not with your back”
Sage advice!
A hernia is when your a organ pushes through the tissue holding it in place.
They have a comical appearance,
Like this
(See header pic – NA)
But doubt he’s laughing?
It’s a ailment us removalmen are prone to.
My dad’s had two,
Fellow movers have had them,
I’ve managed to duck them so far!!
But it’s on the cards!!
So people keep telling me.
In a gleeful way,
The utter cunts.
If you get a hernia it’s best to try and force it back in.
Get help from workmates or passersby.
If you see a doctor it’s a operation.
And you’ll wake up and they’ve sawn your leg off or given you a vasectomy.
Or you can just leave it alone.
Good talking point in the pub.
Nominated by : Miserable northern cunt
Jesus H Christ. That fucking picture! 🤮
Sexy eh Jill?
Like a nose from mount Rushmore.
I’m guessing that’s what Barry Maniliows mum looked like during pregnancy?
@mnc 😂😂😂😂
Now that’s an ugly fucker and no mistake.
Morning all.
Is that John Hurt in Alien?
Or John Holmes?
So those rumours of angie being pregnant again are true..
Looks like twins..
I found the picture in one of Cuntengines wank mags while me and admin were going through his locker.
I had surgery on an inguinal hernia over 20 years ago. Piece of piss.
Any man who hasn’t had one by the age of 50 is a slacker or a pansy in my book.
I’m both.
That’s not your belly in the header pic Is it Geordie?
It certainly is.
And if you think that looks bad you should have seen it before the op.
That’s the mythological pregnant man.
I had a hernia repair sometime ago. Ended up having to go private in the end, due to the excruciating pain which was like having boiling water pored over you with every move. It was either wait a few years on the national health, or splash out 2 and a half grand, which I gladly did.
I had a local anaesthetic, similar to a vasectomy much earlier. Take the pain lads.
Vasectomy? Lying there with your tackle out while someone gets round it with a sharp knife? No way!
I had a vasectomy done with a local anaesthetic some years ago. The only embarrassing thing was the female doctor sent her assistant to look for a magnifying glass.
Getting injured accidentally while earning your living is one thing. What I can’t get my head around is sports injuries. The numbers of people injured playing contact sports is baffling. Ex-footballers who go gaga at an early age after spending years being regularly hit on the head by a one pound object travelling at 50mph, rugby players who lose eyes, kidneys, even wind up crippled. I read of a young woman who won medals for sliding down an icy ditch on a glorified tea-tray at 70mph who in her early thirties lives in a bungalow because she can no longer do stairs. Fuck that! At school I could never see the point of running a circuit of the 440 for instance. You ended up back where you started sweaty and out of breath. At work my greatest risks were probably RTAs and electrocution and I didn’t suffer too many of either. If I had to move a big server I would get help and make full use of trolleys, lifts etc.
Take care Mis, we don’t want you to get hurt.
Oh I’m not bothered about it now Arfur,
Sammy has offered to sub me 2 and half grand to go private.
And said I can pay him back a fiver a week 👍
Will gladly loan you the dosh, If I can watch Mis. Just wanted to see what it was like from the other side, after staring at all the nurses watching me, with scary faces.
Footballers are their inevitable “groin strains” always puzzle me – I reckon it’s too much rumpy pumpy in the locker room pre match
Whose willing to pay into the kitty and watch WanKeir having it done without anaesthetic ?
In addition to extreme halitosis and chronic constipation, our esteemed Prime Minister has a hernia, but he still smiles through his false teeth thanks to his Dr. Streeting’s Ball & Socket Truss. His most popular line is the “Mandy” model, complete with pink silk trimmings. “I’m here to support you duckie” is his advertising by-line, so if you suffer from this embarrassing medical issue, just write (enclosing a stamped addressed envelope) to The Spankie Wankie Truss Company, Dept C.U.N.T, Old Queen Street London.
Private fittings arranged on Hampstead Heath at midnight.
A Prying Minister more like it, Mr Boggs. I’d have the cunt fitted with a permanent Prince Albert from rusting metal. The Twat !
Speaking of which Sammy, no doubt under pressure from the old queen, Two Tier, Charlie Mullins got threatend with removal of his OBE/CBE by the pansy blob for daring to critisize that vaseline arsed little cunt Khan. Kweer is a dicatator and ley’s hope he ends up like many of them do:
The honours system is contemptible. If I were to be offered one (never going to happen) I’m not sure which of three courses of action I would take. One would be to write back telling the committee to stick it up its collective arsehole, copied to the press and my MP (whoever the fuck that is). Another would be to accept and invite the MSM to video me throwing the bauble in the river. A third option would be to accept it and sell the gewgaw to some mug on Ebay.
That’s one of the seven dwarves!
…. most probably grumpy 🤪
After have it done, you then realise how expectant women felt with everyone gawping back at them.
For about a decade the only response I had if being told a new mom’s ‘joyous’ had-a-baby news was … ‘did you poop on the table in front of strangers?’
That softened their cough for them. 😄
This lady has an interesting belly bulge:
I dare you.
That bollocking dildo is much too short Thomas. The longer Ones have chewing gum on the end, something to do for the ladies, whilst the men get their kicks.
I looked.☹️
I didn’t, as Thomas hadn’t included the words “safe pic”.
Very wise of you, JP…your eyes may well’ve popped out on stalks!
Being sensible for a change, a rowing machine is a brilliant way to avoid hernias.
With the correct technique, your increasingly well-defined lower back muscles will in turn make your stomach mucles taut and strong.
And broaden your shoulders Thomas!👍
True enough.
But I’d not want my shoulders to be too broad; it’d make it difficult to hide in ladies’ wardrobes.
I had an hernia repair, went private….
White consultant, white nurses, white anaesthetist, private room.
It was during the Covid era, I had to get tested a couple a days before I went in.
I believe the best preventative medicine is strong stomach and lower back muscles..
So as a certified physician I prescribe more star jumps,climbing someone else’s ladders to watch a nice lady getting undressed in her bedroom and the occasional thrashing of a foreigner.
Good Health and Good Morning.
This nomination brought back memories of having a vasectomy when it first became available. All we lads at work who had the local anaesthetic, took the piss out of the ones who had overnight hospital stays. You could tell the lying bastards, who didn’t know about having to have their bollocks laid out on a green operating cloth, resembling a billiard table.
I have a small one in my stomach that can be seen when I get up from lying down.
It doesn’t hurt but it detracts from the perfection of my body.
Knowing that it isn’t going to get better by itself I asked my bitch of a doctor to make me an appointment for the hospital to fix it.
She told me that the don’t do it here as it is classed as cosmetic.
I will either have to pay and go private or wait until I look like the cunt in the header photo.
I had one of these once but it didn’t look like that. It’s no fun. I think I did it lifting my mother’s wheelchair in and out of the car boot. Got it sorted at a private hospital where they were doing operations for the NHS. It was on the right side but they did both sides keyhole surgery. Woke up back in my bed and had this awful stomach pain. Begged them for painkiller but they said I’d had some and wouldn’t give me any more, they just stood and watched me writhing in pain, the cunts. That’s when I found out that morphine doesn’t work on me.
The next day the pain had gone, a nurse told me it was probably caused by trapped air which had been pumped into my stomach to give them room to perform the surgery. Years later when I needed an emergency appendix op I made them promise not to do it by keyhole surgery, I got the cut instead.
Hernia, bulging discs, sciatica all very painful for the movers and shifters amongst us. Keep the core strong is what I have always been told, gets harder as you get older mind.
“Lifting with straight legs, and bent back…”
“Could cause injury! Could cause injury! Could cause injury!”
“Lift with your knee’s not with your back.” That is the advice, but I’m not sure if it’s sage. I knew of a hod carrier that always stuck to this principle, sure he never give himself any hernia’s, he just can’t walk any more. I got mine during my years grafting in ships engine rooms. Often left with no assistance. I would have been called a pussy if I had asked for any help, it was “Just get on with it!” My father got his from lifting G.P.O. mailbags. Two that looked exactly the same could have a huge variation in weight.
It does seem to be less common with women, but there will be cases. My local pub landlady got her’s from lugging beer barrels around, after her husband had been doing it for forty years. A degree of stubbornness did not help.
On “Politics Live” on BBC2 at the moment two young women are arguing and talking, or rather shouting over one another at a level which looks like it will progress to eye gouging and hair pulling very soon.
Poor bastard, that ain’t fun.
Fuck him.
That hernia did not pop out overnight.
It would have started off small but still noticeable.
The daft cunt didn’t do anything about it when he should.
No sympathy.
I had a bad hernia years ago, got it going to the gym and doing power lifting and weight training, I had an inguinale hernia where my lower intestine pushed through my testicals, my then girlfriend noticed it when she groped me one drunken night, my gonads were enormous, it turned out my doctor told me I needed an operation to rectify the torn muscle in my bowel wall , I showed it to a couple of my mates and they were impressed I had big cojones, it’s a real cunt to suffer a hernia took me 2 years to recover, I don’t go to gyms anymore,
1 puts you off your dinner
Holy fuk, is that a special effect from Alien?