*Knock knock*
‘Who’s there?’
‘Stasi who?’
‘Ve vill ask ze qwestions…’
It’s an old ‘un but a good ‘un, and it never goes out of fashion. Cunters will no doubt recall the recent ‘WhatsApp’ scandal, when offensive comments posted by a number of Labour politicians led to the sacking of Health Minister Andrew Gwynne and the suspension of Oliver Ryan (MP for Burnley) and a number of councillors.
Enter a certain Mrs Helen Jones of Stockport, who called on Facebook for resignations on the part of those councillors involved. And guess what… Within 48 hours, she gets the proverbial knock on the door from Greater Manchester Plod, who ‘want a word’ about her comments. In a subsequent phone call, the lady learns from the fizz that a complaint has been made against her (the cops won’t say by whom; mmm…give me three guesses…).
Naturally Mrs Jones had committed no crime, and was simply engaging in legitimate comment on the disgraceful behaviour of those politicians involved. Unsurprisingly however, she felt intimidated by the police actions, and stated ‘it made me think I’d just best keep quiet for the rest of my life’.
No doubt the police would argue that they had a ‘duty’ to act as they did, but it will also come as no surprise that the actions of the scuffers have been branded a waste of time and resources in an area where so much crime goes uninvestigated and unsolved. It’s a view that’s hard to disagree with. A more disagreeable factor is consequence for free speech. Mrs Jones feels that she’s been leaned on by these pettyflogging plods, and when this starts to happen, we can fear that we are indeed on a slippery slope.
In her position I’d have told them to piss off and catch some proper criminals instead of wasting my time on what is no doubt classed by the hierarchy as a ‘non-crime incident’. Is this really what we pay our taxes for?
*Ding dong*
Oh hang on, there’s someone at the door…
Nominated by Ron Knee.
Cracking nom Ronald 👍
This 1984 shite happened in Stockport.
I’d like to know the outcome?
Clearly these detectives were there on behalf of the labour councillor the granny has criticised.
Labours bootboys
Pair of wankers
Indeed Miserable.
It must have been the councillor who complained to the rozzers; who else could it have been?
As if the individual concerned hadn’t made himself look a big enough cunt already.
The copper on the left looks like he needs his hard drive checked.
That explains why the pair of limp wristed pigs are tackling granny’s instead of shoplifters and burglars..
the cunt on the right looks like Jeremy vines twin evil brother, but Jeremy is the Uber cunt, that copper looks like he has not had a good shag ever, he looks like the sort who searches women’s underwear cupboards for worn knickers to sniff and wear, the dorty bastard, oven , oven oven, then oven some more,
The complainant knew full well that the police would not identify him, so he has effectively used the police to bully and intimidate this lady.
Well done GMP, for being this unpleasant man’s sock puppets!
As Mrs. Jones has committed no crime now go and arrest the cunt for wasting police time.
Dead simple rule when dealing with the police at your door, which I taught my children as soon as they were old enough to understand. First thing, NEVER open the door, NEVER invite them in. They are not there to help you, they are there to try to get you to incriminate yourself, so they can arrest you for something they previously couldn’t before you opened your mouth.
Do you have a search/entry/arrest warrant? No.
Do you have reasonable suspicion crime is about to be committed? No.
Do you have reason to believe there is an imminent danger to life and limb? No.
So piss off then. And don’t come back without a warrant.
Never even let them get a foot in the door and leave it there. If you try to close the door against the foot, they’ll do you for assault.
No wonder the specky prick on the left is on grass patrol. He looks like he couldn’t take a vape off a toddler.
That’s a Joe 90 tribute copper
A complaint made to police about Mrs Jones, the investigation should have ended with ‘don’t be so fucking stupid, asking for someone to resign isn’t anything to do with the police’
The police were obliged to inform her of the complaint 😂😂😂
Night of the long pencils….
Not fit for junior school crossing patrol 🚸….’who told you to start crossing’ ….’fuck off,prick’ 😩
Probably bitter after getting fired as milk monitor.
I suppose if the hapless woman had made the same criticism by letter to The Times who published it then the sum total of fuck all would have happened to her.
Says a lot that the coppers are so lazy they can’t even be arsed to root out dissent in our newspapers.
I’ve written “Starmer is a Gay Cunt” in marker on the bust stop up the road,no doubt I’ll be shot at dawn tomorrow.
Fuck em.
Imaginary Farcebooks Oven.
The plod would be better used investgating Dogging around New Mills.
When they’re not participating in it.
Or murdering people.
Come on plod. Come round mine and try your stasi bullshit and see where it gets you, you slags!
Five years ago Starmer and Dirty Ange were grovelling around on their knees to BLM who wanted to defund the police amongst other things. How things have changed now that the coppers are their personal goon squad sent out to crush dissent.
Your mistaken LL, that’s Rodney’s and angie’s usual stance in mosques up and down the country..
I bet Ange has had more Paki cock than she’s had free dinners and holidays on ‘expenses’. And that’s quite a fucking lot.
Allegedly and all that bollocks, of course…
I was so verbally abusive to a pair of canvassing cunts in 2019 (the one I’ve previously mentioned where the wimminz character was literally in tears as they retreated) .. that I was waiting for the cunts I mean cops all the following day.
They never showed up though. 🙁
Politicians, lawyers and the rozzers are the biggest bunch of crooks alive.
That cunt in the photo has even stolen a nose from WC Fields.
You can include bankers in that list Geordie.
Estate agents and ex wives.
‘stolen a nose from WC Fields’
Is it possible to turn the tables on these cunts for using threatening behaviour?
Being forced how to think by some good for nothing wankers surely violates the very code of conduct the money wasting cunts pretend to uphold.
They should be investigated by their own shit for brains colleagues, and the whole lot given electroconvulsive therapy at 6 billion volts.
It’s amps that count mate.
It’s amazing what they let into the police force these days saw a couple of cunts abut 5 foot tall dressed as coppers last week one of them looked like a fucking school boy fuck knows how they would cope with a knife wielding religious nutter
Top tip for instantly triggering the filth – refer to their uniform as a ‘costume’, in a disdainful tone, obviously.
I prefer to refer to their uniform as ‘crackling’.
Telegraph journo, Alison Pearson had the same happen to herself recently.
She caused a right stink, naturally.
A police review of the early morning ticking off by one of their officers concluded they’d done nothing wrong.
Apparently he was very ‘polite’.
That’s alright then.
Old bill can carry on policing ‘free speech’ so long as they use nice words.
Much safer and less exhausting than going after criminals.
Fat, sweaty cunts!
Oh, they are bastards. From Burnham downwards.
And those GMP cozzers want to get their own house in order.
Operation Augusta. Say no more.
Pity the old bill weren’t so quick off the mark with the peaceful rape gangs. Laughing stock or what. Feel sorry for those two coppers bet they really enjoyed that one. If I was a copper I would have preferred arresting a peaceful terrorist than knocking on that women’s door.
I don’t feel sorry for them.
They are utter fucking scum.
Feed your hate!
And what the fuck is that four eyed thing in the picture?
To borrow from Clinton Baptiste, ‘I’m getting the word ‘N0nce’.
You rooting for the Geordies today Norm?
Well, Termujin, all my relatives up there are Sunderland.
And, there is no love lost with the Pool, of course.
So, I suppose I’ll be neutral today.
Those two cunts in the header pic look like the type bullied at school, dinner money stole, head down bogs etc, that’s why they became pigs.
Unless they had a warrant, I’d ask them to fuck off of my property and close the gate behind them.
True Cuntalugs.
One saw them at school. Bullies who were also arselickers, swots and grasses. Picked on other kids, but crawled around teachers. Wore their prefect badges like the Waffen SS wore their skull and crossbones and swastika armbands.
You could tell even then that they were fledgling cozzers. Some people are just born to be snorkers.
The funny thing is, the most racists, nazi off his head on a power trip psycho at my school was the son of a CID cunt.
Just like his father, he is now a CID cunt.
I wouldn’t be frightened of the one knocking on the door. He looks like a cross between two musical spheres 1. Dimitri Shostakovich, who was frightened of Joseph Stalin and 2. Mark E Smith, who would do anything for a pint.
Mark Edward Smith. A proper Prestwich lad.
The very bitterest of blues, but a very dry and funny bastard.
That delusional treeswinging black fucker Kanye West openly says that he loves Hitler, and he is flogging proper Nazi style swastika T-Shirts on his web store. Not even the mention of an arrest, not a whisper.
However, if anyone here or anywhere else did that, our arses would be in the nick before we could say ‘Hate Crime’.
Deep down old Adolf hated the blacks more, but this scorched face cunt should be doing porridge.
…. and rapped on the knuckles every 5 minutes, for doing something a child does and told off by its mother for making a noise.
Full Stasi oven please UT
Any arrests yet at the ‘radicalised’ Didsbury mosque, where the murdering human filth who did the Manchester Arena attack came from?
Whaddayamean ‘No’?
The one on the left, that’s the furthest apart I’ve seen two eyes on a human. I bet a hippo’s lamps are closer together.
The one on the right reminds me of those cunts from Crapita who turn up on peoples’ doorsteps demanding to see if they’ve got a telly.
I never respond to a knock on the door unless I am expecting someone. That said, my inclination in this situation would be:
IY: Who are you and why are you bothering me?
Plod: We’re here to talk to you about an online comment you made.
IY: Has a crime been committed?
Plod: No.
IY: Am I being arrested in connection with an criminal offense?
Plod: No.
IY: Am I being cautioned regarding this alleged incident?
Plod: Well, no.
IY: Am I being detained pending investigation of this alleged incident?
Plod: Not as such, no.
IY: Well then, you appear to have no lawful or legal right to be on my property, so I suggest you fuck off. Failure to do so immediately will constitute trespass and a threat to my personal security and well being. You have 30 seconds. Clock’s started.
“Hello the filth here, we would like to give friendly advice about the complaint made against you.”
“Who made the complaint?”
“Cannot tell you that.”
“My dad and uncles put their lives on the line fighting cunts like you! Fuck off!!”
The fucking arrogance of the police is amazing.
They rely on the ignorance of the general public.
If asked, you don’t have to tell the police who you are.
“Have I committed an offence or do you have reasonable evidence that I am about to commit an offence?”
“No? Well leave me alone because I don’t have to tell you my name or where I live”.
And if they ask you where you were on a certain day and time……..
“Is that when a crime was committed?
Because if you think that I was responsible then it’s up to you to present the evidence.
It’s not for me to prove my innocence”.
It’s difficult to be intimidated by these cowardly, fat cunts.
But learn your rights and never talk to them for any reason.
“It may harm your defence if you do not answer questions that you later rely on in court”.
“Firstly, I have not been charged with any offence and neither am I likely to be.
So I don’t need a defence and I will only have to appear in court if you have evidence to charge me.
And if I did need a defence it is in your interests that I do ‘harm it’.
So fuck off.
Well I’m not worried if this pair of twatsare sent knock at my door.
The speccy one looks like he’s not got the upper body strength to open my beautiful gate never mind lift the solid cast iron door knocker in the shape of a cats head.
Although I might not hear him walking on the plum slate path .
He looks light in his loafers?
I’d refuse to allow the goggleyed cunt in, refuse to answer any questions, and refuse anything he tried to hand me.
Like a invite to Pride Parade
In this country you can call out politicians on their corruption, incompetence etc without fear the police will turn up.
Well you used to be able to.
If you’re making threats of violence towards a politician, then you should expect the police. Outside of that it’s political policing and it’s proof of what we all know to be true if this government.
Amazing when people here are so pissed because Trump is a Nazi but our own government has gone down the tyrannical route and no one bats an eye.
There’s a nice extended period in prison if you don’t obey.