Believe me, it took several minutes to decide exactly which party to cunt re: this farce. This Jami cunt deserves it for her terror ambitions. Was ready to off to Afghanistan to join the Isis. Planned for her offspring to be martyrs to the cause further down the line.
Nicked. Mugshotted. Then the 2nd choice to be the cunted nominee, – her barrister cunt – says Mrs Jihad there is ‘upset’ about her mugshot … and wanted it re-taken. With her fucking face covered!
Cunt #3, the judge, .. well he says ‘sure’ .. Cunts #4 .. West Midlands Police comply & issue a picture of what could be fucking ANY cunt … a ninja who didn’t pay their bus fare, say.
Like I said. Farce. A multicunting, this, really.
Farishta Jami.
Believe me, it took several minutes to decide exactly which party to cunt re: this farce. This Jami cunt deserves it for her terror ambitions. Was ready to off to Afghanistan to join the Isis. Planned for her offspring to be martyrs to the cause further down the line.
Nicked. Mugshotted. Then the 2nd choice to be the nominee, her barrister cunt says Mrs Jihad there is ‘upset’ about her mugshot … and wanted it re-taken. With her fucking face covered!
Cunt #3, the judge, .. well he says ‘sure’ .. Cunts #4 .. West Midlands Police comply & issue a picture of what could be fucking ANY cunt … a ninja who didn’t pay their bus fare, say.
Like I said. A farce. Should be a multicunting, really.
Nominated by cuntemall.
Three cunts for the price of one, everyman’s dream? or so I’m told. C.A.
I do hope that, once she has served whatever sentence she is given, she is encouraged to fly off to Afghanistan.
If she isn’t given a custodial, let her depart immediately.
I’ll be the one holding the
“Bon Voyage, cunt!” banner.
My god is NuthinDer from the NuthinfuckinDer religion. Like all gods, our god is invisible and we believe in being invisible in honour of NuthinDer. Therefore, I would like to be invisible for my crime photograph. Do it, or I shall scream and accuse you of NuthinDeraphobia.
Another enemy within.
Islăm has no place in the World, let alone the West.
A backward ideology that does not let it’s adherents think for themselves.
The only solution is a universal Crųşâďe to clear it from the World. No ifs no buts.🏴
OT. Great to see Big Don kick the Primark President up the arse.
Oh dear, Zelensky-Wensky is not getting his way any more.
I reckon it’s only a matter of time before he gets his. Whether Uncle Sam or Ivan will do it is a matter for discussion, I suppose. One can imagine the phone conversattion…
Putin ‘Do you want your boys to kill the scruffy bastard, Donald?’
Trump: ‘Oh no. After you, Old Boy.’
Only good Russian is a dead one.
27 million of them in WW2 whilst western Ukraine fought for the Germans.
So did the Italians but I still like pizza.
Thought you’d be into it.
Hey Norman,
I have it on reliable authority that the conversation actually went something like this:
Putin: Do you want our guys to kill the scruffy bastard?
Trump: If you could have, you would have. Besides, his own people will probably to take him out.
You’re probably right General.
Bet those black sacks burn well with a dose of unleaded and expanded polystyrene.
Once the ginger pàķi cock nosher rayner gets her islamaphobia bill passed, worthless scum like this will be suing ISAC for hurt feelings for posting this nomination..
More grovelling and bending over to the religion of piss.
fallujah jam can rot in hell or Bradford..
This triple nomination should result in a triple execution.
May piss be upon her.
She looks better with her hood on.
Afternoon all.
Hey Ron,
She should wear that hood on the gallows.
That was my first thought Ron. Academic anyway, they all look the fucking same.
The biggest surprise here is the police are allowed to deveil her AND publish the mugshot.
From what I read, she didn’t particularly bother to cover her mush before she decided to up sticks.& bring her kids off to learn to kill the white man. It was some kind of afterthought post release. Maybe her Isis recruiter came up with it when she called the cunt to say she’d had complications?
Bury her in pig shit.
You old softy!
I must be going down with liberalism. HELP.
Darth Vader there dodged a bullet.
Jami dodger.
I had a face like Jami I’d want it masked too.
Luckily for me I’m like Michelangelos David and not Rizzo the rat.
This fucker should be hung ,
And used in her witch outfit to scare crows off crops.
Why doesn’t she wear a suit?
That’s what I’d like to know.
Who’d she think she is President Zelensky?!!
Razor wire and a lamp post
Whilst still wearing the Grim Reaper costume?
Yes 👍
dirty p@ki, she should be put on an aircraft carrier and launched into the sea by the steam catapult, preferably over the marianas trench while encased in concrete shoes into shark infested waters
You do gooder liberals are all the same🤣
What’s next? .. Does equality/inclusivity not mean Bank robbers will allowed wear their balaclava or pair of tights over their heads in mugshot pics when picked-up for their illegal behaviours?
Because the answer to that is ‘don’t be ridiculous’ yet there above on the right side of the nom pic is a real thing that was allowed to happen in 2024. There isn’t even a gully hijabbed EMOJI for allah’s sake!
So when she has committed suicide what happens to the mini bombers then? Ah yes married off to some kiddie fiddling cunt. Insha allan’s snackbar.
I hope you are all being good cunters and fasting as it’s ramadamadingdong today. Needy cunt that Alan. Even sillier thecunts that do it.
There is no doubt the hajib and burqa does something for an old crone. I humbly suggest it should be standard dress for when Jess ‘Butch’ Phillips appears on television. It would help hide the green/yellow buck teeth and contain the halitosis, and it would drive Clive Lewis to states of orgasmic desire.
That reminds me we need some bin bags 👍….usual plod roll over to their request, may as well turned her around for what good that picture is 😤
Hang the cunt…!
Looks like a bloke. Has it got a penis?
Fuel air bomb,the fucking lot.
Filthy cunts and Fifth Column Dung.
Well I would.
I’d like to go with a bang.
You old romantic you.
I saw a paķi in a porn once, whilst looking for Indian lesbians.
Her nips were grey, somehow.
Ashy, like a nıg-nògs elbows.
It negated my forceful tumescence with immediate effect.
Like out of date walnut whips?
That would indicate that she had cancerous nipples and not only would die soon, but be unable to provide nourishment for any future benefit claimants crotch goblins.
Which would restore my afformentioned tumescence!
I sympathise Thomas.
Perhaps if the camera had panned in on her mutliated genitalia your penile engorgement would have been restored.
Glad her sensitive nature was the main thing considered here. Makes me proud to be British.
This situation is more mental than the patients I shared a ward with during my last transgression from the norm. At this rate a one bedroomed apartment in North Korea is looking good, at least you know those in charge are genuine cunts.
Vlad the Impaler had the right idea about what to do with muzzıes.
Imagine dinghy scum approaching Dover beach only to be greeted by the sight of thousands of stakes, adorned by the impaled bodies of mosque-enthusiasts, wailing and screaming as the stakes penetrate through the ringpieces and further into their internal organs and a giant 60 foot wide banner, written in Farsi using harvested intestines, that says ‘FUCK OFF’.
Oh that sounds marvelous Mr Cunt Engine. 👍
I figure there could be a raffle.
A fiver to enter and 50 lucky people a week can win the chance to either hoist the terrorist onto their slightly uncomfortably terminal resting place or be allowed to stalk the forest of stakes with a cricket bat to bash the wood and increase the wretchedness of the bacon-dodgers.
It was more to do with the fact that the Wallachian prince, the Son of the Dragon, was held hostage by them for years with his brother. They were leverage to get his father to cooperate.
Young Vladislaus also plundered Saxon villages and murdered and impaled them. When he wasn’t biting the necks of virgins.
He’d have a job finding virgins nowadays. Especially in places like Stockport 😄😄
Vlad hated everyone. There’s Harold’s Horrible Histories for your Saturday night viewing pleasure.
Speaking of the Prince of Darkness
Evening Harold, when you said ‘Prince of Darkness’, I thought you meant Peter Mandelson!
Quite by coincidence, one of the murderous passions in my upcoming book concerns a Parisien pẹrvẹrt and his scaled down recreation of the ‘Wallacian morale-sapper’ where he has his men kidnap some Turks and impale them for his malicious desires.
In a round about way Vlad invented biological weapons. He would tie lepers and people with infectious diseases to horses and have them run into enemy camps and infect them.
He was actually quite a clever strategist for those times.
I didn’t think anyone on here would like him as he’s Romanian but doesn’t go around screeching “beeeg eeeeshooo”
“Beeg ishoo plees?”
“Not to me it’s not” I told her, “I hope you die of hypothermia.”
Good evening Thomas,
Has your book got ‘bumming’ in it by any chance?
Never fear Harold, there’s lashings of bumming!
Also, lashings of lashings too.
Lashings and lashings?
The famous five go bumming?
Well to be fair George always wanted to be a boy didn’t she
Or the House of Bolton spectacle from Game Of Thrones? featuring multiple flayed victims pinned to some wooden device adorning the Kent clifftops,al a (npi) ‘Battle of the Bastards’,Hero of mine was Ramsey Bolton,as a fellow toxophilite his takedown of young Stark at that range was highly impressive to say the least.
We need a renaissance of Archery to deal with ‘things’ impending and before the bastards do a Dunblane or Hungerford psyop equivalent that sees every bow and arrow kyboshed,Beats pitchforks and hugely satisfying as a sport,especially field archery.I recco ‘Survival Lilly’ on youtube for her archery tuition.
How right you are P, have always considered that archery is a survival skill not a sport and a martial art to boot. Which reminds me I must get some practice in.
Vlad the impala.
He once nailed someones hat to their head for forgetting to doff their cap.
People can be touchy like that.
Bet he didn’t even own a suit😁
All Transylvanians are goths and listen to Marilyn Manson.
An this
Release the bats!🦇🦇
Back in college MNC lots of young women of a certain type had a bit of a thing for Anne Rice novels and Lestat.
A bit like they had a vampire fetish or something. Long before Twilight.
I thought he was a ponce with his frilly cuffs like Lawrence Llewellyn-Bowen. He was no Christopher Lee or Jerry Dandridge.
Re above, ” big ishooo”
There’s one obviously not homeless young eastern European female twat playing her wares outside my local Morrisons.
“Big issue” say’s she. NO ! say’s I in a very firm in her fucking face way.. so much so that I got some disapproving looks from idiots who do give there hard her.
Needless to say, he cunt remembers me and turns away when I enter the store…!
Anyway, today she’s not there. There is another fucking eastern European female cunt there..
I am of the opinion that a firm kick in cunt might do more than words do.
God, I really do hate these bastard’s..☠️
BLAIR CREATURE, you are an A grade evil money grabbing Cunt…💩🆗
Well, if the Niqab is designed to curb the lustful thoughts of men, she’s got no need to wear it. Her face could be used as a fucking contraception device, or to keep kids away from the fireplace! Face like a bag of smashed crabs!