ECHR Article 8 2

Article 8 is a cunt and has probably never been used anywhere except by people keen to stay in Britain despite us not even being in the EU.

Following on from our Albanian who finds our chicken nuggets better, next up we have a Pole with a long list of convictions and a home office who claim would have had him deported to his native Poland where he was born, moving here aged 4.
The reason the ECHR came up with for blocking deportation, yep, you guessed it, He doesnt speak Polish.
So by ECHR logic we can expect to see a mass deportation of all our non English speaking imports soon?


As much as the home office is worthy of its own cunting on a daily basis even on the odd day they try and do their job their hands are tied, a complete and utter pisstake.

Nominated by Cunt of the Isles.

25 thoughts on “ECHR Article 8 2

  1. Some Ghanaian cunt allowed to return to the UK because he’s ‘depressed’ back in Ghana!!!

    Fuckin depressed!

    Send him a fuckin trampoline and a jive bunny cd.

    Cheeky bastard

    • Well, I am depressed that we have a bunch of cunts ruling us, a corrupt judiciary, too many gimmegrants, ever increasing taxes for which decent people get sweet fuck all in return- the list is endless.
      What does the ECHR intend to do for me ?

    • You’re too kind, Mis.

      No trampoline, maybe a skipping rope in lieu, and then give the ‘depressed’ parasitic leech a Radiohead cd instead along with the news ‘you aint getting back there, cunt’, .. see if that combination hopefully pushes him to/over the finish line … zero loss to the world if it did, I feel compelled to add.

    • I’d normally agree with any methods of abject torture and misery for faeces in human form, but Jive Bunny… not even the Marquis De Sade would have gone that far.

  2. Other cunteries kick out miscreants, but since Bliar loaded the judiciary with commie cunts, we are stuck with the rest of the world’s shit.
    Fuck em, fuck em all.
    Good morning.

  3. There should be at least some advantages to living in Britain if one is British (properly, not because a piece of paper says so). One of these advantages should be, obviously, that one cannot be excluded from the countries that make up Britain.

    The flip-side of this is if you live here and you are not British, you are here as a privilege, not a right, and can be excluded for any reason, at any time, no process required, no appeal necessary.

    Similar to if a guest in my house has worn out his welcome and is told to leave. You’re out, no ifs, not buts, no maybes.

    And no regrets.

  4. Elephant in room. Highest Council Tax in England come April is in Bradford. No mention of the fact that it’s moose limb central and that none of them work (officially), hence the desperate hike to steal from what little indigenous there still are to pay their fucking bastard rent and council tax. And it’s spreading. What’s your strategy for that Reeves you cuntbattermong.

    • A bit OT but local authorities generally are a stinking pile of filth and shit. For donkey’s years they have spent the money of the ratepayers they are supposed to serve on stuff that most ratepayers don’t want. We have now arrived at the point where their reviled and nasty schemes are being carried out secretly in the middle of the night. Remember when the bastards in Plymouth set about cutting the trees down in the early hours? All credit to the locals who got a magistrate out of bed to stop them. Now Bristol have installed one of their brainless and vastly unpopular schemes in the hours of darkness while having a brigade of police in attendance to supress any dissent.

  5. Pile of cunt. Why we haven’t withdrawn is a mystery. Or it would be if we had anyone with the balls to take the flak for leaving.

    Who’s behind the European Court? The European Council, what’s this pile of cunts main concern just now?

    Combatting anti-Muslim hatred and racism: “strong international response needed”

    I didn’t know what a Muslim was growing up, they all lived far away with their wives and goats. My issues with Islam began when they imported and imposed it upon us.

    • I didn’t know what one was until they started talking about it after 9/11. Unbeknownst to me, Satan Blair had already been busy mass importing them for four fucking years prior on the quiet.

      • Well he did recently let them do their ramalamadingdong thing in one of the churches, so there’s that.

        Charles’s religion though is Climate Change and Agenda 2030. He said at one of those wankfests they frequently have, that “we need trillions of dollars for HIM”. And by ‘him’, he wasn’t referring to himself.

        I wonder who he meant? 🤔

    • Russia was expelled from the ECHR in 2022 after its illegal invasion of Ukraine.

      Now, maybe if we invaded France…

  6. Maybe rather than talking about leaving the cunt European court, actually fucking leave.
    But we won’t because the cons and labs have no fucking spine.

  7. Most of our political and economic problems are caused by adhering with religious fevour to every law,rule recommendation,notion and daydream usually created by some total cunt from another country.

    The only law that should apply is English Law and that’s fucked to tatters by a woke infested judiciary.

    The country is run by glorified traffic wardens,egged on by bent solicitors and pakıs on welfare.

    High Chief Justice Oven.

    Good morning.

  8. Again The Donald has the right idea, ban whole cuntrys’ residents from even visiting if they might be undesirable. Then start deporting the cunts who are already here. A simple but brilliant plan.

    Good morning, everyone.

  9. The clue is in the title ladies and gentlemen, European…

    And the British are despised by euroland for being more successful over the centuries.
    All that resentment has boiled down to a petty court of bedwetting no-marks punishing us for past successes..

    Plus the added insult of successive governments following the judgments instead of replying “Up your bollocks”

  10. Why haven’t hypnotists ever thought of gathered on the government firstly and the pied pipers do the rest, by marching all the illegal cunts into the sea.

  11. Looks like our Border Farce are going to strike.
    That should slow the boat mussies up for a while. Hopefully more of the cunts sink.

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