I’ve not watched ‘Dr Whoke’ for years, but the received wisdom is that the show could be circling the drain.
Viewing figures are in the toilet, with fans apparently cheesed off with its now incessant wokery, and the word is that latest Doc incarnation Ncunti Gatwank has his eye on projects in Hollywood (code for ‘doesn’t want to be left clutching the sonic screwdriver as the Tardis gets sucked into a black hole’).
The Beeb’s been forced to deny that the show faces the axe, and the production team will no doubt try to double down and claim that recent problems are due to there being not enough ‘progressive’ zeal being demonstrated. If Gatwank is indeed off, the long-suffering licence fee payer should prepare for a burka-wearing Dr with a limp, with an asylum-seeking companion who’s just arrived here in a dingy.
It won’t matter in the least to the production team if the show ends up with an audience of a hundred; they’ll still have a platform for their loony agenda, and it’ll be somebody else’s cash that’ll be paying for it. It’s as good a reason as any I’ve heard for defunding the BBC.
Nominated by : Ron Knee
I tried to watch one episode out of curiosity, just to see how bad it was.
To dull the edges of upcoming contempt, I even had some naughty flapjack.
It was utterly infuriating awful, even for a high person.
That daŕkıe bumlord deserves to be forced to eat Anne Widdecome’s cobwebby clunge every day as punishment.
He sucks.
Speaking of naughty flapjacks, I treated myself to something for Christmas.
Look up Hey Abby. It’s absolutely genius.
Abby seems a bit pricey for what can be acheived with some plastic sheeting, a fan n filter and some leds?
But fully automated and carbon filtered so it doesn’t stink the house out or draw unwanted attention from nosey neighbours.
I think its bloody clever as it does pretty much everything itself.
just add water.
Good Morning
I gave up on it when they killed of Patrick Troughton, is it not a children’s programme?
Does the BBC ever do any market research because the rarely give their customers what they want.
They don’t care. Because they know that no matter what, Labour will ensure it’s propaganda wing is still funded from the public’s purse.
Even when confronted with undeniably hopeless viewing figures, they will still state that it is incredibly popular and the cultural Marxist filth will continue to shove their alphabet people agenda down little kid’s throats.
I didnt see it as i was hiding behind the settee.
Paul Mcgan was the best Dr Who ever. (IMO of course.)
Mcgann. ffs
I watched it from the start, with its cardboard sets and thought it crap then. I believe they’ve been doing their tiresome best with a black puff with a lisp and now they should bring the embarrassment to an end. I don’t care. I stopped paying the licence yonks ago. Now I pay myself a licence free.
What’s this?
The Islamists of Islington have made another expensive flop?
They are accountable to nobody,are on a levy funded Gravy Train and care not a jot if anyone watches their crop,they still get their vastly inflated pay.
They are all,without exception,the scūm of the earth who delight in subverting everything they touch.
To quote Bertrand Russell “The cunts shit in the pockets of decent British people every day”.
Ovens of Tardis.
Good morning.
E-X-T-E-R-M-I-N-A-T-E… Now turned into Dr umbongo the travelling chiggun wagon 😩…space oddity 👍
Saw it once when I was a lad. It was shite.
Dr Who, like Eastenders, Casualty, Strictly Come Mincing, Escape To The Cuntry, Garden Rescue and Bargain Hunt have gone of for FAR too many nyears because the lazy bleeders can’t think of anything new, except to put “Celebrity” in front of it;s programmes to make them appear new.
A typical case in point is Flog It, which ceased recording five years ago, but appears virtually every weekday on BBC 2 and sometimes weekends as well. The fucking tapes will wear out eventually – if we play our cards right.
Dr Who, like all the other “drama” productions looks like we are eavesdropping on the school play in Cricklewood.
I never watch any BBC shite these days – ever since they turned down my pitch for “International Striptease – Live From the Stage Of The Steaming Pussycat Club Soho” (in which I have a financial interest) – even my dozen hookers couldn’t persuade the programme commissioners – because they are all bent. Who else could turn the charms of Dirty Ange sitting on their faces?
A black cripple in a wheelchair, water on the brain in a sling and elephantiasis. Should I go on any further. Of course not.
The BBC just cannot resist turning everything they touch into woke bollocks designed to ‘educate’ us to their superior way of thinking.
I enjoyed it. As a child.
Adults watching this crap? Do they still make Playschool?
You are Brian Cant and I claim my round window.
Dunno about playschool but it was worth a watch when I was wee.
Levelled up to “yo gabba gabba”. Sadly there was no gabba.
I used to watch Magpie, because of Susan Stranks.
She’d wear the Magpie T-Shirt without any bra.
She had maginificent tits.
Seeing they’re loosing money rapidly, just a brain in a fish tank will do.
Dr Who was my favourite show when I was a kid. Tom Baker was my idol. Lost interest after Peter Davison’s first series.
Like Jill above, liked the tv film with Paul McGann and I quite enjoyed the revival at first. It turned to dogshit after that wankstain Moffat was in charge.
On another note, I loved both Romanas, Mary Tamm and the gorgeous Lalla Ward.
I had a (cough) soft spot for Sarah Sutton. Nyssa from the Peter Davison era.
Everything the BBC touches turns into a turd. Of course the Prime Minister is already a turd so he is unaffected.
Some cunt recommended I watch some pile of BBC turd called “Verdi”. I suppose the great opera composer has been re-imagined as a parking stanley detective from Bradford or some such woke garbage. Well they can just fuck off.
Good morning, everyone.
‘Dr Who’ is supposed to be early evening family entertainment, but it’s now just incessant propaganda as far as I can make out.
Speaking of which, I see that the row over Al-Beeb’s recent Gaza ‘documentary’ rumbles on, with the Chairman, no less, calling it ‘a dagger to the heart of impartiality’.
I’d love to know whether even a penny of licence fee payers’ money found its way into Hamas hands as a consequence of the making of this. That would be illegal under anti-terror legislation, I think?
Morning all.
It would be ironic if heads at the BBC were to roll due to their support for Hamas.
You missed fuck all we lasted less than 5 minutes.
tv for kids
shit then
shit now
adults still watching this old pony are cunts.
Zippy WanKeir will be playing the enemy.
I’d rather the BBC commissioned my idea “Kweer Starmer Meets Machine Gun Kelly” – played for real. That is cinema veritie for you. Spoiler alert – the “hero” dies.
At least the Quisling BBC haven’t caved in to a Muslim Dr Who…YET…!
Kill it before they do…☠️
Seems the UK has…
Dr Who😩
Fuck off back to Galafrey you bumboy.
A Muslim Karen for instance, Doctor Syntax.
The rot set in years ago…
Dr.Pooh pusher can jump into a black hole 🕳️
As a kid Tom Baker and Jon Pertwee were good, kids enjoyed watching reruns of them despite wobbly scenery and rubber monster suits. Unwatchable shite now.
Plus they used my action man scorpion tank.
When they made Ncunt Umbongo doctor who did they have to blunt the sonic screwdriver.
**Stop Press**
BBC publishes photo of contenders for the new Doctor;
Look like Daleks to me, Ron. For `tis the religion of extermination, is it not.
Are we sure that’s not just a West Midlands police (old world / pre-current madness)’identity-parade’ line-up, though?
p.s. the one in the middle there, ..phwoarrr! 😍
As in : current world madness includes burqas in police mugshots .. PRE this was referring to the phrase ‘identity parade’ – which is probably listed as ‘archaic, offensive’ and so forth, now
I inadvertently flicked to a BBC channel and I thought it was Planet of the Apes.
Anyway, apparently he has many new oiled bottoms waiting for him to explore when he fucks off to the States to pack for fudge into his “career”.
Propaganda and agenda pushing, like the wider BBC.
Don’t pay the tele tax.
immediate Oven.
It’s like film makers. They come up with something half decent, such as Jaws.
A decent film, well received, more than paid for itself.
So what happens. They make a sequel, then another, then a prequel, then a spin-off, then a remake with one original cast member, then….
You get the gist, until you’re checking the “what’s on tonight” guide, see Jaws, the.. Groan and throw the remote through the screen.
Dr. Who is like this. It’s been done to death, every possible storyline revisited over and over until it feels like fucking Groundhog Day.
One of the worst films of all time;
Cult status!
Thank you, Ron, a splendid example of a remake with one original cast member.
The comments are priceless. I loved “funny how Ellen remembers things she didn’t witness”
Think she was married to the head of Parmount.
It was a kids show, it was there to entertain children, it was great when I was 8.
Then it got rebooted and suddenly it had to indoctrinate kids into LBGT+ ideology. Then woke adults took what I see as an unhealthy interest in a kids show.
Killed it because kids and mums and dads who secretly enjoyed it were now being confronted with anything but a show fit for family viewing.
Perfectly put Six.
I am sure that the geniuses at the bbc will work wonders at remaking this stalwart of state television. In an attempt to further the woke the Tardis will cease to be a police box and become a time travelling portaloo called the Turdis. As the doctor has to be light in his loafers, a time travelling pissoire seems apt. The first episode involves the brave doctor piloting the Turdis into Uranus and later taking a red dwarf roughly from behind, wait till you see the gay cyber men real behind the couch viewing I should cocoa! ( most of this post was inspired by the “Gay Daleks” videos on YouTube, oh how we laughed all those years ago. We don’t now.