COVID Day of Reflection

Gotta be quick on this one Admin, big day is tomorrow. (Roger that – NA)

A national day of reflection, no less.

For what?

The holocaust? No
Bumsex? No.
Starving children in Africa? Nope.

Covid 19. To memorialise its victims and honour the outstanding contribution of ‘front-line’ workers, no less.

Sly News.

What a crock!

The virus has an above 99% survival rate in the unvaccinated. It also has EXACTLY the same survival rate in the ‘vaccinated’ (it’s not a vaccine’) but those people would all be dead, every last one of them, had they not took the new wonder drug, obviously.

We should have a national apology, a multitude of heads should roll, we should withdraw from the WHO and the UN after they both were brutally exposed as utterly useless, yet again.

Doctors and nurses working with sick people? Just astonishing. The indomitable spirit of the NHS, the self-sacrificing endeavours of it’s workers and the rapid development of cutting edge technology was most aptly displayed by tik-tok’ing fat bitches doing the Macarana. Rushed off their fat feet they were.

Apparently there is a ‘memorial wall’ now. No there isn’t. There is a wall that has been there a hundred years which has been vandalised with graffiti and needs cleaning up.

Anyone grief-mongering and sympathy-seeking over this pile of shit is a cunt, who instead of banging saucepans together should be banged on the head with one.

Boris stuffing his face with cake, glugging claret, Matt Hancock, when not schtooping the secretary talking utter bollox and lying through his teeth, the decimation of businesses, obviously the destruction of the economy, Chris Twattie lying through his teeth. Dominic Cumface lying through his teeth, working from fcking home, yet another excuse for fat fcks to claim disability, forcibly injecting people with fck know what, fining people for walking around, fcking up funerals, herding dying people into old people’s homes to kill countless more…. that’s what we should be remembering.


Nominated by : Termujin

89 thoughts on “COVID Day of Reflection

  1. I for one will be out on my doorstep banging pots and pans together, nothing to do with covid reflection, more of a mating call to attract women of a certain age.

    • Women should never be out of the kitchen anyway COTI, they could tell which pan it was too, make,weight,colour, manufacturer.

  2. Fucking Covid. That the cunts that unleashed it in the world continue to skate on the matter is my biggest sickener. Besides it pushing society even further down the shithole, it didn’t affect me personally at all, so I’m bowing out here on this one.

    (Well written nom T, great nom pic NA).

  3. The only thing I find amazing about the NHS is the obscene amount of money they can piss up the wall.

    It used to be that March was the month for trivial NHS ads on the television.

    “It probably isn’t cancer but see your doctor anyway”
    “Get a shingles vaccination”
    Etc….. Etc…..

    NHS trusts desperate to spend last year’s budget so they can get more for next year.

    • I know the truth of your post there Artful, having worked with ex-NHS admin people, some of whom left because they were sickened by it. Approaching financial year-end there was a big push to spend every penny which they had been allocated plus a bit more so that they could claim they needed more money next year. Little of this was spent on medicine, rather on box-ticking, DEI initiatives, lace curtains in the staff bogs maybe. Same thing across the public sector. At approaching year-end the fire station in Luton had huge and slow moving powered heavy steel gates installed across the drive. As far as I could see they could simply delay deployment of fire engines.

  4. It certainly stirred things up a bit five years since..

    And clearly illuminated just how hapless,corrupt,out of touch and piśs weak our “leaders” truly are.

    Wasn’t cheap neither.

    The fucking clowns.

    Good morning.

  5. I’d like to reflect on why the fuck haven’t we invoiced the slitty-eyed little cunts for causing all that shit?

    And while we’re at it, Hoo Flung Dung owes us reparations for bubonic plague as well, the cunt. With interest.

    Morning all, nice day.

  6. One thing I won’t forget are those that saw it as a money-making opportunity.

    The small corner shop owners selling essentials at inflated prices.

    Large corporations who advertised their shit, like the care worker finding a giant bar of Cadburys on her car roof while her neighbours grinned like wanking chimps from their doorsteps, pan and wooden spoon in hand.

    I’m sure you lot have more examples but the venal, I’m alright, Jack behaviour of so many people signalled the beginning of the end of decent, civilised behaviour.

  7. I had sympathy with the politicians initially. For all we knew this new Chinese virus could have been a latter day black death which killed half the population. However it quickly became apparent that it was only a threat to vulnerable groups who should have been tergeted and protected rather than all herded together in order to kill them as in the old folks homes. As you point out Termy, the UN and the WHO were not merely useless but part of the problem. As for that jobsworth we saw separating fit healthy adults at a loved ones funeral, had I been attending a funeral after that I would have gone in my safety boots with a filleting knife down my trousers.

  8. Well if I had a pot, I would bang it together as well.
    Just have to make do with jungle drums.
    🅱🅾🅾🅼 !!! 🅱🅾🅾🅼 !!! 🅱🅾🅾🅼 !!! 🅱🅾🅾🅼 !!!

  9. Weddings cancelled.
    Mothers having to give birth without the father present.
    Millions of operations cancelled and the resulting deaths added to the COVID score.
    Families seperated.
    OAP’s left to die without any family with them.
    Kids having the living shit scared out of them.
    Businesses closed down and livelihoods lost.
    Decimated city centres with people ‘working’ from home.
    Forced vaccinations of an unknown and untested substance to otherwise healthy people.
    Made to wear stupid, inefficient paper masks.
    A total lack of freedom.
    And perhaps most cuntish……. Dogs not getting their proper walks.

    Lest we forget.

    95% of the population conned with the remaining 5% seething at how stupid people can really be.

      • Depressing as the whole debacle was, I had to laugh at the families of fat, miserable looking cunts walking round and round the block ten times because the Government said they could only take an hours exercise each day, when plainly they had never done any up to that point.

  10. Gotta keep the grift going.

    Its been used as an excuse for everything from kids not being able to talk, read or write properly with some in nappies until they are five or six to the WFH work/life balance and wellbeing bollocks.

    Those in control shot themselves in the foot, they could have managed it sensibly and kept society functioning to a relatively normal degree. When there is a new pandemic people will not be so compliant next time.

    • Yes they will.

      You can still spot people driving alone in their cars wearing masks.

      Watch any sporting event and you will also see these die hard nutters in the crowd.

      I agree that there may be more resistance, but not enough to make much difference.

      The general public are inherently stupid.

    • Not forgetting mental elf, it’s a good job we didn’t have a world war with real shortages of stuff and maybe no internet 😂

    • Because of COVID I compulsively stockpile toilet rolls and pasta to this day.

      And only have sexual intercourse wearing a mask.
      The wife insists on that.

      And still wash my hands compulsively after picking up dog shit.

  11. I heard of this on the wireless this morning. That’s the problem with this fucking country – always looking back. Tomorrow we have a “Thanksgiving” day for the Commonwealth. Why the fuck bother? – most of them are over here anyway. In May we will celebrate VE Day – again. No doubt today Dame Kweer will get in front of his flag, perhaps having used a tear stick to get a lump in his throat – and in his wallet, mithering on about “OUR NHS”. No doubt he will be accompanied by a couple of tranny and/or lezzie nurses. Anything to take our minds off the fact that he has some of the biggest wankers imaginable in his cabinet costing us lots of money Miliband, Rachel From Accounts A.K.A Richard lll, and of course Hammy Lammy to celebrate the Commonwealth.

    Who needs a special day to remember Covid?. We will never forget it. Some of it’s legacy is still with us – like “Working” From Home. And Chris Whitty, who looks even more of a cadaver than Pat McFadden. Ghastly old waxworks all.

  12. I still from a completely selfish point of view really enjoyed COVID time.

    Empty roads
    Government grants
    People getting upset about injections
    Long days In the woods with the dog

    I remember it fondly.

  13. My company was grounded for 6 weeks at the beginning of the panic.
    Nobody could leave their homes.

    Police helicopters over the beaches making sure nobody was out and about.

    Guardia Civil officers slapping people around if they weren’t wearing their masks correctly while being allowed to visit only their nearest supermarket or pharmacy.

    People being interrogated while taking their dogs out to make sure they were within 50 meters of their homes.

    Cuntinsh supermarket staff dress in full hazmat protection taking people’s temperatures before they were allowed to shop. Only one person at a time in a huge supermarket. If you were recognised there more than once a week you would be turned away.

    You had it easy in the UK.

    After we were given permission to work, with horrendous restrictions, I drove on deserted roads to a town called Loja, Granada province.

    All cars entering the town had to slowly drive through a makeshift tunnel of showers.
    The vehicles were being disinfected.

    Who would have thought that cars and vans can give you COVID?

  14. Should have been hailed as the miracle virus that rid the world of flu!
    ….err didn’t it 👍 a day of partying should ensue 🥳 with the NHS dishing out 💉 with the jelly and hot 🌭 … ‘let’s have a party oooh, inject some more and fall to the floor let’s have a party tonight’ 🎶

  15. Empty shelves,
    I remember that.

    No pasta!!!!😮eek!
    A pasta shortage,
    Some fat cunt bought 50 bags of the shite but no Dolmio.
    What are we gonna do???

    I don’t even eat pasta.

    Toilet rolls £4 each in paki shops
    People fighting over them😄

    End of the world cultists banging pots and pans on the doorstep to the NHS

    I remember hearing the daft cunt next door loudly saying to neighbours

    ” I work for the NHS!
    I do!
    That who I work for!”

    Yeah as a cleaner.
    Don’t think it’s you they’re hitting the panlids for.

    It fed my natural misanthropic feelings about people .

    A new plague?
    Knew we just weren’t that lucky.

    • Morning MNC.
      Those chınky bastards, working in conjunction with the western government, who are even worse because of the treason.
      I heard a fantastic expression about the tiddly-winks, wish I’d have come up with it myself, but the credit goes to a random internet poster:
      Never trust any fucker you can blindfold with a shoelace!

      • 😆😆 certainly is!

        Chinkys, dogeaters , Japs etc and other squint Eastwood’s.
        I dont really think of as humans.

        See them more as a 5ft insect.

        They’re alien to our culture.

        And are always plotting against us.
        Don’t let the genial disposition and bucktooth smile fool you.

      • It’s Andrew Dice Clay:

        “You could blindfold these people with dental floss”

  16. I don’t need a special day to remember covids as the time the ‘front line’ GPs went totally AWOL and when nurses danced the time away on Tik Tok, while stuffing themselves stupid with free Quality Street and Dominos Pizza. Meanwhile, cancers went untreated, people had to pull their own teeth out, and the elderly, halt and lame were sped on their way to the ovens. Fuck off.

    Good morning, everyone.

    • PS Of course the plod deserve a dishonourable mention fur bullying old ladies and beating up protesters. All this selfless public service delivered between rounds of free bacon sarnies and scouring the internet for anyone disagreeing with Matt HandCock. . Teachers too deserve their own accolade for leaving their pupils to futures on the scrap heap of post covids worklessness. Fuck off some more.

      • Quite right Twenty.
        Also let’s not forget the teachers ‘examining’ their own pupils and giving every one of them an A* in every subject.

  17. Yes there are many reasons to reflect on that awful time.

    Let us reflect on those dancing nurses and how they found the time to perfect those routines whilst being rushed off their feet putting people on ventilators that were harmful.

    And a moment of silence please for Neil Ferguson, the modeller who provided the ‘data’ to back lockdown, meanwhile having it off with a woman and ignoring his own stupid lockdown proposal.

    And the hysteria of testing with tests not designed to test the thing they were testing for.

    And all who threatened us with vaccine passports or got all jobsworthy for folk not wearing a mask and those who labelled us granny killers for not getting the jib jab.

    And the insanity of all the rules imposed upon us, such as the cancelling of Christmas, and the total idiocy of the uk government who ignored The Great Barrington Declaration.

    The total waste of money on the Trick and Trace app, ppe contracts going to friends or even an acquaintance from down the pub.

    It’s a testament to the tolerance of the British how the likes of Matt Hancock, Charlie Mullins, Benjamin Button (whatever his name is), Boris, Whitty, Valance and a cast of thousands still walk amongst us.

  18. My favourite part of the Covid hysteria was the supermarkets’ arrows they put on the floors. Once, I almost walked down the wrong way and would surely have died within 28 days.


    • I’m just thankful for all those essential key workers who kept the country going in times of crisis, Mags.

      You know, doctors, nurses and voice coaches.

  19. It was just a giant chance for every woke/lefty/do gooder/sad cunt to tell normal people what to do and look saintly.
    I can’t believe how many people went along with it.

  20. I delivered medication for a pharmacy. Some silly cunt rang my manager up and demanded that I be sacked and employ someone else. The cause of the disagreement? You should do timed deliveries. My response was, well it took you fucking long enough to answer the door. Were you in the west wing?
    Anyways my manager told her how do we conduct interviews under lockdown? She told said cunt you can always pick your medication up yourself. If he gets sacked how will anyone get their meds?

  21. Here is one thing Streeting, Kyle, Reeve, Pollard, Bryant and Lord Mandy et al would not have been allowed to do during lockdown – well, two things really. Every cloud has a silver lining……

    • If I was more local, I’d have popped along to see the protest…maybe there would have been a lady or two demanding the right to be bummed in the bushes.
      I’d have offered to indulge them.

      • There is certainly scope for one of our films Thomas, perhaps a cameo for Dirty Ange to get arse-raped and like the song in My Fair Lady…. spread her wings and done a thousand things and still have begged for more”

  22. I won’t forget the wars on here or how some erstwhile members got pretty enraged when some called it out as a scam.

    They were very dark days that bought the best and worst out of people.

    I don’t blame anyone for how they reacted to the proven psyop the government pulled on the population (they employed more psychologists than medical doctors as advisors), everyone had different circumstances and the buttons pressed were less or more effective depending on your circumstances at the time.

    I blame the establishment and the media who yet again lied and misinformed the populace for their own ends.

    • Some cracking arguments on here about it Sixdog eh?

      People got very upset.😷

      Some talk of nanobots in the injections,
      And that the government were going to keep us indoors forever.

      I of course was more reserved and simply called for forced injections,
      Very reasonably I thought?
      But some got hysterical about even that!!!

      Funny, I never think about COVID nowadays,
      Till brought up again,
      Some say they were deeply scarred by the experience?
      Psychologically hurt …

      Not me!
      I was over it soon as the grant cleared in my account 😂

  23. Boris Johnson nearly died of COVID.
    On a ventilator and in a coma .

    I worked with it and cured it with a strepsil and two Uncle Luke sweets.

    Just goes to show doesn’t it?

    Albinos have a very weak constitution compared to northern removal men.

    I heard he had a uncle who died of Saturday night fever

    What a wanker

      • LL@

        One of the only times I’ve burst out laughing was Foxys account of sneaking into a hospital and it being completely empty.

        Fiddler went ballistic on him.

        Love to read that again!!

      • If I remember Auntie Kweer was laid low with it at least three times when he was Leader of the Opposition and didn’t wear glasses – shows what they say about the weaker sex is true. It’s my belief that Dirty Ange and Wessy Streeting were getting him deliberately infected so they could fight for the crown.

  24. Ah good old Convid.

    People frightened of their own shadows, stepping out into oncoming traffic rather than risk brushing past another person. Old folk abandoned and murdered in care homes. Neighbours snitching on each other for “excessive dog walking” and other such crimes. A vaccine that didn’t actually make a shit of difference apart from increasing your blood pressure or heart attack risk.

    I don’t think they’d be able to get away with something like that as easily again mind.

    Unless was an actual real virus this time and not just a flu rebranded.
    As Miserable pointed out above, the deserted roads and the relaxation time were like a once in a lifetime event and were there to be enjoyed in a lot of ways.

  25. Covid 19. The Plague of the Mongs.

    What the Hell has wiping one’s arse got to do with a chinki bat virus?
    Yet, just one imbecile goes on social mong media and blurts out that bog rolls are scarce, and cunts are stockpilinig them like the bomb is going to drop. Fighting over a piece of bread during the Russian or French Revolutions? Yeah, I’ll buy that. But, fighting over toilet paper in the year 2020? Only an outright spaz and stupid sod would do that, and they did. Becuause so many cunts in this country are stupid.

    And, the Paki (what, again?) woman in that Aldis, who had about 50 tins of tomatoes in her trolley. The Aldi staff told her she couldn’t have them. Woman did the well honed no talky English play dumb silly grin routine as per. Store manager comes out, and tells her the same. She throws a monumental eppy in the isles, starts screeching and starts spazzing about like a cross between Joe Cocker and a malfunctioning Dalek.

    And, some other fuck on social mong media says everyone should bang pots and bloody pans on their doorsteps at a certain time. Even though it annoys the fuck out thier neighbours and the NHS staff can’t actually sodding hear them. But, like the the thick as fuck imbecilic lemmings that they are, it’s bang clang clatter. The stupidity and attention seeking of the British public in the 21st Century is a dreadful thing to witness. Spirit of the Blitz? What’s that?

  26. We all know about Boris and all that. But weren’t Keir Stapo and Dirty Filthy Ange also both caught up to naughties during the lockdown as well?

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