Corporate Exploitation

Employment is a form of exploitation. You are paid less than the value of the work you perform (except for footballers) with the difference going to the employer. Most people understand this basic economic principle and can live with it as long as the degree of exploitation is not egregious.

Enter Corporate America and probably Corporate Britain too.

My employer’s market is “under pressure” and they’re not doing as well as they would like. They say their employee costs are too high and they need to downsize the work force to the tune of many, many thousands spaced out over a year or more. As unfortunate as it is for those impacted, those of us still on the payroll are also affected. Losing colleagues means we have to pick up additional workload, take on increased responsibility and generally work longer and harder to make up for the fact there are fewer people doing work which still needs to be done. Your annual review comes along and guess what? No or very low pay increases because of market conditions, the economy, exchanges rates, volatility, blah blah blah.

Hang on a minute! They said their employee costs were too high and to address that they were letting thousands of employees go. So how come the employees left behind are also being financially discriminated against, despite their workloads increasing? Sounds like a classic case of wanting your cake and eating it.

It gets worse.

Performance related bonus time! Yeah, that’s not happening either. Bonus payouts decimated for the same reason. Hang on a minute. The value of the work you do does not correlate to the performance of the company. If it did then the argument would go something like this for the SAME job performance:

(Company doing well)
Your performance this year has been outstanding and you’ve really helped the company grow, capture new market share and significantly added to the operating efficiency. Big bonus awarded.

(Company not doing so well)
Your performance hasn’t really helped the company this year, we’ve seen little in the way of market gains and overall the economic outlook is poor. No bonus awarded.

These two scenarios are obviously nonsense given the SAME job performance in both cases. So despite your own job performance being recognised as “excellent” and “outstanding”, you don’t get the bonus you worked for and deserve because the company is choosing to base the payout on its own performance. Something which you have no direct control over. So the company has grossly misled you and seems to think there’s nothing wrong with that.

It gets worse.

You’re instructed to look for and execute cost savings and cost avoidances to help reduce the company’s costs and improve the bottom line. Many people pitch in and are so successful, literally millions of dollars are saved or are not needed to be spent. Hurrah! Top tier management then has an “all hands” meeting where they show the savings figures to the whole company on a PowerPoint side. They’re naturally delighted, thank everyone for their hard work and deliver the message to keep going.

Hang on a minute. The same company that terminated several of your friends and colleagues, screwed you out of a decent pay rise, didn’t pay out your absolutely deserved performance related bonus now wants you to help them save even more millions in return for a ‘thanks and keep it up’ message? Fucking seriously?

Three points:
1) A “thank you” from the CEO doesn’t help pay my mortgage.
2) The company reneged on the payment of performance related bonuses. I kept my side of the bargain. They didn’t keep theirs. Trust broken forever.
3) I have zero motivation to help the cunts save more money that they’re choosing not to share with the people who helped them save it.

So in essence, fuck off. Bare minimum effort from now on. Take on extra work? Nope. Assume greater responsibility? Nope. Stay late and work a weekend or two? Eat shit and die. Their exploitation has now reached egregious levels.

Time to find a new job. Cunts.

Nominated by : Imitation Yank

42 thoughts on “Corporate Exploitation

  1. Better to be a big fish in a small pond than work for a giant faceless corporation.
    At least then it’s obvious how your effort and conduct either benefits or diminishes the business.
    Plus you get to know everyone.
    And you’re not required to hire fuckwits and darkıes.
    Good morning to one and all.

  2. Despite saying that above, I took on one guy six months ago who talked a good game but was ultimately shit (keeps asking similar questions but won’t down the complicated answers).
    Managed to force that fucker out…it’s his last day today and he’s bought expensive doughnuts in.
    Despite him knowing I’ve been inextricably linked to getting him out and saying ‘thank fuck you’re going’, I’m sat here now eating a couple of doughnuts and glaring at him.
    I am a cunt and proud of it.
    Fuck lazy, useless employees.

  3. Way off topic but there is some joyous news to cheer us as we head for the weekend. Joe Anderson and several others including Derek Hatton have been charged with multiple offences of fraud and bribery.
    It has taken far too long ; let’s hope that they live long enough to do some porridge.

  4. Fuck it,take a leaf out of the afghan,kurd,syrian,Somalian,iraqi,Iranian,Kenyan,Rwandan,Eritrean and every other cunt you can dream up and get on welfare.

    Rachel wants you to,otherwise why make working and commuting more expensive with every month that passes?

    Good morning and fuck them all.

    • How to get a good life in the UK:
      Go on holiday to sunny Spain and get a nice tan, grow a beard ( difficult if you’re female but there are other options.)
      When the holiday is over make your way to France and buy a dingy, paddle it out to mid channel, throw away your passport.
      When you are picked up by the RNLI tell them you are a gay trans Muslim 12 year old fleeing oppression, that you only have a basic (selective) grasp of English language and you can only eat chicken nuggets made in the UK.
      Guaranteed easy life.

  5. It always made me laugh when at my former place of employment, annual review time came around.

    Funnily enough, senior management would always grade each other as ‘outstanding’. Our manager would receive an ‘outstanding’ grading, the people in the team he was assessing would be graded as ‘fair’ or ‘average’ performance. But surely, HIS performance assessment should have been a relflection of HIS assessment of those he was reviewing….

    Management always looks after itself, the rest can get to fuck.

    Morning all.

    • I work for a government department so we are always having to have these things, plus training for idiotic situations like ” handling dangerous liquids” and so on ( I do an admin job as does pretty much everyone else there).
      One thing I’ve always disliked is the expectation some people have to be thanked all the time for doing basically what they were meant to be doing. Also the cards and collections for people leaving. Mind you, you can have a bit of fun with it by donating your foreign coin collection or some washers from the toolbox. Or by writing cryptic comments in the cards whilst disguising your handwriting “congratulations on the new job, their loss is our gain” and so on. Who would suspect that quiet, middle aged, respectable looking woman in the corner, eh?

  6. The last company I worked for had “…or any other duties necessary for the execution of the company’s business.”
    Every year they’d have a round of redundancies and every year those remaining were given extra work to do for no extra pay. So, the person and not the job were being made redundant.
    When we did eventually get offered a pay rise the company then introduced a parking scheme which cost you £5.50 a week.
    Sod this
    At next redundancy round I took the money and ran, used it to pass my HGV and haven’t looked back.

  7. had this years ago with my employer, big multinational. head honcho prick told us ” there will be less of you doing more but those left will be better paid than now” twenty years later still waiting for the promised money. i for one was one of the few who was not surprised it didn`t materialise. as they had constantly proven that they are cunts. i also could never understand the swathe of lower management who fought the companies side to shaft the work force on every issue. mind you you always get to laugh at them when the are standing open mouthed in shock when they inevitably get a shafting same as those they conspired against. the utter mongs

    • When I’m on a trial period, I just do what I’m told, when I’m told, with a smile. When this period is over I’ve had time to work out who’s OK and who’s a cunt, do the cunt’s get ignored or told on day one. I’ve also had time to work out if I’m being paid fairly. The answer, apart from ONCE, was no, I’m not. So then performance becomes commensurate with pay. Not starting early, no starting late, maximum sickies every year, not one ounce of loyalty from me, I’ll be gone soon as it suits me.

      I.would have read this 20 years ago and thought what a terrible attitude, and it is, but the alternative is running myself into the ground, to make a multi billion pound company richer while I’m worrying if I left the cental heating on, and obviously the ever present threat of redundancy.

      Fck em.

  8. Companies now have a ready made reason to cut the workforce, the increase in employer NI, not only companies who are cunts but the government need take responsibility.

    Why the fuck do employers have to pay NI, a tax to take on staff 😳

    • NI, income tax on standard wages, employers contributions are ALL taxes on work and productivity, are ALL ultimately paid for by the customer and are ALL totally unnecessary and counterproductive to breeding an expanding economy.

      PS Income tax was introduced as a temporary measure to fund yet another foreign war, and was on unearned income, ie not wages.

    • This government and the bunch of Tory cunts before are trying to sink UK businesses. With the 6% (yes 6%) increase in corporation tax brought in by the Torycunts followed by Rachel From Complaints’ hike in NI. Many companies (who can) will increase prices to offset the hikes. Many smaller companies, such as the one I own, do not have that luxury.

      UK governments utterly stink. If I hear one more Minister cunt utter “small business are the backbone of the country”, I’ll have to be restrained to not break their fucking backbone.

      Fuck off.

  9. I started my working life for a one man band..

    Why do they have such an high opinion of themselves?


    Then for a big defence company.

    1619 43668 reporting for duty…

    Much better, sick pay/pension/subsidised canteen/Flexi time/share scheme..

    Early retirement…😁

  10. Never been a money grabbing bastard. Just worked in dead end jobs that paid well from the start, without having to take up a low payed apprenticeship. That way it helped out our poor family who had sod all to start with. That’s how things have continued for the rest of my lifetime.

    • At least I did pay into a pension scheme to help me keep going. The longer you live, you get more than you ever paid in.

  11. “you are paid less than the value of your work”…

    Says who?

    I’ve found quite the opposite.
    Both as a employer and a employee.

    Sorry IY , but I think most people are feckless lazy dozy cunts and hardly worth the minimum wage.


    Your not really Mick Lynch the rail union boss are you?

    • I get what both if you are saying Mis, but if you are paid more than the value of your work as a company employee, the excess money has to come from somewhere. Either bilking the customer, other employees or using the employer’s former earnings to subsidise current earnings.

      If that were commonplace amongst the employees, the company would go bust in short order.

  12. It has been ever thus.

    Possibly when the PRC was struggling to feed themselves, India and other colonies were exploited and the sand niggers kept in check you may have been ‘valued’ as an employee.

    However, that was before my time and so all I can say is since I started working in the early 1980’s it’s been a race to the bottom for the working man.

    The exceptions were few, but if you were lucky enough to be work for a monopoly such as retail banking then those in the know seemed to do very nicely.

    However, that’s largely come to an end and globalization has put pay to most ‘rich seams’ of national business, so no more passing on the profits or even the crumbs from the corporate table to the employees.

    There are choices. You can work for yourself, but constantly looking over your shoulder as other constantly nip at your heals is stressful. And like working for the man your skills and or ability will become obsolete…

    So accept the harsh realities of the corporate world and ride the hamster wheel until you can get off. Looking elsewhere will only provide a temporary respite – everywhere is the same shit fest and all management psychopathic cunts!

  13. I’m terribly sorry, chaps, but I actually loved my job working for a large communications company.

    The work I did involved running an office of over 100 people, was unique and so I could make my own rules up.

    “Random manager. I’d like you to whatever”

    “Me, that’s not in my job description, so No”

    Sits back and watches them doing dying guppy impressions. Most satisfying.

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