Climate Whiplash

Climate whiplash, and the lying bastards that promote it, and the dozy cunts that believe it.

Sly News.

Apparently, going from hot and dry in Summer to cold and wet in Winter is now a ‘weather event’ (don’t ask) that is entirely due to the insidious effects of climate change, spec8fically known as Climate Whiplash.

Building cities in deserts, like LA, has no bearing whatsoever on the likelihood of wildfires, water shortages etc, and certainly nothing at all to do with the utter corruption and incompetence amongst the DEI civic authorities there.

‘Scientists’ have scoured the planet to find evidence of this so called phenomenon, and so far have found a shithole in China that might flood if it rains too much and an even bigger shithole in the Phillipines that might get hot in summer, if it’s sunny.

How much does this shit cost? Why do people believe this bollocks, are they retarded?

So, to be clear, because I drive to work in order to earn enough money to pay eco taxes, I’m a planet killer, and it’s also getting hotter because its raining too much, and colder because it’s too sunny, and floods are increasing because building houses on flood plains and not dredging rivers is the only sensible course of action when faced with the possibility, or not, of rain. Or sun. Or neither. Or both.

Glad we’ve cleared that up.

That’ll be 4 million in research grants please, just make the cheque out to CASH, cheers.

Nominated by : Termujin

73 thoughts on “Climate Whiplash

  1. If it’s on sly it’s a lie 🤥…..but I see the journalist is a climate expert so hopefully she has a good ☂️ for the extremely wet weather and a 👒 hat and very high 🧴 screen for the extreme 🌞shine …. personally I will be taking all this 💩 with the required pinch of 🧂…😩

  2. Climate Whiplash?
    Sounds like what Psycho Ed asks for on his weekly visit to Madame Salome’s Westminster knocking shop.

  3. Do you realise by 2030 east Anglia will be underwater? Do you?!!

    MNC ” yep. It’ll be the making of it.
    The New Atlantis”

    Do you realise that millions of people in the Third world will DIE because of your actions?!!!!

    MNC ” Why’d you think I’m burning these tyres?
    Although don’t want to take all the glory.”

    The planet is at a minute to midnight waaaa!!!

    ” 987654321… happy new year”🖕

  4. It’s hot as fuck today ☹️
    My gills are struggling to open.

    Probably a great big hole in the ozone layer in the North west of England?

    Something needs to be done about it.

    I was promised a Ice Age years ago and I want what was promised.

    Get the oven on luv we’re having mammoth for tea!

  5. The problem is, Termy, that we’ve all got so used to the phrase “climate change” that it no longer fills any of us with dread ( except for the hard of thinking).

    Now, how are ” climate change” grifters supposed to make a living, scamming grants for “studies into cause and effect” and similar schemes if no one is bothered any more?

    By coming up with a new name for it, of course, hence Climate Whiplash!

    Should be Climate Gimecash.

    • I hope global warming IS real. Lower heating bills, more crops, less transport interruptions, etc.

      Alas, it’s not. It’s just bollox.

  6. Since nought plonk, strangers have walked passed each other and disgust the weather, with both having their own opinions of it without altering their step and a wave goodbye.

  7. I have a “weather event” every day here in the Hebrides, completely normal.

    As for suggesting building in wildfire zones, you’ll upset the usual suspect.

    It’s not just wildfire zones though, They like to build their ticky tacky little boxes in all the stupid places, hurricane prone areas, very well established fault lines for earthquakes, flood plains etc etc.

    Much like genders, seasons are seasons and no amount off lobbying by young Greta will change that, though she is welcome to try, I’ll happily post the video of silencing her to Boggs of Taiwan.

    • One of these days San Francisco or LA will slide into the ocean. It’ll be down to ‘climate change’ of course.

      Climate change deniers of the world unite.

      Afternoon all.

  8. Why would we care if it floods in China?
    Fuck em.

    Those bucktooth little yellow cunts are 70% amphibians anyway,
    Soon adapt to full aquatic.

    They mostly resemble goldfish anyway I wouldn’t notice the difference.

    Same with the place in the Philippines.

    It’s hot and humid.
    Well the residents are cold blooded
    Bask on a rock in the morning!
    They’re good to go.

    • Well if any of it is true, they are up there with if not the top polluter so self inflicted.
      Its their sudden realisation they need to expand we all need to worry about.

  9. I just don’t think that these climate nutters get out much.

    They have never stood looking up at a mountain and wondered what caused it.

    They have never looked over the English channel and thought about the time when there was no sea and you could have walked across.

    The have never been 500 meters up a hill to see fossilised sea creatures lying around and wondered how that happened.

    How about the huge gorges carved out during the ice age.
    How the fuck did they appear.

    The climate has been changing since the beginning of time.

    None of these cunts have the slightest idea about geology.

    • The only one thing Artful, we do know is why we are over run with illegals and we know who is responsible, but there’s fuck all we can do about it. Unless we get shut of the recent governmental changes. Which is stating the bleeding obvious, like polishing the proverbial turd.

  10. The best article I have ever read on the bullshit narcissism that is the assumed ‘anthropocene’ is via the link hereunder.

    It spells out the fucking ludicrousness of the insignificant cunt that is mankind, in relation to the planet they currently (and hopefully only briefly) infest.

    On geological timescales, we are but ant tracks in the sand. It’s top notch and I recommend it highly.

    • Thanks for that Cuntemall …
      This is what I have always preached and it is nice to now have a detailed analysis of all that needs to be said.
      However, it will always be shrugged off by those stupid, so called “expert” mongs that are simply looking out for their current job and next year’s research grant …

      • I’m glad to share it. I have it saved to my laptop and read it at least once annually. In a world where a panellist on (shite though it is) a 2.3 million-audience show like ‘The View’ blurted out that climate change is responsible for earthquakes and eclipses, .. and is STILL a multi-million dollars salaried host after such shameful cluelessness, while the well-written, intelligent article above languishes in relative obscurity, .. is a sign that not all is well with Earth’s ‘premium’ species.

      • ‘The View’.

        The biggest case of gobshite cunts talking to cunts that you’ll ever see. Absolutely detestable.

  11. I woke up to a beautiful deep blue skied sunny morning.
    Lovely, I thought for a Monday start.
    Then it was a case of , ” here come the planes”
    A fresh discharge of aerosol chemo trails.
    Takes em about an hour and the haze starts to form
    Currently it is milky white and in another few hours time, it will bey grey.

    • At 7am this morning there were eleven separate (cross-Atlantic) aircraft contrails visinle in the broad sky from my humble Manor on the west coast of Oireland. Just one brief moment glimpsed offhand while my dogs were taking their morning constitutional. The record I’ve seen all at once was 17. One sunny July afternoon.

      Shit or get of the pot, species.

      • A normal jets contrail will evaporate, a chemtrail however will remain and spread creating a fine haze as moisture particles attach.
        It is well documented, look up and observe the length of them chemtrails from horizon to horizon.
        The greying of the sky
        These jets fly at about 1600 feet in grid type formations.
        Just because Im paranoid , doesn’t mean that it is not happening.

      • P.S Cuntemall, it has now become grey as we speak and those shit chemicals will keep it so for a few days sometimes weeks depending.

        Moderated for new screen name, so I fixed your typo – NA.

      • You could do a nom on the subject …

        I can’t be a witness elsewhere on rhe matter of the pre-dawn commercial airline contrails I was referring to however. I was – in fact – actually out on an illegal leprechaun cull that time this morning ..

  12. Colder – climate change
    Hotter – climate change
    Wetter – climate change

    Weather – an event.

    I’m on top of this.

  13. Climate change replaced Global warming, it was ok for a while but has become a little stale now and needs to be sexed up, nothing sexier than a whip (as TtCE).

    Climate whiplash, I can see Greta now with her environmentally friendly dildo getting wet at the thought.

    I am fully supportive of whipping a few climate activists, should be televised on the BBC.

    Unless bacon butty man is throw of a cliff we will experience a right fucking whipping when the grid falls apart

    • Nothing sexier than a whip?
      Nonsense SOI.
      What about thumbscrews, plague doctor outfits, eye gougers, hydrochloric acid injections and drilldos?

      • Very nice, MNC.
        If there’s a range of dildos based on world leaders, I wouldn’t fancy accommodating the Idi Amin one.
        Wonder if there’s a little yellow chınky one that masochistic chaps could try and insert down their jap’s eyes?

  14. They twist any and every proposition from all ends of the possible spectrum to serve their self serving agenda

    It’s rather like a conversation with the wife

  15. It’s very important that the Energy Secretary is given free reign to push us toward “net zero”,as soon as possible.

    The effect on the country,harsh enough now,should be enough within a few years to totally ruin the whole fallacy,and with a bit of a push help fucking ruin the “democracy” that fetched it in the first place.

    All the clowns in the MSM will drop the whole shitshow once their necks are on the block.

    Although I hope they don’t,so they can swing for peddling lies that have impoverished pensioners,amongst others.

    I’d make charcoal out the fucking lot of the simpering mental bullshitting cunts.

    • The MSM needs to be treated the same as Lord Haw haw when the climate bullshit is exposed as lies to fill the pockets of those in power and their mates.

  16. This isn’t just effecting the climate.

    This year’s walnut harvest is poor
    -walnut whip

    And liquorice is becoming scarce
    – liquorice whip

    And mathematics is suffering
    It’s whip -2b -√

    Indiana Jones is probably behind it?

      • Hey Thomas,

        That is great fucking news! I wish more celebretards would follow.

        The despicable fat pig moved to the Emerald Shithole.

      • Ireland is beautiful Cuntster.
        Green and lush.
        You should visit!

        Visit Donalds homeland.

        Stags running through the heather,
        Salmon leaping
        Eagles calling in the sky
        Herds of haggis sweeping majestically over the hills,
        You might see nessie?

        If you go wear a kilt.
        Fit in,
        Make a effort.
        If you want somewhere to stay ask for my mate Ben ,
        Hell take care of you.
        Ben Nevis.

        Oh.and ask for FRESH sea food
        Don’t let them palm you off with yesterday’s catch,
        Insist on it!

        And ask for ketchup and fries 🍟

        Happy trails, oots Mon!

      • Stags are overrated, they don’t come with fully comp insurance and have a habit of jumping out in suícidal fashion.
        Free meat right enough.

        I see dozens most days and more at night.

  17. I see that the self righteous dickheads at Greenpeace have been successfully sued by an American oil and gas company for $660m.

    Apparently it could bankrupt them.

    Good. Now go after just stop oil.

    • Hey Odin,

      I saw that too.

      The American jury absolutely bitch slapped the militant fraudsters with a huge financial penalty.

      For their part, Greenpiss says they will appeal the ruling. And anyone following American politics today can see that Democrat appointed activist Judges are doing everything they can to thwart the MAGA / Common Sense agenda so stay tuned.

    • Small change compared to the guy that was awarded $2.1Billion for weedkiller allegedly causing cancer. Was he drinking it?

  18. We have just had 2 weeks of rain every day.
    Unusual for Spain and especially for the part of Spain where I live.
    We can go months without a drop of rain and then have a huge storm that floods and even kills people.
    That would be normal.

    We could put the recent ‘English’ type of weather down to climate change, but if I were to go back and look at the strange weather from many year’s ago I would, without doubt find the same phenomenon.

    The climate changes, it always has done.

    Climate activists are so fucking stupid and arrogant that they think that people can influence the weather.

    • Had a recent spat with some humourless greentard on Facebook.

      ‘It’s the hottest year on record’ globally”

      Me: Not in England it wasn’t. summer was shit!

      “For the rest of the planet, it was the hottest year one record!”.

      Me: Pretty sure Ireland, Scotland, Wales and all of Scandinavia had a shit summer too.

      It was the hottest year on record’, apart from northern Europe.

      Me: So it wasn’t the hottest year on record’ then. 😁

      And then it erupted with a massive greentard pile on. 😂

      • Hehehe, jolly good.👍

        Pester them with stupid questions,
        Act innocent and a bit slow,
        Tell them you can’t afford a foreign holiday and look forward to hot temperature and sea levels rising,
        As you have invested in a pair of swimming trunks in eager anticipation!

        Ask if there’s anything you can do to accelerate climate change 😂

      • They always claim ‘the hottest’.
        Hottest air temperatures, hottest sea temperatures.

        They never point to the coldest of anything because even the most stupid of people know something about the ice ages.

        They can’t get away with that shit.

        They often say that it was the hottest century since records began.
        The don’t take into account that a rudimentary thermometer was not invented until the 17th century.

        It was inaccurate to measure to the tenths of degrees that they rely on for their dodgy information until perhaps a hundred year’s later.

        So for the 2 full centuries that we have had a reasonable idea of the temperatures, the 20th century was warmer than the 19th.

        It doesn’t sound that bad when you say it like that.

      • I’m going to tell them I throw my old engine oil and brake fluid down the drain, wait for the outrage to land and then call it a life hack because the garage charges for disposal. 😁

  19. OT. Conclusive proof that the UK has really gone mad?

    Scottish Green Party MP, Gillian McKay has outlawed – wait for it – praying.
    Not only that, praying in your own house.

    This demented woman says that someone praying – even silently – in the privacy of their own home could be a criminal offence ‘depending on who might pass by your window.’

    It’s a step away from what Henry VIII and Bloody Mary got up to. I know Scotland was a woke nuthouse nowadays, but fucking hell….

    • I’m pretty sure this only applies to those caught in Christian prayer, Norman.
      I’m sure she simply forgot to mention that bit.

      • Oh aye, Field Marshal.

        Those who are against abortion and Roman Catholics.
        Even thinking about being against abortion is a crime.

      • My response vanished.

        TurdFence thinks I’m too critical of the Jockistani Caliphate.

        The Brave New One Green Caliphate is upon you.

  20. My favourite example of climate ‘experts’ being exposed as anything but has to be this one.
    Said ‘experts’ declared that because the Thames used to freeze over in London up to the 18th century was clear evidence of climate change, which began with the Industrial Revolution.
    Real experts then pointed out that the Thames only froze over because the old London Bridge had so many arches it acted like a weir, until it was replaced in- you’ve guessed it – the 18th century.
    When will people realise that these ‘experts’ are nothing more than brainwashed evangelists on the make?

  21. COP 30

    Of course you build a massive highway thtough the Amazon to cope with the amount of traffic hitting your city caused by 50000 cunts meeting up to discuss how to save the environment.

    If you genuinely cared you’d just have a giant live feed like snoop fucking dog?

    How much carbon will be released by disposal of said trees, how much carbon will be released by thousands of flights, trains, buses, cars getting the cunts to COP30.

    Of course they won’t tell us.

    The most telling figures they could release is how many hookers, children and Coke willl be shipped in to satisfy the high level filth that always show up at these event trying to whitewash their public image.

    And still we will have dappy cunts inspired by these con artists gluing themselves to roads and vandalising works of art to highlight the plight of the environment.

  22. Who the fucks Sabrina Carpenter?

    Whoever she is Robot Reeves likes her music,
    Accepted free tickets for her show
    ( Despite her and her husband having a combined income of £407, ooo)

    Must be dreary as fuck if that android cunt Reeves is a fan.

    Can just see her body popping in the front row, shaking her Richard the third haircut out of sync.

    • Answered my own question.

      A yank and a fuckin midget.
      4ft 11in
      Shed have to stand on tiptoes to kiss my helmet.

      I’d let her like, horny looking little thing for a hobbit.

      But if she started singing I’d drown the little twat in a bucket.

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