”Theatre boss resigns in protest after Shakespeare play CANCELLED in censorship row”
Midsummer Night’s Dream apparently. I suffered this shite in school. Fucking dreadful fairy gay tripe but for the life of me I cant remember this:-
”Performances of the modern adaptation of A Midsummer Night’s Dream were paused due to references made to the Israel-Gaza war and transgender rights.”
What the fuck could this dreary fucking nonsense have to do with Gaza or Trannies? Or does having a fucking donkey head on give you rights?
Perhaps some of our more erudite cunters (forget it Mis and CuntEngine) could elucidate?
Nominated by : Cuntstable Cuntbubble
Shakespeare was a beardy, slap head cunt. Always writing plays that were pure drivel.
After hundreds of years the boring bastard has been sussed out by actors who want to liven up his nonsense a bit.
All actors are lefty póófs, so what do you expect?
Fill the theatre up with trannies and Palestinian headbangers then burn it down..
Blame it on global warming.
Or a faulty substation..
The problem these days is that everyone, be they huge companies or enthusiastic amateurs seems to feel obliged to shoehorn modern day issues into everything, without exception.
For example, Disney remake of Snow White.
Lead played by a strong woman of colour – check.
Supporting cast created by CGI – check.
Strong male role watered down – check.
Why the fuck they can’t just stick to the original plot and cast people who fit the roles is absolutely beyond me.
I wonder when Disney will remake Song of the South ?
I hope they don’t, the original was excellent, my favourite Disney film by far.
It taught me as a child, if people know their place in society, they are happier.
Haha 😂👍
Years ago Dr Bowdler decided there were “dirty” words in the Bard’s plays and decided to clean them up – the original Mrs Mary Whitehouse – “whore” went to be replaced by woman, you were not allowed to hear terms like “untimely ripped from his mothers womb” – really ridiculous nonsense. Nowadays we have poofs and trannies making his plays even more anodyne.
We are becoming quare Victorian again – how long before we are covering the piano legs with curtains again
I hope they don’t pansy-fy Othello “for she must die, else she betray more men – put out the light, then – put out the life”. An ideal way of dealing with Rachel From Accounts.
I love the Shakespeare tragedies and histories – not keen on his comedy – nowhere near the standard of Alan Simpson and Ray Galton. he could never have written for Harold and Albert Steptoe – or Nellie Pledge. I must go – it’s quarter past….. I must get a little hand put on this watch.
Sounds like an arthouse festival made by 6th formers,shoehorn in “the latest thing”..hey presto!
A giant set of cunts.
Good morning.
PS :I’ve always thought the works of Shakespeare would be a first rate cure for insomnia.
Oh woe is me….the perpetually offended arsewipes will never let anything pass their sad,boring and pathetic existence. They should all be transported back to the teddy boy or skinhead bovver days and start spouting this utter 💩….’you shake my nerves and you rattle my 🧠’ Oi,Oi ‘av it 👊
I thoroughly enjoyed the Royale Shakespeare Company performing ‘Homeo and Juliet’ at the Theatre Royal in Brighton.
Kerry Katona and Stormzy were particularly magnificent in the lead roles.
Did you see that Stormzy has been given an honorary doctorate from Cambridge University.
Bugger me , any of us would be more worthy of such an award. Dr Knee or should that be Knee Dr.
Why do lefties obsess about Gaza and fucking Palestine?
And if it really is a genocide as they claim, there seems to be hell of alot of the fuckers left.
Stratford Willie is a tourist attraction for pretentious cunts.
Ah Shakespeare!
The immortal bard!
Shaky was from the midlands so would of sounded like Noddy Holder.
Midsummer nights dream is one of his finest works.
Set in Greece and about fairies,
We all know they invented bumming.
It’s got everything a woke audience should love!!!
Foreign cunts, fairies, women falling in love with donkeys
What’s their fuckin issue?!!
I like Shakespeare. What i don’t like are Liberal butt sniffing woke for a poke script writers and their adoring luvvies! Its a bit like the recent hit series of Georgian England with Nogs holding titles of Duke and so on. Dark Keys infesting the ranks of the Housecarls at the battle of Hastings. It just isn’t right.
Mind you, in years to come, there will be no white faces left to depict our history with accuracy. ! Fuck em all
I liked Billy’s historical plays, they taught me a version of history, a proper English one. As far as I know he was the first person to do a bit of historical rewriting, of course now brought to a fine art by both Hollywood and the BBC. The thing is that generations later they become the accepted historical fact.
I understand that Disney were trying to delay or cancel the release of Snow White because they realised the woke agenda is no longer acceptable in the U.S. With the backlash against Starmer and his cronies I think that sort of attitude will soon be over here amongst the general population.
That new Snow White put seven people with midgetism out of work.
Another attack on the disabled!!!
Like you or I they have bills to pay, tiny mouths to feed and need a roof over their large malformed heads.
What are they meant to do now?
Panto season is a long way off?
They struggle to put food on the table as it is 😬
tut tut, Betty.
They have it hard enough without you looking down on them…
Shakespeare saw what was coming when he wrote Coriolanus.
Anything these cunts stick their worthless agendas into immediately drop to zero on any kind of interest scale to me. How dare these nothing-cunts interrupt me, in a nutshell… I’ll move on, I haven’t time for them to have their shit sorted out for them.
The 1-trick-ponies(pick the current thing, go on and ON about it about it endlessly without actually saying much new or different, and so they seem to think shoehorning it in to everything that other people ARE interested in – movies, plays etc – is an acceptable alternative to erudite intelligent reasoning).
It’s not. They’re like a bunch of petulant kids making more and more noise to get attention. (and I think a fair percentage of it now is ABOUT the attention, moreso than whatever ’cause of the moment’ being usedcto GET attention)… and that shit is wearing ever thinner outside of these insular noisy clique(s).
This nom strikes me as the usual kneejerk anti English diatribe of the Welsh.
Now they’ve stopped burning our holiday homes they attack our culture.
I think people should own the cultural greats of their country.
The Mabinogiion and Talesin read by a great Welsh thespian,
The works of Robbie Burns by a Scot,
Say Jimmie Krankie
Chu Chulainn by a Irish narrator,
Say Frank Carson or Jimmy Crickett.
It adds authenticity.
Suppose it’s funding?
Actors are expensive and normally booked well in advance at Blackpool
The luvvie director would be more pissed if this happened, darling..
“Paris theatre occupation: Management set to abandon building – Arts Professional” https://www.artsprofessional.co.uk/news/paris-theatre-occupation-management-set-to-abandon-building
Never saw a Shakespeare play performed in a proper theatre.
Like too though.
Get all dressed up!
Clean jeans and t-shirt, wipe my boots down, best woolly hat,
– marvellous!
Feel like Frank Sinatra.
Get a good seat upfront, flask out ,
Unwrap my buttys, and settle in and get some culture.
“He’s behind you! “
Nom pic , that lass obviously enjoys that donkey..!
A midsummer nights wet dream, up and over like a pan of milk. Cunts pretentending to like old shaky just to “get it” and be more boring than usual.
Last time I graced a theatre was 1976.
Paddington at the Garrick.
The actor was brilliant!
He had you believe he was a south American bear lost in that London.
BRAVO!! BRAVO!! I screamed at the top of my lungs.
The teacher told me to calm down,
Clearly not a teacher of the performing arts!
The uncouth fuckin peasant.
And my love of the Theatre was sparked.
Aah, little 6 year old MNC, how cute.
His beard barely reaching down to his neck.
My last trip to the London theatre was to see No Sex Please – We’re British, round about 1978. I have to say though the film was better with Beryl Reid, Michael Bates and Arthur Lowe. The only downside was Ronnie Corbett.
The Wokies deserve to be thrown to the hungry lions 🦁🦁.They are intending to destroy everything 🤦.
Pyramus and Thisbe had something to do with walls and there are, of course, building surveyors who specialise in party walls and disputes over near boundaries. This may have something to do with it, extrapolating near boundaries with disputes between cuntry’s over borders. Odds bodkins! Woke shite indeed ,if this is the reason.
This post has been fact checked, forsooth,
Good morning everyone.
I decided to modernize a line of Shakespeare just now, like the cunts in the nom.
(mental)frailty, thy name is (transgender)woman …
“Is this a dagger I see before me?”
Nope, it’s a big floppy purple dildo.
“When shall we three meet again?”
In bumder, bondage and in pain.
Free Palestine, I should bloody well hope so, who would pay for it.
Went to see Midsummer Nights Dream when I was at school, the only thing I can remember from that was the wall, an actor with his arm outstretched and two fingers to form the hole.
* Admin
I posted a nom a few weeks ago about generation snowflake which appears to have been forgotten about??
Thanks for the reminder, Herman. I’ve been meaning to get in touch with you to make the final arrangements for the great unveiling of your nomination. We have a well known celebrity lined up to make the presentation, full acid house DJ set for afterwards and free bar, of course. Pffft – NA.
I went to see the Black and White minsterls once in theatre Manchester..( don’t ask..!)
This should be on the telly now, can you imagine the wokerati.
A&E would be full of the cunts having a reight thrombi…😂
I’m still suffering from PTSD because of this particular piece of Shakespeare shite.
3rd year secondary school in English.
Pure unadulterated hell.
Why can’t the awoke let sleeping dogs lie.
King Henry VI was his first attempt at writing a play.
It should have been his last.
Queen Elizabeth I should have had his head cut off for that pile of shite, and then boiled him in oil like they did back then.
I can’t imagine much worse than being in a theatre in Elizabethan times.
Crammed in with all those smelly bastards to watch the crap scribbled by the cunt Shakespeare.
The pong must have been horrendous and the actors would have been all suffering from leprosy or the plague.
I would have gone to a hanging instead.
Cultural wasteland on here,
It really is.
We should be proud of Shaky and his plays.
It’s probably the last thing we still lead the world in.
Few things I’m proud of
Two world wars won- get in there!👍
Agincourt – back of the net👍
British empire – little island beats up the world and gets it in a headlock 🇬🇧
Beating the filthy Spanish armada – sink like a brick? That’ll be the moor in you!
Our superior beer🇬🇧
Our sense of faurplay, humour, and stuff upper lips.
And the worlds greatest playwright.
Shaky Will.
Imagine if the yanks tried it?
A midsummer night burger
Tony and Cleo
Much ado about nuttin
The merchant of Venice beach
The merry wife’s of wakanda
Come on, MNC…we’re all proud that Shaky is a fine Englishman.
‘This ‘Ole House’ and ‘Behind the Green Door’ were fantastic singles.
The autobiography of Shakespeare, written by Alexander Charles claims that he was black.
Also, his ‘Dark Lady’ who wrote lots of his stuff (I can’t be bothered to look up her name) was allegedly black too.
And this was before Netflix came along.
Whilst in the jungle ?
So long as the audience are all asleep halfway through, what does it matter.