A pile of cunt.
I read with amazement today that this shameless, scruffy, wibbling cockwomble has an event on 2 September at Usher Hall, Edinburgh, titled ” An Evening with Boris Johnson”. Tickets are priced between £53 and £159. He will talk about his massive victory and how he got Britain back on course etc. I pondered about what sort of person would what to go to such an event and listen to this utterly delusional ballbaggery. Certainly nobody I know.
But it got worse..for a further £121.25, attendees can have a photo taken with him shaking their hand. I would be afraid I wouldn’t get it back.
It seems fair to say that we are in financially challenging times and I would question the mental stability of anyone that bought a ticket, never mind the photo opportunity. Probably the sort of person who would buy Magic Beans or Tower Bridge.
What a festering bag of old wank.
Nominated by Mary Hinge.
I`ll see your Boris … and raise you a Paul …
Boris was / is beyond contempt.
ULEZ and all the green bullshit
The immigrant scroungers,
He is a dirty , globalist, lefty metropolitan traitor and should face justice in a barn on the North York moors.
I despise the melanin lacking sack of shite.
The 2 letters , one supporting Brexit
And one against.
And that meeting with all the heads of state where he shunned Trump?
I knew then he was someone who lacked Loyalty, heart, backbone,
A walking slug who always gravitates to where the chances are better.
Fuck him.
And his luvvy dad.
And there’s no way I’d pay £159 for a hand job either
That’s a fucking bargain.
Grip the oily fatty hand of the windbag liar..
then nut the cunt.
Money well spent.
I remember when he was seen as some bulldog breed Churchill type figure on here.
Back Boris!
Get Brexit done!
I never fell for his bullshit.
Wed of got a better Brexit without the cunt.
He was there for damage limitation by his masters in Davos.
Afternoon MNC/all.
I’d pay £150 to shake his hand.
If I could wear a latex glove and enthusiastically press a turd into his palm that I’d slid out in an adjacent toilet only moments before.
Aaahh, the classic Stinkpalm …
The dirty cunt would probably be pulling a stinkpalm of his own, a little disdain for the oiks who saw fit to press the flesh with him …
Afternoon Thomas 👍
Enjoying the doughnuts?
It made me grin your story above.
I’ve never regretted sacking anyone.
It’s not something to do lightly,
It’s a man’s income
His way of feeding his family.
But every time I’ve done it I’ve enjoyed it.
They deserved it
And I didn’t dwell on it for a moment.
Fuck em
At least Boris had Charisma
And Poppy
And Anna
And Isabella
And Genevieve
And Persephone
And Vanessa
And Jocasta
And Penelope
£159 to knee the twat in the knackers?? Fuck off Boris.
O/T, This is what happens when you have uncontrolled/ undocumented/immigration..!
BBC News – Bulgarians guilty of spying for Russia in the UK
I know 🤦
This fat fuck (aka Bojo) locked down the country, which was directly linked to the death of my father.
I never thought there would be bigger cunts than Blair and Gerry Adams but he (Bojo the stupid) has stolen the crown.
No oven for this man; nailed to a stone and bones fed to the pigs.
Über cunt.
It would be interesting to be there to find out if he could get beyond a sentence without stuttering or fluffing his lines. This is just a subliminal thought and will have forgotten by the time I’ve pressed the send button.
Could be.
GB.. soon…
All the lefty liberal women won’t be happy then…💩
BBC News – https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/live/c0l16424w1pt
Women in Afghanistan: Spend a day with those living under Taliban rule – BBC News
They’ve made their bed,now they can lie in it..
Boris probably already in it,waiting in all his sweating,flabby “glory”.
Dear me.
“Refugees” NOT welcome here 😡. Machine gun the shits.
Shake hands with Doris?I prefer to push him in front of an on coming bus.Clown.
Say what you like about Boris – he wasn’t up his own arse like Dame Kweer is, didn’t put on airs and graces and most certainly wouldn’t have had “tank topped bum boys” in his cabinet. Boris – like me – never took himself too seriously. You feel you could have a drink with him. Kweer would just pontificate over a glass of iced pansy water.
I agree with Boggs on this one.
In fact I’ll take it a step farther and to say; As bad as he was, there’s not one issue Boris fucked up that Keir hasn’t made worse.
He was still a massive WEF cunt and a crook.
Great nom, Mary.
It will take decades for the Tory Party to rid themselves of the stench of Boris Johnson, if ever.
Utter fucking charlatan.
And a degenerate to boot.
Covid was a lie, his brexit deal was verbatim Theresa Mays unconditional surrender with her name replaced by his.
He’s a cunt.
Still beats fucking Starmer though.
“Oven Ready Brexit” deal wasn’t quite verbatim.
In addition he sold out Northern Ireland by putting a border down the Irish Sea after saying that “no British Conservative government could or should sign up to any such arrangement”
The fact that he’s an almost unprecedented liar goes without saying.
He’s oven ready instead 😉
I concur
Boris was ok till Carrie started to turn him into a net zero twat and kept on locking down harder because that cunt Starmer insisted on it.
Johnson was into the Green shit long before he hooked up with Miss Carriage.
For example:
As for Net Zero, Starmer was in no position to insist on anything while Johnson was PM with his 80 seat overall majority.
Ex Eton 🤡.
Mayor of London.
Prime minister.
Box ticked.
What awful people come out of that fucking school…!
The whole rotten establishment.
Starts here…👑
It was on this cunt’s watch that so many people’s elderly relatives were left to die alone, including some of mine, Then we we were prevented from attending their funerals. I will never forgive or forget. A self-obsessed lair, not a lovable buffoon.
Good evening, everyone.
Something we’re on the same page on!
Lol, MNC. What about Jethro Tull? Gravy?!
Same as me 😁
He’s a bag of shite.
Bang on. Couldn’t visit my mother who was shipped off to a care home from hospital and died 3 weeks later.
Couldn’t even sing hymns at the funeral, nor have a wake.
I would not hesitate to hang him.
A palm reading event with B.J.? The last person that did that to me said “Let go of my hand.”
What a competition it would be for the title of biggest waste of space who have been leaders of the three uniparty cunts in the last 40 years…. there’d be more riders and runners than the grand national 😩…. place your bets 🏇….the only thing they have in common is they’re all from that well known trainer
at cunts stables👍
“Under Mr Johnson’s leadership, the UK restored sovereign control over its borders, economy and lawmaking, finally enacting the will of the British people”.
Have the promoters of this event been raiding Cunt Engines stash?
He’s got kids all over the place .
All little white haired midwich cuckoo fuckers.
Doesn’t look like he’s got a decent fuck in him?
But he sees a hairy pie?
Out of trap 2 like a fuckin greyhound.
I’d definitely have a highly enthusiastic go on horse-face Carrie.
She wouldn’t shit comfortably for the next fortnight.
Princess Nut Nuts is a devious trollop.
“The man is a self-promoting, Latin spewing, chortling buffoon and a pompous windbag.”
I’d firstly put my hand-shaking hand down my pants, pull back the skin and have a good old twizzle on my knob. I would then eagerly shake Boris’ hand to transfer my helmet effusions onto his sticky little albino palm and digits.
The ultimate would be for him to then grab a sandwich and playfully feed that to Carrie with his stinky hand. The sight of the lovely Carrie devouring the sandwich dressed with my fragrant “knacker sauce” would bring a smile to my face like a Cheshire cat who stole the gold top.
He has been dining out on the harmless blundering albino bumblecunt shtick for years. Every time I see that photo of him and David Cameron at the Oxford University Bullingdon Club, I could give him a smack his grandkids would feel.
This is exactly it, if you knew anyone who carried on like this in real life, you would have told them to fuck off years ago, yet we were somehow supposed to regard this cunt as someone endearing. Would the British people rather have someone who was ” game for a laugh” and making a tit of themselves every five minutes, or someone dull and responsible who believed in doing what they were paid to do?. He managed to offend the people of Papua New Guinea for fucks sake, how do you even do that?
Breaking news******
Reform UK MP for Great Yarmouth Rupert Lowe yesterday accused Nigel Farage of being a ‘Messiah figure ‘.
Today 2 woman in the party accuse him of bullying.
Wish I’d been named Rupert.
It’s only posh Englishmen called that,
Apart from Rupert Rigsby
And the bear obviously.
Rupert Northern cunt.🇬🇧
Wears a cravat
Drives a classic car
Ladies love him.
” Ello old bean it’s frightfully nice to see you again it’s been simply yonks”
A couple of months ago Elon Musk called for Farage to be replaced as Reform leader.
Why? Because “he doesn’t have what it takes”
Musk’s choice for Reform leader: multimillionaire sex-pest Rupert Lowe.
I’d go full Stalin if I were Farage.
The 2 women would be denigrated in the red-tops as classless slags who had a threesome with Kweer after ‘leaks’ from HQ and Rupert would quietly stand down immediately before the next election, after offereing nothing but effulsive praise for the next 4 years, after realising RHQ had honey-trapped him, and then blackmailed him fuck.
Fucking scum.
I’m no Farage cheerleader, jury is still, very much out for me, but NO disloyalty can be tolerated, at all, and the consequences, at this stage of the party’s development, should be severe.
It appears I’ve made a mistake.
The women in question have accused Lowe, not Farage.
Two more wholesome, lovely, honest and dedicated ladies I have yet to meet.
That’s what I was saying Termy.
Seems a bit weird?
Less than 24hr after he upset Farage?
Lowe just had the whip suspended following Police involvement.
Wish you’d kept it shut now eh, komrade Trotsky?
Nigel is utterly ruthless.
I agree Term.
Nigel may not be ideal but you can’t beat somebody…in this case Kweir…with nobody.
You’ve got to have a face to front the party and at this formative stage unity within the ranks is vital.
I’m not saying he’s the one and I’m not saying he’s not the one. I’m not saying he should or should not be replaced.
I’m saying right now he’s what you’ve got. He’s recognizable and you’ve got to go with him and see where he leads.
Too much scanning, not enough reading MIS, apologies.
It’s not that weird when it becomes apparent that he was being investigated long before his accusations, and ut I’d he that has sought to pre-empt today’s actions by piss in the tent last night.
Ffs, bit of spell check gobbledygook in the middle, but you get my drift.
Glad weekend is here, long week.
Bit of music 🎵
That’s enough of that, here’s some this:
Here’s a 25 year old belter of a song, MNC…
fck me what a racket.
Not without Cream
Fckn toooon!!!
Try this, apart from obvious cgi at the end, the instrument playing is real.
Wow that has made my day (thus far)
I aim to please, 3
Maybe some jam
gotta have a bit of bread then
And now this…
Double trouble…!
I’m getting the word, it’s coming through very strongly now, I’m getting the word…nønce.
Squeeze my lizard lol
What really bothers me is not Boris.
He’s done and gone. When they’re reduced to the “evening with” circuit it’s over, so very, very over.
What bothers me is the look of bewilderment on Keirs face, as if he’s just woken from a deep sleep dream about peeing and shitting his self in public, and he comes out of the trance to find it’s true.
Does he wear TenaMan, by any chance?
How can you have any confidence in a PM, nay a whole cabinet who seem to be incapable of finding their own arse with both hands?
Biris us a multi millionaire, so he’s up to something. Definitely doesn’t need a few quid for shaking hands with the hoi-polloi
Wealth junkies. The richer they are, the more they want. Cunts with enough money to live a hundred lifetimes splitting hairs over a couple of quid. I’ve met a few millionaires ; cunts, all, without exception.
Come to think of it, I met a billionaire twenty years ago.
He was a cunt too .
He is still dropping hints about wanting to get back into politics. Probably waiting for things to get so bad that he can start making his speeches about “Great Britain and how he’s going to save us all again, Union Jack, Winston Churchill, wibble, the Queen Gawd Bless Her, wibble, wibble, I’ve got a new book out about Ancient Rome, that ended well didn’t it” ad fucking nauseum. A packet of lard is more fucking use than him.
PS, Lord (back) Ally is very adept at finding arse, apparently