Yet another death of a long standing business, citing increased NI costs and minimum wage increases, yet another business closes its doors.
This, along with High Street names like New Look ( young girl clothing store) how many more will close because of Rachel from Accounts lunatic fiscal decisions? A woman who seems to have problems with her own finances.
Will no-one rid us of this economically failing fool? (Apologies to Henry 2, I think)
Nominated by Jeezum Priest.
What is certain is that the net income from the hike in NI contributions is going to be far less than the dozy cow anticipated; it may even be negative.
They already made a loss on taxing independent schools.
The next budget she’s got to raise direct taxes and she won’t be able to blame the incompetents that preceded her.
The bit she won’t say out loud:
Increased tax revenue isn’t enough to improve services when you add hundreds of thousands of economically null cunts to the population every year.
It’s managed decline instead of collapse, the destination is the same but like a slow boiled frog most people won’t realise until it’s way too late.
Every year it’s more for less and eventually it will accelerate so even the most dull witted cunts will catch on but it’s too late by then if not already.
Apparently, one lad who was taken out of a public school now attends the nearest state school with vacancies some 25 miles away. The local authority has to pay for the lad’s taxi, £8,500 a year!
The gormless hag found another 2.6 billion to give to the vertically challenged action man.
That black hole is so big that even lammys fat arse can go through it.
But when you are that stupid to think you can tax the country into the black.
Never heard of it.
Was it for poor people?
Ps yeah Henry ll
Thomas Becketts fate was sealed.
Things got done back then.
We were more advanced
Beckett. A great film, with Richard Burton and Peter O’ Toole.
Sort of a sequel to The Lion In Winter (another cracker).
The Lion in Winter is one of my favourite films, Norman.
I’ll have to see if I can find it, it’s been ages since I watched it.
I decided to look up Beales and its founder John Elmes Beale in the hope he had some links to slavery or at least sent a few families to the workhouse but no luck.
Active in his local church.
😂 hehehe.
Yeah, any hint a business was involved in slavery gets my seal of approval.
Cindy beale got her hands on it.
Remember all those vast out-of-town shopping centres that appeared in the eighties? Received wisdom was that they would go from strength to strength and this was the future. The tax rises are just the last nail in the coffin for the shops. What really fucked them was the internet. Only shop we ever visit now is Tesco except for the occasional haircut.
Same here, but we have a barber in the Tesco.
Went to Screwfix the other day. Felt weird.
Whist the Complaints Team lea lady’s comedy budget has certainly made things worse, the High Street has been going down the pan for years.
The decline will only be arrested if and when the gormless stop buying tons of shit from that egg-headed cunt Bezos.
Morning all.
You need to get out more, Geordie.
I often nip down to our High Street for pizzas and/or burgers & kebabs at very reasonable prices.
Also, the rest of the shops (tattoo shops mostly) are doing some great offers at the moment – I got 3 of my babies inked just the other day in a `buy 3 get, one free` deal.
And as for the remainder – charity shops – well, I can honestly say I`m the envy of all around the estate in my `haute cuisine` designer fashion accessories.
I`m thinking about learning to read so I can take advantage of the bargain books too.
And, as it`s Sunday, that means “Hot-Dog Heaven” for the Beau hut-hold this afternoon + a few fortified refreshments.
All that junk food isn’t good for your house chimps Sam.
You should cook from fresh with this:
Ghana shito? Seems a rogue letter “o” got in there somehow.
The last time I visited Edinburgh’s world famous Princes St, I was saddened by how shabby and run down it looked.
Famous old stores closed down. Windows of shops painted out and ‘to let’ signs up. Cheap and nasty fast food outlets like McD’s and Statrbucks, and ‘Tartan Tat’ shops. More and more conversions to hotels, with more hotels being just what the city needs. Not.
Princes St used to be classy. Now it ain’t. It used to have character, now it looks like it’s dying, and the City of Edinburgh Council doesn’t seem to know what to do about it, or care. Except approve more hotels.
It’s a damn shame.
Morning all.
Jenners has gone, hasn’t it Ron? I used to love that shop on occasional visits to Edinburgh as a child.
Northumberland Street in Newcastle is going the same way, and I don’t mind admitting I had to wipe away a tear over this:
What ho Geordie.
Apparently work’s now underway to convert the Jenner’s building into ‘contemporary, mixed use space’, whatever that will actually turn out to be in the end.
Of course, this includes a 90 room ’boutique’ hotel;as I said, just what Edinburgh needs, yet another fucking new hotel.
It’s to reopen as Jenners on the lower and hotel upstairs I think.
But to agree with Ron, I spent years driving buses along Princes street daily and watched it slowly die, American sweet shops, armies of well nourished Romanian women with very white very expensive nike trainers wrapped in a manky blanket with a sign,No speakey English give me English pounds.
Well, all those doctors and architects have got to live somewhere, although I am sure I read that they resist being located in Scotland, apparently it’s too cold, they can’t understand what people are saying and they hate the cuisine.
Can’t imagine why, haggis is all sheep, after all.
Mixed use space Ron usually means that they turn a fairly big shop into a series of workbenches for “makers” – usually weirdy beardy types who make jewellery out of tin cans and charge you hundreds of pounds for it – repurpose old furniture to make it look more grungy than it did before – the sort of thing Jay Blades did on Money For Nothing. Paint a kitchen chair black except for one leg which is bright green and charge £500 for it.
If it were nearer I would set up a workspace to turn out my shops in bottles – in my case empty bottles of the Marie Celeste. £350 each. Can I say fairer than that?
SHIPS not shops, daft bugger I am
The High street is doomed.
It’s only the likes of McDonald’s and such that can afford the extortionate business rates and rent.
Although there’s vape shops, barbers and nailbars galore.
Wonder if because they are run by immigrants if they get free business rents courtesy of the government?
I know for a fact they get free driving lessons.
Courtesy of the Tories and continued by Labour.
I would prefer if they got free swimming lessons for when the time comes that the gimmegrants are pushed into the sea.
Make it more entertaining if they don’t sink straight to the bottom.
Jeepers no!
I like them the way they are.
Splashing and floundering in the depth,
Screaming for help.
I’ll often watch for 20minutes to see if someone actually helps…
We are going to need more of same to accommodate the next wave of channel cunts. The local village stores will become vape/barber/nail bar combos.
Do you remember when Ken Livingstone gave free flying lessons to dykes Mis?
Pity he gave them parachutes as well. Most of the old bags would sink like a stone without them in double quick time, all that blubber on the pavement.
Its no wonder shops aren’t popular anymore..
when you go in them there’s the possibility of crossing paths with other humans.
It’s just not on.
Good morning.
Wise words, Uncle + most of them also carry knives.
Humans, Unkle?
I went into Primarni for some cheap pjs last week and the only person speaking English was the lass at the till.
All the other customers appeared to be communicating with grunts and clicks.
Also, there were lots of headscarf wearing females with pushchairs, but no child, wearing voluminous long skirts with trainers!
What a fashion faux-pas!
Just wait till Richard lll (a.k.a Rachel From Accounts) has finished – we will just have Tesco in the High Street, poncy coffee shops and betting agencies and Amazon on-line.
The silly vapid cunt is likely to tax even more now that Kweer feels like playing soldiers and offered a 100 year guarantee to Zelensky.
What a bunch of stinking, hypocritical swindlers and amateurs
Empty shops ? Look on the bright side,………….
Aren’t these old theatres prone to catching fire 👍
I woudn’t even mind ‘poncy’ coffee shops. They can at least have a bit of individuality. Unfortunately it’s mostly utterly charmless corporate fast food outlets; McDs, Burger King, Starfucks, Subway, Costa. Shabby and seedy, and flogging crap.
It is the small specialist businesses I miss most an old and sadly deceased friend of mine who sold quality furniture including sofas had a branch of DFS open opposite. He closed within a year and was dead two years later, as he seemed to lose his raison d’etre after his closure and being over 60 he could find no work. There are all the specialists having their livliehood because the brainless whore at No 11 isn’t interested in small businesses – it’s old the big boys he can swank to.
If I had my way the old tart would be stripped naked and paraded down Threadneedle Street so everybody could have a good laugh at her – all these Labourites should be seen, unmitigated – their pot bellies, weak little arms and limp wrists, and enormous arses there for everyone to see. I wouldn’t even let Kweer keep his truss on or Streeting his eye shadow.
Why inflict that punishment on the viewer Boggsy?
Do want you want with them, but please, don’t strip them naked.
It would be a great attraction in the holiday season Arfur – Hammer House of Horror live on the streets of London
Entire county is fucked, it’s only going to get worse. Managed decline into a third world shithole. Migration doesn’t improve the economy it drags it down as it’s designed to do.
Funny how there’s no shortage of thriving corner shops staffed by letterboxes but it’s established Businesses that fail, the ones forced to abide by regulations and bled dry by taxation.
Reeves has suddenly found billions for defence and Ukraine, found it in other peoples bank accounts and pay packets I guess.
Defending us against the Russian threat is the most important thing for our security, I’d almost believe it if the same political class had now handed the Capitol to an immigrant majority.
Red tape prevents them from preventing thousands of fighting age men from landing on our beaches but the same spineless pieces of shit are willing to risk our British youth in Ukraine? It won’t be Ahmed and ranjit keeping the peace will it?
British businesses shutting down is just symbolic of the nation being managed into oblivion.
There seems to be rumour that the Frogs are lifting the ban on stopping the boats once in the water… let’s see if that pans out.
The increased amount of violence against the police on the beaches must have finally changed French minds.
I saw a report that one of the rubber boats last week was getting into ‘difficulties’ and the French rescue boat took some people off but 38 cunts refused to be rescued and carried on.
The problem could be solved tomorrow, just return every cunt back to France.
The problem would be solved if Europe shut its borders and dealt with illegals in Europe.
Because the right are making progress all over Europe the liberal elite are making token gestures but behind the scenes they will be bringing in more than ever.
The problem would be solved by the judicious use of torpedoes in the English Channel
Torpedoes, the bow wave of a Frigate doing 30 knots would pretty much do the job
Rachel knows what she is doing, 5 years as CEO at HBOS then a decade as Chief Economist at the BoE.
When she talks about growth, the only things that are growing are business closures and taxes.
She’s a Communist, so is Starmer and most of the core cabinet members. Probably driven to fight Putin so they can restore the Soviet Union.
It stands to reason, this sceptred isle of ours will end up like a turd, floating in the Atlantic Ocean and become extra shite entering the illegals world toilet.
We can start polishing the turd after the IRA have helped with their repayment.
Whilst the IRA are pulling the shits up the government, we can crack on with tidying up the beaches.
Whilst the IRA are putting the shits up the government, we can crack on with tidying up the beaches.
And, what are the IRA – you know, those who allegedly love Eire and its people so much – doing about the hordes of migrants that also infest Dublin and many of Ireland’s hotels now? Because they do.
They’ll bomb horseguards at Hyde Park and towns like Manchester and Warrington. But will they have a go at ‘asylum seekers’?
Dear me, no.
This time next year Rodney…. we’ll be the fools riding horses…👍 …
There will be only one answer from android voiced Rachel.
Tax us more, obviously.
Oh, and give the public sector a massive pay rise.
Growf that’s what she wants – growf – that is when she fotgets she is a posh trained economist and returns to the Sarf London skank voice that is her natural one. I would’nt be surprised if she and Dirty Ange used to have their “personal services” adverts in the same West End phone boxes.
“Sarf London Skank.”
Oh, I do like that one WC. Well done. I bet like me, you are amused by her attempts to hide it.
The tumbleweed blowing past the empty units in our high street is only intermittently disturbed by groups of fighting Jock winos and/or arseless scouse druggies. Usually they stick to their own stinking tribes, but occasionally try to intimidate and old lady into parting with what little that fucking bag of shit Sir Kweer Two-tears has left her to feed her and her cat.
Recently, menacing groups of Romanian criminal types have take to infesting the charity shops, and bin fishing. These new cunts on the block always seem to be on the lookout for someone old enough or young enough to rob.
Plod are never to be seen as they are too busy shitting themselves. Cunts.
Fuck the lot of them.
Good morning, everyone.
Plod? To busy polishing the arses of their trousers and eating biscuits, trying to find hurty words on line.
Never heard of it but having had a quick look at their closing down website with up to 70 percent off, nothing seems very sensibly priced even with discounts.
Good riddance to it I say, Department stores seem a bit ridiculous as a business model, wild variety of expensive stock of overpriced tat to sit on til the pretentious gullible come in to buy it to keep up with the other Joneses.
That and they all seem to have the perfume department by the doors so you have to brave the biochemical choking hazard to get in and out.
Never said it was a great store, CotI, it certainly wasn’t Harrods, but it’s been trading since 1881.
Yet another British business pushed out by poor decisions. I’m not saying Beales management were/are blameless, but yon daft twats “budget” hasn’t helped a single businessman or woman.
Did you see the basin cut on the black shitty player at the shitihad stadium. Couldn’t stop laughing every time the twat came into view.
I saw him Sammy. He looked like Ike Turner when he had that Beatle/Bowl hair cut. What a knobhead.
You would have thought that either Ringo or McCartney could have seen a shrewd business opportunity here – all they had to do was but a bunch of `T`s & insert them in the middle of the signs to make `Beatles`. Then they could have stocked all the ready-built shops with their merchandise.
I don’t think there would be much of a market for Macca’s incontinence pants and rusty truss, Sam
Those two decrepit mop tops have sold their elderly souls to Disney.
Anything Beatles related will now be on Disney Plus. Their funerals will be on Disney Plus.
And they have also gotten the woke disease. Their box set for ‘Revolver’ featured an ‘essay’ by some treeswinger called Questlove. You’d think it’d be a peer from their time. Like Dylan, Brian Wilson, Keef, Donovan or somebody. But no. Apple chooses some hip hop twat who thinks Revolver is a gun.
Rachel from accounts wants throwing off a high rise tower block
All the great shops of my youth are sadly gone.
Lewis’s, Debenhams, BHS. And where my mum worked for years, Woolworths. Woolies at Christmas was always magic. As much a part of British life as the Christmas dinner itself. My mum worked at the big Woolies at Piccadilly Gardens. The one that caught fire.
Kendalls on Deansgate survives, I think it’s called House of Fraser now..
But we have now are chav hives like Primark and TK Maxx.
TJ Hughes and B&Ms are pretty decent shops though. Got my weedkiller from B&Ms the other day.
And, don’t get me started on HMV.
All LGBTQ ‘merch’ and cosplay shite. Finding a record in there is like finding a piece of meat in an Old Trafford/Edwards meat and potato pie.
My mum was working in the store on the day of the Woolworths fire in May 1979. My dad was working in St Andrews Square, near Piccadilly Station. So he came to get my mum and drive her home. The store re-opened, but it was never the same after that. She later worked at the smaller Woolies on Cheetham Hill Road, but that too closed. However, it lasted until 2009.
Manchester City Centre is finished. And I no longer go there.
Empty and boarded up places, grafitti all over the show, pisspots and spiceheads, and gangs of black ‘youths’ infest the city centre.
And that’s not counting three quarters of Eastern Europe teeming like germs in a petri dish.
You just described Sheffield city centre, Norman.
I avoid it like the plague.
If I have to go out, Jeezum, I go to Bury.
It’s the market town near Manchester. It has its share of ethnics. But there is still enough of the old place still there, and there are more British people there. A lot of old folks go there, but they are English at least.
Bury has better shops, a few decent chippys and a great market. Manchester has fuck all now. There isn’t one chippy in Mcr city centre now. It’s all sushi bars (fuck that) and shit like Starbucks and KFC.
Lucky man.
All I have is Meadowhall, home of feral shoplifting/mugging gangs or Crystal Peaks which is so boring it’s untrue.
All Poundland and cheap tat, charity shops and Superdrug.
Your best bet at buying owt of quality is M&S , who seem to be trading solely on its past reputation for excellence.
Bury can’t be beat for meat. fish, fruit and cheese. Top market stalls for all of them. And the legendary black puddings as well. The Katsouris deli is also the best for cold meat and anything like that.
Even the once hallowed Vinyl Exchange on Oldham Street has gone down the crapper.
Once the Mecca for record collectors, it now stocks overpriced ‘vinyl’ by Harry fucking Styles and Taylor Swift.
Better off going to Sifters in Burnage, or Off The Record in Bury.
I went in HMV recently, shopping in the city centre with the Lass. I feel safe with her, she’s a martial arts expert and strong/fast as fuck.
What the buggering hell?
I thought HMV was a music shop?
Books, clothing, fluffy toys on key chains, backpacks.????
HMV is finsihed. Some of the crap they sell now includes the following,,,
Cuddly toys.
LGBTQ socks (and everything else).
Loads of Marvel/DC/Cosplay shite.
And, in the far corner, there are a few records and CDs.
I reckon the Black Banana could cost us dear against Fulham today. If he plays, that is.
He has to be one of the worst goalies I have ever witnessed. And I have seen clowns like Roche, Leighton, Taibi, Barthez, Carroll and that Polish cunt who was Edwin’s understudy.
If I had to describe Onana, I would say he was like Baba from the Asterix books meets Gary Sprake.
OT. One can imagine the words of the President as he saw Zelensky….
Trump: ‘Oh, the bins are outside. Please empty them without leaving any mess.’
Zelensky: ‘But.. But it’s me. Don’t you know who I am?’
Trump: ‘Oh, it’s you. Come back when you’ve got a decent suit and tie on and you look like a statesman. You scruffy ignorant gyppo dooshka cunt.’
I hate to say this, but the lock downs, which were totally uneccessary, hammered the final nail in.
After people realised that on-line shopping coupled with WFH was heaven with the door shut, there was absolutely nothing that High Street shops could do.
In Sheffield, they’ve build a new market, with stalls, to replace the old Castle Market ( which was at the opposite end of the city centre).
On a good day, tumbleweed only blows round there between 2pm and 10am. It’s dead!
Its like they don’t want it to work and do everything they can do spunk money up the wall or tax you to the hilt. Killing off grannies and fucking over farmers; well if that isn’t straight out of ‘we are going to fuck it all up’ playbook then I don’t know what is. Tories no better.
Starmer just came back from meeting Trump and with snake tongue said he is prepared to bolster Ukraine and put boots on the ground the ended with a completely contradictory statement about peace. Bluster from slug head yet what he said is provocative and aggressive. Fucking war mongering bastards everywhere. TDS is in overdrive.
Apparently Ukraine have sold off half the weapons they were given. Still standing with Ukraine are we? I’m not.