Angela Rayner (12)

The pure brass of the Labour party has been caught with her knickers down again – not this time to insert her jiggle balls and dildo, but, like so many others in that abomination of a political party, she has been lying about her work prior to her glittering political career. Not for her pretend soliciting, like that derelict Jonathan Reynolds, or pretending she was a “trained economist”. No, our Ange likes to do things the Kweer way, and play down her achievements, like Uriah Heep on an especially helpful day. She has always liked to give the she was a “home help”, no doubt to back up her claims that she was a poor but honest unmarried mother at 16, trying to earn an honest crust, wiping old ladies bums and putting the Mr. Sheen round the old dears commode (like Auntie Kweer picking up stones on a farm). In fact she was a Unison official (agitator?) and was sitting on her arse all day no doubt earning far more than the pittance that is the lot of a genuine home help.

Can nobody in that decrepit party ever tell the truth about anything?:


Nominated by W C Boggs.

53 thoughts on “Angela Rayner (12)

    • She was photographed for Razzle years ago when she was a young single mother struggling to make ends meet. Miserable has a copy in his allotment shed.

    • She was photographed for Razzle years ago when she was a young single mother struggling to make ends meet. Miserable still has a copy in his allotment shed.

      • Was she in one of those photoshoots they used to do in Razzle years ago (so I hear) – a “Girls of (insert name of run down UK town) with group photos of all the local beauties, naked in various positions?

        Perhaps Razzle did a “Girls of the Labour Party” shoot with Angie, Nandy, Analease Dodds, Phillipson, Rachel from Accounts and Yvette Cooper? Must be a rare collectors issue.

  1. She is a professional cock slurper.. no one that thick could have risen this high on merit and hard work.

    Her next challenge will be how to blow her way to the top. Action man Rodney doesn’t have a willy just a trademark that says property of lord alli.

    I look forward to the next election when she has sucked of all the peacefuls for votes, and they vote their own candidate in and she is stoned to death in Asdas carpark.

  2. Left school with more kids than qualifications, think STD is a certificate of higher education.

    Perfect successor to John Prescott as a Labour deputy PM.

    • Disgusting and depraved as you are Thomas. I think even you would draw the line at trying to untangle what looks like Winnit caked fuse wire from dirty Ange’s barking starfish.

      Everyone knows that socialists don’t wipe, unless there is someone to do it for them. Preferably out of the taxpayer’s pocket.

      You also run the risk of Ange sharting out a half pint of Muslim toss directly into your face.

      That dirty old shit cunt will have done filthier things before breakfast than you could dream up in a million years.

      • It would be like holding a very old copper penny on your tongue after dipping it in 40,000 mile old Castrol GTX and caustic soda.
        With an aftershock of 9V battery.

  3. I pray nightly for a modern day Guy Fawkes, despite feeling that in this day and age he’d probably be called Gay Fucks.

  4. Just imagine if she had been a real home help. Leaving old Mr. Blunkett or Mr. Straw at the end of her shift with a cheery “can I have my present now, darling?”

  5. I know a fucking gobby shop steward when I see one..!

    I worked with a few lazy cunts like her, they’d join any committee going to get out of doing any work.

    Canteen/pension/charity/social/ negotiating – committee….!

    Then get a job in HR.

    If you read this site, you know who you are.. CUNTS.

  6. Two flyers pushed through our letterbox by the same hand yesterday, one exhorting us to vote Labour at the local elections, the other for the LibDems, littering our hall and wasting my time carrying them through to the recycling bin.

    Vote Reform.

  7. Her rise to fame came from shagging her way into the Union, banging and then marrying the area convenor
    Once she was the local rep I doubt she did any work at all like most of the union cunts.

    That elongated jaw could accommodate the late John Holmes with room to spare, balls and all

  8. Life is full of contrasts. We mark the passing of a hero, John “Paddy” Hemmingway, who put his life on the line many times for this nation even though he was an Irishman and now we move on to a woman known mainly for her big mouth and being a wimmin in politics.

    One is humbling and the other has no humility.

    • I was listening to that bloody woman on R4 the other morning. Three times she repeated that the U.S. was our oldest ally when anyone who has been to school knows that Portugal made a treaty with England in 1386 about 100 years before they even found America. It just shows you how low the BBC have sunk or, alternatively how left biased they are, that no-one corrected her.
      This esteemed website was made for her and all others who have been promoted way beyond their abilities.

      • Yes that is something that pisses me off too The lack of historical knowledge is appalling. The Portuguese even came over to U.K. in ww1 as the Portuguese Labour Corps. did a lot of forestry work, bloody good workers by all historical accounts.

      • I will have to do a bit of research BB but I am pretty sure they were in the trenches with us, and you can bet your bottom dollar (SWIDT) that it was before the Americans were involved.

  9. To be fair I can’t imagine angie can wipe her own arse to any great success, so she should stick to wiping inbred jizz off her ugly face..

  10. Imagine when Wayne Rooney heard of an ex-council estate ginger slapper
    and grandmother from Stockport who was deputy PM and then his crushing disappointment when he found out she was only forty four.

  11. They’ve been desperately covering for the reality – Reform and Tories vote split gave then power.

    They had the lowest winning vote percentage of a general election ever. They shouldn’t have won the election.

    The cabinet is full of people who have never really worked – almost all ex public workers who have never faced a reality where underperformance means a catastrophic failure like your company going under or you being fired for being a useless cunt.

    Thats why they’ve all lied on their cvs. Rachel Reeves is not even a hobby level economist. Her economic plan for this country is to spend big on the public sector? What? She got that idea by copying Janet Yellens bidenomics speech she heard at Davos. All bidenomics did was unload the federal reserve into the US via gov spending. We have no equivalent to the federal reserve so her entire economic plan is akin to trying to light a fire with no fuel, flame or oxygen.

    None of this matters though. We live in the era of ideology> facts or reality. It doesnt matter that dwp statistics show 83% of migrants aren’t working, or that the data suggests any immigrant with less than a bachelors degree can be nothing but a net deficit for the country, because ‘refugees welcome’.

    It doesnt matter that every industry expert just laughs if you ask if the grid can be decarbonised even by 2050, we must build windmills, its ‘green’.

    It doesnt matter that crime statistics show that trannies commit sex offences at 3.5 times the amount of men, they must be given access to womens spaces and schools, because they just want to express themselves!

    Too many people dont quite seem to grasp the levels of lunacy and delusion that was elected last summer. Of course they lie when their entire fucking worldview and sense of reality is a lie

    • One or two of the Labour backbench bleeders are just kids who have gone straight from school or university, got fucked by somebody “important” in ze party and got parachuted into safe seats. I guess Streeting “canvasing” for Mandy was the start of the sleep your way to success story – it used to be tarts now it’s the benders because most of the higher men in the Labour party are quare.

      • Yeah thats about right. 20 somethings who bring up Gaza and trannies every day in parliament whilst every major city in this country turns into Gotham.

        The gall to bill themselves as the ‘clean party’. Mired in sex scandals, mp’s assaulting consitituents. How has no one yet joined the dots on the fact all that taxpayer money is being laundered to their cronies in ‘green tech’ like Dale Vince?

        Lord Allii is buying Lingerie sets for Starmers cover story wife. The focus was all on why he couldnt buy it, not on the weirdness of why another bloke is buying sex underwear for his wife. What sort of weird intterracial swingers parties are going on behind closed doors there?

      • Even Mick Jagger knows more about finances than Ratty Rachel. At least he went to the LSE.

  12. Oh Joy! An excellent cunting target for my wrath. Rayner ( yes I would fuck her, I’m not too fussy these days ) A Labour fucking arsehole as thick as mince sits on the front benches as Deputy Prime Minister alongside the arse bandit who has allegedly poked her ( according to her ex hubby and as reported You Tube 18/04 )This mong represents the worst example of an electoral system that empowers , nay,propels people of this density into privileged position.
    May her twat dry to 40 grit sandpaper, and her festering arse crack the full length of her torso!

    ( ad iten . 40 grit cunt? I withdraw my desire for a poke )

  13. Rayner is absolutely foul.
    She reminds me of Catherine Tate’s gobshite Doctor Who character, Donna Noble.

    Only more uncouth, even more devoid of class and more illiterate.

  14. Got a new car a few days ago.

    The first thing that came to mind, can I park this in Angies chuff? Can I open the doors when it’s parked in her chuff?

  15. I don’t know if I can actually say this aloud, it’s a thought that’s been whirring away in my head ever since Labour came to power.

    Starmer has had that “rabbit caught in the headlights” expression on his face ever since he became PM, that “oh fuck, I’m in the shit”.

    Did he deliberately appoint the most unsuitable, incompetent people to the cabinet, in the hope that there would rapidly be some kind of Parliamentary revolt that would enable him to call for an election that he’d pray to lose?

    Starmer prefers to be “always the bridesmaid, never the bride” in my opinion.
    Also, hasn’t he clapped the timber on recently. He resembles a freshly boiled pig more and more.

  16. One can imagine Ange debating in the House of Lords in years to come….

    Lord Thingy: ‘Would the right honorable Lady (guffaw) Rayner like to answer my question?’

    Lady Rayner: ‘Looook! Am bloody tellin’ yers! Am not discussin it wi’ yerz! All riot?!’

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