The Gaza Hostage Release Shit Show

Suddenly we see people in some sort of uniform (very clean, no sign of combat), masks and green bandanna brandishing automatic weapons.
The cunts feel safe now to come out of their civilian clothes because there is a cease fire, no longer hiding in schools and hospitals but showing how fucking brave they are.
And the crowds of screaming ragheads, all looking quite healthy and well fed which is the opposite of what we are being told that they are starving.

It has been two weeks and the exchange of hostages for prisoners looks like it is on shaky ground, no surprise there.

As a nice bonus we have had some left wing judge allowing a family of six Gaza cunts to settle in the UK, human right to family life, apparently they have a brother who lives in the UK so that means we have to fucking have them. What Bullshit!


Nominated by Sick of it.

42 thoughts on “The Gaza Hostage Release Shit Show

  1. Surely it’d be better in the long run to extract all the Jews then nuke the entire middle east?
    Then Bradford.
    Good morning to one and all.

  2. Plod looking into whether the BBfuckingC have handed money over to these fucking animals for a pro-terrorist mockumentary.

    What’s the betting they’ll take no action?

  3. Good Morning,

    All the MSM/BBC reporting, for the last 16 months from Gaza has been a Hamas propaganda operation.
    Those responsible for the return of dead bodies instead of live hostages should be hunted down and held to account. To describe Hamas as animals would be an insult to animals.

    • They are not even exchanging prisoners like-for-like. For every Israeli hostage released they give back 30-50 towelheads, even more if it is a captured IDF soldier. They even have to scan the coffins of dead hostages to make sure they are not booby trapped. Cunt Engines suggestion above of nuking the whole stinking shithole was on the money.

      Morning Wanksock/all/

  4. Ham as gone up in price, but you get a free pair of underpants to wear on your head to look a cunt, at your next purchase.

  5. The coffin display was disgusting, not only did they make a massive show out of it but one of the bodies wasn’t a hostage.

    If there was any doubt about these cunts, there isn’t anymore, they are animals and need to be put down.

    Fucking international court has an arrest warrant for Netanyahu, he has been fighting Hamas, Hezbollah, Houthi, Iran as well has rag heads in the West Bank, give the guy a break 😂

    • As you rightly state SoI they are cunts always have been always will be.
      Shame so many people who have not a fucking clue what it’s like to deal with these savages think otherwise. The so called intellectuals and indoctrinated students are the worst. These cunts should be sent over to aid the poor bastards after the young men have been arse raped and the girly students gang raped they may have an inkling of why these cunts should be wiped out for the benefit of humankind. Sorry forgot the alphabet people who support the palastinians and Hamas. They should go too not many will make it back mind

  6. Well and truly tired of places that have fuck all to do with us ruling our fucking lives. It’s ironic that the two conflict zones of our time have age old links.

    Starmer wants to bury us balls deep in one end of the shitshow whilst trying to avoid dealing with the other.

    No good will come of it.

    • It should be STRICT national policy that the UK’s armed forces are used ONLY for the defence of these nations and our overseas territories. There should be a ring of steel around the entire coastline and all major cities and vital infrastructure should be bristling with anti-aircraft weapons.

      During peace time part of soldiers, sailors and ailments duties should be constructing flood defenses, fixing pot holes, clearing the countryside of fly-tipping garbage etc, not pissing about on Salisbury Plain playing cowboys and Indians.

  7. Trump could offer to throw in Sir Two Kweer’s sorry arse as part of the exchange. Oh, I forgot, even the goat shaggers would turn it down. Who could blame them?
    In any case he has already promised it to that tosser Zelensky. Fuck off.

    Good morning, everyone.

    • It’s a good job Starmer went to Washington before Zelenskyy, if was this coming week there could have been a bit friction 😂

    • I wonder how often Jug Ears visits his home town of Leicester these days? You can bet he never moved back there to live after his football career ended. He might virtue signal about the cnuts who voted for the “This is for Gaza” MP but you can be sure he’d never want them as neighbours. Who would? He probably lives in Islington now alongside the other champagne lefty luvvies who’ll preach intergration but won’t practice it.

      • jug eared cunt lives in barnes, london also had a home in barbados, with marbled bathroom, and was mentioned in the paradise papers! the corrupt cunt,

  8. Gaza, and indeed a great many Muslim-majority countries, is exactly what the posh pseudo-left claims to hate. It is a racist, misogynistic, homophobic, theocratic police state. Islam is an incredibly tolerant, perhaps fascist, ideology.

    Surely these morally-upstanding people – who are simply better than the rest of us – are not giving this ideology a free pass because the majority of its adherents aren’t white? Heaven forfend.

    • Most of the cunts have the ability to hold two opposing views at the same time as true. This is what the wokist cancer does. Robs the infected of reason, common sense and logic the result is a dangerous traitor within who should be to use that old phrase terminated with really extreme prejudice. All hail the Emperor you have my vote.

  9. stone age neanderthals that are not wanted by their neighbours who are not so stupid 👍…but in the UK have more freedom of expression than the natives, more 🇵🇸 flags than 🇬🇧 are to be seen around the country, in fact the 🏳️‍🌈 flag is probably more in evidence as well…😩

    • Is it illegal to fly a Swastika Gerald?

      If it is then the gayer flag and palestine flag should be added to the proscribed list, along with the hammer and sickle.

  10. Like the fucking IRA, only put a uniform on for a televised funeral…

    Wouldn’t go toe to toe with us.

    Gutless twats….!

    • The IRA shithouses wouldn’t go toe to toe with Oscar Pistorius. As for defence spending, Audley Harrison alone spent more than the entire Republic of Ireland.

    • I think the analogy between the cowards of the IRA and the Hamassholes is a good one.

      Both are murdering scum who should be eliminated.

  11. If x% of Israeli hostages are handed back dead it’s only fair that x% of Palestinians should be handed back in the same condition in respectful observation of Sharia principles.

    • Solid observation Harry. Not one single fucking Arab nation will take the sub-human scum referred to as Palestinians.

  12. Just like all game shows, panel shows, reality shows should be, march them out in front of people brandishing automatic weapons and kablammo. Top viewing.

  13. Now we see Hamas trading dead Israeli hostages for live Palestinians. In the same week, the BBC give a party political broadcast on behalf of Hamas. These terrorist cunts must be having the party to end all parties. It’s win-win.

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