Trump Derangement Syndrome

I am not the fucker’s biggest fan but:-

”Elon Musk’s gesture at Trump rally draws scrutiny”

Yes, a bit of arm waving and heart touching (see attached video) apparently makes Musk Goebbels to Trump’s Hitler.

And then we get the mealy mouthed vicaress or whatever the fuck she is saying:-

‘have mercy’ on LGBT+ community and immigrants’

Fuck me he has stated there are only 2 genders and that he wants illegals out. I didnt think he was proposing a Holocaust.

These morons only reinforce Trump’s stance but are too fucking stupid to realise it.

Sky news

Nominated by Cuntstable Cuntbubble.

161 thoughts on “Trump Derangement Syndrome

  1. Good morning Cunters!

    It is just after 9 AM CDT (as I begin my post) here in the Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave and I’m just now checking in.

    I’m really enjoying this nomination and all the comments. A lot of you get it. Some of you don’t.

    Trump is the most consequential political figure of our lifetime.

    There is so much going on I can’t address it all. And we still have a long way to go.

    But to those of you who get it, I say, welcome to the Revolution.

    Trump / Farange
    Make the Anglosphere Great Again
    MAGA / Reform

  2. I must say it was most gratifying seeing Allan’s post earlier proving the point of the nomination. Well done, Allan.

    Making stuff up in order to make Trump look bad is a lot less effective the second time around. In fact, it’s not really working at all. You could drive a truck through Allan’s talking points, but I’ll pick just one for time’s sake. Trump did not say people should inject themselves with bleach to combat “coronavirus”. Here’s one of many links I found which dismantles that ridiculous accusation:

    Trump is all about America first and Making America Great Again. He’s doing what he said he’d do which, by the way, the vast majority of the American electorate voted for! Perhaps UK based left leaning mouth pieces should focus their energies on explaining how their political leader is doing in the following categories:

    – actually following through on election promises
    – not enacting damaging policies which voters had no prior knowledge of
    – securing borders and deporting freeloading criminal illegal immigrants
    – turbo charging the economy
    – reinstating meritocracy
    – addressing government over-reach and over-spend
    – not giving away their islands
    – brokering international peace deals
    – commanding respect and attention from world leaders when they speak

    • It is indeed a great time to be a Yank…imitation or otherwise!

      Great post. But let us concede there are very fine people on both sides…

      Wait. Or are there?

      Hey! Let’s book our vacation to Gazieria now before the rush.

      So many people. So few clues.

      • Hi General –

        And don’t you just love the way Karoline Leavitt (Trump’s Press Secretary) rips into the lying fake news reporters? It is a joy to watch.

        In other news….I’m working on the official removal of “Imitation” from my moniker. Hopefully I’ll be able to vote for a JD/Vivek ticket next time around. 🙂

      • Hey Dude.

        I must confess…I’m in love with Caroline Levitt!

        JD / Vivek would be awesome!

        Before that look for Vivek to run for Governor in Ohio.

      • Hey Im,

        All the best in your endeavors to become a full fledged Septic.

        Will you have to change your name?

        Immigration Yank?

      • Hi General –

        I was thinking more along the lines of “Naturalized Yank”, but I like your suggestion better. It’s way funnier.

        And for the record, I saw Karoline Leavitt first. I’m also calling dibs on Pam Bondi and Tulsi Gabbard. They all need a hard confirmation from IY. 🙂

      • Caroline, Pam and Tulsi?

        That is sooooooooo not fair!

        But so be it. I’ll take Alina Habba. She’s a spicy bit of falafel who can leave her legal pad on my desk anytime.

        And I want Trump to appoint Morgan Ortagus as a Special Envoy to the Cuntster Villa.

        I have mixed emotions about Kristi Noem, but she’s a babe as well. And if you believe the gossip she’s a player.

        One thing you can say for Trump…he’s surrounded by beautiful intelligent women who are completely competent.

      • Dammit! I didn’t think of Alina Habba. Schwing! She is beyond super smart and gorgeous too.

        Good call General.

        I was a tad disappointed with the TV coverage of the election night win and inauguration because Ivanka wasn’t in shot enough. What I would give……I could make some smutty comment about being in Ivanka’s inner circle, but I’m too much of a gentleman. 😉

    • Allan still steadfastly refuses to comment on Starmer’s governance whilst incontinently bleating on about Trump. Outraged about releasing the Capitol Hill protestors – I’m sorry I’m not going to call them “rioters” as the MSM insists we must – and seemingly a-ok with people being banged up in Starmer’s Britain for making unpalatable remarks on the internet. It’s a very sinister mentality, and, I’m sorry to say, has evil in its roots as it tacitly endorses the efforts of the Stalinists in power to silence and oppress all dissenters so that genuine totalitarianism can be regnant.

      Allan’s silence on his own party 100% negates any credibility in his critique of Trump and the right. I’m sorry, some people don’t seem to like me pointing this out but they can fuck off too. I’m not going to politely pretend the left and its apologists are people we should extend civility to while they sponsor a regime that wishes to destroy our country. No sir. Get fucked.

      • I agree Balsamic Dave, he should be shouted down.

        For upsetting people.

        I hate that ‘Free Speech’.

        My grandad didn’t fight in WW2 for fuckin Free Speech!!

      • Here we go again MNC. Who’s shouting him down? I’m not stopping him from posting what he does, but if he’s gonna post it he puts himself in the firing line for attracting comment; in exactly the same way as we all do. I’m also drawing attention to what he steadfastly refuses to discuss. What’s your problem with that exactly?

      • Oh and one other thing, if people are not going to express their disgust for a government that wants to criminalise the criticism of a death cult of sexual predators and which wants to flood our country with, and submit our children to, this evil, I’m not gonna be polite to them. You can be if you want to, I don’t feel like it anymore.

      • Thanks for the permission but I don’t need it.
        I’m equally rude to all.

        I’m not having a pop at you per day,
        But lots on here said about the Left that they cry over ‘ hurty words’.

        Then get upset by someone saying something they don’t agree with.

        I just like a level playing field.

      • Sorry but I find that comment to be specious to say the least. I have no problem with – nor do I get upset about – people expressing a different opinion. But if their opinion offends me then THAT is what I’m going to get “upset” about and I’m gonna say what I think. Allan’s perfectly free to do the same and tell me why I’m wrong and why I offend him so much. That is the essence of free speech in fact.

        I also find the imputation that I want to trample on free speech to be somewhat ironic, given it’s this government that is looking to criminalise some very essential subjects of discussion.

        As Voltaire said, “I shall die for your right to be offended”. Let us treasure that right while we still have it; because we won’t have it for much longer, and it’ll be the left that sees to that.

      • Evening General, hope you’re well my friend – and completely reciprocate the sentiment; thoroughly uplifted by your comments and reports on events State-side. Fucking wonderful stuff.

      • What sort of idiot would die for someone’s “right to be offended”?

        No fucker.

        Die for their right to offend, perhaps…

        Anyway, the actual quote attributed to Voltaire is:

        “I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it.”

      • Yes and the quotation is misattributed at that. Fine. I’ll try and find a way of coming to terms with my clumsy attempt to look educated and intellectual.

        Your broader point I believe was that I can’t cope with other people expressing a differing opinion. Horseshit. There’s just some opinions / positions that people take that I’m not going to mince my words over; particularly when it comes to the question of the left and the damage they are wreaking.

        I seem to recall you gave an excellent treatise a while back on the absolute wickedness of Islam. You might argue that’s you not being tolerant of people who want to believe in that sort of thing, you not being “able to cope” with a different opinion. My response to such a facile accusation would be “so what? If something is true but it offends you, tough shit!” Islam is evil to its core and anyone who wants to defend it is shit out of luck with me – and I’d assume you – in expecting their different opinion to pass without challenge. Same goes for a whole load of other things people are going to say / stand for. If they can’t persuasively defend their opinion then it deserves to be exposed as a fallacy. Good evening.

      • The fact that Allan ignores your persistent demands that he explain himself to your satisfaction does not mean he cannot persuasively defend his position, merely that he chooses not to. And your constant badgering is unlikely to change his mind. Goodnight.

      • Wrong – I don’t demand he defends his position, merely note that he never has made a comment on the performance of Starmer’s government since it came into power; and the absence of that commentary – positive or negative – is conspicuous and renders his critique of Trump and the right worthless.

        Furthermore, I would like to see anyone – doesn’t have to be Allan – defend this government and what they’re doing. I have seen no persuasive arguments from anyone to suggest that their policies and decision making on immigration, the economy, law and order, the accommodation of Islam in public life, the tackling of rape gangs and crime more broadly, energy security, environmental policy, international relations, interference with US elections, free speech, and just about every other issue that matters, are effective, correct and morally justified.

        You know why no one ever comes up with an effective defence of the above? Because they can’t. Or do you want to attempt to do so? Go on, I’ll be really impressed if you manage it.

        These are no small matters. The lasting and irreparable damage that this government is inflicting on this country, and on our children’s future wellbeing, is devastating. And I find this beyond unforgivable, I consider it to be criminality and wickedness of the highest order.

        And, of course, you can continue to be polite and defend the quietude of those who support the indefensible, and try and assert some sort of argument around the conventions of civilised discourse as immunising anyone from having to explain their position; it seems a bit of a Pyrrhic victory to me. I meanwhile will not pretend that the above doesn’t matter, nor that those who want to attack those in power who are actually trying to do something about the damage the left have done whilst remaining signally silent about what the left continues to do, shouldn’t have to account for their side if they even want to come close to mounting a persuasive argument. That’s the beauty of free speech – something that Allan’s lot are also determined to put a stop to.

        Oh and btw. Labour voters don’t stand up for the same values you so nobly espouse. They like to shut down and imprison dissenters. So standing up for that mentality reminds me of middle class home counties types who like the feeling of making fluffy comments about how we must unconditionally welcome all immigrants to our shores. Misguided at best.

  3. Drill Baby Drill – music to my ears.
    I really hope he goes after the climate clowns next.
    Deport them to Gaza or Pakistan.

    • Hey MCC,

      He is!

      He has already signed an Executive Order removing us from the idiotic Paris Accords.

      And his announced policies have already led Shell to abandon a wind farm in the ocean off the coast of New Jersey.

      Ivanpah* is closing in Calfornia although how much of that is due to Trump is debatable.

      And in the words of a great American patriot, We “(I) have not yet begun to fight!”**

      *I have a pending nomination on this fiasco.
      **John Paul Jones, Captain of the Bonhomme Richard

      • This is good General.
        Shell should be drilling not putting kids toys in the sea.

  4. I feel sorry for US TV viewers.

    Because the cunts who do comedy and satire on American TV will give us four more years of bad Trump jokes and impersonations. Even more childish and petty than they were when he was President the first time.

    Saturday Shite Live, Stephen Colbert, Colin Jost, Jimmy Kimmel…. Them cunts.

    • I heard Trumps a rapist.

      I was absolutely disgusted by this.

      Luckily I’d misheard!
      And he isn’t a racist.

      So all good here👍

  5. I’ve just remembered the story about Trump paying prostitues to tinkle on him.
    Was it ever debunked?
    Does he get Melania to spend a penny on him?
    Lucky bastard.
    Perhaps that’s how he keeps his hair so golden.

  6. It’s a bit of a late contribution, but I’ve just recalled a conversation I had with my 82 year old dyed in the wall Labour voting cunt mother the weekend just passed, during which she told me how terrible it was that all those people had died in California and how that was Trump’s fault.

    And these TDS ridden Labour voting cunts accuse Trump supporters of being delusional cultists.

  7. Can the Donald sign one more executive order for the special relationship before it disappears….tell sturmfuhrer what a woman ♀️ is…I’d rather have that than a trade deal 👍

  8. Given that this site is a very small reflection of the general opinion of what, and how, President Trump has done so far, I would say that the UK ( and the EU) would do well to mimic his actions, especially regarding the plethora of DEI consultants/posts.

    I fully support his actions in getting rid of people who, for example, refer to breastfeeding as “chest feeding”, or mother as “birth parent”.

    As for that slug who is our PM, by virtue of the fact that he was leader of the Labour Party, I wouldn’t believe him if he said it was Friday tomorrow.
    His plan to reduce illegal immigrant numbers appears to be fast tracking them to legal status.

    Fucking brilliant!
    Thanks a bunch you cunt.

      • You’re a certified nutter.
        I imagine that you are caged, then fed.

        Let your New Mills nashers near my chest, not in this century!
        I have a cattle prod, and I’m not afraid to use it against deviants, I’ll have you know!

      • Your cattle prod will be inneffective, JP.
        My rubber gimp suit is well insulated.

      • Does it cover your heels?

        Please tell me you didn’t get it off the peg from Gimps-R-Us?

  9. I’ve been watching quite a lot of the POTUS and his Press Sec on the tube of u.

    It’s refreshing to see a national leader putting his countrymen first for a change.

    Look up the beneficiaries of USAID over the years. You will see why he’s cancelled and disbanded the foul crooked organisation and stopped all funding from the taxpayers dollar.

    The BBC and other usual suspects are squealing like pigs at every opportunity. I find it hilarious.

    His Gaza pronouncements are an example of different thinking and as he’s said (not that the BBC would show it) ‘if we don’t try something different, then the person sitting at this desk in 5 years, 10years will be faced with the same issues regarding that place’

    Meanwhile back home in dear old blighted, where’s our Dear Leader? swanning off to suck the Brussels EU cock, with the ringing endorsement of Ed ‘our european friends’ Davey (supposed opposition) hanging out of his fat arse. You couldn’t make it up.

    • The Gaza thing is fookin’ hilarious. It will be a resort and you camel fuckers can piss off and don’t come back.

      We want proper strippers in Gaza!

      • I don’t usually read, or rate, the Metro, but on this very rare occasion when I have ventured the bus into Sheffield centre, I picked a copy up.
        Well, cat tray liners are expensive, and I’m a pensioner, whine, whine.

        There’s a most splendid cartoon on page 7, illustrating Sarah Hoopers comments on the Donald’s plan to turn Gaza into a resort.

        Fabulous stuff, and the column isn’t critical, either.

        Mar-A-Gaza, bring it on!

      • If they turned it into an attractive resort, rebuilt it into a middle eastern Las Vegas and purged it of camel shaggers, then they’d just get thousands of gollıes rocking up with their two-tone hands oustretched looking for a handout.

      • Walking up and down, flogging rip-off sunglasses, watches and Prada handbags, tagging you as a mark for their pickpocketing mates.

        I rather think that the Mar-A-Gaza police would give them short shrift , and a long flogging!

      • Hey MCC,

        That’s the name of the burlesque floor show at the new Trump Gaziera Resort…

        The Gaza Strippers.

    • The BBC are squealing like pigs because USAID was bunging them £3m.

      Now USAID aren’t bunging anyone anything, so the BBC are going to have to cut back on DEI hires, rainbow flags and rent boys.

  10. Now that USAID is no more, AIDS has a golden opportunity to carry out The Lord’s Work in Africaaaa. 👍


    Good morning 🌞👍

    • Don’t forget Polio.
      The US was running polio vaccine schemes.

      Lots of afghanis will be doing Ian Dury impersonations!!

      Another Reason to be cheerful 😁

      Alright Jack?

  11. No more New Boots and Panties for those cunts.

    I’m fine thank’s.

    Apart from being harassed by folk sending me bills.

    Got back from Worcestershire yesterday and there was a bundle of ‘ em behind the door 😔

    The vicious cunts.

    You ok ?

    • Worcestershire is famous for it’s bare knuckle brawlers and it’s piquant sauce.

      I’m alright pal, my dad’s in hospital with heart and kidney failure,
      Missus Miserable is home with pleurisy.
      Oh and the dogs got the shits☹️

      So I’m stressed and a bit irritable at the moment.
      I go to work to relax 😆

      • We stayed well away from bike sheds, even taking a seven mile detour across the fields, to avoid one.

        You would appear to have your hands full at the moment. I hope things pan out ok for everyone.

        Love ’em and look after ’em.

        Take it easy.

  12. What’s to be said that’s not been said.

    I’m fucking loving it, the media are tearing themselves apart and the more left wing woke assholes he upsets the better I like him.

    The other side of the coin is he has the future of the western world in his hands so I hope he realises the gravity of his success.

  13. I just asked google for the reference number of 2-time President Donald Trumps recent Executive Order, the one that bans men from women’s sports.

    Did it immediately hone-in on what I asked for, as we all know it would be capable of doing? .. “Here Cuntemall, .. the reference number you were looking for is ….”

    Did it fuck! Instead the fucking thing proffered me 9 news-entities *descriptions* of the EO. Only 2 used the official phrasing OF the thing as per the White House press statement, .. and the other 7 all spun it as ‘anti trans women’. Which ironically means ‘anti mental men’ but that irony has been escaping these cunts so long it looks like they’ll never suss it.

    Wow. Went back to ask again for the ref no. – thought it would be a nice way to round off this post – and slightly different wording in my ask has now returned me 9-for-9 lefty results. ALL whingeing about transgender women(men!) .. and how this is an affront to the world, basically.

    BBC, NYT, NBC, AP, CNN, ABC, Guardian, with repeats by AP and NYT nudging out the two properly-worded ones from ten minutes earlier.

    Still no offer of the info requested, mind.

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