The Return of the Combover

What’s with powerful world leaders and the combover?
When did being honestly bald become bad?

Benjamin Netanyahoo, has one.
Like a Jewish stately Bobby Charlton.

Donald has one, but it’s a intricate one.
You can’t tell where it starts from or ends?
Think he combs it up from his arse and back then across his scalp to get that candyfloss look?
Sort of a beehive hairdo.

I’ve noticed them creeping back more and more,
I hoped it had stopped after Arthur Scargill,
His was done by a small team of roof thatchers, and was good for 40years.

Just be bald.
No shame in it.

Heterosexual actor Will Smiths missus is bald.
She’s not arsed!
And she’s a bird!
Looks like a advert for Cadbury creme eggs
Does she care?
Does she fuck.

Come on lads, stop with the combover it fools nobody.

Nominated by : Miserable northern cunt

47 thoughts on “The Return of the Combover

  1. Vladimir Putin is ripe for the comb over treatment too.

    Non of your decadent western attempts though, oh no.

    Functional, no-nonsense with underlying menace.

  2. The Scargill on Spitting Image always makes me laugh, when the barber takes the two pieces of combover from his ears and justice snips them both off.

    The showoff men who cut to the wood round the sides and leave a bushy top, look like they’ve had a lobotomy.

  3. The shamed cue ball noggin could have the sides weaved on top, but would have to keep going going back to the barber to have it tightened. Could find a method to do it themselves with this one.

  4. What’s up with just accepting you’re going bald 👴…. instead of trying to comb two strands of Whisper thin hair over your bonce…. alternatively if you are that desperate snip some pubic off and super glue it on…. result

  5. The late Tottenham’ Hotspur player Ralph Coates had one of the greatest combovers known to man.

    Was a bit like the villain Big Ernie McCracken’s from that 90s comedy – Kingpin (a funny film for anybody who’s never seen it)

    Football legend Big Ron Atkinson always sported a solid looking combover.
    He must have used a ton of hair lacquer on the thing because it never seemed to look disheveled in any weather conditions.

  6. Do they really think it fools anyone?

    Ooh look at him , full head of hair like a mature Tony Curtis!

    It’s embarrassing.

    I went bald in my mid 40s,
    I genuinely didn’t know
    My mate on the night shift Little Al said

    ” When you gonna shave your head?
    That bald spot looks like a fucking barmcake”

    I was shocked 😮

    And once I’d stopped crying and they’d talked me down off the roof I shaved my nut.
    Full yul Brynner.

    And now I love it!!
    Easy maintenance.
    Practical and extreme Far Right in appearance.

    Although occasionally people wish me well thinking I’m undergoing chemo.

    • I use clippers without the guard.

      Surprisingly I’ve yet to be chucked in jail for looking somewhat “Southport” by 2tK’s jackbooted Stasi.

      Rule Brittania.

    • With my shaven bonce, skinny frame and gorgeous moustache, I look like a scrawny, pussy version of maniac prison-enthusiast Charles Bronson.

    • I started going bald when I was about 24, just receding. That carried on for about 7 years, and still no bald spot, then it stopped for about 7 years, but full on Dracula.

      When I was around 36 it started again and I thought I’d shave it to the bone, blood everywhere lol.

      I liked it, and never bothered with anything else again.

      Women seem to like the ‘just out of prison, Nazi Low Rider mentalist” look too, although a decent flat cap is required in Winter.

      It does depend on your head shape, and face, whether you can rock it like me or resemble a shaved egg 🙂

      I do admit though, if I could wave a magic wand, I’d like it back to its former glory, but I guess I’ll just have to make do with devastatingly attractive instead of drop dead gorgeous.

  7. Donald’s hair is done by different people I think?
    He was talking at a conference yesterday on GB news and he had sort of a rockabilly quiff going on,
    Like he was in the Stray Cats.

    But the week before it was more a bouffant, like a beehive hairdo.

    Must be a nightmare being his barber?
    Where do you start?

    Stuff at the front is from the back,
    Like untangling Christmas lights or doing a Rubik’s cube,
    Maybe they use a candyfloss machine?

    • The Donald’s hair is one of history’s greatest puzzles on the surface.

      He’s claimed to have a “great hairline” in the past but I’ve never been convinced.

      Bit too wispy for me.

      Think it’s more style over substance.

      As a balding gentleman, I can spot these things.

    • I can kind of understand a fake tan, but why when you have a palace in Florida, and why orange?

      Does he really think it looks cool? Fair play to him if he does, doubt he’ll give a shit what I think.

      • Do you lads reckon he’s still fulfilling his husbandly duties towards whatsherface, the dooshka?

        I’d never get any work done, poor thing would be like a telegraph pole at 9am and a frightened tortoise by 5pm.

      • Malaria.
        Malaria Trump Termy.

        She’s pretty fit 💪

        I’d drain my spuds in her!

        She always looks a bit dazed?

        Like she’s recovering from having her drink spiked?

        Or coming round after someone has held a handkerchief of chloroform over her face?

        Right turn on!

      • It’d take ages to get her kit off though, she’s always turned out nice, makes and effort, reckon she knows I’ll be watching her on the telly.

        No, I’d have to insist she was ready to go at all times around the house. Naked, that’s the answer, apart from a bunny tail and some Jackie Kennedy elbow length gloves.

      • She definitely looks Latvian to me.

        Still,I bet she looks a right treat stark bollōck nekid on all fours,presenting herself for a “romantic gentleman”


  8. You don’t see the balaclava a lot these days. Mainly because they make one look like a halfwit, or they think you’re about to rob a bank, that’s if you can find one open of course.

  9. How does a combover start, it must take years to grow the hair long enough to drape across the head, it has to be 6 to 8 inch long.

    Maybe they use hair extensions until the natural hair is long enough.

    Never give up on your hair, nothing better than a bird running her fingers through it when giving her a plating, I can’t imagine it would feel the same on a billiard ball.

    • I knew a fella who was going bald and it really bothered him, I thought it better not to ask him why. Maybe he thought it put doubts in people’s minds about his masculinity. He grew a beard to make up for it.
      One thing that puzzles me is that even in this day and age, they don’t seem able to make wigs that you can’t spot a mile off. Why should it be so difficult?

      • You’ve got to spend a great deal of money Allan.
        One of my clients wears a very expensive wig that meshes well with his remaining real hair and you’d never ever be able to tell.
        He rather unwisely admitted it when pissed up!

      • Its alright if you’re a balding actor. You can get to keep the perfectly fitted wig by coming to some arrangement.

      • SOI,

        The second one?

        First one went to shit. This one appears more resilient, shame what’s underneath is a fat, thick mess.

    • A friend of mine’s father in the forties used to use margarine on his head and appeared to send his scalp permanently yellow. He also would go to the cinema with his wife, but would get restless and sit next to single women, trying to touch them up. One night by accident, he happened to return to his wife and started touching her up and got a slap in the face. That’s the only problem with the dark.

      • Fun fact Sammy.

        Margarine used to be blue. really. Butter manufacturers insisted on it, to distinguish it from the real thing

        I NEVER eat it. It is literally poisonous. Part of the manufacturing process involves mixing in diesel, I shit you not.

        Tastes like shit as well.

  10. Sir Starmer has a fine head of hair, Kemi has a weave and even Ed Davey is not short of hair. IDS and Willy Hauge both suffered from the prejudice against baldies, that and being shit.

    If you want to be PM you’ve either got to be Winston Churchill or have a full head of hair.

  11. Wonder if Charlie Brown realised he was terminally ill?

    Anyway, some lads go bald when very young.
    Lad at our school did ,
    About 13 he was losing his hair 😥

    This was the early 80s and the rest of us were fully indulging in starter mullets as rocked by Glenn Hoddle and Melanie Gibson.

    This poor cunt was doomed to be the only Bruce Willis.

    Still, better than being a sooty!

    They have hair that’s only good for rubbing down car bodywork

    • All my mates had Specials style skinheads and later on there were Morrissey style quiffs. It got a bit daft in the ‘Madchester’ era. Those Mad Monk and chip pan Inspiral Carpets haircuts were a bit daft. Happy to say I never had one of them.

  12. Sir Robert Charlton.
    What a player, but that combover did him no favours.

    A few footballers had them back then.#
    Ralph Coates had a proper combover.That cunt helped us get relegated in 1974.

  13. Once I stopped to watch a home auction. The house was on the east side of a north south road. The bidders were to the west. There was a gusting northerly breeze. The auctioneer stood on the front lawn tall and brash in his suit, and his tweedy assistant, short unkempt in am ill fitting suit, juggling his clipboard and other accoutrements, both facing west.

    He had a combover, from the left to right, heavily brylcreamed.

    Just as the bidding started the seal cracked and the breeze got under the combover. It rose and fell like an aerodynamic object while he by turn tried to keep track of the bids, juggle his other chattels and swatting at his combover to no avail, all punctuated by ripples of titters from the crowd.

    They still managed to get through to the winning bid and the applause was much louder than usual, in recognition of the remarkable show!

    Morning all

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