The Immigration Tribunal

I am incensed by the report that the Immigration Tribunal allowed a convicted Albanian criminal to remain in the UK on the grounds that it would be “unduly harsh” on his 10 year old son who does not like the chicken nuggets served over there. This was enough for the Tribunal to allow his appeal on the right to a family life provisions of the Human Rights Act.

The scum in question, Klevis Disha, 39, came to the UK illegally in February 2001 as a 15-year-old unaccompanied child. He used a false name and falsely claimed to have been born in Yugoslavia. He married another Albanian illegal immigrant here in the UK, had a family, including chicken nugget boy, and was then given UK citizenship. He then went on to rob £250,000 and was jailed for it.

The chicken nugget refusal is being appealed. No doubt it will be upheld by the Immigration appeals tribunal and the family permitted to remain, thereby further enhancing our brightly coloured, glorious multicultural society.

No need to worry. Diversity is our strength.

Standard. (Link by Night Admin. The original GB News link didn’t work – NA)

Nominated by : MMCM

38 thoughts on “The Immigration Tribunal

  1. To be fair I’m guessing Albanian chicken nuggets are pretty bad?

    I’d go as far as to say most Albanian foods pretty gross!

    Wonder what the turkey twizzlers are like?

  2. Shock horror judge sides with foreign scum.
    It is amazing that human rights only apply to criminals?

    I’m stockpiling piano wire for when the mass hangings start.
    £10 a metre.

  3. Simple solution send them all back to Albania via an RAF Hercules(no parachute required). Thieving scrotes.No addition to us.

    • RAF don’t have any hercules.
      Oddly, I seen a yank one yesterday, looked it up on flightradar, it appeared to have done a 4 hour flight from Portugal to Benbecula airport to do a few circles, not land and bugger off.

  4. Years ago we had a contractor, Russian and former military, he told me with great conviction and knowledge that every family in Albania has some connections to the drug trade.

    I have no idea why any Albanian is allowed into the country, our secret service must know the country is completely corrupt, Germany kicked them all out,I would love to know how many Albanians in the UK who actually earn an honest living, answer fucking none.

    It’s not just this cunt being allowed to stay there are several cases recently who have been given the green light by lefty judges, we are becoming the joke of the world.

    There should be a ‘fuck off’ clause inserted into these stupid reasons not to be deported, in fact it doesn’t need any other wording, here illegally or a foreign cunt who has broken the law, just fuck off.

  5. Perhaps Admin will consider a ‘Most Ludicrous Immigration Tribunal Decision’ award at the end of the year.
    Mind you, this chicken nugget fiasco will take some beating but I am pretty sure that we will have something even dafter during the rest of the year.

  6. I’ve only ever met one Albanian
    And he was a copper bottom , 9carat cunt.

    I wouldn’t care if his kids had to eat their siblings or if they disliked any poultry based food ,

    I’d have him and his fat fuckin kid flogged and then deported.

    What the fuck is Albania anyway?
    The people are a hybrid of russian, pikey and carpet kisser.

    • My first reaction was that you might have left out ‘inbred’ there at the end, but on reflection at least 2 of the other 3 descriptors you used have inherent fairly high odds of same locked-in anyways.

    • Albanians are 100% undiluted vermin. Human filth.

      Romanians are not much better. The Scum de la Scum.

      And who isn’t sick of hearing loud ‘Dooshka Dooshka’ crap any time they go into their town centre?

      • Didn’t that wanker keith vaz pull some stunt in the mid 90s when he went to an airport and proudly said that the expected hoards from Romania weren’t coming and it was a far right trick. Except for his bum boy I suppose.

    • We should have blanket ban on international travel from a lot of countries, including Albania.

      Permanent, no ifs or buts, fack off, not tonight mate, no trainers.

  7. The cunts who allow the scum in, should have them living within spitting distance to them. I know it wouldn’t happen, but it feels nice saying it.

    • There really needs to be a purge of the enemy within Sammy, an outright cull, but like you say, it’s not gonna happen, it’s too late.

  8. In the interests of balance and good old fashioned British fair play,I’d like to see the Asylum Tribunal judges etc forced at gunpoint to kick the Albanian cunts to death.

    Then burn the judges,lawyers and every cunt involved in rubber stamping yet another traitorous fiasco houses to the ground,seize all their assets and deport them and their extended families to Albania.

    Let those filthy cunts look after them forever,if they ever turned up back in Britain their lives should be forfeit.

    I hear by appoint myself Prosecutor General for all current and historic “asylum applications “.

    Harsh but fair and likely a bumpy ride for any collaborators.

    Bloody Good Show.

  9. They cunts obviously have a competition running, who can make up the most outrageous excuse to keep a fucking murderous scumbag in the country.

  10. Seeing as how we own the falkland islands and south georgia, why don’t we send each and every illegal imo and any other immos who has a criminal record there. As diversity is so great, it will surely only be a matter of months before it is an idyllic paradise with a booming economy.

  11. So we’ve got a lying, illegal criminal who’s son doesn’t like foreign chicken nuggets, a bloke who shaves, has wrinkles and receding hair claiming to be a child ( a common on occurance apparently) and a woman who joined an terrorist group that’s illegal in her own country to avoid deportation.

    Thats just this sodding week!
    Just how much more of this shit do we have to put up with?

    How many more have to be stabbed, bombed and raped before someone says ” no more”.

    That’s before we even consider the Nigerian twat with advanced liver failure who I cunted recently, who got awarded £££’s of compo and is now applying to remain on health grounds, and who knows how many others of that ilk.

  12. Nothing is going to change until we hat someone in charge with a fucking brain and some common sense trust me ten years time we will all be going to mosque and carpet kissing so we don’t get decapicated and some mad fucking muller will be running the country

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