is a cunt.
What crisis, the latest is the breaking news that councils are on the wrong side of the law housing children in B&B longer than the legal limit.
The solution(s)
1 put them on the street
2 find a nice house in the private rented sector
3 magically find social housing
4 evict any foreign cunt in favour of a British family
Not to worry because there will be compo for all the families suffering with a roof over their heads and plenty of lawyers to make sure they get it.
Why is there a crisis, too many people on benefits, too many immigrants, there cannot be a shortage of actual houses because we had over a million legal entries in the the UK last years so unless they are all on the streets in tents they must be living somewhere.
Nominated by sick of it.
Not to worry, the government can always print more money to deal with the crisis.
Quantitive easing is always good for the value of the £, right?
₿ all the way.
I rather think they`re more into `quantitative sleazing`, Thomas.
Never fear Sir Kweer-Smear is going to save us from this catastrophe by building 10,000,000 homes a day for the next four years. Before you scoff, my fellow cunters, it was Scrubber Angie herself who announced the policy. They will be able to afford it out of the pension money they save by killing everyone’s Nan.
Good morning, everyone
Indeed, 20.
I believe there will also be some extra real estate in That London soon following Ginger Knickers` statement on Joyce Grenfell`s Tower.
2TK is a 🐓
‘Crisis? What crisis? Every migrant is being housed’.
Sir Keir Stasi, yesterday.
Morning all.
Morning RK/all.
All migrants are welcome…to be housed in El Salvador’s literal hell on earth prison, “CECOT”.
Or, if that’s a bit too warm, they could be cool in Russia’s “Polar Wolf” prison.
Put them in Grenfell Tower prior to deportation.
Obviously it is not good for any person to be sleeping rough, both for them and society.
In a civil society Gov should provide housing to those in real need, but it should be viewed as a temporary solution. It should be clean and liveable, but not of such a standard that it removes the occupant’s motivation to find a better solution.
Tenancies should be allocated on a priority basis. Certain conditions should apply. Certain circumstances should be disqualifying reasons for granting a tenancy.
First thing: Getting pregnant is of NO relevance to an application. I personally know women who have deliberately got pregnant in order to obtain a tenancy.l, then neglected the child to the point where Social Services, Policd, etc are constantly involved, further draining the public purse.
Country of origin. British first, and I don’t mean the Abdul come lately types with a British passport. In England, the English first, in Scotland the Jocks, etc.
Higher priority given to certain groups; net tax contributors and ex-service personnel.
Must gain minimum 24 hrs a week employment within 6 months of tenancy commencement or eviction proceedings begin. Government housing exempt from gyppo nonsense eviction laws.
Yobbish behaviour, criminality, drug abuse, benefit fraud, etc – evicted and banned from Gov housing for 10 years.
All of this starts with removing ALL illegals immediately, plus offspring. And evicting scum already in social housing with zero intention of doing anything useful.
Shelter is one of the four things a soldier is taught to obtain immediately in a survival situation. Failure to do so will, at the least, be very uncorfortable, possibly lethal. Until people tealise that life us,a survival situation, that they are responsible for their own wellbeing and until they face the full consequences of their own failures, we will always have literally millions of bone idle, druggy, scummy or illegal muppets leeching from those with a modicum of self respect.
I bet the remains of greeburn tower are already full of sub letters, that’s why the fuckers want to keep the ruined remains, 5 floors are still habitable. Never knew I would become such a heartless cynical bastard, oh well sign of the times I’ll wager
Bring back the work house for the feckless..
Deport every Muslim, starting with labour mps first.
Deport every black cunt, starting with gary Lineker.
Problem solved.
Gets my vote president Zuckercunt
And shoot Saddick to make an example of and for them them.
It is so wet and muddy in LOndon I suggest part of the crisis could be solved by building mud huts on the sites of all the closed down W H Smith, Argos and supermarket stores.
Barry for Nr 10.
Are you any relation to dear old Enoch ?
Zucky for PM….👍
I’d vote for the Zucky Party…!
It’s amazing how the bleeding obvious is unable to permeate the skulls of the inane, liberal left wokerati. They seem unable to comprehend big numbers.
This country does not have a housing crisis, it has an immigration crisis. Solve the latter and the former will solve itself.
= symptoms & causes, why aye.
The illegals should live like they did in their own country, in over populated pigsties, then there would still be room for us. The advantage, the pigs will get fatter and we will benefit from having larger bacon & egg breakfasts.
It’s the same in every country that welcomes feral foreign trash.
Politics and politicians are the cause of all our problems.
Arse kissing,raghead loving cowards every last one of the pathetic cunts.
When you make it more and more difficult to own or even rent a home don’t be surprised when the electorate who face such troubling issues turn their backs on democracy,turn their backs on “the social contract” and wonder what the fuck is the point of any of it?
There’s a storm brewing,it should be jolly exciting to watch it fall on the vermin of Westminster.
Fuck them all.
Good morning.
Morning Tez, all.
I have watched a few vids recently on poo tube, just some bloke wandering around with a camcorder in Paris, Rome, London, Birmingham etc.
It is fckn outrageous! We have literally been invaded by a parasitic horde that is killing the host and will in short order totally replace it.
I can hardly believe my eyes, and I can see no outcome other than massive, prolonged violence
I keep hearing about ‘the new Hitler’ blah, blah, blah. I wish he’d hurry up.
Marxist leftist Wankers UT ☹️
Ideology over all, the curse of the wokist lefties and pretend conservatives well put UT
‘Crisis summit’ yesterday, stagflation on the way and no sign yet of Mucky Ange’s 1.5 million glorified rabbit hutches.
Labour’s brilliant plan is to stimulate economic growth by applying the highest rates of tax since WW2 and the highest energy costs in the developed world. Bound to be a winner!
Back to managing the tea trolley for the Complaints Team, eh Rachel?
Rumours that Rachel from Accounts may be eyeing up Cash ISAs now she has scared off all the non-doms
I honestly believe, if they serve a full term. Liebour will run out of things to tax.
And the people of this country will have no money to give them anyway.
I was hoping to retire this coming Christmas, 9 years before I’m due my state pension.
I have now put that on hold, all because of these incompetent cunts running the country.
She couldn’t run a village bring and buy sale
Fucking NHS arse bandit Wes has stated the obvious, seems that it’s something new, a revelation – Stop recruiting from overseas and train up Brits, well that’s sorted.
Why can’t the cunts just cap visas, ok there may be unintended consequences but It has to be done, as for the illegals ‘kick them out’ Trump style.
Draw a fucking line and then see what is needed in housing.
It fucking annoys me when you see shit like the subject of the nom, how can you have a legal time limit for something that depends on availability, maybe Angie can find a magic house tree.
Nice to see Jug Ears hosting a posh Italian dinner for celebs, maybe he should have invited a few freezing pensioners instead.
That little creep Beckham and his ugly wife were there, he no doubt pleading to the King to givvus a knighthood, mate.
Maybe Charlie could give them one of those little horsey-type knight pieces from a chess board instead?
Check mate.
That tattooed twat is desperate to be knighted. Saw him on the telly fawning over the royal mistress.
I felt fucking sick …🤮
I suppose if I were a Labour voter I’d find it pretty difficult to own up to what a thoroughly stupid cunt I was.
“There’s a housing shortage, but we need to flood the country with lovely cuddly immigrants!”
“We love gays! But we must make it an imprisonable offence to criticise a fascist religion who’s adherents like nothing more than spending a pleasant Sunday morning chucking fags off tall buildings!”
“Protect our women from toxic masculinity! Except those who live in the North of England, they’re more than worth sacrificing to the sexual predation of our delightful cultural enrichers!”
Yes, I think if I was as monumental a hypocrite and cunt as that, I’d probably have to double down and stick to my guns. The alternative scenario of contemplating what I’d been advocating would probably force me to have to end it all, as I came to terms with the kind of fantastic stupidity and evil I’d actively supported.
Walk into your local pub and let’s say there are 30 people in.
Stand up and shout at the top of your voice ‘Right, hands up the 6 of you who voted Labour?’
There’s more chance of Sponger keeping an election promise than anyone putting their hand up. All the Labour voters I know are keeping their heads down, thoroughly ashamed.
The only Labour voters I know who will still profess their enthusiasm for the party are:
– the mentally retarded and / or senile who are completely out of touch with what’s going on out there and are just intoxicated with ideology viz. my 82 year old cunt mother who de facto blames the Tories / Trump for everything, without recourse to facts or reason
– the champagne socialists who live in hermetically sealed utopias, cut off from the reality of life for the other 99% of the population; I have clients of this stripe – multimillionaires who can afford to say cuddly things about immos and consider themselves to be “doing their bit” for the environment by washing out their caviar tins and putting them in the recycling before they fire up the Ferrari to drive to the airport and jump on the private jet for a fossil fuel incinerating week in Verbier
But Labour needn’t fear – they’ll soon be giving citizenship to all illegals, and dispensing with medical age tests so grandpa Abdul can pass himself off as a ten year old. That and of course enfranchising teenagers who can’t spell their own names, no doubt offering them free data top-ups if they vote Labour. Rest assured, there’ll be plenty of voters waiting in the wings to keep the fuckers in power.
I met a elderly guy who put is arm round my shoulders and said it was the FIRST time he had ever voted Liebore.
Liebour are a bunch of fucktards
Uncontrolled immigration causing a housing shortage. Build housing estates on what was previously farmland, causing floods which they then blame on climate change.
More and more houses but no infrastructure to match means empty water reservoirs, again blamed on climate change, and sewage flushed into rivers which is blamed on Brexit.
More cars on broken roads, causing traffic congestion and pollution, which is then criticised as contributing to climate change.
They are total fuckwits, or think we are.
Put the illegals in tower-blocks, suspended in midair miles above the earth out of harms way.
You don’t hear of sending them to the moon these days. Could be a danger of there never being a full moon again, with all the lunatics up there.
Let’s hope they house illegals here and have forgotten to remove all the gunpowder…🔥
Major 800 newbuild Huddersfield housing project on hold
It was a monumentally stupid promise by the Ginger Growler that Liebore would build 300,000 houses a year for 5 years. Average at the moent is maybe 200,000. It’s not been done since the early 1970s (go here download the spreadsheet and look at table 3a if you can be arsed) and there’s no incentive for builders to do it.
Why would you work 50% harder and reduce the unit cost of your product, when you can maintain a scarcity and charge a premium*? Less work, same profit.
(*Cheap unit, costs 50 to make, sell for 100; sell 20, profit 50×20 = 1000; expensive unit costs 70 to make, sell for 250, sell 10; profit 180×10 = 1800)
Housing crisis!
The whole fucking country is in crisis, NHS… transport… knife crime… shoplifting… schools…prices…nut zero…invasion…Yadda Yadda 🗣️
I have a lovely home.
With a indoor khazi.
Just thought you should know.
Middle class wanker
Pooing on the carpet doesn’t count Mis 😄
If we rename our hotels Genocide Five Stars. It might put them off travelling.
Many years ago almost all social housing belonged to the local authority. The criterion for getting a council house was to show that one was a decent, responsible citizen who would take care of the house and not antagonise the neighbours or dump old cookers and matresses etc, in the front garden. Then there was a change in the rules. Housing was allocated according to need rather than being deserved. The rot set in. Then Tony Blair came along and finished the job. Hordes of foreign wasters were shipped in and by definition they were most needy. The flood continues to this day. Respectable council estates which previous working class folks aspired to move into became ghettoes and hell-holes.
Yesterday a man who represented private landlords was interviewed on TV and said that the practical result of new rules brought in by central government for improvements in housing stock would be that rents would rise. Next interview immediately afterwards was with Ed Miliband. In response to the previous speaker he opened with; “He would say that wouldn’t he?” A sentence befitting of a late famous prostitute and a man who doesn’t understand how a market works.
On the subject of wasters, I used to believe that the story of young girls getting pregnant in order to get a house was an urban myth. Then for a short time I worked with a young black man who was known by everyone in the company to be going around impregnating young white women for this very purpose. He was enjoying himself and the girls were getting what they wanted. This was in the mid-nineties so apart from this iniquitous working of the system at the time one can imagine that the young men born as a result would never know who their father was and are probably now heavily represented in the group that earn a living by threatening or actually using a machete.
Vote Reform.
Nigel receives my vote 🏴🏴🏴
Nigel will let you down. He is part of the blob albeit the least worst.
An armed uprising is more effective than a vote.
I lived in a shared house with 2 lads and a girl when I was young. Just housemates, not shagging her. One evening round the telly she announced that we 3 lads were to piss off early next day and not come back until evening.
She had had enough of house sharing and had found the grottiest looking soyboy who turned up next morning, grinning sheepishly from ear to ear, on a promise. Don’t think she was too bothered about genetics by look of him.
Obviously the beast with 2 backs was made in our absence. Result: 1 bastard child who was neither loved nor wanted, a free council flat, free pushchair, cot, child allowance, clothes, etc. Matey with the grin got saddled with 18 years of child maintenance and the whore in question spent the next few years popping out various colours of bastard children in order to ‘earn’ a council house.
It is not a myth.
“Nothing to see here move along, move along”. Thanks to Sir Stasi and Ginger Knickers.Push those idiots off a high rise tower block.
Is it just me or is the modding getting a bit hyper sensitive?
Several times recently now.
I dont understand why, on a site called ‘Is a cunt’ the word båstå4d is a problem.
Bastards, plural?
Words shouldn’t ever be a problem anyways. It’s negative feelings communicated are the ‘problem’ in cases.
Jammy bastard, lucky cunt, funny fucker .. all used positively there.
I use a certain 6 letter word word beginning with ‘n’ several times a day, when ANY fucking thing goes arseways. Man-work, power tool stuff most often. But that’s OK, ‘cos I don’t use it to describe or mean a dark-skinned person.
It’s my handy substitute for all-out cunt! Can even be a honky, if they’re enough OF a cunt.
Language can be nuanced. 😄
I used it in its correct sense, not a curse word.
If it’s not that then I have no idea why I’m modded.
Maybe I’m speshul?
Bastard has lost its vim and vigour as a swear word.
It used to carry a lot of shame with it.
You didn’t know your father.
Your mam and dad weren’t married.
Nowadays everyones a bastard.
No big deal.
But in my granddad’s day someone would go bananas if called a Bastard.
Not like they could go get their dad’s though the illegitimate fuckers.
Maybe your replies are being rerouted for special scrutiny through GCHQ ….
I can verify your point there Mis. A former boss of mine had a minor RTA in the sixties. A copper who was nearby arrived on the scene within seconds. the driver of the other car approached my ex-boss and opened with; “You stupid bastard….” My boss punched him in the mouth. The guy’s lawyer threatened to sue my boss for assault. My boss’s lawyer wrote back threatening to sue for slander calling the copper as a witness. The penalty for common assault would not have been nearly as severe as calling someone a bastard. The guy backed off sharpish.
.My grandad never knew his real father Arfur.
He was a guardsman and was 6ft 4in in the 1940s when being that tall was pretty unusual.
Woebetide anyone who called him a Bastard.
He was touchy about his parentage.
Probably teased about it as a kid?
My dad never knew his real father either Mis, a U.S GI is all we know. Only found out when he was about forty but they were different times then.
Certainly was.
It explains your love of bubblegum and why you get overexcited though LL.😁
Oh no doubt Mis, explains my man crush on The Donald too!
AWESOME!!!!! 👍👍 👍👍
Labour have a solution for the housing crisis. Small wooden houses for pensioners who can’t keep warm this winter..
But don’t worry a final bit of heat in the crematorium..
But let’s hope its gas imported from abroad to keep the eco mentalist, bacon sandwich eating mong beaker happy.
You can’t hate this government enough..
Who in their right mind would put an illiterate, fat tongued, foul mouthed, sexually incontinent slag in the position of Deputy Prime Minister and Housing Minister?
But then you look at Lammy and it all beggars belief!
Good grief I fucking despair, I really do.
Same as me 🙁
There’s no place to house the kiddies?
Labour has a solution:
Sell the little buggers off for scientific experimentation.
Now you have more housing for the immigrants and more money to spend on their benefits.
In a related story…
It seems I have to take back what I said yesterday about Trump deporting the Markles no matter how much USAID money they may or may not have recieved:
“He’s got enough problems with his wife. She’s terrible.”
Gotta love the man for telling it like it is.
At any rate, if he’s not deported back to Britain, he won’t add to the housing crisis.
Just watched Trump signing the executive order to ban men competing in women’s sports General. A beautiful moment. The thought of that spineless AI generated lump of weasel shit Starmer doing anything remotely similar is inconceivable.
Hey LL,
I watched it live and I’ve got to tell you it was very moving.
What went under the radar is that Trump also ordered the US State Dept to ban any Trans athlete who plans to compete in sports from entering the US.
Since then Governor Gaslight Gavin Newsome of California has announced the state will not comply with Trump’s directive and it will still allow Trannies to play women’s sports.
However, Trump holds a big hand with Federal money given to colleges and universities.
More battles to come as the war rages on.
But finally! We are fighting!
I just read that executive order from the White House release. Had to read it from the source,
‘cos msm without fail used the words(which the E.O. doesn’t at all) ‘transgender woman’ (to wit : a man) …
The general bullshit? .. a Trump attack on transgender women(a roundabout way to say mentally unbalanced MEN, that is, repetition for emphasis there!)
So just like these transgender women(men), .. the msm will keep on competing against common sense despite the fact that any entity with a microgramme of common sense can see its just – and I don’t use the word lightly – retarded.
Will the dems vocally run on a policy to rescind this in future, or ‘starmer’ it & say nothing ABOUT plans thus, and just enact them at first opportunity? Time will tell, I suppose.
Hey Cuntem,
There is a seismic shift in America today. Woke and all its perverse offshoots are being cast aside like Tories at a General Election.*
You don’t see Dylan Mulvaney at this new Bud Light Ad called “Party at the Sac”:**
Some people think Bud Lite is trying too hard with this ad but I applaud their effort.
*A non Septic metaphor you foreigners can relate to.
**Sac is short for a Cul de sac street which is a common feature in American subdivisions.
Still a fucking dude up for a ‘best actress’ Oscar, as I type. A level headed reviewer wrote of sames performance as sub-par, even in a supporting part (which this transgender woman(MAN)) WAS, moreover than being the lead female….in a shoddy fucking mess of a film up for a total of 14 Oscars all told. I guess it doesn’t have to be ‘good’, as long as its trans … but WAIT!, .. as of circa a few days ago some historical tweets have surfaced BY this transgender actress(man, actor). … and it has answered a question for me.
Y’see … Islam got called out by the dude a few years back. For its infiltration of Spain, specifically, .. also some Burka/women’s rights observations. And earlier again, a tweet that didn’t prostrate itself over $50M compensation generator and all-round useless criminal asshole george floyd!
… forcing the msm/Hollywood clique to show its woke-score pyramid some little bit. And it’s Mysoginistic criminal savages (I’m paraphrasing) above alphabetti, as all talk of this Karl(a!) dude now winning has exited stage lefty. Even ‘for your consideration’ promo material having been pulled for featuring herm too prominently, all of a sudden.
Nonsense, squared.
Not following the daily shit pumped out by the MSM I had to look this up.
So this cunt claiming to be a bird slags off Islam, has to claim they’re not racist (cos of course the left wing MSM love the short hand for any critic of this filthy cult as being a “racist”), deeply apologises to those they’ve caused suffering to cos knows how it is to suffer, but fuck you fellow victim group I’m holding out for the fame money and glory.
What it must be to count yourself among this bunch of Marxist mentalists, all the time having to avert your attention from all of the blatant contradictions and hypocrisies and flat out physical unrealities that are coalesced in the soup of your insane ideology.
Time for an update to the OED:
Cunt n. A leftist individual
’twas all new to me today, as well, Dave. Dunno what thread I started pulling but that’s where it ended up. Except for one thing I asked google before posting the above (one likes ro be thorough in one’s postings, despite what the/my ridiculous number of typos to date would suggest).
“Does karla blah blah whatsisname have a penis 2025”?
No fucking comment sez google.
Cunt n. A leftist individual who works at Google
LL – Starmer probably dreams of playing in a womans football team, wearing frilly knickers and a tampon. His idea of heaven
Starmer probably needs a tampon in his ringpiece.
At the risk of sounding like I played the system a little, I may have.
I am a white Scottish single male, I had a private rented house which I was barely in til about 4 years ago, was always away from home with work.
Landlord decided to sell house and I went along with it to a point but could have been a lot more legal about the process of having me move out which I would have been happy to do. But as it turned out on paper I was illegally evicted, which worked out well in my favour through housing tribunals eventually.
Put my stuff into storage and lived in hotels for a few years as work had a very generous allowance for that.
At start of Summer 24 I stopped working and went off on a wander, camping and drinking. Come mid October the Scottish island I was on, the few shops ran out of camping gas so it was proving difficult to cook, So I got in touch with local council. The next day, I was in hotel with meals paid by them for a week then after that week, was in temporary house with bills paid.
Til mid December when my status as not intentionally homeless got me a nice 2 bedroom house with local housing association with very cheap rent.
It both played into my plan to settle on Western isles and somehow got me a housing association house as a single white male very fast. Baffling!
The stars aligned CotI
Well done mate, restores my faith a little.
I’ve already pointed out how the housing crisis can be solved, in no time at all.
Also, why are illegal migrants being housed in hotels, when places like Butlins exist?
Nice chalet, suits you Sir!
Holiday caravan parks, they have all the amenities, too.
Shipping containers are good as well JP
Indeed, they have however, become somewhat trendy, as have canal barges.
Crispin and Clarrisa would be only too pleased if you’d like to take photos of the interior of their “shipping container” bijou home.
But not the exterior, as Bermondsey Docklands is not pretty.
Be fuckin cold on the canal this time of year.
Fuck that.
I’m happy in my gypsy painted shepherds hut thank you very much
Fucking “re-education” camps is where I’d put them..☠️
The answer to all these problems is to encourage cognitive dissonance among the masses. More effective than series of strictly cunt prancing or celebs eating wombat bollocks in the bush. The ability to believe that two obviously opposed situations are both true is a prerequisite for a trouble free life today. Crock of shite but anything to preserve a smidgen of mental health.
Seems this labour twat dare say what shouldn’t be said, pensioners beware…☠️
BBC News – Health Minister Andrew Gwynne sacked over messages
Why has Fred Gwynne been sacked? Surely he was just announcing official Labour Party policy.
Oh well, back to playing Herman Munster then Fred.
“Andrew Gwynne should not remain a member of the Labour Party – they need to act.”
I couldn’t agree more. Having apparently made sexist comments about Rayner and racist comments about Abbot they need to get him promoted to Reform, I’d fucking vote for him.
Andrew Gwynne is Labour through and through.
He joked that a elderly woman who complained about bin collections hopefully died
His contempt for pensioners is what Labour is all about surely?
He should go round personally and cut her heating off.
He’s MP for Gorton and Denton ,
Places I know well.
Gortons a fuckin shit hole.
There’s a shop there sells second hand furniture.
I regularly throw better on the tip.
He’s not done anything to better the lot of his constituents.
You’re quite right MNC, a proper Labour man – morally bankrupt cunt, no principles whatsoever. It’s sometimes hard to distinguish these fuckers from people one might like, because their total lack of any principles occasionally causes them to accidentally express an appealing view.
Think Nigel Farage said something awhile back about not taking in Labour or conservatives who jump ship?
A shrewd move.
Rats fleeing a sinking ship.
If you’re building a new political movement why accept damaged goods?
Evening Balsamic Dave👍
Evening MNC – trust all is well mate.
As for Nigel, I am friends with someone who is due to become rather senior in the behind the scenes activities of Reform. Sorry, can’t say that without sounding like a wanker, but there it is. Says Nigel is a top geezer but the candidates are a problem – everyone’s written something online at some point that’ll fuck em.
I pointed out that the views they’ve expressed in the past will probably win votes these days. Maybe I should run for prime minister 😂
He is, however, extremely sorry for any offence he has caused, and ashamed and embarrassed – for getting caught, no doubt;. I seem to remember that little faggot Streeting once writing somewhere that he wanted to push a female journalist under a train. It was only his limp wrists that stopped him from doing it….. and he would have disturbed his makeup. Nothing worse than having to touch yourself up on a railway platform – he would have looked like Celia Johnson in Brief Encounter.
I guess we’ve all – 100% – have posted something online which we wish we could delete or at least change.
I have one myself, from only yesterday.
At 6:32 pm I described one george floyd as an “all-round useless criminal asshole”.
I’m deeply ashamed in retrospect.
Omitted both fine descriptors ‘dead’ and ‘cunt’ from same.
The shame. 😔
Although Gwynnes shown the knives are out for Dirty Angie.
She’s MP for Ashton ( up the road from Denton) so he’s probably had plenty of run ins with her.
Angie is certainly living well on her new salary!
She’s firing the timber on,
Cunt must use a hayrake instead of a fork?
Has anyone heard lammies plan to give reparations to the Caribbean for slavery? 18 trillion pounds, no I’m not making this up either. Fucking chippy cunt! Next Africa I’d say 200 trillion, why not Asia another 200 trillion. Fuck it let’s ruin the UK more than they already have. Never mind foreign aid, and taking all the world’s filth.
That’s fine, the books can be balanced by the Barbary States of Western Africa which enslaved more than a million white Europeans; shall we say twenty million a head? I’d say that’s being typically civilised of us, less than half a Floyd. So, let me see, a million times twenty million. That’s…20 trillion. So these cunts owe us 2 trillion. Fuck it Big Lam, let’s go for it, establish the reparations bill, we pay our dues they pay theirs, settle our moral debts and save the economy all in one fell blow – let’s smash those rumours about your brain death, you’ll be feted a genius!
A chance would be a fine fucking thing. I nearly fell of my perch when I read the news this morning. Funny how no one says anything about how the tribes in Africa sold slaves to Europeans, when they took them as war trophies. This is cunttitude of the highest order.Lets keep up with all the black history month bull shit, and brain washing kids to hate our country. Remember no work, no jobs, no income= no money to give. You know it makes sense, do your civic duty and do fuck all, god knows the folks coming ain’t.
Those planks are determined to bankrupt us.I despair 🤦
Exactly CC, it doesn’t get mentioned because it is an inconvenient truth that fks up their narrative that all was well until the Spanish, Dutch, Portuguese explorers / traders / armies came along. Next they’ll be claiming all the bl@k tribes pre-European arrival were peaceful, geranium growing, vegetarian, close harmony jazz singers who sat around a camp fire of an evening sharing Cornettos & Uncle M’tebe’s Mint Balls with neighbouring tribes whilst singing “Ghana on my mind” (later pinched by a honkey and renamed “Georgia on my mind” and for which 500 yrs worth of royalties will be due alongside reparations).
The reality is we all know that pre-Euro arrival the bl@k tribes were constantly at war with each other and would likely have just slit the throats of their captured enemies but saw the opportunities to profit from their captives by sparing their lives and selling them on to whitey. These descendants of slaves should therefore be on their knees thanking us whities for effectively saving their ancestors lives thereby giving them the gift of life in a civilised world. All at no cost to them as well I might add.
I couldn’t have said it better DD 👍
I hope when the time comes, and Lammy goes off to that great banjo band in the sky, the undertakers (Campbell Mandelson Limited – cremations with taste and decorum and Ali playing the bagpipes), when starting their last offices remove the head so that we can preserve a shrunken head as a gruesome reminder of the sort of shit that got elected to Labour in the 21st century. If they want a matching pair they could do the same with Dawn Butler. They will roll away with That Old Black Magic playing on a slightly stretched cassette tape.
Exactly 💯