The never ending reporting of black mould and how it is every ‘rogue’ landlord that is causing it.
Forgive me, but why is black mould only prevalent in rented homes? If it isn’t and it’s prevalent in all homes, why is it not reported appearing in homeowner accommodation? Either, because it doesn’t or if it does then it’s dealt with effectively by a responsible homeowner.
My take on the reason it appear in rented only homes, it because feckless tenants don’t give a fuck as it’s not their home, so they sit in all day doing fuck all, with the heating on, tumble dryer on, no windows open or any ventilation. When I see these reports it always seems to be in ‘cramped’ conditions and non working tenants who don’t understand no ventilation is the general cause. A lot of these tenants are also from hotter climes, so haven’t got a clue about our cooler climate.
…but apparently it’s all caused by rogue landlords….eh??
Nominated by : Chuff Chugger
“The black mould crisis”
You really shouldn’t talk about your melanin enhanced fellow citizens that way.
Their horrid rap lyrics, spewed into the air could also be compared to mould spores, arfur.
Its there for all to see, she brought it with her.
Mouldy Old Dough, haven’t heard that in ages.
Funny how it’s always “cramped conditions” isn’t it?
Nowt to do with the property being rented to a couple, who then move the in-laws, grandparents, cousins etc. in without the landlords knowledge.
It’s my believe that they deliberately create conditions to encourage mould, fungus growing in the bathroom and such in the hope that they will be moved into larger council owned properties.
I’ve seen some right shit holes that soap, a scrubbing brush and bleach would improve immeasurably.
I bet Mis has to wade through a tray of sheepdip before going indoors some days.
tut tut, Jeezum. I’m sure Mis’s house is just fine!
No it’s a right shit hole.😂
One of those ones where you have to wipe your feet before you head outside .. ?
Actually, there is exactly one piece of twee hanging in Cuntemall Manor that I *think* is supposed to be a joke, but the line is very blurred at times.
‘Welcome to our home. You can touch the dust but please don’t write in it.’
It plagues useless cunts and particularly foreign cunts who sense a nice payday from some numb clipboard warrior and/or migrant loving lawyers.
Mould covered compo culture,just another angle for foreign looters to try another sob story to cover for their own stupidity and inate laziness.
Isn’t it odd that all new laws inacted following some half baked “tragedy” of bullshit are named after niğnōgs and paķis?
How odd.
Try this one on for size Terry.
The London ULEZ zone was in response to one (yes one) illegal immigrant living in a council flat on a busy road parking it because of pollution.
The 20 MPH speed limit rolled out across Londonistan and now other infested cities was because on one (yes one) illegal immigrants too stupid to look both ways before crossing a one way street cut through in the elephant and castle.
I am not making this stuff up by the way.
Nice little money spinner for that khunt Khan.
Don’t forget the helping hand of arch liberal and green lunatic Boris Johnson , Allfather
Speaking as an ex ” rogue landlord”.
I can confirm Tennants are in my personal experience…
Nothing but fucking trouble. I sold up and would never advise anyone to rent out property..
Me too.
Funny how the black mould crisis started the same time as the country filled up with feckless, lazy, entitled twats..
I thought black mould crisis was lammys name on grindr.
Black mould is Gods way of telling someone he wishes they were dead.
A punishment on the feckless and the benefits reliant.
The Mammy umbongo from Uganda and her 5 kids arrived here ,
Get the free house and a social worker puts £200 on her electric card meter for her,
So she has the place like a fuckin sauna.
Result – Black mould , respiratory problems, and sometimes a dead kid.
Then the cunts crying!
My little majambo, he was only 5,
The landlord killed him.
You killed him you fuckin idiot.
His career as a draught excluder unfulfilled…
Sinead rents privately in Brighton with her black child, either Sinead is on benefits and housing allowance or she is on the game.
It all started off ok but then the mould arrived, Sinead allowed it to grow to either get a better place or get the landlord to do a full on TV makeover.
Sinead’s bastard child is now costing the nhs a fortune because Sinead has deliberately exposed the cunt to black mould
Black mould is either from damp or poor ventilation, damp can sorted poor ventilation requires the occupants to take some responsibility.
I dare say a few of those Dooshka types will eat this wall fungus.
The same cunts that are tols by Tescos that daffodils aren’t food. Fucking gyppo half breeds.
Black mould thrives when many darkıes breathe in an enclosed space.
Funnily enough, it seems to disappear on the odd occasion that the tenants actually get a job.
Get some bleach and a stiff scrubbing brush and some 💪then open 🪟 and stop cooking in the giant 🍲 for a dozen people 24/7 👍….bon appetit 😘
We get mould problems. I deal with them. A mould&midew spray is about a quid and bleach cheaper.
I have no time for feckless ragarses whining and harming themselves and their kids (the 3rd world scum in Rochdale killed their kid) through idle stupidity.
The pictures that regularly feature in what these days passes for the press show mould so extensive that it’s obviously been growing for years and the lazy benefits parasites have not once attempted to nip it in the bud. They’re on benefits because, amongst other things, they are allergic to bleach, scrubbing brushes and especially halal elbow grease.
We had a bit of a damp problem in our kitchen – not like in these sort of pictures , I hasten to add. Our place is a Victorian mid terrace and we put the damp down to the fact that we do a lot of cooking. The other half installed an extractor fan hood over the cooker and we have two dehumidifiers in the house which we run on the very lowest setting . It makes barely any difference to the bills and has sorted the problem out nicely.
I suppose this makes me sound like a bit of a smart arse with pots of money, but this kit came to about £500. The choice was eventual structural damage to the house and nasty mould etc growing everywhere, so we took it upon ourselves to sort it out, not sit moaning on our (not fat) arses waiting for someone else to stump up and sort it out.
And that’s the way to do it!
She’s probably got a fine collection of Wild Mushrooms growing there.
If she wasn’t so clueless she could be harvesting porcini, chanterelles, ceps, morels and trompettes off the walls and selling them through Fine & Wild for a fortune.
Instead of which she sells black sausage sandwiches.
Open a fucking window, you thick tart.
Some peoples tolerance for living in conditions a pig would baulk at never fails to surprise me.
I’m on a safe traders list and do councils and charities as customers,
Elderly people, disabled people, people with learning difficulties or mental health issues.
I’ve been properties with mould issues.
But I remember one that stands out amongst them all.
It was a rented flat,
And the woman worked from home,
Apparently quite a well paid job?!
Shed been shitting and spewing in carrier bags that were all piled up in the corner of the room.
The smell hit you before going through the door.
I have a bottle of Vicks® in the van and we (me, my labourer, social worker) smeared a handful under our noses and put on masks.
It didn’t touch it.
My labourer ran straight outside and started honking up in a grid😂
The woman had bare feet with toenails like talons and all the dirt , grime, litter on the floor stuck to the soles of her feet.
It took over a week of disinfecting the back of the van before the smell stopped.
My clothes went in the wash again and again.
Awful , just awful.
My labourer said if I booked any more like that he’d quit.
A delicate blossom he was.
I bet you didn’t ask for a cup of tea!
One toenail or two?
Did you ask to use the toilet and she gave you a jam jar and a Tesco bag?
I was gutted LL.😩
Didn’t eat dinner.
Didn’t feel like any tea.
Got paid well enough but think I’d charge another £300 now simply for all the time disinfecting &mopping out the van.
But didn’t want to seem like a piss taker at the time.
But betting none of the other removals firms would of touched it.
No Mis.
They’d have probably torched it, though.
Now, that’s what I meant about wading through sheepdip before going through the Country Cream gates.
If an eccentric billionaire offered you an amount of money to go down on the lady’s undoubtedly beyond filthy and repulsive clunge for his own amusement, how many £’s would you do it for, MNC?
It’d have to be upwards of a tenner Thomas.
Fucking TurdPress!
I tried to point out what a bunch of fucking racists you all were and that white mold is a problem too.
I made the point that DEI in the States is dead and that no mold gets preferential treatment.
I included a link to a site about white Mold.
The entire post vanished into thin air.
Apparently, TurdPress works for 2TK and censored my remarks.
To be clear, TurdPress thought I was linking to a White Supremacist Mold Site and that is Verboten by Herr Starmer.
Nearly as annoying as this,asthma%20and%20air%20pollution%20exposure.
What the hell were the parents thinking ? Did they have no other option than to live in a shithole next to traffic fumes?
Particularly when the kid had pre-existing asthma. If it was my child I’d forgo the privilege of living in our glorious Capital (which even if I wanted to would be way above my budget) and move to some cheap rural hovel and be prepared to travel to work.
Why weren’t hundreds of other kids in the vicinity dropping like flies.
I’m all heart aren’t I.