Steve Coogan (8)


This lefty liberal Savile impersonating cunt is at it again. Very into saving the planet because of global warming, but does like his expensive flashy cars which presumably all run on fairy dust rather than evil petrol.

Well, he has quite the track record for driving at excessive speeds. The Rozzers keep catching the cunt and he ends up in court to face the music. This time he was clocked doing 97 MPH on the M6. It’s been a while since I stepped foot in Englandistan, but if memory serves the M6 is a motorway and the speed limit is a mere 70 MPH. Naughty naughty.

Now most folks driving that much over the speed limit could reasonably expect a hefty sanction and a ban. But not our luvvie Steve. Oh no. He’s special you see because he’s on the telly. That’s right cunters, he argued that another 6 points on his license added to the 6 already there would mean a ban and that would interfere with his filming schedule. It gets worse. Here’s a direct quote:

“These projects would be severely impacted, not only affecting my own livelihood but also the many individuals dependent on these productions for work,”

According to Celebrity Net Worth, Coogan is worth around £19 million. The bare faced cheek to claim being banned from driving for a period would affect his livelihood is simply jaw dropping. To then also claim other people in the production(s) would also be impacted by his ban is laughable. Coogan isn’t exactly a captain of industry where a driving ban would force the closure of his business empire and throw all his employees out onto the street.

The man has no shame, no accountability and seeks to use his fame and public profile to get his own way. Naturally the judge fell for it and awarded one-trick-pony Coogan a mere 5 points thus avoiding the triggering of an automatic ban. He also awarded Coogan a fine of £2,500. Presumably Coogan will launch an appeal to have that overturned on the basis that it too will affect his livelihood.

Coogan really is a despicable, duplicitous, self-serving, arrogant cunt.

Sky news

Nominated by Imitation Yank.

Seconded by : Norman

An old ISAC favourite back for another cunting. Steve Coogan.

Steve Coogan has been banned for driving for two months instead of six, after telling the judge that a lengthier ban would impact the filming of his series The Trip. The luvvie twat and peaching Labour cunt was caught going at 97mph, well over the 70mph speed limit, while travelling in a Range Rover on the M6 last year.

In a letter to Birmingham Magistrates’ Court (God forbid he’d actually turn up), Coogan urged the court not to disqualify him as he already had six points on his licence and was required to drive as part of filming a forthcoming series of the The Trip alongside fellow cunt Rob Brydon.

Basically, this is Coogan – supposed socialist and ‘ordinary bloke’ (Ha fucking Ha) – doing what so many despicable celebrities do. The ‘Don’t you know who I am?’ routine and expecting special treatment.

We all knew that Coogan was a gargantuan cunt before this. But this proves beyond doubt how big a cunt he is. If that was any of us, we’d get the full ban and be told that ‘it’s the law’. I fucking hate celebrities and what they get away with.

BBC link:

BBC News.

61 thoughts on “Steve Coogan (8)

  1. Yet another entitled cunt who thinks rules are for little people and his “good works” should excuse him any punishment – Anthony Blair manque, in fact .

  2. A-haa,what a cunt.I think he should be encouraged to drive even faster,eventually he’ll run out of driving talent like he did comedy talent.

  3. If the cunt’s livelihood is dependant on his ability to drive then he should keep within the law and not risk his license.

    The judge in his case is a cunt too.
    It’s his job to apply the law.

    If people are able to appeal against harsh decisions then why is there nothing in place where the general public can appeal against soft decisions being handed out?

    Why should the average guy get an automatic lengthy ban along with a fine and have to attend speed awareness classes when some wanker off the telly gets off lightly?

  4. He is undeniably a brave man.
    He slept with filthy skank Courtney Love, so presumably his tinkle has rotted off.
    He can still speak, so obviously never tasted her Mariana trench-deep pit, which has undoubtedly been ran through by most of the world’s rock stars.

    • I suspect that Steve tubbing Courtney Love was him believing that he had shagged an American musical superstar. But instead of putting his dinkle next to Jennifer Lopez, Mariah Carey or Christina Aguilera, he puts it in the crabs riddled smack filled groupie that is Courtney Love. About his mark though, really. Third rate shagging third rate,

  5. Another blatant example of two tier justice.

    Goes without saying that Coogan is a prominent Labour supporter.

    And as a champagne socialist worth £19million he could well afford to hire a chauffeur if necessary.


    • Why did the chauffeur option occur to the judge ; it is the obvious course of action. Indeed , it may have been of benefit to Coogan’s reputation as how many more people now think that he is a snivelling little shit.

    • Coogan is a cunt though Sammy. Thinks he’s God’s gift. Expects all attractive women to fall over themselves for him. And he hates it when they don’t. He also ignores well wishers and fans. He can be a cunt at airports. And that’s not even mentioning his woke hypocrisy and Starmerite ‘beliefs’. Coogan is a comedian with one successfull character, and he thinks he is a serious and good actor. How many stints at the Royal Exchange has he done? Has he done any truly great films? Errr… None and none.

      Albert Finney, now there was a proper Manc, not a cunt and a real actor. Watched Charlie Bubbles yesterday, great film Albert also turned down a Blair knighthood. RIP.

      Billie Whitelaw was well fit in Charlie Bubbles and all.

      • Saturday Night and Sunday Morning. Another classic.

        The bit when that fat old gossip gets shot in her arse.

        And Shirley Ann Field at her most smouldering.

      • “All I want is a good time!! All the rest, is propaganda !! “
        Fucking great film that is Norm. In my younger early 90s rave and soul nighter period, the above quote from SN & SM is what I lived my life by. Had quite an impression on me when my dad said “watch this, it’s beltin’”

      • You’re absolutely right Norman, on acting ability, that he can only make us laugh on occasions. The authorities should have dealt with him more severely. Albert acted him into a cocked hat.

        I met Billie Whitelaw in Hampstead and praised her for the performances in Samuel Beckett. On leaving, she blew me a kiss.

  6. Nothing to add specifically – artful & SCB have the bigger angles covered….but on that whole “Do you know who I am?” line … Viz ran a “weakest ever DYKWIA?” search back in the 90’s.

    Their winner was a man in his late teens being refused entry to a 21+ nightclub, and throwing the line at the bouncers.

    He was called Something(I forget) Briggs, son of Johnny Briggs who played Mike Baldwin in Coronation Street.

    ‘Do you know who I am?” .. (It didn’t get him in).

    Also: I bet Coogan is making the BBC ergo the license payers (ergo some of you folks) pay his fine, courts costs etc. … being as it’s all part of keeping their show ‘on the road’.

    A shameless cunt.

    • I worked at a petrol station when I was a kid. A woman came in and was being an entitled twat, asked if I knew who she was.

      You’re the woman I’m refusing to serve, knew I knew you from somewhere.

      • U2’s Adam Clayton in 1988. Openly smoking weed with his toadies in a beer garden car park.The disgruntled landlord calls the cozzers, and the Garda turned up. Clayton asked the Garda officer, ‘Don’t you know who I am?’

        Anyone else at that time in Eire would have got jail time, As drugs laws were very strict back then. But, of course, he got away with it. So, that’s three members of U2 who are cunts (alonside Bonio and the so-called ‘Edge’). Only the drummer seems not to be a cunt.

  7. What is it with these cunts and their love of the Labour Party?

    That other twat Hugh Grant is another.

    Doesn’t even make any sense.

    • That’s because they haven’t got any sense.

      Morning Herman, morning all.

      I’m off to cook the Sunday lunch on our gas cooker before Psycho Ed Miligoon bans it.

    • When I think of Grant, I am always reminded of the two old boys in the gentlemen’s club with their friend Bunny “is he a quare?. He looks like a quare, speaks like a quare, dresses like a quare, so I will put him down as a probable quare.

    • Hugh Grant is still where he deserves to be.
      Doing crappy bit parts in shit Brigitte Jones films. He can play only one part, the stuttering posh buffoon. And he does that badly.

      As for his ‘love’ of the Labour Party? He is yet another well of cunt playing at socialism, See Joe Strummer, Vanessa Redgrave and other cunts.

  8. This is in no way support for Coogan, who is a massive cunt who knows the speed limits, but 6 points off your license for speeding?

    For fuck’s sake!
    It’s a fucking motorway.

    The 70mph speed limit was introduced in 1965, 60 fucking year’s ago.
    That was at a time when it was almost lethal to drive at 70mph.

    All cars are much safer now.
    And accidents on motorways are rare as everyone is going in the same direction.

    It’s punative that someone who gets caught over the speed limit twice will lose their license.

    What a cunt of a place the UK is.

    • Judge is as big a cunt.

      Should have thrown the book at the cunt.

      Like the footballist cunt Pullis who got let off a few back cos he claimed he ‘made people happy’ or some shit… and needed his car to do so. Wanker.

    • Half the roads in shithole backwards dump Ireland were reduced by 25%, from 80 to 60 kmph, two days ago. To be followed by most if not all other speeds later this year. definitely including 100 down to 80.

      I had a 40 mile round trip Fri morning mostly on the now-60 roads … the car was at the top of fourth, but not needing fifth. Fifth, of course being the most ‘economical’ therefore the least pollutants per kilometre.

      So half the cars in the country will be making more pollution than they previously were. Now – I don’t give a fuck about that angle – but the hypocritical cunts never shut up about it, when it suits them.

      • It’s lefty logic as opposed to real logic. There should be no speed limits, imagine how much fun everyone would have.

      • I read somewhere that there are roads in Australia where there are no speed limits.

        Apparently it’s to keep people awake and alert on long, boring drives.

        It makes sense.

        Motorways here are very quiet out of the European holiday season, especially pay motorways.
        The Spanish are tight cunts.

        Sitting in your car with the cruise control set at the legal 120kph is fucking boring.
        You can ‘drive’ for hours and not see another car.

        If I start feeling tired I will pull into a service station and have a kip.
        It was important that my car was big and comfortable enough to allow this.

        The only times that you will see increased traffic is on the approach to big cities.

        There are few accidents.
        The ones that you do see are where cars or trucks have driven completely off the motorway with no other vehicles involved.

        Drivers falling asleep.

        There are stretches of motorway where the speed limit will be reduced, typically down to 100 or perhaps even 80 if you are approaching a dangerous stretch.

        It was on an 80kph stretch where one of my workers got caught by a speed camera.
        He was still cruising at 120 and didn’t see the signs.

        For being 50% over the speed limit he lost 2 points from the 14 on his licence.

        That seems fair to me.

    • A speed limit put in place Artful, by a woman who famously couldn’t drive despite having the best instructors and unlimited time and funds for training. She gave up trying eventually when she crashed a car while being accompanied by a highly qualified police instructor. She also had an extra junction installed on the M40 conveniently close to her home.

  9. Any ‘actor’ that takes a role playing Saville is clearly an uber cunt.

    Coogan is frequently ‘up there’ in terms of cuntishness. I have a list of luvvies…

    Pegg, Brydon, Moyles, Vine, Elba, Norton, Fry, Attenborough, McGuiness…….

    • Phoebe Waller Cunt, Olivia ‘Arkle’ Colman, David Tennant, Michael Sheen, Carey Mulligan, Anna Friel, Ncunti Gayblack, Daniel Craig, Martin Freeman, Benderdick Cuntberdinck.

      They are the luvvies I love to hate. Cunts one and all.

  10. The Coogan cunt was in that recent Joker film, The one with all the singing. He was like a shit stain on an otherwise imaginative sequel. Lots of people thought the whole film was cack, but I think they were merely reacting to Coogan’s rancid cameo appearance. What a massive cunt.

    Good morning, everyone.

  11. The judiciary does seem to be politicised these days, not all but some of recent cases have had questionable outcomes.

    I watched Brian and Maggie with this cunt, not impressed, then C4 ran the actual final interview with Walden and Thatcher. The two episode dramatisation was completely pointless.

  12. Few years back here in the wilds of Lincolnshire there lived a cunt who was nicked in total three times for drink driving. He was never banned? What the fuck was my response at the time. Never found out his name or what he did. My eldest daughter thought he may be the keeper of the Lincolnshire unicorn herd that are employed by the solar farms and windmill keepers to keep the grass down.

    • Simple, really. Cunt knew someone who knew someone, BB …. an absolute (mouthy) cunt worked in the same place I did 25 years ago was spotted hitting a breathalyser roadblock with 4 or 5 pints on him one Friday evening, after end of week after-work pints which mouth always overdid and still drove home. But the cunts wife was a civilian bookkeeper at the cop shop, … and nothing ever came of her husband being bagged, the cunts all around, there …

  13. Didnt his brother brendan once land his dream job on top gear many years ago then banned for drink driving and lost the job, thick cunt. Bless sibling rivalry, jonathan ross and paul ross etc and possibly loads more. Luvvie cunts only in it for the money and to be a bit edgy.

    • Steve’s brother, Martin Coogan was the singer in piss poor Madchester act, The Mock Turtles.

      Riding on the back of the Roses/Momdays/Inspirals bandwagon, they briefly scraped the bottom end of the charts, with cliched songs like ‘Can You Dig It’.

      I bet Steve Coogan’s relatives are worse than even he is.
      I can hear it now. ‘I’m Steve Coogan’s brother. So, let me in for free.’

      I’ve heard they are a whole family of cunts.

    • Partridge is Coogan, and Coogan is Partridge.
      A cunt playing a cunt.

      And, of course, Coogan has woke-fied Partridge.
      Making him the archetypal white Brexit voting, sexist, racist, Dally Mail reading cunt.

      The cunt is ripping the piss out of white straight men. So fuck him.

  14. Alan Parsons has always been a bit of a smug cunt. A bit posh. I liked him better with a beard. I suppose he had to shave it off to play the saint like philanthropist, Jimmy Savile. Parsons should have left the acting alone though and stuck to the groovy sounds. “The Turn of a Friendly Card” was one of his. Brilliant.

  15. Was thinking over this in the interim. IF the cunt bbc wanted in even the tiniest way to try, at least, to do one little something positive for the British citizenry… and publicly not back this cunt play Coogan undertook to circumvent the law using their name.

    Or maybe the judge moreso. Give Coogan his ban, then make a point of it on this The Trip programme. Passenger seat all the way for him, with a weekly reminder of why, via a dig or digs by his lanky-skulled co-‘star’.

  16. Coogan thinks he is being an ‘edgy’ and ‘serious’ actor by playing Jimmy Savile,
    Truth is, nobody else would touch it. Coogan does a decent Saville impression, so he was basically just putting on the voice and wearing the blonde wig and the tracksuit. No real acting involved. He is not a proper actor, and he certainly is not a movie star. No matter how much he thinks he is.

    Other comedy stars have dabbled in serious roles. Michael Palin was superb in GBH. But him (and the other Pythons) don’t see themelves as top drawer actors. But Coogan has ideas well above his station, and he revels in the luvvie lifestyle and all the arse kissing. He’s a comedian and an impersonator. He should be happy with that. But, of course, the pretentious cunt isn’t.

  17. Erm, I did 96mph on the A1 back in 2000, got nicked and 3 points. Wasn’t a constant 98mpg apparently! First offence. Never did it again though.

    I like to think he’s more of cunt for taking furlough for his gardeners (?) during Convid. I didn’t take Furlough, lived off savings and I have nowhere near 19 million quid.

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