Tits-Out Creasey is a cunt, isn’t she?
Always has to be the centre of attention no matter how much of a twat it makes her look. Getting her tits out in the Chamber of the House of Commons to feed the infant strapped to her knockers every day, now the daft tart, in a BBC interview promoting ever more immigration invokes a toy bear (Paddington) in her arguments to allow ever more “asylum seekers” into our already overcrowded island.
She makes herself sound even more of a cunt by suggesting that the toy bear is real (perhaps a human “furry”?) and imagines we all love Mo Farah. Well, I fucking don’t.
What an arsehole!
Nominated by W C Boggs.
Yet another nobody whose brain is unencumbered with a single good idea.
Howay pet, tits oot for the lads.
Is Sid the Sexist still awaiting his first shag ?
Viz has been shit and woke for years. However, I do remember a very early issue where Sid was trying to chat up a woman in the pub. Eventually she got fed up and said to Sid that she was a lesbian – Sid said he didn’t mind and was happy to do her up the arse!
I still chuckle about this compliment of Sid’s:
“Ye doont sweat much fer a fat lass”
( • )( • )
I’d love Stella to wrap her tits round this wankers nostrils – it would probably kill him – at least make him wet his silk undies:
I suspect his Mummy is still breastfeeding him, WC. He looks more like he’s wearing Pampers than silk undies.
It’s hilarious that the playground taunts by the Labour infants a few years back are coming back to haunt them.
It gets better …
I’m gutted Sam.
That’s going to leave a huge gap in my Wank Bank.
That’s one woman less to sit on Kweer’s face 🙁
It’s a woman?
A walking argument in favour of eugenics.
She just wants a line of potbelly little black kids to keep her tits warm, whilst knitting them something warm to wear, until its her turn to babble on about saving them to grow up to become knife wielding thugs in this already overpopulated island of the unwanted.
It’s their way of feeling wanted, only the tides are turning tit lady and everyone is fed up with it.
That Labrador bothering Blairite prick Blunkett is a cunt too.
Revised immigration rules wouldn’t threaten statelessness if in a sane country they were sent back to the Third World shitholes they crawled out from.
Shitholes, yes, but still nation states.
A perfect example of why some question the validity of the universal vote. In theory democracy is fine but at times it is a form of self harming.
Enter Stella stage left……..
We don’t live in a democracy, but if we did voting should be restricted to net contributors to the economy.
“All aboard the Gravy Train!”
“Next stop Shitholistan,formerly known as Great Britain”.
Greasy Tits Creasy should practice what she preaches,sell up and move to Syria to dispense her wealth and values to those in “most need”..
the cunt would be dead within 24 hours.
Oven for Vermin.
Good morning.
What amazes me is that someone was willing to impregnate her, and he managed to come.
She is the sort of woman that is very easy dislike, it won’t be long before one her beloved immigrants stabs a few people in Walthamstow, the place is full of them.
108,000 asylum claims in 2024…. Computer says No, bent fucking judges say Yes.
All cunts.
So our whole immigration policy is based on Paddington bear..
Personally I would rather share my country with grizzly and polar bears, than pavement apes and inbred peacefuls.
But then stella artois has form in thinking women can have penises.. which must of come as a shock to her husband.
The way she’s going, her tits are going to be as flat as pancakes.
another liberal liebour waffle mouthpiece…if I was her hubby I’d have a DNA test regarding the bear seeing as she thinks it’s real 👀… Sensation as paddington denies overdoing the 🍯pot 😘
This is the standard of people we have running the show, it’s astonishing.
Attention seeking, thick as fuck, entitled, gobby.
We are truly doomed.
I read that out of context.
Thought you’d fallen out with admin.
Obviously, I hold Admin in the very highest regard, where would I be without this forum on which to vent my spleen?
Lol, cheeky!
Nah, Broadmoor is out mate, got banned after the last ‘incident’.
‘Working with one of her neighbours’?
That wouldn’t be working to fast track his citizenship would it?
Yes it was, Syrian.
Asylum seekers should be provided with everything that they want. All of the lying, grifting parasites should be permanently locked in cheaply built unfurnished asylums and left to rot, half- starved, in damp and festering dumps next to which Broadmoor would look like an upscale tropical resort. “You came for asylum, you’ve got it so belt up or fuck off back”.
Bedlam is nice this time of year I hear.
I do find it interesting that loads of people are coming up with all sorts of suggestions to ‘improve’ our immigration system. It’s the wrong question in the first place.
Our immigration policy should be NO!
We are an Island, we have limited capacity, and we reached it years ago. It is costing us billions a year and we get NOTHING in return, except increased employment opportunities for trauma surgeons and prison officers.
I don’t care how deprived you are. Look at my face, that’s me, not giving a shit. And mass deportations wouldn’t hurt either.
Mass deportations would be a nationwide tonic. Sell tickets to watch and jeer at the departures then fix the roads with the proceeds.
I imagine a clifftop in the middle of the night. A bit of light rain, some snarling alsations, shouting guards, search lights, the occasional crack of a pistol. And some gnashing and wailing as they are driven off the edge
Her next day in Chambers will have the male members, who normally dress up as babies at their fetish clubs, queueing for a suck on her tits.
Maybe we can base our education policy on hogwarts, games of quidditch and friendship owls for pupils..
Stick five aggressive Somalian’s in stella’s home and she if she can calm them with marmalade sandwiches.
Look at the ‘Migrants Welcome’ reception parties.
It’s nearly exclusively stupid white women.
I genuinely believe that on a subconscious level there is a sexual element to their glee at the arrival of millions of young, oversexed swarthy types.
If it were millions of single, young, attractive Phillipino and Thai females pitching up, would they be so keen?
I trow not.
I’m minded of that video of a bloke with a clipboard asking people at an ” Immigrants Welcome” rally if they’d like to sign up to offer accommodation to an immigrant.
It was priceless, and also very telling.
Here is one of Stella’s friends showing his enterprise having been in the country for all of two days:
Lady Cuntemall just proffered me her phone screen and said she thought it was the kind of story my IsAC chums are interested in.
I’ll bet!.
“Convicted knife-wielding Polish drug dealer overturns bid to deport him on human rights grounds because he says he can’t speak Polish.”
Another charmer ; a multiple repeat offender, with a few years stir at YOUR* expense already under his belt at 22. And that’s only the shit he’s actually been caught for, don’t forget.
*(most cunters, I surmise, are British gentlemen).
I’m not British, I’m English.
English too!
British counts for fuck all and allows for broad inclusiveness
I certainly don’t want people mistaking me for a sheep-shagger, a bog-trotter or a wife-beating alcoholic.
Why ever not?
Diversity is our strength, after all!
😁 Joking, Termy.
Just to check my calibration, that’s Welsch Paddy Scotch…in that order?
Thanks termujin
All fault lies with religion, which is a facade for evil. The most blatant is Islam and that stupid book of ridiculous rules, I insultingly call the Karen.
It should be printed on novelty rolls of toilet paper. 💩
For some of us, our ‘million quid idea’ doesn’t hit ’til too world weary to run with it & make the big moolah. 😕
Dragons Den perhaps?
We don’t want any more slimy inbred shitbags and we want all the shit that you lot let in to fuck off back to where they came from and all the fucking mps and lawyer’s can fucking join the we are sick of child fucking perverts,nutters that kill people because an invisible man has promised them a load of virgin pussie all this medieval shit has to go we
Here’s another liebor female useless cunt, ” they’ve cut my budget”
Fuck off you gormless ugly twat…!
BBC News – International Development minister quits over aid cuts
That’ll make SUCH a difference.
Sorry, what was your name again?
AnalEase Dodds has resigned over the reduction in overseas aid spending.
Oh dear
How sad
Never mind
Diane Abbott was pissed off too tweeting that Starmer was a ’25 carrot gold cunt’.
He could tell Diane that her budget had increased from 4 billion to 3 billion and she would be pleased.
Excellent start to the weekend!
Now if the rest of the cabinet would please quit, that would be great
Deluded tart.Full traitors Gibbet.
This fucking Creasy tart thinks she is the first ever woman to give birth, the rate at which she goes on. What silly cunt decided to put his dick up her and fire the tadpoles, heaven only knows.
This bint was at school in Colchester with my wife back in the 90s. My wife had an enterprising homework assistance scheme that gave support to those not so bright. The Creasy bitch got wind of my wife’s scheme and dobbed her in to the headteacher. Apparently a DM wearing, stoodent grant type, always on some social justice campaign.
She has not progressed since those schooldays. A saggy old cunt now with saggy drippy milky boobs. My wife has aged infinitely better! I bet Creasy is a right bundle of fun at home – I suspect the husband is a compliant, feeble-bodied, neckbeard-wearing cuckold.
Or a woman with a turkey baster?
You have to wonder at the “men’ who are married to these socialist harridans.
Analfleas Dodds is a mother on two.
I wouldn’t back scuttle that on my drunkest night with a dick I found in the street. Even if she paid me.
Smella BumCreasy 🤮🤮
See what happens when you vote these wankers into office Utter madness she wants locking up in a rubber room and throw the key away 👍👍