will deliver ‘racial justice’, says deputy mayor.
Now, I am all for rivers being cleaned up but this has puzzled me. ‘Racial justice’ ??
I haven’t been to that London for some years. There weren’t ethnics queuing up to jump off Tower Bridge then. Has something changed? Is it white supremacists shitting in the rivers to oppress the poor coloured folk?
”95 per cent of black adults and 80 per cent of black children do not swim – regardless of whether they know how to or not.”
Que? How can you fucking swim if you dont know how to?
Why is it that these fucking morons crow bar racism into everyfuckingthing? Do public baths bar ethnics in that London? Do school swimming lessons bar the fuckers or does the weight of their knives sink them.
This shite is from somefucker called Mete Coban. People voted for him.
Nominated by Cuntstable Cuntbubble.
The rivers will be more polluted if oily, smelly peacefuls like goblin khan start jumping in them…
Just tell them it’s traditional to jump in rivers with welly boots on..
I thought Pàkis melted if they even spied water.
I wouldn’t be able to swim either if there had been crocodiles in Widnes baths when I was growing up, the thick cunt. As for the Ganges, given the amount of untreated sewage in the water it’s no fucking wonder.
As usual the leftys get it wrong again. It’s got nothing to do with racism.
Shitholians don’t swim because (a) there are no rivers in the desert and (b) the rivers in Africa are filled with crocodiles.
(c) They swim like house bricks.
And excrement, dead cows and chemical waste.
That’s only only in India Termy
And Pirhanas.
I applaud this scheme wholeheartedly.
The more bleks and pakīs are encouraged to go for a “wild” swim the better..
so they can become entangled in old prams,shopping trolleys,car tyres and chiggun carcasses and meet a moist yet satisfactorily grisly end.
A wonderful idea by the disgusting foreign dung that are running Londonistan into the ground.
Keep at it you cunts.
Why doesn’t this tortoise crawl under a rock and die.
It would be much more entertaining, Sammy, if a massive eagle swooped down, carried him off and dropped him from 500ft onto the said rock.
At least we could say he went out with a bang!
Ah well, one can dream.
I would pay good money to see that and wouldn’t be able to stop laughing for days.
Yes Jeezum, I can already see it in the little cunts eyes.
The clean up could tested on a daily basis, start with Khan put him on the end of a large pole and dip him into the river, submerge him for a good half hour and then do a check on the water he swallowed.
Continue on subsequent days with P’s and Soots until there is finally zero pollution, should get there in 50 years or hopefully more.
Then it will be safe for non whites to swim, racial justice in action 👍
Swimmable rivers? Yeah right.
In Germany, they’ve had to put up signs in certain languages. Asking the migrant scum not to shit in the swimming pools and showers.
As we all know, Suckdiq Khan revels in the human filth infestation.
So, turds in the Thames will be plentiful soon enough.
Those dirty fuckers will shit in the rivers, they will shit in the canals, they will shit on everything.
Already one less turd in the Thames.
Unfortunately the Met police had to fish it out to prevent it causing further pollution.
I the UK we have phone boxes for them to shit in
Looks like the Mile End Road.
How wonderful that they have converted old phone boxes for the pavement apes to use as thunderboxes.
Alas, not just swimming pools and showers, Norman. To quote Sadie Khazi: “We shall shit in France, we shall shit on the seas and oceans, we shall shit with growing confidence and growing strength in the air, we shall shit all over your island, whatever the cost (to others) may be. We shall shit on the beaches, we shall shit on the landing grounds, we shall shit in the fields and in the streets, we shall shit in the hills; we shall never use toilets”.
Let me get this right….
People – and especially kids – are stabbed in London with alaraming and almost dailyregularity. And the captial is now unrecognisable, due to gangs (mainly black naturally). London is now one of the most unsafe and crime riddled cities in Europe.
And this Suckdiq’s priority is cleaning the river for his precious pet ethnics? Fucking cunt.
Somebody should tell him that they don’t go near water because they are dirty bastards by nature. There’s an ugly African bitch at our renal clinic who is absolutely ripe. Serioisly, she fucking reeks. She can clear a wating room and she has. And the ambulance driver has a can of deodorant, as he sprays his ambulance when she has stunk it out. Of course, the staff are gutless cunts, as they don’t say anything and never refuse to go near her. If the smelly piece of crap can’t (or won’t wash), they should simply refuse to treat her and let her fucking die. There are people in their 80s who go there, yet they are always clean and are no trouble. Also, the job is hard enough, but a joke’s a joke. Still, it’s their fault if they are spineless and they indulge these dirty black cunts.
@ norm…. diversity is our smell 😩…I don’t wanna wash,wash my body no more 🎶
The thing is an utter cunt Norman.
I remember reading a while ago now, when Unkle Vlad was rattling the ‘Nookleeaar’ sabres, old goblin features made a statement ‘assuring’ Londoners that they were ‘very well placed’ to withstand a nuclear attack.
What a fucking prick.
Trumps providing free swimming lessons for selected citizens at a spot just above Niagara Falls,
Listen Khan you cunt, the rivers are so polluted because the sewer system can’t cope with the population growth. A hundred and sixty years ago when they were built the engineers had no idea they would be catering to millions of foreign parasites.
As coach for Brixton under 12s community swim club I have to say Mayor khans right.
They start off in the shallow end like little tadpoles but soon as they venture further out….
I started out with 30 youth and I’m left with. 2.
And one of them is in a coma with lungs full of water.
Now you may say it’s down to bone density?
Or that sooties skin is highly absorbent?
Or they’re all feckless?
But let’s face facts…
Rivers are racist.
All water is.
Nelson Mandela had to have a life jacket in the shower
And Diana Ross panicked washing her arse.
I like that header pic.
Khan cuts a lonely figure.
On his own in his leather Fonz jacket calling ducks Far Right.
Probably took one home for that night’s curry.
Billy no mates at the duck pond,
Leather jacket like he’s a Rockabilly rebel,
Geese is the word!😂
What fucking rivers is the sad little cunt talking abaaaaht! the Fleet is now an underground sewer, as is the ‘neckinger’ and effra? what swim in the thames? not likely or is the cunt angling for rivers outside of the smoke? just remember you sad little cunt your the mayor of london nowhere fucking else ya gobshite.
yes , Sadiq should go swimming in the Thames preferably with his feet encased in concrete
Londonstabistan nee London was lost 20 odd years ago. Suck dick is just following the peaceful way ie everything is someone else’s fault but thanks for the benefits, free schools, medical care and being the only group of people in this country that can get away with sticking two fingers up to the alphabet cunts.
Racial justice, surprised that suck dick is able to utter the word justice without collapsing to the floor and writhing like an extra in an exorcist film. Does he explain what racial justice means? Surely there is more to the sound bite than an inability to swim?
No doubt that the rivers in and around Londonstabistan are fucking minging, they got better in the 1980s but have gone rapidly downhill in the last 20 years one hopes that the money spent on the massive new sewer was well spent and poor old father Thames will no longer suffer the horror of billions of gallons of raw sewage pouring in every time it rains a bit more than normal. As to the lack of “ethnic s swimming” who really gives a fuck, it’s up to them anyway,
Maybe not the Thames , that’s like the fuckin Ganges!
Full of turds and dead bodies,
But most rivers have cleaned up since I was a kid.
The Tame and the Goyt which are tributaries the start the river Mersey used to be a bit orange,
And have foam.
Not anymore.
As kids we’d swim in all three.
And the girls would be there alongside you on their horses.
Nobody got ill.
Everyone had a marvellous time.
Don’t see that much nowadays.
Working class kids in the rivers in summer.
Cunts are a waste of skin.
We used to swim in the Darent and Shuttle when we were kids.
Hot summers day, all your mates out on their Grifters and Choppers.
If we were lucky, someone would catch the milkman and buy a bottle of Corona cream soda and we would sit on the bank, in the sun passing that bottle around and enjoying every second.
Innocent fun. No sign of a Joe daki or Robertson’s anywhere.
O/T One less of the psycho freaks-
Trans woman found dead after being charged with raping young girl
Why do they not say a man that is an autogynophiliac has raped a young girl then topped himself. I refuse to use trans as the whole concept is totally bollocks also I was told never mock the afflicted or pretend to understand their illness as one should never under any circumstances reinforce their delusions, sick bastards
and here’s a link to that story BB.
Trans woman my fucking arse!
Takes more than a pink hair and to look like a woman, thanks for doing the world a favour!
Best good news story this week. Hopefully we’ll see copycat behaviour from other p**verts.
I could beat any African olympic swimmer.
No shit.
Put me in a pool with the Somali or Nigerian olympic swim team?
I’d lap them.
Probably have to rescue a couple and put them on the side of the pool coughing up water.
I was in Africa? And the Olympics,
They’d call me the Great White Shark.
I’d be like fuckin Johnny Weissmuller.
Know how they get them to swim in the Olympics?
Off camera there a bloke with a long pole and a chicken leg suspended from the end, trying to lure them.
Ever seen Eric ‘The Eel’ Moussambani?
Seriously, look him up. The video is fucking hilarious. Looks like he’s drowning
What’s this loose talk about rescuing them?
Conduct unbecoming sir.
Think on.
I’d have to at the Olympics Terry.
Show British sportsmanship.
They’d have to thank me in front of the world press,
While I beamed from the podium and kissed my gold medal.
In the dressing rooms I’d flush all they’re clothes down the shitter so they had to dejectedly had to walk to the hotel in swimming trunks and goggles.
I think Suckdick ought to go for a midnight dip in the deepest lake in London. Just as long as he is wearing a big bag of cement on each foot
Into this one single non-issue they have managed to cram racism, social justice, environmental bollocks and mental wellbeing.
I used to love swimming and there is a great Art Deco lido in Peterborough and I never saw an ethnic in the pool. The only ones you did see were hanging around the female showers or looking for unguarded bags.
Full AK-47 treatment for the smelly son of a bus driver
Maybe suck dick is attempting to reduce the number of dinghy riders by doing away with the need for dinghy’s. They can all swim instead, that would fuck the business model of the smuggling gangs. Teach all the ethnics in Londonstabistan to swim, then get a government grant to send the best swimmers to France to teach all the dune dwellers endurance swimming.
Preferably during a force 9 gale.
Who the fuck wants to swim in rivers anyway?
What normal person or family does that?
We have things called swimming baths for that. This is supposed to be Great Britain. The Thames isn’t the fucking Ganges.
But, of course, that’s what this is all about. Suckcoq Khan catering for the savages and barbarians they have infested the country with. All about what they want and what’s better for them. Enoch was spot on. Suckdiq doesn’t run London, Keir Stasi doesn’t run it, King Charles certainly doesn’t. They do.
“Who the fuck wants to swim in rivers anyway?”
Exactly my view Norman. I can’t swim anyway but the idea of swimming in a river? They are the lands natural drains. All the stuff that falls to the ground winds up there. Shit and piss from the wildlife and farm animals, nitrates in the farm run-off and anything else you can think of. No thanks. The ethnics are welcome. Hope they enjoy it and catch something virulent and terminal.
It’s become a thing since white Londoners escaping the colonisation of the capital have up sticks to the shires and brought their deviance with them. Wild Swimming they call it and it’s a load of shit, literally in some of the rivers around here.
Full of sheep and cattle piss, shit, run off from silage, waste from chicken farms, ecoli, wiels disease from the rats and gawd knows what else.. but Tarquin and Tamara just love their little swims… they won’t be told.
Plus they should have licences, the EA make anglers (well white indigenous ones) pay for their pastime on the rivers, these cunts should pay too. Wankers one and all.
I don’t know of any blik swimmers, they sink apparently.
In India they have funeral pyres (ghats) along the banks of the Ganges.
Bits of body falling in the river.
Saddiq could do that on the banks of the Thames.
Kid gets stabbed? Nip him down the riverbank, he’ll be medium rare within the hour.
Tramps can go for a warm,
They could throw a few spuds on for a hot meal.
And the fish will benefit from bits that fall in.
It’s the way forward.
He could tax them.
Clean air bill .😁
I’m surprised Boris Johnson didn’t get it underway.
Ooh. You little tease.
Hehehe 😂👍
Swimming in public rivers? It would take just one Schwarzer to take on a little too much water before the hand wringing, public enquiries and fencing off all rivers (at the taxpayer’s expense of course).
Suckdick is a fucking goat’s penis.
Anyone have Henry Kelly (Game for a Laugh and Going for Gold) in the Deadpool?
I’m suspicious of the obnoxious little cunt’s motives. Given his propensity for spunking other people’s money on renaming railway lines, firework displays and assorted woke vanity projects, could he be planning on taxing people to go for a dip?
Uswim charges to go with Ulez?
With melanin exemptions for the sake of racial justice.
I once saved a kid from drowning.
No joke.
Wed gone to Greece (rubbish) and the kids were little then.
Only just arrived, dumped our bags in the room and went down to the pool.
There’s a bar and we’re getting a drink and this kid (about 7/8)
Was under water
An I thought
He’s a good swimmer!
I couldn’t hold my breath that long….
HE’S DROWNING!! HE’S DROWNING!! I grabbed him and a bloke jumped in and helped me haul him out.
Spewing water then started skriking his eyes out (shock).
Do you know, his parents never so much as sent a drink over?
Saved their kids life
While they weren’t watching him,
To busy fuckin sunbathing.
Didn’t even buy me a pint the cunts.
Wish I’d of let him drown now 😅
That kid was Stuart Lubbock.
And you saved him then only for him to be murdered in a pool by a light entertainment pėrvėrt 25 years later in eerily similar circumstances.
Albeit with a lot more elbow-deep fisting.
You cruel bastard, MNC.
Fucking hell Thomas, I’m dying too 😂😂
Apparently black folk are poor swimmers because they are denser than white folk…!
Gollıes would be far more effective swimmers if they thought to put down their knives before entering the water.
Also, we’ve heard lots about sootıes and muzzżıes, but what about tiddly-winks?
Can those tiny-dicked dog eaters swim, as a race?
I’ve truly no idea.
Yes apparently, who knew?
bet they’re rubbish swimmers?
tiny little swimming trunks and a Venetian blind slat for goggles