Red tape

A moustachioed cunting for red tape and life risking withholding of one of potentially life saving assistance.


An air ambulance can’t fly because someone forgot to renew the licence to carry controlled drugs. I would have thought that a simple work around would have been possible given that these things tend to carry doctors who are quite capable and qualified to carry said controlled drugs, hell they are even allowed to administer them to patients, just don’t ask where they got them.

Admittedly a bit of a fail on the charity air ambulances part, I can only assume the chief was too busy waxing her upper lip but is it really so difficult to get an air ambulance signed off to carry life saving drugs?

Nominated by Cunt of the Isles.

47 thoughts on “Red tape

  1. But these things have to through the appropriate channels, when they are working from home it will take at least twice as long.
    One must not upset the applecart must one.
    I hope the cunt who forgot? Is fired.

  2. Friend of mine drives a bus for the national company in Austria. Giving the coach the once-over before taking it out one morning .. indicator bulb fail for the little one on the wing mirror. No-one to change it, he – it’s driver – was not allowed to do it himself, which he sez would have taken him 2 minutes. Bus cancelled for the first half of the day waiting for a ‘technician’ to get to it.

    Also during covid he still had to drive his route every day, even though picking up anyone (lockdown was in effect) was verboten. He sent a video once, him & his dog the only occupants on a national coach with Motorhead blaring through the speakers…

    • I’ve worked for all the main bus companies in UK and many smaller ones, spent a good decade doing agency work all over the place.

      The bigger companies, Stagecunts, First, GoAhead etc all have similar policies, they would rather have many buses off the road than let someone change a bulb or make small fixes.

      And get caught topping up an obviously cold bus with coolant and you’re sacked, too many idiots opened radiator caps in the past with their face right in front of it.

      Still, with companies like those I was happy to oblige, Get paid either way.

  3. It wasn’t a problem in the end as the pilot was working from home that week anyway..
    And the helicopter was being replaced with an electric one..

  4. Most cunts in the public sector owe their lives to red tape. Without it they would be fucking redundant and totally unequipped to survive in the world of commerce.

    Good afternoon, everyone.

  5. Red tape, rubric, marginalia, cheeseparing, pettifogging, fudge, weasel words, reliance on precedent, regulation, small print…all important weapons of the petty bureaucrat in the endless war against common sense.

  6. Rules are rules, more than my jobs worth, said Mr Jobsworth.

    It’s easy to apply when checking licences, I guess it would be different if there was an issue over the air worthiness, no one would object to Mr Jobsworth saying it can’t fly because the throssling bush is worn out.

    It’s a pity the same rules don’t apply to locking up the likes of Valocane and forcing the cunt to take his drugs, BEFORE he killed three people.

    Throssling bush is found between the widget and gadget plate 😂

    • Being a jobsworth is the most difficult job in the world.

      Twenty hrs a week, working from home. No wonder half of them are on extended sick leave due to stress.

      Afternoon all.

  7. If reason prevailed this event would have been so minor we would never have heard about it. The renewal of the licence to carry controlled drugs was forgotten. Someone responsible for the helicopter phones the relevant authority. If no change in circumstances or conditions, almost certainly the case, authorisation given over the phone immediately, documents to follow. I can buy car insurance over the phone in the length of time it takes for the phone call. But of course the insurance companies are not in the public sector.

  8. MASH 4077, the unseen episode.

    ‘Choppers’, says Radar O’Reilly.
    ‘Incoming wounded’, says Hawkeye.
    ‘Nah, their licences haven’t been renewed’, says Trapper John.
    ‘Oh well, let’s make a TikTok video of us line dancing instead’ says Hotlips Houlihan.
    ‘ Okay, as long as I can wear my best frock’, says Klinger.

    Meanwhile the wounded all die.

    The End.

  9. Not sure about bureaucracy, but a political tape worm (red) is eating up the insides of this country.

    Either that or the red tape worm wriggling out of Rayner’s ginger minge.

  10. You can’t park there.

    You’ll have to come back gone 3pm

    Have you got form C?
    You have A and B but no C?

    Red tape the tool of the wanker.
    The awkward cunt, the jobsworth and the slacker.

    If you’re life is blighted by red tape,
    Learn the rules.
    Know your rights as the Clash sang

    Fight fire with fire.

    Sorry on my lunch break
    Sorry I’ve been driving over 3hrs by law I have to take a 15 minute break.
    Come back at half past.

    I hate those precious twats who insist you take your shoes off before coming into their house!
    What’s that about?
    It a fuckin mosque?

    Can I take my shoes off….

    “Sorry pal/luv, can’t .
    Health and safety.
    I’m to wear safety footwear at all times whilst working.”

    Fuck off🖕

  11. Nothing wrong with Red Tape. It can be put to good use.

    You should wrap the Neo-Marxist scum and the filthy Bureaucrats who serve them in it before you throw their bodies into the Thames.

    Well maybe not their whole bodies. We don’t want to waste it and we need to make sure there’s enough to go around.

    Just the hands and feet should be sufficient.

    • Ah yes. Good find TaC.

      That reminds me of the mortgage application and residency paperwork for a house and vineyard we were buying in Madeira.

      Every copy of everything had to be notorised, fiery hoops had to be jumped through, lawyer in mainland Portugal pulling her hair out with the very relaxed attitude of the Madeira authorities. But finally…The sale fell through because of a corrupt and incompetent estate agent.

      Apparently the going rate to get anything moving faster than a glacier is to slip the person behind the desk €300 in a brown envelope.

      If only we had known that up front.

      What’s it like in Spain for getting official stuff done quickly?

      • Exactly as in the video Odin.
        The workers in the offices don’t want to do anything.

        Nothing can be done online.

        I remember changing my driving license to a Spanish one many years ago.
        There were visits to at least half a dozen different offices.

        I had to visit every office and make an appointment to come back.
        If any part of my paperwork was incorrect I was told to make another appointment and come back with the correct stuff.

        I seem to remember that there was about 12 different forms and maybe 20 documents in total required.

  12. Starmer and his cabinet are like an office based sitcom obsessed with bureaucracy and red tape where nothing gets done…apart from big talk of ‘resets’ and ‘plans’.

    Dirty Ange is the office slapper, Lammy the DEI clown, resident Karen, Sugar Tits Cooper and middle manager Starmer, a sixty year old virgin married to his work.

  13. Can’t believe that no-one on here (apart from the OP) has commented upon the luxuriant moustache that Karen Jobling is sporting.

    I bet that puts TTCE to shame on a good day – he’d probably be up for a bit of French kissing with her – velcro ‘tache games.

    A real Jimmy Edwards – whacko, eh?

  14. Can’t believe that no-one on here (apart from the OP) has commented upon the luxuriant moustache that Karen Jobling is sporting.

    I bet that puts TTCE to shame on a good day – he’d probably be up for a bit of French kissing with her – velcro ‘tache games.

    A real Jimmy Edwards – whacko, eh?

  15. Some red tape is necessary, people should be limited to how many hours they can drive a 45 ton artic before they take a break for instance. The problem is bureaucrats soon realise that red tape for red tapes sake keeps them on the gravy train in first class at the tax payers expense so they create regulations where none were needed.

    The tape I’m having trouble with just now is installed inside Keir Starmer, you pull the string in his back and a load of bollocks falls out of his gob.

    Apparently we are willing to send troops to UK as part of a peace keeping force.

    The Russians have said there can be no NATO troops on Ukraine. TTK suggested that Europe may continue the war without America. The week after he was told we couldn’t defend the country against any serious invasion.

    What planet is the cunt on? He’s desperate to be a world statesman, I certain the cunt stands in front of his mirror uttering “You know you don’t want to mess with Sir Kweer don’t you Vlad?”

    The cunt is totally deluded, It’s lucky David Lammy is around to put him straight on foreign policy.

    • So what if Russia don’t want NATO troops in Ukraine?

      NATO didn’t want Russian troops in Ukraine.

      Could Russia have been ultimately forced to withdraw had the US stayed it’s course? We’ll never know after the total capitulation by the MAGA-spazzes

      • Well Mickey, you could go do some research on the situation in Ukraine since the fall of the Soviet Union and try and understand the context of the situation or you can parrot what you see on the BBC.

        If you think for one moment the Western European states can stand up to Russia without Uncle Sam you’re as deluded as Starmer.

        It wasn’t us or the Americans that beat Germany it was the Russians and they did it by attrition.

        If you’re really so desperate to see more blood shed so politicians and armchair generals can act like Churchill get your arse over there and see the meat grinder up close and personal.

      • Where to begin..

        What did I say that parrots the BBC? Think for yourself and don’t clutch at mindless sound bites.

        Also, not clear where I said Europe could stand up to Russia without the US, I implied pretty much the opposite. That’s on us.

        But I hope we stay well out of the coming scrap between the Yanks and the Chinese, after all, fair’s fair.

        I’m ex-forces, fought in two conflicts at the behest of the US and their ‘long-term strategic goals’ (worse fool me, right) so I suspect I know more about a meat-grinder than you. If I’m wrong, let me know.

  16. I don’t understand how you can have peace talks without one of the parties present?

    I’ve never heard of that before?

    The Ukrainians should carry on ,
    Without the Yankee dollar
    Nothing to lose,
    I doubt that the fuckin russians will be benevolent masters….

    • Sadly, it has happened before.

      The Munich agreement.

      “An emergency meeting of the main European powers–not including Czechoslovakia, although their representatives were present in the town, or the Soviet Union, an ally to both France and Czechoslovakia–took place in Munich, Germany, on 29–30 September 1938. An agreement was quickly reached on Hitler’s terms, and signed by the leaders of Germany, France, Britain, and Italy.”

      That ended really well didn’t it.

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